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Modern aviation technologies

  • Warsaw Medical Academy

Abstract and Figures

Human System Integration Impact on Flight Safety in Aerospace Operations Jerzy Achimowicz Polish Air Force University ABSTRACT Recent advances in cognitive neuroscience resulted in operational implementation of new technologies based on direct pilot/operator brain-computer interfaces. This is an example of current trend of so called human performance augmentation technologies in conditions of information overload and time deficis, typical for pilots, navigators and commanders of battlefield automated systems. This technologies are aimed at improoving of decision speed and quality, leading to advantage on the battlefield. Authors reviews current NASA and DARPA technological solutions which can significantly improve pilot training procedures providing higher safety in aerospace operations. The concept of novel ergonomic cockpit design using biofeedback technologies will be presented. key words: augmented human performace,BCI,flight safety
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The Concept of Flow
Jeanne Nakamura & Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
What constitutes a good life? Few questions are
of more fundamental importance to a positive
psychology. Flow research has yielded one an-
swer, providing an understanding of experiences
during which individuals are fully involved in
the present moment. Viewed through the ex-
periential lens of flow, a good life is one that is
characterized by complete absorption in what
one does. In this chapter, we describe the flow
model of optimal experience and optimal devel-
opment, explain how flow and related constructs
have been measured, discuss recent work in this
area, and identify some promising directions for
future research.
Optimal Experience and Its Role
in Development
The Flow Concept
Studying the creative process in the 1960s
(Getzels & Csikszentmihalyi, 1976), Csikszent-
mihalyi was struck by the fact that when work
on a painting was going well, the artist persisted
single-mindedly, disregarding hunger, fatigue,
and discomfort—yet rapidly lost interest in the
artistic creation once it had been completed.
Flow research and theory had their origin in a
desire to understand this phenomenon of in-
trinsically motivated, or autotelic, activity: ac-
tivity rewarding in and of itself (auto self,
telos goal), quite apart from its end product
or any extrinsic good that might result from the
Significant research had been conducted on
the intrinsic motivation concept by this period
(summarized in Deci & Ryan, 1985). Never-
theless, no systematic empirical research had
been undertaken to clarify the subjective phe-
nomenology of intrinsically motivated activ-
ity. Csikszentmihalyi (1975/2000) investigated
the nature and conditions of enjoyment by inter-
viewing chess players, rock climbers, dancers,
and others who emphasized enjoyment as the
main reason for pursuing an activity. The re-
searchers focused on play and games, where in-
trinsic rewards are salient. Additionally, they
studied work—specifically, surgery—where the
extrinsic rewards of money and prestige could by
themselves justify participation. They formed a
picture of the general characteristics of optimal
experience and its proximal conditions, finding
that the reported phenomenology was remark-
ably similar across play and work settings. The
conditions of flow include:
Nakamura, J., & Csikszentmihalyi, M. (2002). The concept of flow.
Handbook of positive psychology, 89-105.
Perceived challenges, or opportunities for ac-
tion, that stretch (neither overmatching nor
underutilizing) existing skills; a sense that
one is engaging challenges at a level appro-
priate to one’s capacities
Clear proximal goals and immediate feedback
about the progress that is being made.
Being “in flow” is the way that some inter-
viewees described the subjective experience of
engaging just-manageable challenges by tack-
ling a series of goals, continuously processing
feedback about progress, and adjusting action
based on this feedback. Under these conditions,
experience seamlessly unfolds from moment to
moment, and one enters a subjective state with
the following characteristics:
Intense and focused concentration on what
one is doing in the present moment
Merging of action and awareness
Loss of reflective self-consciousness (i.e., loss
of awareness of oneself as a social actor)
A sense that one can control one’s actions;
that is, a sense that one can in principle deal
with the situation because one knows how to
respond to whatever happens next
Distortion of temporal experience (typically, a
sense that time has passed faster than normal)
Experience of the activity as intrinsically re-
warding, such that often the end goal is just
an excuse for the process.
When in flow, the individual operates at full
capacity (cf. de Charms, 1968; Deci, 1975;
White, 1959). The state is one of dynamic equi-
librium. Entering flow depends on establishing
a balance between perceived action capacities
and perceived action opportunities (cf. optimal
arousal, Berlyne, 1960; Hunt, 1965). The bal-
ance is intrinsically fragile. If challenges begin
to exceed skills, one first becomes vigilant and
then anxious; if skills begin to exceed chal-
lenges, one first relaxes and then becomes
bored. Shifts in subjective state provide feedback
about the changing relationship to the environ-
ment. Experiencing anxiety or boredom presses
a person to adjust his or her level of skill and/
or challenge in order to escape the aversive state
and reenter flow.
The original account of the flow state has
proven remarkably robust, confirmed through
studies of art and science (Csikszentmihalyi,
1996), aesthetic experience (Csikszentmihalyi &
Robinson, 1990), sport (Jackson, 1995, 1996),
literary writing (Perry, 1999), and other activ-
ities. The experience is the same across lines of
culture, class, gender, and age, as well as across
kinds of activity.
Flow research was pursued throughout the
1980s and 1990s in the laboratories of Csik-
szentmihalyi and colleagues in Italy (e.g., Csik-
szentmihalyi & Csikszentmihalyi, 1988; Ing-
hilleri, 1999; Massimini & Carli, 1988;
Massimini & Delle Fave, 2000). The research in
Italy employed the Experience Sampling
Method (ESM), using pagers to randomly sam-
ple everyday experience. It yielded several re-
finements of the model of experiential states
and dynamics in which the flow concept is em-
bedded. The ESM and the theoretical advances
that it made possible are discussed in the section
on measuring flow.
During the 1980s and 1990s, the flow concept
also was embraced by researchers studying opti-
mal experience (e.g., leisure, play, sports, art, in-
trinsic motivation) and by researchers and prac-
titioners working in contexts where fostering
positive experience is especially important (in
particular, formal schooling at all levels). In ad-
dition, the concept of flow had growing impact
outside academia, in the spheres of popular cul-
ture, professional sport, business, and politics.
In the 1980s, work on flow was assimilated
by psychology primarily within the humanistic
tradition of Maslow and Rogers (McAdams,
1990) or as part of the empirical literature on
intrinsic motivation and interest (e.g., Deci &
Ryan, 1985; Renninger, Hidi, & Krapp, 1992).
In recent years, a model of the individual as a
proactive, self-regulating organism interacting
with the environment has become increasingly
central in psychology (for reviews, see Brand-
sta¨dter, 1998; Magnusson & Stattin, 1998). This
is highly compatible with the model of psycho-
logical functioning and development formed in
concert with the flow concept (Csikszentmihalyi
& Rathunde, 1998; Inghilleri, 1999).
A key characteristic that the flow model
shares with these other contemporary theories
is interactionism (Magnusson & Stattin, 1998).
