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Abstract and Figures

Abstract. The present work is devoted to the study of the Babylonian ”astrolabes”, which are believed by historians to be one of the earliest species of the star calendar. This calendar represents a list of stars and constellations, which have heliacal rising in a certain month of the year whereas three rising stars belong to different parts of the sky corresponding to each month; therefore, the ”astrolabes” contain a set of 36 objects. Verification the contents of the ”astrolabes” and matching astronomical phenomena to the logic of designing a star calendar leads to two simple alternatives: 1) ”astrolabes” were not used as a calendar, but were cult texts; and 2) the ”astrolabes” were star calendars, but our identification of the Babylonian constellations has a large number of errors. In this case, it is necessary to question the reliability of identification and other Babylonian astronomical texts related to that time.
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The problem of decipherment the Babylonian
M.G. Nickiforov1;2 J.B. Tabov3
1Sternberg Astronomy Institute of the Moscow State University, Universitetskiy pr. 13,
119991, Moscow, Russia
2Moscow State Linguistic University, Ostozhenka st. 38, 119034, Moscow, Russia
3Institute of the Mathematic and Informatics, Acad. G. Bonchev Str. Bl. 8, 1113,
Sofia, Bulgaria
(Submitted on 04.02.2019. Accepted on 25.03.2019)
Abstract. The present work is devoted to the study of the Babylonian ”astrolabes”,
which are believed by historians to be one of the earliest species of the star calendar.
This calendar represents a list of stars and constellations, which have heliacal rising in a
certain month of the year whereas three rising stars belong to different parts of the sky
corresponding to each month; therefore, the ”astrolabes” contain a set of 36 objects.
Verification the contents of the ”astrolabes” and matching astronomical phenomena
to the logic of designing a star calendar leads to two simple alternatives: 1) ”astrolabes”
were not used as a calendar, but were cult texts; and 2) the ”astrolabes” were star
calendars, but our identification of the Babylonian constellations has a large number of
errors. In this case, it is necessary to question the reliability of identification and other
Babylonian astronomical texts related to that time.
Key words: Babylonian ”astrolabes”, star calendars, archeoastronomy
The most ancient documents of astronomical origin are the so-called Baby-
lonian ”astrolabes”, which appeared in Mesopotamia at the end of the II
millennium BC. It should be noted that the term ”astrolabe” is not strictly
correct and it is not related to the famous medieval astronomical device.
It was introduced by British archaeologists in 1874, who referred to some
type of discovered cuneiform texts as ”astrolabes”. Although archaeolo-
gists had chosen an unfortunate term from an astronomical point of view,
it firmly rooted in the literature, with reference to a certain type of ancient
Babylonian texts and is now generally accepted.
There are two types of ”astrolabes”, round and rectangular. The most
ancient species are round ”astrolabes” in the form of a disk, divided by three
nested circles and twelve sectors forming 36 fragments (Van der Waerden,
75-77). Only two fragments of round ”astrolabes” from the library of Ashur-
banipal have survived up to our time. The latter types of documents are
rectangular ”astrolabes”, which represent tables containing three columns
and twelve lines. Among them, the earliest text is ”Berlin’s astrolabe” or
”astrolabe B”, which comes from Ashur and dates back to about 1100 BC.
The rows of the table match the calendar months, and the columns the
sky regions which are called Ea, Anu and Enlil. According to Bezold’s and
Schaumberger’s estimates, the stars located in the sector of about ±17
from the celestial equator relate to Anu, above this band are the stars of
Enlil (ie, the northern stars), and the stars below the band of Anu relate to
the stars of Ea (southern stars). Each column contains 12 stars, which cor-
respond to certain Babylonian months. Researchers believe that the objects
Bulgarian Astronomical Journal 32, 2020
The problem of decipherment the Babylonian ”astrolabes” 13
mentioned in each column are stars or constellations that have heliacal rise
during the corresponding month in three sectors of the sky: Ea, Anu and
Enlil. If this is true, the Babylonian ”astrolabes” are star calendars.
So-called lists of stars of Elam, Akkad and Amurru, are associated with
the ”astrolabes”. Each of these lists contains only one column of stars. Ac-
cording to the content and order of enumeration, the lists coincide with
the individual columns of the astrolabe stars, and their order exactly cor-
responds to the order of twelve months. There is a suggestion that these
lists of stars are the precursors of ”astrolabes”, and the latter are their im-
proved form. Whether this suggestion is true or not, the lists of stars and
”astrolabes” represent a related category of texts, which we shall further
consider as one.
Fig. 1. Fragment of a Round ”Astrolabe”
Fig. 2. Fragment of a Round ”Astrolabe”
14 Nickiforov M., Tabov J.
Fig. 3. A reconstruction of a Round ”Astrolabe”
In Table 1 the Acadian words are written phonetically and marked in
italics; the Sumerian words and ideograms are represented by capital letters
in accordance to the Gesman dictionary.
If ”astrolabes” are indeed star calendars, then they must reflect the real
astronomical situation at the time of their creation. That is, the stars should
be correctly distributed across the sky sectors (Ea, Anna and Enlil) and
have heliacal rising at the right time. To verify this judgment, we need
to identify the contents of the ”astrolabe” and after that, evaluate the
possibility of using it as a calendar.
Identification of the names of objects mentioned in the
To identify stars and constellations, we used the fundamental study of G.E.
Kurtik [2007], and in some cases, we turned to the Russian translation of
Van der Waerden’s book [1991]. This translation was made according to
the English edition of 1974 and it reflected in the references of G.E. Kurtik
as Waerden [1974]. However, we can assume that the Russian edition con-
tains more detailed information because an object in Russian translation
is sometimes identified to the accuracy of a particular star, not a group of
stars. Therefore, we shall occasionally refer to this publication.
1. The stars of Ea (Southern stars).
1.1 IKU=mulIkˆu-”Field”, part of the constellations Pegasus and An-
dromeda. Van der Waerden identifies IKU as quadrangle [large square] of
Pegasus (α, β, γ) and αAndromeda. The declinations of these stars in the
11th century BC are in the range of 1to +13and refer to the Anu stars,
but not Ea.
The problem of decipherment the Babylonian ”astrolabes” 15
Month Stars of Ea Stars of Anu Stars of Enlil
2 Iyar MUL.MUL SHU.GUI A-nu-ni-tum
6 Elul ka-li-tum UGA SHU.PA
7 Tishrei NIN.MAH zi-ba-ni-tum EN.TE.NA.MASH.LUM
9 Kislev sal-bat-a-nu UD.KA.DUH.A UZA
10 Tebeth GU.LA al-lu-ut-tum Amushen
12 Adar KUA dMarduk KA.A
Table 1. The content of an ”Astrolabe”.
1.2 MUL.MUL - Pleiades. The Pleiades declination on the prospective
date of the creation of the ”astrolabes” is δ= +10, therefore they cannot
be attributed to Ea stars either.
1.3 SIBA.ZI.AN.NA=mulSIPA.ZI.AN.NA - ”The Righteous Shepherd
Anu”. Identification: the constellation of Orion [Waerden 1949, 1952-53,
Weidner 1957-59, Koch 1989]. The declinations of the stars of the contour
of the constellation in the 11th century BC were within the range from 17
(Rigel) to +1(Betelgeuse), therefore they belong to the Anu region, not
Ea. However, the name ”Righteous shepherd Anu” itself suggests that the
constellation should be located in the region of Anu, and not somewhere
1.4 KAK.SI.DI=mulKAK.SI.SA2=GAG.SI.SA2suk¯udu - ”Arrow”. Iden-
tification: Sirius+ε+ηCMa, Sirius [Weidner 1957-59], Sirius + Procyon
[Papke 1978, Waerden 1984], Sirius + Betelgeuse [Koch 1989]. Thus, there
are many identification variants of the stars in the constellation. With
a degree of certainty, one can only assert that Sirius was a part of the
Mesopotamian constellation of the Arrow. This star is in the Ea region in
any historical epoch, if the observer was in Mesopotamia.