Rather than focusing on the person, abstracted
from context (i.e., traits, personality types, sta-
ble dispositions), flow research has emphasized
the dynamic system composed of person and
environment, as well as the phenomenology of
person-environment interactions. Rock climb-
ers, surgeons, and others who routinely find
deep enjoyment in an activity illustrate how an
organized set of challenges and a corresponding
set of skills result in optimal experience. The
activities afford rich opportunities for action.
Complementarily, effectively engaging these
challenges depends on the possession of relevant
capacities for action. The effortless absorption
experienced by the practiced artist at work on a
difficult project always is premised upon earlier
mastery of a complex body of skills.
Because the direction of the unfolding flow
experience is shaped by both person and envi-
ronment, we speak of emergent motivation in
an open system (Csikszentmihalyi, 1985): what
happens at any moment is responsive to what
happened immediately before within the inter-
action, rather than being dictated by a preexist-
ing intentional structure located within either
the person (e.g., a drive) or the environment
(e.g., a tradition or script). Here, motivation is
emergent in the sense that proximal goals arise
out of the interaction; later we will consider the
companion notion of emergent long-term goals,
such as new interests.
In one sense, an asymmetry characterizes the
person-environment equation. It is the subjec-
tively perceived opportunities and capacities for
action that determine experience. That is, there
is no objectively defined body of information
and set of challenges within the stream of the
person’s experience, but rather the information
that is selectively attended to and the opportu-
nities for action that are perceived. Likewise, it
is not meaningful to speak about a person’s
skills and attentional capacities in objective
terms; what enters into lived experience are
those capacities for action and those attentional
resources and biases (e.g., trait interest) that are
engaged by this presently encountered environ-
Sports, games, and other flow activities pro-
vide goal and feedback structures that make flow
more likely. A given individual can find flow in
almost any activity, however—working a cash
register, ironing clothes, driving a car. Simi-
larly, under certain conditions and depending
on an individual’s history with the activity, al-
most any pursuit—a museum visit, a round of
golf, a game of chess—can bore or create anx-
iety. It is the subjective challenges and subjec-
tive skills, not objective ones, that influence the
quality of a person’s experience.
Flow, Attention, and the Self
To understand what happens in flow experi-
ences, we need to invoke the more general
model of experience, consciousness, and the self
that was developed in conjunction with the flow
concept (Csikszentmihalyi & Csikszentmihalyi,
1988). According to this model, people are con-
fronted with an overwhelming amount of in-
formation. Consciousness is the complex system
that has evolved in humans for selecting infor-
mation from this profusion, processing it, and
storing it. Information appears in consciousness
through the selective investment of attention.
Once attended to, information enters aware-
ness, the system encompassing all of the pro-
cesses that take place in consciousness, such as
thinking, willing, and feeling about this infor-
mation (i.e., cognition, motivation, and emo-
tion). The memory system then stores and re-
trieves the information. We can think of
subjective experience as the content of con-
The self emerges when consciousness comes
into existence and becomes aware of itself as
information about the body, subjective states,
past memories, and the personal future. Mead
(1934; cf. James, 1890/1981) distinguished be-
tween two aspects of the self, the knower (the
“I”) and the known (the “me”). In our terms,
these two aspects of the self reflect (a) the sum
of one’s conscious processes and (b) the infor-
mation about oneself that enters awareness
when one becomes the object of one’s own at-
tention. The self becomes organized around
goals (see Locke, this volume; Snyder, Rand, &
Sigmon, this volume).
Consciousness gives us a measure of control,
freeing us from complete subservience to the
dictates of genes and culture by representing
them in awareness, thereby introducing the al-
ternative of rejecting rather than enacting them.
Consciousness thus serves as “a clutch between
programmed instructions and adaptive behav-
iors” (Csikszentmihalyi & Csikszentmihalyi,
1988, p. 21). Alongside the genetic and cultural
guides to action, it establishes a teleonomy of
the self, a set of goals that have been freely cho-
sen by the individual (cf. Brandsta¨dter, 1998;
Deci & Ryan, 1985). It might, of course, prove
dangerous to disengage our behavior from di-
rect control by the genetic and cultural instruc-
tions that have evolved over millennia of adapt-
ing to the environment. On the other hand,
doing so may increase the chances for adaptive
fit with the present environment, particularly
under conditions of radical or rapid change.
Attentional processes shape a person’s expe-
rience. The ability to regulate one’s attention is
underappreciated. As we have noted elsewhere,
“What to pay attention to, how intensely and
for how long, are choices that will determine the
content of consciousness, and therefore the ex-
periential information available to the organ-
ism. Thus, William James was right in claiming,
My experience is what I agree to attend to.
Only those items which I notice shape my
mind’ (Csikszentmihalyi, 1978, p. 339). The
choices made are critical because attention is fi-
nite, limiting the amount of information that
can be processed in consciousness (Csikszent-
mihalyi & Csikszentmihalyi, 1988). This infor-
mation is the medium of exchange between per-
son and environment, as well as the material
out of which the self is formed.
Attention thus plays a key role in entering
and staying in flow. Entering flow is largely a
function of how attention has been focused in
the past and how it is focused in the present by
the activity’s structural conditions. Interests de-
veloped in the past will direct attention to spe-
cific challenges. Clear proximal goals, immedi-
ate feedback, and just-manageable levels of
challenge orient the organism, in a unified and
coordinated way, so that attention becomes
completely absorbed into the stimulus field de-
fined by the activity.
The phenomenology of flow reflects atten-
tional processes. Intense concentration, perhaps
the defining quality of flow, is just another way
of saying that attention is wholly invested in
the present exchange. Action and awareness
merge in the absence of spare attention that
might allow objects beyond the immediate in-
teraction to enter awareness. One such object is
the self; the loss of self-consciousness in flow
marks the fading of Mead’s “me” from aware-
ness, as attention is taken up entirely by the
challenges being engaged. The passage of time,
a basic parameter of experience, becomes dis-
torted because attention is so fully focused else-
Staying in flow requires that attention be
held by this limited stimulus field. Apathy,
boredom, and anxiety, like flow, are largely
functions of how attention is being structured
at a given time. In boredom, and even more so
in apathy, the low level of challenge relative to
skills allows attention to drift. In anxiety, per-
ceived challenges exceed capacities. Particularly
in contexts of extrinsic motivation, attention
shifts to the self and its shortcomings, creating
a self-consciousness that impedes engagement
of the challenges.
Flow, Complexity, and Development
When attention is completely absorbed in the
challenges at hand, the individual achieves an
ordered state of consciousness. Thoughts, feel-
ings, wishes, and action are in concert. Subjec-
tive experience is both differentiated and inte-
grated, the defining qualities of a complex
The notion of complexity applies in a second
sense, as well. The flow state is intrinsically re-
warding and leads the individual to seek to rep-
licate flow experiences; this introduces a selec-
tive mechanism into psychological functioning
that fosters growth. As people master chal-
lenges in an activity, they develop greater lev-
els of skill, and the activity ceases to be as in-
volving as before. In order to continue
experiencing flow, they must identify and en-
gage progressively more complex challenges.
The teleonomy of the self is thus a growth
principle; the optimal level of challenge
stretches existing skills (cf. Vygotsky, 1978),
resulting in a more complex set of capacities
for action. This factor distinguishes the flow
model from theories that define optimal chal-
lenge in terms of either a homeostatic equilib-
rium point to be returned to or a maximum
level of challenge to be reached (Moneta &
Csikszentmihalyi, 1996). A flow activity not
only provides a set of challenges or opportuni-
ties for action but it typically also provides a
system of graded challenges, able to accommo-
date a person’s continued and deepening enjoy-
ment as skills grow.
The teleonomy of the self is a source of new
goals and interests, as well as new capacities for
action in relation to existing interests (Csik-
szentmihalyi & Nakamura, 1999). That is, pre-
viously we observed that possessing skills and
interest in an activity is one precondition for
finding flow in it. Descending a staircase is an
almost unnoticed means to an end for the
person on foot, but it might be a beckoning op-
portunity for flow to the person on a skate-
board. The phenomenon of emergent motiva-
tion means we can come to experience a new or
previously unengaging activity as intrinsically
motivating if we once find flow in it. The mo-
tivation to persist in or return to the activity
arises out of the experience itself. The flow ex-
perience is thus a force for expansion in relation
to the individual’s goal and interest structure,
as well as for growth of skills in relation to an
existing interest.
The Autotelic Personality
As noted previously, flow theory and research
have focused on phenomenology rather than
personality. The goal has been to understand
the dynamics of momentary experience and the
conditions under which it is optimal. The ca-
pacity to experience flow appears to be nearly
universal. Nevertheless, people vary widely in
the frequency of reported flow. People also dif-
fer in the quality of their experience, and in
their desire to be doing what they are doing,
when their capacities and their opportunities for
action are simultaneously high. This suggests
that the latter balance represents an important
but not a sufficient condition for flow.
From the beginning, Csikszentmihalyi (1975/
2000) recognized the possibility of an autotelic
personality, a person who tends to enjoy life or
“generally does things for their own sake,
rather than in order to achieve some later ex-
ternal goal” (Csikszentmihalyi, 1997, p. 117).
This kind of personality is distinguished by sev-
eral metaskills or competencies that enable the
individual to enter flow and stay in it. These
metaskills include a general curiosity and
interest in life, persistence, and low self-
centeredness, which result in the ability to be
motivated by intrinsic rewards. Despite the im-
portance of the topic, little theory or research
was devoted to autotelic personality prior to
1990. Later in this chapter, we will discuss re-
search in this area conducted during the past
Measuring Flow and
Autotelic Personality
Researchers have developed means of measur-
ing intraindividual (e.g., cross-context) and in-
terindividual differences in the frequency of
flow. More recently, increased attention has
been paid to measuring individual differences in
autotelic personality, the disposition to experi-
ence flow. Next, we briefly summarize the mea-
sures used in flow research.
Measuring Flow
Psychology has devoted limited attention to de-
veloping methods for the systematic investiga-
tion of subjective experience. The phenomenon
has been viewed as falling outside the sphere of
scientific inquiry throughout many of the years
since the decline of introspectionist psychology.
Attention to subjective experience has grown
recently (Richardson, 1999), however, increas-
ing interest in the methods used in flow re-
search. Several self-report tools have been fash-
ioned in order to study this inherently unstable,
un-self-conscious, subjective phenomenon, in-
cluding interviews, paper-and-pencil measures,
and the Experience Sampling Method.
As described, the flow concept emerged out of
qualitative interviews about the nature of the
experience when a particular activity is going
well (Csikszentmihalyi, 1975/2000). The semi-
structured interview provides a holistic, emic
account of the flow experience in real-life con-
text. It was a critical tool in initially identifying
and delineating dimensions and dynamics of the
flow experience. It continues to be the approach
of choice in studies directed toward rich, inte-
grated description. For example, Jackson (1995)
has asked elite athletes to describe a flow ex-
perience, distinguishing the characteristics of
the state, factors that help and hinder entry
into the state, factors that disrupt it, and degree
of control over it. Perry (1999) has focused
writers on the most recent occasion when they
lost track of time while writing, asking them to
describe what led up to the experience and how
they deal with blocks that keep them out of
One-time paper-and-pencil measures have been
used when the goal is not to identify but instead
to measure dimensions of the flow experience
and/or differences in its occurrence across con-
texts or individuals. The Flow Questionnaire
presents respondents with several passages de-
scribing the flow state and asks (a) whether they
have had the experience, (b) how often, and (c)
in what activity contexts (Csikszentmihalyi &
Csikszentmihalyi, 1988). The quotations used
were drawn from the original interviews about
flow activities (Csikszentmihalyi, 1975/2000),
one each from a dancer, a rock climber, and a
composer. Allison and Duncan (1988) presented
a sample of working women with an additional
composite description of “anti-flow” experience
encompassing the aversive states of anxiety,
boredom, and apathy.
Figure 7.1a The original model of the flow state.
Flow is experienced when perceived opportunities
for action are in balance with the actor’s perceived
skills. Adapted from Csikszentmihalyi (1975/
The Flow Scale (Mayers, 1978) elicits an es-
timate of the frequency with which a person
experiences each of ten dimensions of the flow
experience (e.g., “I get involved,” “I get direct
clues as to how well I am doing”). The instru-
ment has been used as a repeated measure to
assess differences across activity contexts in the
extent to which the flow dimensions are expe-
rienced. Delle Fave and Massimini (1988) uti-
lized the Flow Questionnaire and Flow Scale in
tandem to identify a person’s flow activities and
then compare the person’s rating of the flow
dimensions for primary flow activities with
those for a standardized set of everyday activi-
ties (e.g., work, TV viewing). More recently,
paper-and-pencil scales have been developed to
measure the flow state in specific contexts, in-
cluding sport (Jackson & Marsh, 1996) and psy-
chotherapeutic practice (Parks, 1996).
The Experience Sampling Method
Interview and questionnaire approaches are lim-
ited by (a) their reliance on retrospective recon-
struction of past experience and (b) the require-
ment that respondents first average across many
discrete experiences to compose a picture of the
typical subjective experience when things are
going well, and then estimate the frequency
and/or intensity of this experience. The study
of flow has progressed in large part because re-
searchers in the late 1970s developed a tool
uniquely suited to the study of situated expe-
rience, including optimal experience. Full de-
scriptions of the Experience Sampling Method
(ESM) can be found elsewhere (e.g., Csikszent-
mihalyi & Larson, 1987). Subjects are equipped
with paging devices (pagers, programmable
watches, or handheld computers); these signal
them, at preprogrammed times, to complete a
questionnaire describing the moment at which
they were paged. The method takes samples
from the stream of actual everyday experience.