1.5 BAN=mul/dBAN=mul(giˇs)PAN=gaˇstu - ”Bow”, Canis Major stars
without Sirius + part of the stars of Puppis [Waerden 1949, Weidner 1957-
59, 1974, Hunger, Pingree 1999. There are no disagreements in this identi-
1.6 Ka-li-tum=mulKal¯
itu(m)=mulBIR - constellation or star within Pup-
pis, although the identification of the object is ambiguous. Variants: Cano-
pus(?) [Weidner 1957-59], γ , δ, κ, λ Vela + ε, ι Pupis [Koch 1989], βAn-
dromeda [Huger, Pingree 1989]. If we exclude the last option, this object
can be identified as a star of Puppis, which automatically corresponds to
the area of Ea.
1.7 NIN.MAH=muldNIN.MAH=muld NIN.TU -”The Great Lady” - as-
terism or a star in the constellation of Vela. All identification variants differ
16 Nickiforov M., Tabov J.
only in the size of the asterism: Vela(?) [Weidner 1957-59], γVela [Reiner,
Pingree 1981], part of the Vela, most of the Vela [Hunger, Pingree 1989].
In any case, this asterism refers to the southern stars.
1.8 UR.IDIM=mul/dUR.IDIM - ”The Mad Dog”. Identification is not
straightforward. Variants of identification: Head of the Serpens [Waerden,
1949], Serpens or Head of the Serpens [Waerden, 1974], Serpens [Weidner,
1957-59], Lupus [Weidner, 1957-59], Lupus + ζScorpius. The Russian edi-
tion of Van der Waerden’s book identifies it as the δSerpens. In the case
of identification of UR.IDUM with part of Serpens, it leads to the fact that
the asterism belongs to the northern stars, and in case of its identification
as a part of the constellation Lupus, to the south.
1.9 Sal-bat-a-nu=mul/dSalbat¯anu is unambiguously the planet Mars.
1.10 GU.LA=mulGU.LA=rabˆu-”The Great Giant” - part or the entire
constellation of Aquarius, [Waerden 1949, 1952-3, 1974, Weidner 1957-59,
Reiner, Pingree 1981, Hunger, Pingree 1999]. In this period, Aquarius be-
longs to the region of Ea.
1.11 NU.MUSH.DA=mul/dNU.MUS.DA=nammaˇsˇsˆu- ”herds of wild
animals”. The identifications are different: a group of stars from αand β
Sagittarius to αPhoenix; constellation Grus [Weidner 1957-59]; ηor κCen-
tauri [Huger, Pingree 1989]. Note that αPhoenix itself is not visible at the
latitude of Babylon even at the beginning of the 1st millennium BC. The
same applies to the bright star αGrus, which culminates at a height of 1
degree and could hardly be observed. Therefore, the only possible identifi-
cations of this constellation are the stars of the fourth magnitude α, β, θ and
ιSagittarius, or even fainter stars of the constellation Microscope. Perhaps
the most reasonable identification is the star of the Grus, but its visible
brilliance at the latitude of Babylon does not exceed 4min different mod-
els of the atmosphere. Therefore, we suppose that the identification of this
constellation is questionable.
1.12 KUA=mulKU6=m¯unu - ”Fish”. All researchers identify this con-
stellation as the modern constellation of Piscis Austrinus or directly with
the surroundings of Fomalhaut.
Stars of Anu (The band near the celestial equator).
2.1 DIL.BAT=mul/dDilbat=mulDilibat=mulDIL.BAD is the planet Venus.
This identification does not cause doubts among researchers and is consid-
ered reliable.
2.2 SHU.GUI=mul ˇ
SU.GI - ”Old Man” - a constellation in the southern
part of Perseus, which stretched to the northern stars of Taurus. Identifica-
tion variants: Perseus + northern part of Taurus [Waerden 1949], Perseus
+ northern stars Hyades [Weidner 1957], Perseus [Waerden, 1952, 1954].
Van der Waerden identifies it as the star γPerseus.