Unlike diaries and time budgets, use of the ESM
from the beginning focused on sampling not
only activities but also cognitive, emotional, and
motivational states, providing a tool for build-
ing a systematic phenomenology. Contents of
the questionnaire vary depending on the re-
search goals, as do paging schedules and study
duration. A quasi-random schedule with data
collected for one week has been widely used to
provide a representative picture of daily life.
ESM studies of flow have focused on the sam-
pled moments when (a) the conditions for flow
exist, based on the balance of challenges (or op-
portunities for action) and skills (abilities to deal
with the situation) and/or (b) the flow state is
reported. The latter usually is measured by
summing the self-reported levels of concentra-
tion, involvement, and enjoyment, which are
typically measured on 10-point scales. These
three dimensions provide a good proxy for what
is in reality a much more complex state of con-
The first mapping of the phenomenological
landscape in terms of perceived challenges and
skills identified three regions of experience
(Csikszentmihalyi, 1975/2000): a flow channel
along which challenges and skills matched; a re-
gion of boredom, as opportunities for action rela-
tive to skills dropped off; and a region of anxiety,
as challenges increasingly exceeded capacities for
action. This mapping was based on the original ac-
counts of deep flow (see Figure 7.1a).
Initial analyses of ESM data were not consis-
tent with this mapping, however. Simply bal-
ancing challenges and skills did not optimize the
quality of experience. As Massimini and his col-
leagues clarified, inherent in the flow concept is
the notion of skill stretching. Activities provid-
ing minimal opportunities for action do not lead
to flow, regardless of whether the actor expe-
riences a balance between perceived challenge
and skill. Much of TV viewing exemplifies the
less than optimal experience when low skills
match low challenges (Kubey & Csikszentmi-
halyi, 1990). Operationally, the Milan group re-
Figure 7.1b The current model of the flow state.
Flow is experienced when perceived challenges and
skills are above the actor’s average levels; when
they are below, apathy is experienced. Intensity of
experience increases with distance from the actor’s
average levels of challenge and skill, as shown by
the concentric rings. Adapted from Csikszentmi-
halyi (1997).
defined flow as the balance of challenges and
skills when both are above average levels for
the individual. That is, flow is expected to occur
when individuals perceive greater opportunities
for action than they encounter on average in
their daily lives, and have skills adequate to en-
gage them. This shift led to an important re-
mapping of the phenomenological terrain, re-
vealing a fourth state, apathy, associated with
low challenges and correspondingly low skills.
Experientially, it is a sphere of stagnation and
attentional diffusion, the inverse of the flow
The Milan group subsequently showed that
the resolution of this phenomenological map
can be made finer by differentiating the chal-
lenge/skill terrain into eight experiential chan-
nels rather than four quadrants (see Figure
7.1b). The quality of experience intensifies
within a channel or quadrant as challenges and
skills move away from a person’s average levels.
Operationally, they divided the challenge/skill
space into a series of concentric rings, associated
with increasing intensity of experience. A re-
searcher might decide to focus only on the outer
rings of the flow channel, theoretically the re-
gion of the deep flow experiences described in
the early interviews. Subsequent researchers
have experimented with different challenge/
skill formulas (e.g., Hektner & Csikszentmi-
halyi, 1996; Moneta & Csikszentmihalyi, 1996),
retaining the essential insight that perceived
challenges and skills must be relative to a per-
son’s own average levels.
Measuring the Autotelic Personality
As interest in the autotelic personality has
grown, researchers have sought a way to mea-
sure it with the naturalistic data provided by the
ESM. Time spent in flow has been the most
widely used measure of the general propensity
toward flow (Adlai-Gail, 1994; Hektner, 1996).
However, time in flow also reflects the range of
action opportunities that happen to be available
in the individual’s environment during the sam-
pling period. Other researchers therefore have
operationalized the disposition as intrinsic mo-
tivation in high-challenge, high-skill situations,
reflected in low mean scores on the item “I wish
to be doing something else” when subjective
challenges and skills are both above average
(Abuhamdeh, 2000; Csikszentmihalyi & Le-
Fevre, 1989).
A more traditional paper-and-pencil measure
was utilized by Csikszentmihalyi, Rathunde,
and Whalen (1993). They defined autotelic per-
sonality as the conjunction of receptive and ac-
tive qualities, one measured by the Jackson PRF
factors of Sentience and Understanding and the
other by Achievement and Endurance (Jackson,
1984). They theorized that jointly these quali-
ties would account for autotelic individuals’
openness to new challenges and readiness to en-
gage and persist in high-challenge activities, key
aspects of the metaskills that contribute to get-
ting into flow and staying there (Csikszentmi-
halyi & Nakamura, 1989; Csikszentmihalyi et
al., 1993; Inghilleri, 1999).
Recent Directions in Flow Research
The past decade has seen developments on sev-
eral fronts in the understanding of flow. In large
part this has been due to longitudinal ESM
studies of adolescent and adult samples being
conducted at the University of Chicago.
Consequences of Flow
According to the flow model, experiencing flow
encourages a person to persist at and return to
an activity because of the experiential rewards
it promises, and thereby fosters the growth of
skills over time. In several studies, flow was as-
sociated with commitment and achievement dur-
ing the high school years (Carli, Delle Fave, &
Massimini, 1988; Mayers, 1978; Nakamura,
1988). More recently, a longitudinal ESM study
of talented high school students provided evi-
dence of a relationship between quality of expe-
rience and persistence in an activity. Students
still committed to their talent area at age 17 were
compared with peers who already had disen-
gaged. Four years earlier, those currently still
committed had experienced more flow and less
anxiety than their peers when engaged in school-
related activities; they also were more likely to
have identified their talent area as a source of
flow (Csikszentmihalyi et al., 1993). In a longi-
tudinal study of students talented in mathemat-
ics (Heine, 1996), those who experienced flow in
the first part of a course performed better in the
second half, controlling for their initial abilities
and grade point average. Because the self grows
through flow experiences, we also might expect
time spent in flow to predict self-esteem. Corre-
lational studies with ESM data support this ex-
pectation (Adlai-Gail, 1994; Wells, 1988).
In addition to enhancing positive outcomes,
longitudinal research suggests that mastering
challenges in daily life may protect against neg-
ative outcomes (Schmidt, 2000). For American
adolescents who had experienced high adversity
at home and/or at school, the availability of
challenging activities, involvement in these ac-
tivities, and sense of success when engaged in
them were all associated with diminished delin-
quency two years later.
Teenagers’ quality of experience in everyday
life, understood in terms of the subjective chal-
lenge/skill landscape, also may have conse-
quences for physical health (Patton, 1999). In
the same representative national sample of ad-
olescents, time spent in relaxation (low-
challenge, high-skill) situations was associated
with greater freedom from physical pain 2 and
4 years later as well as concurrently. Apparent
risk factors with respect to quality of experience
differed by gender. The amount of physical pain
reported 2 and 5 years later (and concurrently)
was correlated with time spent in anxiety (high-
challenge, low-skill) situations for girls, but
with time spent in apathy (low-challenge, low-
skill) situations for boys.
The Nature and Dynamics of Flow
The accumulating evidence for positive corre-
lates and outcomes of the flow experience un-
doubtedly accounts for a portion of the interest
paid to flow in recent years. However, this in-
terest, in a sense, misses the point. From the
perspective of the individual, the flow state is a
self-justifying experience; it is, by definition, an
end in itself. We continue to be reminded of this
by studies of flow in particular activity contexts.
That is, a distinct strand of flow research can
be traced forward through the 1980s and 1990s
from the original study of flow activities. In this
line of research, qualitative interviews have
yielded domain-specific descriptions of deep
flow in diverse activities: elite and nonelite sport
(Jackson & Csikszentmihalyi, 1999; Kimiecik &
Harris, 1996); literary writing (Perry, 1999) and
artistic and scientific creativity more generally
(Csikszentmihalyi, 1996); social activism (Colby
& Damon, 1992); and aesthetic experience
(Csikszentmihalyi & Robinson, 1990). As noted
earlier, these studies confirm the basic contours
of the flow state, demonstrating how universal
they are across activity contexts. Research also
is yielding a differentiated picture of the sources
of flow within particular contexts. For example,
Trevino and Trevino (1992), Webster and Mar-
tocchio (1993), and others have explored how
flow can be facilitated in software design and
computer-mediated communication. Shernoff,
Knauth, and Makris (2000) examined levels of
flow across academic and nonacademic classes
and across different types of classroom activity,
in an ESM study of adolescents using a national
sample. Paralleling well-documented differences
in quality of experience between active and pas-
sive leisure pursuits (e.g., sports vs. TV view-
ing), levels of flow were higher in “active”
classwork (taking tests, participating in groups,
working individually) than in “passive” class-
work (listening to lectures, watching videos or
As new ESM studies are conducted, we con-
tinue to clarify the general features of the ex-
periential landscape defined by the interaction
of challenges and skills. Selected data from a re-
cent large-scale ESM study of adolescents illus-
trate the current picture (see Figure 7.2). For
each challenge/skill combination, Figure 7.2
shows the mean ratings for several key experi-
ential variables: concentration, enjoyment, wish
to be doing the activity, self-esteem, and per-
ceived importance to the future. Schoolwork is
prevalent in the high-challenge, low-skill (anx-
iety) quadrant; structured leisure, schoolwork,
and work in the high-challenge, high-skill
(flow) quadrant; socializing and eating in the
low-challenge, high-skill (relaxation) quadrant;
Figure 7.2 Quality of experience in each flow quadrant for a national sample of American adolescents (n
824). Adapted from Hektner and Asakawa (2000).
and passive leisure and chores in the low-
challenge, low-skill (apathy/boredom) quadrant.
The anxiety quadrant is characterized, as ex-
pected, by high stakes but low enjoyment and
low motivation. Only in the flow quadrant are
all of the selected variables simultaneously
above the personal mean. In contrast, all are be-
low average in the apathy/boredom quadrant.
Concentration, self-esteem, and importance to
future goals peak in the flow quadrant, whereas
enjoyment and wish to be doing the activity are
actually somewhat higher in the relaxation
quadrant. The quality of experience in the re-
laxation quadrant is thus partially positive even
though the stakes are not high and attention is
unfocused. Marking a shift in the model, the
current mapping of the experiential landscape
labels the low-challenge, high-skill quadrant as
relaxation to capture the mixed nature of the
subjective state, which is less aversive than orig-
inally thought.
We speculate that two kinds of experiences
might be intrinsically rewarding: one involving
conservation of energy (relaxation), the other
involving the use of skills to seize ever-greater
opportunities (flow). It is consistent with cur-
rent understandings of evolution to suppose
that both of these strategies for coping with the
environment, one conservative and the other
expansive, were selected over time as important
components of the human behavioral repertoire,
even though they motivate different—in some
sense, opposite—behaviors. The two distinctly
aversive situations, which organisms are pre-
sumably programmed to avoid, are those in
which one feels overwhelmed by environmental
demands (anxiety) or left with nothing to do
Obstacles and Facilitators to Flow
Studies conducted in the late 1980s and 1990s,
including longitudinal ESM studies, have en-
abled advances in knowledge about the condi-
tions of flow. We look first at obstacles to op-
timal experience; we then turn to research on
facilitators and causes of flow. We focus on two
impediments to flow that concern the subjective
construction of experience.
Preference for Relaxation Versus Flow
As noted previously, the quality of experience
appears to be more positive than originally ex-
pected in the low-challenge, high-skill space ad-
jacent to the flow channel or quadrant. One pos-
sible cause is that, at least for American
adolescents, it is not uncommon in the context
of schoolwork to feel overchallenged when
stakes are high. The situation induces self-
consciousness (cf. ego orientation), challenge
becomes a stress rather than an opportunity for
action, and reducing the level of challenge be-
comes an attractive option. This interpretation
appeared to be borne out in comparisons of nor-
mal American adolescents, Italian adolescents at
an elite school, and talented high school stu-
dents in the United States. For the sample of
normal American adolescents, motivation
(Csikszentmihalyi & Nakamura, 1989) and hap-
piness (Csikszentmihalyi & Rathunde, 1993)
were greater in low-challenge, high-skill situa-
tions than when challenges and skills were si-
multaneously high.
Attitudes Toward Work and Play
The work-play distinction as it relates to sub-
jective experience has been an important thread
running through flow research. The original
flow study showed that work, as well as play,
can occasion deep flow (Csikszentmihalyi, 1975/
2000; see also Delle Fave & Massimini, 1988).
Haworth’s (1997) ESM research on unemployed
youth in the United Kingdom underlined this
similarity between work and play. Whereas un-
employment provides few opportunities for
flow because the perceived challenges are low in
everyday life, both work and play can provide
a structured source of challenges in one’s life.