2.3 UR.GU.LA=mulUR.GU.LA - ”Lion” or ”big Dog”, corresponds to
the modern constellation of Leo. This identification does not cause any
2.4 MASH.TAB.BA=mul MA ˇ
S.TAB.BA is usually an abbreviation of
mulMA ˇ
SH.TAB.BA.GAL.GAL - ”Big Twins”. It was identified as the α
The problem of decipherment the Babylonian ”astrolabes” 17
and βGemini [Schaumberger 1952]. In the era of the 11th century BC all
these stars belonged to the region of Anu.
Gemini”. Identification: Gemini [Waerden 1949, 1952-3, 1974], αand β
Gemini [Weidner 1957-9], [Koch 1989, 1993]. This identification means that
the constellation of Gemini is included twice in the list of heliacal rising
2.6 UGA=mulUGAmuˇsen=mulUG5=mul UG.GA=mulDUG2.GA - ”Raven”
is a constellation corresponding to the modern Corvus. All the identifica-
tions are approximately the same: Raven (Waerden 1949, 1974), [Weidner
1957-59], [Koch 1989]. Belongs to Anu.
2.7 Zi-ba-ni-tum=mulZib¯an¯
itum -”Libra”, corresponds to the modern
constellation of Libra. There is no discrepancy in the identification variants:
[Waerden 1949, 1952-3, 1974], [Weidner 1957-59], [Koch 1989].
2.8 GIR.TAB=mul GIR2.TAB=zuqaq¯
ipu - ”Scorpion”, corresponds to
the modern constellation of Scorpio. Variants of identification: Scorpio [Waer-
den 1949, 1952-3, 1974], [Weidner, 1957-9], Hunger, Pingree 1989, Scorpio
+ part of Libra [Koch, 1989]. The constellation belongs to the region of
2.9 UD.KA.DUH.A=mulUD.KA.DU8.A=mul U4.KA.DU8.A - ”Demon with
gaping mouth”, corresponds to the modern constellations of Cygnus and
part of Cepheus. Variants of identification: Cygnus and stars of nearby con-
stellations - Lacerta, Cepheus, parts of Pegasus and Andromeda [G¨ossmann
1950], Cygnus + α, ξ, ι, δ, ζ , µ Cepheus [Waerden 1949], Cygnus + part of
Cepheus [Waerden, 1974], Cygnus + part of Cepheus [Weidner 1957-59],
Cygnus, Lacerta, parts of Cassiopaea and Cepheus [Hunger, Pingree 1989].
Identified as δCygnus by van der Waerden. In all identifications and in any
historical epoch this constellation refers to the region of Enlil (the northern
2.10 Al-lu-ut-tum=mul AL.LUL=mulAL.LU5=mulAL.LUB - ”Crab”, a
constellation within the constellation of Cancer. Identification variants: the
Beehive Cluster (M44) [Schaumberger, 1952], γ, δ, ε (= Crab), η, θ , ι Cancer
[Koch 1993, 1995].
2.11 SHIM.MAH=mulSIM.MAH=mul ˇ
SIM.MAH=sinuntu - ”Swallow”
is a constellation within the Pisces and the western part of Pegasus. Variants
of identification: the southwestern part of the Pisces + stars to the εPegasus
[Waerden 1949, 1952-3, 1974], the western part of Pisces [Weidner 1957-9],
the western part of Pisces with some stars of Pegasus [Reiner, Pingree 1981],
ε, ζ, θ Pegasus, αEquuleus and western Fish in the modern constellation
of Pisces [Hunger, Pingree 1999].
2.12 dMarduk=muldAMAR.UD - Marduk is the supreme deity of Baby-
lon, identified as Jupiter or Mercury [Reiner, Pingree 1981], [Brown 2000].
Van der Waerden [1991] referring to Schaumberger identifies Marduk as
The stars of Enlil (Northern stars).
3.1 APIN=mulAPIN=epinnu - ”Plow” - constellation within Triangle
and Andromeda. Identification variants: Triangle + γAndromeda [Waer-
18 Nickiforov M., Tabov J.
den 1949, 1974, Weidner 1957-59, Reiner, Pingree 1981], Triangle including
41, χ, β, γ Andromeda [Koch 1989], part of Andromeda [Koch-Westenholz
1995], α, β Triangle + γAndromeda.