Beginning with LeFevre (1988), however, re-
search revealed a paradox about work that per-
haps could be detected only with ESM data. In
a heterogeneous sample of adult workers, mul-
tiple dimensions of subjective experience (e.g.,
concentrating, feeling happy, strong, creative,
and satisfied) were significantly more positive in
high-challenge, high-skill situations than else-
where, and this was true both at work and at
leisure. Furthermore, significantly more time
was spent in high-challenge, high-skill situa-
tions at work than at leisure, whereas the op-
posite was true of time spent in low-challenge,
low-skill situations. Work life was dominated
by efficacy experiences and leisure time by mo-
ments of apathy. Despite this experiential pat-
tern, workers wished to be doing something else
when they were working and wished to be do-
ing just what they were doing when at leisure
(LeFevre, 1988). Motivation seemed insensitive
to the actual data of the workers’ own experi-
ence, being driven instead by their cultural prej-
udices about work (viewed as what one has to
do) versus leisure (viewed as what one freely
An ESM study of students in grades 6
through 12 revealed that these attitudes toward
work and play are already in place by sixth
grade and intensify across the adolescent years
(Csikszentmihalyi, 1997). Motivation in experi-
ences characterized as “work” (academic classes
and, later, paid jobs) was lower than in experi-
ences characterized as “play” (e.g., passive activ-
ities like TV viewing), even though the worklike
experiences were associated with higher concen-
tration, importance to the future, and self-
esteem. On a positive note, 10% of the time
sampled, students reported engaging in extra-
curricular activities and pursuing art, games, and
hobbies outside of formal settings. They labeled
these activities as simultaneously worklike and
playlike and experienced them as both important
and enjoyable. In addition, both “play” and
“work” were more positive than experiences that
were labeled neither worklike nor playlike (e.g.,
maintenance activities like chores).
We turn next to facilitators of flow. Our in-
terest here is in extrasituational factors; we fo-
cus on autotelic personality and autotelic fami-
Autotelic Personality
Individuals vary in the time spent in flow. Over
one third of those surveyed in U.S. and German
polls (responding to slightly different questions)
estimated that they rarely or never experienced
involvement so intense that they lose track of
time (42% of Americans, 35% of Germans),
whereas about one fifth (16% of Americans,
23% of Germans) reported having such expe-
riences daily (Gallup Poll, 1998; Noelle-
Neumann, 1995). Adopting a different metric,
LeFevre (1988) found that a sample of adult
workers included about 40% who were most
motivated in high-challenge, high-skill situa-
tions and about 40% who were most motivated
in low-challenge, low-skill situations; the for-
mer might be called autotelic individuals. Mea-
suring autotelic personality similarly with
young adults, Hektner (1996) confirmed that
autotelics were least happy and motivated in
apathy (low-challenge, low-skill) situations,
whereas nonautotelics (those least motivated in
high-challenge, high-skill situations) did not
find the apathy condition aversive. Individual
differences thus clearly exist. What correlates
and consequences do they have?
Studying a national sample of American
teenagers, Adlai-Gail (1994) showed that auto-
telic personality, measured by time in flow, has
positive correlates. Autotelic students had more
well-defined future goals and reported more
positive cognitive and affective states. For a
sample of American adults, Abuhamdeh (2000)
compared autotelics and nonautotelics, defined
by preference for high-action-opportunity,
high-skill situations. His research begins to sug-
gest how high-action-opportunity, high-skill
situations are distinctively experienced by au-
totelics, showing that autotelics experience less
stress and strain in the flow quadrant than out-
side of it, whereas the reverse is true for non-
Autotelic Families
The question thus becomes how autotelic per-
sonality is shaped. Rathunde (1988, 1996) dem-
onstrated with data from an ESM study of tal-
ented adolescents that autotelic personality is
fostered in what he has called a “complex” fam-
ily environment, one that simultaneously pro-
vides support and challenge. Students from
complex families spent significantly more time
in high-challenge, high-skill situations and less
time in low-challenge, low-skill situations than
did the students from other types of families
(e.g., ones that provided support or challenge
alone). They also felt more in control of their
actions and better about themselves generally,
and they reported more positive experience in
productive activities (e.g., studying).
We might speculate that early schooling ex-
periences are another critical contributor to the
development of autotelic personality. The Key
School described in the next section represents
one educational program deliberately designed
to foster skills and propensity for flow, as well
as identification of interests.
Interventions and Programs to
Foster Flow
Flow researchers have discussed how their find-
ings might be applied by practitioners and peo-
ple in general (e.g., Csikszentmihalyi, 1990,
1996; Csikszentmihalyi & Robinson, 1990;
Jackson & Csikszentmihalyi, 1999; Perry, 1999).
The relevance of the flow concept is increasingly
noted in applied settings, such as the Montes-
sori schools (Kahn, 2000) and the field of oc-
cupational therapy (Emerson, 1998; Rebeiro &
Polgar, 1998).
Flow principles have been translated into
practice in a variety of contexts. Two types of
intervention can be distinguished: (a) those
seeking to shape activity structures and envi-
ronments so that they foster flow or obstruct it
less and (b) those attempting to assist individ-
uals in finding flow. The former include inter-
ventions to make work a greater source of flow,
such as efforts by the Swedish police to identify
obstacles to flow in the organization of police
work and then to restructure it along lines more
conducive to flow on the beat. Likewise, factory
work has been evaluated and reorganized to en-
hance flow at a Volvo automotive plant. Several
art museums, including the Getty Museum in
Los Angeles, have incorporated flow principles
during their design of exhibits and buildings.
Flow principles have informed product design at
Nissan USA, with the goal of making the use
of the product more enjoyable.
Educational settings present an opportunity
to apply the results of flow research most di-
rectly. One experiment deserving mention is
the 13-year-old Key School in Indianapolis,
where the goal is to foster flow by influencing
both environment and individual (Whalen,
1999). This public elementary and middle
school seeks to (a) create a learning environ-
ment that fosters flow experiences and (b) help
students form interests and develop the capacity
and propensity to experience flow. In the Flow
Activities Center, students have regular oppor-
tunities to actively choose and engage in activ-
ities related to their own interests and then pur-
sue these activities without imposed demands or
pacing. The teacher supports children’s selection
and enjoyment of activities that challenge and
stretch them and helps the students to identify
new challenges as their capacities grow. Based
on observations of the Flow Activities Center
and conversations with teachers, Whalen con-
cluded that the center is effectively fostering
“serious play” (Csikszentmihalyi et al., 1993)
and that it has introduced values of flow and
intrinsic motivation into the life of the school
more generally.
The most direct efforts to assist individuals in
finding flow lie in the sphere of psychotherapy.