3.2 A-nu-ni-tum=mul/dAn(n)un¯
itu(m) is a constellation corresponding
to the eastern fish in Pisces. Variants of identification: the northeastern part
of the Pisces [G¨ossmann 1950], the northeastern part of the Pisces + the
middle part of the Andromeda [Waerden 1952-53, 1974], the eastern fish in
the constellation Pisces to νAndromeda, [Weidner 1957-59], τ, υ, ϕ, χ, ψ,
64 Pisces + γPegasus [Koch 1989].
3.3 MUSH=mul(d)MU ˇ
S- ”Snake” - a constellation within the mod-
ern Hydra. Variants of identification: Hydra + βCancer [Waerden 1949,
1974, G¨ossmann 1950], Hydra [Weidner 1957-59], Hydra’s head - δHydra,
α, β, γ , δ Crater - Hydra’s tail end [Reiner, Pingree 1981, Koch 1995], and
van der Waerden [1991] identifies MUSH as δCancer. Note that the all iden-
tifications do not allow for referring the considered asterism to the stars of
Enlil (the northern stars).
3.4 SHUL.PA.E=mul/d ˇ
SUL.PA.E3- ”young man appearing with bril-
liance” - the planet Jupiter [G¨ossmann 1950]. Starting from the Old Baby-
lonian period, it is identified as Marduk in its astral meaning of Jupiter.
The astronomical meaning fixed in the Newasserian texts is Jupiter during
the heliacal rising [Reiner, Pingree 1998] . Thus, Jupiter has already been
included twice in the astrolabe, and its new position is very different from
the previous one. Such a displacement of Jupiter cannot be accomplished
within a year.
3.5 MAR.GID.DA=mul(giˇs)MAR.GID2.DA -”Wagon” - a constellation
in the Ursa Major. Variants of identification: Ursa Major [Waerden, 1949,
1974, G¨ossmann 1950, Weidner 1957-59, Reiner, Pingree 1981],
stars α, β, γ , δ, ε, ζ, η Ursa Major [Koch 1989].
3.6 SHU.PA=mul/d ˇ
SU.PA=mul ˇ
SU4.PA - ”Magnificent, brilliant” - ac-
cording to interpretations it is the constellation within Bootes [Reiner, Pin-
gree 1981] with Arcturus [Waerden, 1949, 1974, G¨ossmann 1950, Weidner
1957-59] as the main star of asterism.
S -
”shaggy winter star” (Sumerian name), ”mouse-like” (Akkadian name),
constellation within the Centaurus [G¨ossmann 1950, Reiner, Pingree 1981].
Van der Waerden refers to as EN.TE.NA.MASH.LUM. The latter is iden-
tified as the star γCentaurus or its neighborhood. This constellation cor-
responds to the region of Ea in any historical epoch, but is placed in the
zone of Enlil.
3.8 LUGAL=mul/dLUGAL=ˇsarru - ”The King”, αLion (Regulus)
ossmann 1950
. Also the identifications are given in [Waerden 1949, 1974], [Koch, 1989].
3.9 UZA=mulUZ3=mul UD5- ”Goat”. Identification: Lyra, also identi-
fied with mulGASHAN.TIN and muldgula [G¨ossmann 1950], Lyra [Waerden
1949, 1974], Lyra + some external stars [Weidner 1957-59, Reiner, Pingree
1981], Lyra + stars from Hercules [Koch 1989].
3.10 Amushen=mul Amuˇsen
8=erˆu=arˆu- ”Eagle” - a con-
The problem of decipherment the Babylonian ”astrolabes” 19
stellation within the modern constellation of the Aquila [G¨ossmann 1950,
Weidner 1957-59, Reiner, Pingree 1981]. Van der Waerden [1991] identifies
the star ζAquila as the center of the asterism, although this basically does
not change anything.
3.11 DA.MU=mul/dDamu -”The Pig”. There are no identification ver-
sions, although the constellation is mentioned in many astronomical texts:
Astrolabe P, Astrolabe B, BM34713, BM82923, MUL.APIN and etc.
3.12 KA.A=mulKA5.A=mul LUL.A=mulKA10 =ˇs¯elebu - ”fox” - a constel-
lation in the Ursa Major(?). Identification: g Ursa Major [G¨ossmann 1950,
Weidner 1957-59, 1959-60], 80-86 of the Ursa Major(?) [Reiner, Pingree
1981, 1989], part of the Ursa Major [Koch-Westenholz 1995]. In the Great
Star List it is identified as one of the names of Mars: mulKA.A=dmin(=dsal-
bat-a-nu) ”Fox” = Mars.
We shall now substitute the decoded names of the constellations in the
original table. In case of multiple identification we shall choose the most
suitable identification, or leave it ”as is”. All identification variants, in which
one of several nearby stars are proposed as the center of the asterism, will
be considered as identical.
Analysis of the contents of the ”astrolabes” from
astronomical point of view
1. Planets in the ”astrolabes”. The first observation that catches the
eye after decoding the contents of the ”astrolabes” is the presence of planets:
Venus (2.1), Mars (1.9) and (3.12?), Mercury or Jupiter (2.12?), and Jupiter
(3.4). [Here, the first number denotes the band of the sky: 1 - Ea, 2 -
Anu, 3 - Enlil. The second number denotes the number of the month. For
example, record ”2.1” corresponds to the object, which has heliacal rising
in the band of Anu and in the month of Nisan.] Positions 2.12 and 3.12 are
not uniquely identified, therefore we cannot confidently establish whether
Jupiter is present twice or whether entry (2.12) describes the appearance
of Mercury, and (3.4) - the heliacal rising of Jupiter. Similarly, we do not
know exactly whether record (3.12) is accurately identified as Mars, the
constellation Ursa Major or as something else.
As the planets move, the dates of their heliacal risings cannot be as-
sociated with specific months. If Jupiter passes one zodiacal constellation
within one year, then Mercury, Venus and Mars manage to pass several
zodiacal constellations within the same time.Thus, the presence of planets
undermines the internal logic of the ”astrolabes” as a star calendar. This
fact may be considered as a sufficient condition for rejecting the hypothesis
that ”astrolabes” were star calendars.
For this reason, let us assume that the four positions (2.1), (1.9), (2.12),
and (3.4) associated with the planets, were mistakenly identified, and in
fact, relate to stars rather than planets. We identify the position (3.12)
with part of constellation the Ursa Major, since there is such an alterna-
tive for it. In this case, the ”astrolabes” will have five unidentified stars or
constellations [this list also includes the record (3.11)], but the hypothesis
that the ”astrolabe” is a star calendar will be preserved.
20 Nickiforov M., Tabov J.
Month Stars of Ea Stars of Anu Stars of Enlil
1 Nisan α, β, γ Peg Venus Tri + γAnd
2 Iyar Pleiades γPer βAnd
3 Sivan Orion δLeo δCan (?); Hya?
4 Tammuz αCMa αand βGem Jupiter
5 Ab δCMa αand βGem Ursa Major
6 Elul part of Puppies γCrv αBoo
7 Tishrei γVel αLib γCen (?!)
8 Cheshvan δSer or
part of Lupus Scorpio αLeo
9 Kislev Mars δCyg+Lac+Cep αLyr
10 Tebeth βAqr Cancer ζAql
11 Shebat from αand βSag
to αPhe εPeg not identified
12 Adar αPsA Jupiter or
part of Ursa Major
or Mars
Table 2. Decoding result of ”astrolabes”.
The problem of decipherment the Babylonian ”astrolabes” 21
2. The presence of duplicates. The presence of duplicates in the
”astrolabes” also works against the hypothesis of their identification as
star calendars, as it violates the integrity of its logical structure. At the
same time, if the ”astrolabe” is a cult text, there are no strict requirements
to its structure.