The Milan group built on its extensive program
of basic research to develop therapeutic inter-
ventions aimed at transforming the structure of
daily life toward more positive experience. Psy-
chiatric interventions informed by flow theory
have been successful in diverse cultural settings,
including Nicaragua and northern Somalia
(Inghilleri, 1999). In Italy, the ESM, guided by
flow theory, has provided a tool for identifying
patterns in everyday experience and ways in
which these might be transformed (Inghilleri,
1999; Massimini, Csikszentmihalyi, & Carli,
1987). Additionally, it provides a means for
monitoring one’s success in transforming these
patterns—a form of feedback about the extent
of change. ESM data reveal to patient and ther-
apist the disjunctions between attitudes and ac-
tual experience (as in the paradox of work de-
scribed earlier, wherein work is disliked despite
being absorbing), and between professed and
enacted preferences (i.e., strength of professed
commitment vs. actual time allocation). Like-
wise, by identifying activities that are intrinsi-
cally motivating, it pinpoints areas where opti-
mal experience can be increased.
Delle Fave and Massimini (1992) reported a
case study involving the 1-year psychotherapy
of a young woman struggling with agoraphobia.
She feared being alone in public and experi-
enced anxiety symptoms in crowds. Despite
drug therapy, the woman’s life structure had
become narrowly circumscribed around work,
accompanied travel, and home, containing her
agoraphobia but at the expense of enjoyment
and growth. At the outset, the Flow Question-
naire was administered in order to identify ac-
tivities that had ever been sources of flow in the
woman’s daily life. Therapy focused on sup-
porting redirection of her time and attention
into these activities. During the year, nine
weeklong ESM samples were collected. The
ESM data constituted an integral part of treat-
ment: Experiential patterns (time use and as-
sociated quality of experience) were discussed
with the client, along with strategies for trans-
forming her life structure. The young woman’s
symptoms disappeared over the course of treat-
ment, as registered in the reallocation of time
away from TV viewing (i.e., homebound passive
leisure) and toward activities in public places
(e.g., volunteer work and socializing). Time
spent alone also increased because of reduced
need for accompanied travel. Improvement in
quality of experience was marked, with de-
creased time in the low-challenge, low-skill con-
ditions conducive to apathy and increased time
in the high-challenge, high-skill conditions con-
ducive to flow. Drug treatment was discontin-
ued after 10 months.
Many therapies focus on conflict, under the
assumption that once this is worked through,
happiness will take care of itself. The therapeu-
tic approach described here reverses figure and
ground. Use of flow principles allows therapy to
be reoriented toward building on interests and
strengths, taking advantage of the growth of
skill and confidence (cf. Wells, 1988) that at-
tends flow experience, and enabling the individ-
ual to reduce dysphoric experience as a by-
product of this growth.
The ESM also may provide the nonclinical
population with a tool for personalized inter-
vention directed toward prevention by optimiz-
ing (vs. rehabilitating) patterns of everyday
experience (cf. Snyder, Feldman, Taylor,
Schroeder, & Adams, 2000). The case example
just described raises the possibility of structur-
ing the evaluation and transformation of one’s
daily life more like a flow activity, making the
change process itself more enjoyable by endow-
ing it with clear goals, clear and rapid feedback,
and manageable challenges. As a tool for in-
sight, there should be many important appli-
cations of individual ESM use informed by flow
A common theme of the educational and the
therapeutic application of flow principles bears
underlining. Their goal is not to foster the state
of flow directly but rather to help individuals
identify activities that they enjoy and learn how
to invest their attention in these activities.
Directions for Future Research
The interventions just described represent
promising directions for future applied efforts.
In this section, we touch upon directions for fu-
ture research.
Autotelic Personality: Attentional
Processes and Meaningful Goals
Much remains to be learned about the nature
of the autotelic personality and what qualities,
metaskills, and dispositions characterize individ-
uals inclined and able to find flow in daily life.
Beyond Rathunde’s (1988) work on the family
environment, research is needed on the critical
contributors and obstacles to the development
of autotelic personality.
For both basic knowledge and intervention,
fundamental and urgent questions concern the
nature of the attentional processes that foster
flow and the way in which optimal attentional
practices are formed (Hamilton, 1983). Being
able to control one’s attention is what makes
unified action and experience possible. The ca-
pacity to direct and regulate one’s own attention
is always critical; whatever occupies attention
shapes experience and, through it, conscious-
ness, the self, and the culture. Under contem-
porary social conditions, the importance of the
self-regulation of attention is amplified. Individ-
uals encounter exponentially growing amounts
of information from an ever-rising number of
sources, and they must decide how to invest
their attention among these many possible
claimants. Because attention is recognized as a
precious commodity, others compete aggres-
sively to attract, control, and direct it.
Elsewhere, we have reflected on the amorality
of flow, acknowledging that it is possible for
people to seek flow in activities that are neutral
or destructive to the self and/or the culture
(e.g., Csikszentmihalyi & Larson, 1978; Csik-
szentmihalyi & Rathunde, 1993). As the flow
concept is taken up in applied settings, it be-
comes increasingly clear that flow experiences
also can be used to beguile others’ attention.
Creating settings and objects that foster flow be-
comes a means of controlling scarce attentional
resources. For each individual, the best defense
against the manipulation of one’s limited atten-
tion by others is to determine for oneself how
one wants to invest it and then attempt to do
so efficiently and wisely.
A related issue is the question of how chil-
dren and adolescents learn what goals deserve
attention. Individual differences in preference
for flow, as well as ruptures within the unity of
absorption and motivation (the “paradox of
work”), emerge by early adolescence. We need
to extend flow research downward into child-
hood in order to identify the endowments and
experiences that differentiate those who reach
adolescence with a propensity for flow from
peers who prefer states of control, relaxation,
and even apathy to the risk and rigors of chal-
lenging activities. Autotelic persons are at-
tracted to goals that require effort to achieve;
those who prefer relaxation are not. How does
such a difference become habitual? The data
suggest that the two strategies may be equally
positive in the short term but that children who
learn to enjoy investing effort in meaningful
goals can count on more positive outcomes in
the long run, compared with children who learn
to enjoy less demanding goals. Longitudinal re-
search would be especially helpful here, as
would observational studies in flow-promoting
early settings.
Measurement of Flow
ESM researchers have developed multiple ways
of operationalizing the flow experience or defin-
ing when an individual is “in flow.” As de-
scribed, these include various state measures
(usually composite variables, including cogni-
tive, affective, and motivational components)
and situational measures (indices of relative
challenge and skill). We may be nearing the
point when it will be advantageous to assess the
pros and cons of different operationalizations
and move toward a consensual ESM measure to
facilitate the accumulation of knowledge.
A larger issue is the division of labor that has
grown up within flow research between (a) ESM
studies of daily experience, in which deep flow
is represented only occasionally, and (b) inter-
view studies of deep flow, in which the dynam-
ics of experience are accessible only through
retrospection. The reasons for the division of
labor are clear—interrupting deep flow, as the
ESM would do, destroys the phenomenon—but
we should recognize the attendant limitations
on what we can learn and generalize from ESM
data. We may want to explore existing and con-
ceivable alternatives. Some ESM research in fact
has been undertaken with strategically selected
samples engaged in flow activities, such as in
the mountaineers studied by Delle Fave (per-
sonal communication, 2000) and colleagues dur-
ing a Himalayan expedition. A hands-free ver-
sion of the ESM might be helpful. Secondary
analysis of existing ESM data sets, isolating all
instances of opportunistically sampled deep
flow, is also possible. Beyond this, alternative
methods merit consideration, such as analysis of
videotaped sequences of individuals in flow.