Formally, we can only discuss one duplicate: MASH.TAB.BA (2.4) and
MASH.TAB.BA.GAL.GAL (2.5), which is identified as the Gemeni or their
heads (Castor and Pollux). It is possible that the first record corresponds
to the entire constellation, while the second one is its more detailed version
(the heads of Gemini in particular). However, such version contradicts the
fact that the stars in cells 2.4 and 2.5 must have heliacal rising in different
months. It is evident that the heliacal rising of αand βGemini and other
stars of this constellation occurred within few days, but not in a month.
That is why it is most reasonable to consider one of the entries (2.4) and
(2.5) to be incorrect. Although such consideration will remove the semantic
and astronomical consistency in the structure of the ”astrolabe”, it comes
at a cost. First, the number of unidentified objects will increase to six.
Second, if one of the records (2.4) or (2.5) is incorrect, it is unclear 1) why
it occurred in all documents at once, 2) where is the original that led to this
error, 3) if ”astrolabes” were actually used for calendar purposes, why were
they not corrected? Unfortunately, the definitive answers to these questions
are unlikely to be obtained.
In addition to the problem of the presence of duplicates in the astro-
labes themselves, there are certain doubts related to the accuracy of our
translations from the Sumerian and Acadian languages, and the correctness
of identification of the constellations. However, this remark is valid only if
the hypothesis that the ”astrolabe” is a star calendar is true. If this is so,
then our identifications of positions (3.5) and (3.12) as the constellation
Ursa Major become contradictory, and therefore we must abandon one of
3. The belonging of the stars to certain stripes of the sky. Be-
cause the structure of the star calendar, to which we refer the astrolabe,
imposes specific limitations, it is important to consider the question of the
belonging of the stars / constellations of the ”astrolabe” to the southern
(Ea), equatorial (Anu) and northern star (Enlil) bands. As we have men-
tioned above, there is an estimate according to which the Anu belt included
a bar of stars near the celestial equator in the declinations range δ=±17.
Correspondingly, the stars of Enlil are located to the south of Anu, and
the star Ea is located to the north . We will use this estimate, assuming a
possible deviation of up to 5-7 degrees in either direction.
When we cited the identification of objects of the ”astrolabe” in section
2, we made estimates of the affiliation of the stars of a particular region of
the sky. The results of this estimation are presented in Table 3, where the
problem items are marked in bold.
In the Ea band, at least three positions (1.1), (1.2) and (1.3) are prob-
lematic, because they belong to the Anu region in any historical period. Let
us note that the correctness of identification of the Pleiades and Orion is
reliable. Also, the identification of the record (1.8), which most researchers
identify with the Serpens’s head, is not unambiguous. If such identification
22 Nickiforov M., Tabov J.
Month Stars of Ea Stars of Anu Stars of Enlil
1 Nisan α, β, γ Peg
1÷+14?Tri + γAnd
2 Iyar Pleiades
3 Sivan Orion
δCan (?); Hya?
4 Tammuz αCMa
αand βGem
5 Ab δCMa
αand βGem
Ursa Major
6 Elul part of Puppies
∼ −40
7 Tishrei γVel
∼ −40
γCen (?!)
8 Cheshvan
δSer +24
or Lupus
36÷ −20
35÷ −10
9 Kislev ?δCyg
10 Tebeth βAqr
11 Shebat
from αand βSag
to αPhe
50÷ −40
12 Adar to αPsA
42?part of UMa
Table 3. Assessment of the correspondence of constellations to the certain zones of the
The problem of decipherment the Babylonian ”astrolabes” 23
is correct, then this position does not correspond to the zone Ea and contra-
dicts the logic of a star calendar. Identification of record (1.8) as a part of
the constellation Lupus corrects this error. Adhering to the concept of ”as-
trolabe” as a star calendar, we shall assume that position (1.8) corresponds
to the constellation of Lupus, but the number of erroneous identifications
increases by one.