This might encompass tracking a set of observ-
able markers of flow, collecting self-reports
about the associated course of subjective expe-
rience, and/or combining the two data sources.
For example, working within the flow paradigm,
Rathunde (1997) asked families to comment on
audio playbacks of conversations immediately
after they ended.
Forms of Flow
Research has focused most intensively on the
individual’s experience of flow in sports, games,
and other kinds of structured leisure; in edu-
cational pursuits; and in artistic and other types
of work. Other important areas remain rela-
tively unexplored, and their investigation might
contribute to further development of the flow
model. For example, no research has addressed
the category of microflow activities (Csikszent-
mihalyi, 1975/2000): activities like doodling
that are short in duration, interstitial and sub-
ordinated within the stream of action, and often
so routinized as to occur almost outside aware-
ness. The early flow research suggested that
they might play an important role in optimizing
attentional regulation, and we suspect that fur-
ther research into their dynamics and function
would prove fruitful.
Relatively little research has addressed the
experience of flow when attention is trained on
internal sources of information (e.g., in psycho-
therapy, life-planning, life-review, and other
forms of existential reflection; fantasy; spiritual
experience). For many people, the inner life is
vulnerable to chaos. ESM research shows that
solitude is strenuous; the train of thought
breaks down or becomes ruminative. Intrapsy-
chic activities may foster development of a ca-
pacity for attentional self-regulation, however;
research in this area is therefore important.
These activities span a continuum from cultur-
ally defined domains (e.g., prayer), which may
be understandable in terms of existing flow the-
ory, to spheres that are largely unstructured by
culturally provided rules and tools (e.g., life re-
view), where research might extend the bounds
of existing theory.
At the other end of the spectrum, flow has
been studied in some group activities (e.g., team
sports and classroom learning), but typically
treating the individual as the focus of analysis.
Other participants are conceptualized as sources
of challenge (e.g., competitors) or of feedback
about performance. Fewer studies have identi-
fied forms of what might be called shared flow
(e.g., Csikszentmihalyi & Csikszentmihalyi,
1988; Csikszentmihalyi & Larson, 1984). This
latter notion characterizes the inspired jam ses-
sion (Csikszentmihalyi & Rich, 1998) or ani-
mated conversation; the communitas (Turner,
1974) experienced in expressive ritual; and the
intense excitement of “hot groups” (Lipman-
Blumen, 1999). Shared flow appears to be dis-
tinguishable from optimal individual experience
in group settings where one’s coparticipants
may or may not be in flow. We lack an analysis
of the phenomenon that addresses the possibil-
ity of emergent qualities, whether with respect
to dimensions, dynamics, conditions, or func-
tions and effects.
Research on flow contributes knowledge to sev-
eral topics that are of central importance to pos-
itive psychology. In the first place, it illuminates
the phenomenology of optimal experience, an-
swering the question, What is it like to live
fully, to be completely involved in the moment?
Second, this perspective leads to questions about
the long-term consequences of optimal experi-
ence: Does the sum of flow over time add up to
a good and happy life? Or only under certain
conditions, that is, if the person develops an au-
totelic personality and learns to enjoy high
challenges? Furthermore, this line of research
tries to unravel the conditions that act as obsta-
cles or facilitators to optimal experience, focus-
ing especially on the most prominent institu-
tions such as the family, schools, and the
workplace. Although it seems clear that flow
serves as a buffer against adversity and prevents
pathology, its major contribution to the quality
of life consists in endowing momentary expe-
rience with value.
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Biological and cultural inheritance deeply influence daily human behavior. However, individuals actively interact with bio-cultural information. Throughout their lives, they preferentially cultivate a limited subset of activities, values, and personal interests. This process, defined as psychological selection, is strictly related to the quality of subjective experience. Specifically, cross-cultural studies have highlighted the central role played by optimal experience or flow, the most positive and complex daily experience reported by the participants. It is characterized by high involvement, deep concentration, intrinsic motivation, and the perception of high challenges matched by adequate personal skills. The associated activities represent the basic units of psychological selection. Flow can therefore influence the selective transmission of bio-cultural information and the process of bio-cultural evolution.
What constitutes enjoyment of life? Optimal Experience offers a comprehensive survey of theoretical and empirical investigations of the 'flow' experience, a desirable or optimal state of consciousness that enhances a person's psychic state. The authors show the diverse contexts and circumstances in which flow is reported in different cultures, and describe its positive emotional impacts. They reflect on ways in which the ability to experience flow affects work satisfaction, academic success, and the overall quality of life
What constitutes enjoyment of life? Optimal Experience offers a comprehensive survey of theoretical and empirical investigations of the 'flow' experience, a desirable or optimal state of consciousness that enhances a person's psychic state. The authors show the diverse contexts and circumstances in which flow is reported in different cultures, and describe its positive emotional impacts. They reflect on ways in which the ability to experience flow affects work satisfaction, academic success, and the overall quality of life
What constitutes enjoyment of life? Optimal Experience offers a comprehensive survey of theoretical and empirical investigations of the 'flow' experience, a desirable or optimal state of consciousness that enhances a person's psychic state. The authors show the diverse contexts and circumstances in which flow is reported in different cultures, and describe its positive emotional impacts. They reflect on ways in which the ability to experience flow affects work satisfaction, academic success, and the overall quality of life
What constitutes enjoyment of life? Optimal Experience offers a comprehensive survey of theoretical and empirical investigations of the 'flow' experience, a desirable or optimal state of consciousness that enhances a person's psychic state. The authors show the diverse contexts and circumstances in which flow is reported in different cultures, and describe its positive emotional impacts. They reflect on ways in which the ability to experience flow affects work satisfaction, academic success, and the overall quality of life
I: Background.- 1. An Introduction.- 2. Conceptualizations of Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination.- II: Self-Determination Theory.- 3. Cognitive Evaluation Theory: Perceived Causality and Perceived Competence.- 4. Cognitive Evaluation Theory: Interpersonal Communication and Intrapersonal Regulation.- 5. Toward an Organismic Integration Theory: Motivation and Development.- 6. Causality Orientations Theory: Personality Influences on Motivation.- III: Alternative Approaches.- 7. Operant and Attributional Theories.- 8. Information-Processing Theories.- IV: Applications and Implications.- 9. Education.- 10. Psychotherapy.- 11. Work.- 12. Sports.- References.- Author Index.