In the Anu band, we find an obvious discrepancy in cells (2.1), (2.2)
and (2.9), which can be attributed to Enlil without any reservations. We
have already discussed the fact that one of the positions (2.4) or (2.5) [most
likely the last], is likely to be duplicate. That is, instead of two records we
have one. In case of identification of this constellation as Gemini’s heads,
its belonging to the Enlil area is beyond doubt. If we associate the Baby-
lonian constellation MASH.TAB.BA (.GAL.GAL) with the entire modern
constellation of Gemini, then we can assume with a little reservation that
this constellation belongs (or partly belongs) to Anu.
The Enlil band contains only one error in record (3.7). At the same
time, we remember that one of the positions (3.5) or (3.12) is erroneous,
but we shall not consider this question yet.
Thus, from a formal point of view, 7 out of 32 objects do not fit with the
logic of a star calendar design. In addition to the fact that the ”astrolabes”
contain planets, this is a serious argument against the hypothesis that ”the
”astrolabe” is a star calendar. Therefore, we have solid arguments to reject
this hypothesis. However, it is possible to find some compromise by making
the following assumption. The ”astrolabe” really is a star calendar with the
dates of heliacal rising, but we have to consider its columns separately from
each other. We have already mentioned that the content of the ”astrolabe”
coincides with the lists of the stars of Elam, Akkad and Amurra. We can
assume that the list of stars of each city is a star calendar, in which a cer-
tain month corresponds to the rising of one star or a constellation. Then,
the lists of stars were combined for political or religious reasons in a single
document. Since under this assumption there is no requirement that an
ascending star belongs to a certain band of sky (Ea/Anu/Enlil), it can be
anywhere. This allows us to preserve the astronomical meaning behind the
”astrolabes”, although in this case, they are not a single whole document,
but they represent three separate and independent lists of stars.
4. Ordering by longitude. If the ”astrolabes” or their fragments (in-
dividual columns) indeed represent a calendar of the rising of stars and
constellations, then all objects should follow the order of increasing longi-
tudes (or straight ascents). Let us verify this by writing down the deciphered
names of the constellations of the Ea region: The verification shows that the
constellations attributed to the Ea strip go in the order of the longitudes:
”Pegasus Big Square” Pleiades Orion αCMa δCMa part
of Puppies γVel Serpent’s head or Lupus’s part (?) βAqr
region from αSag to αPhe αPsA.
With the Anu stars, the situation is worse, because here we can identify
two violations: (?) γPer δLeo αand βGem αGem γ
Crv αLib Scorpio δCyg Cancer εPeg (?). ”Not in its
place” is the neighborhood of the star δLeo, which in fact should follow
Gemini. In addition, the constellation of Cancer for some reason is between
24 Nickiforov M., Tabov J.
Cygnus and Pegasus, which is certainly not the case. The origin of these
errors remains incomprehensible, although one can assume a poor precision
of our translation.
In the band of Enlil stars, the order of the longitudes breaks three times.
γAnd βAnd δCan or Hydra (?) UMa αBoo γCen
αLeo αLyr ζAql (?) UMa.
In fact, βAnd precedes γAnd, but not vice versa. However, even if
we correct for this discrepancy (e.g. we can replace these stars with each
other), their heliacal risings occur within a week, but not a month, as it
should be according to the model of a star calendar. Instead of βAnd a
more appropriable option could be a bright star from Taurus or Auriga, but
such identification had not been proposed, yet. The same remark applies to
αLeo, which rises earlier than γCen and αBoo. Finally, we have already
mentioned that one of the positions identified with Ursa Major is erroneous.
Obviously, the last identification violates the order of following longitudes,
so it should be ruled out. As above, we replace all excluded objects in the
table with question marks.
5. Synchronization of the heliacal rises. Finally, let us consider the
synchronization of the heliacal rises of stars and constellations for individual
months. All three objects located on the same line (row) should ascend
within one month.
Line 3: the heliacal rising of Orion occurs much earlier than that of
Lion, head of Hydra or Cancer.
Line 5: the constellation of Ursa Major did not go beyond the horizon
at the latitude of Babylon in the first millennium. Therefore, the event of
”heliacal rising” was impossible for this constellation and consequently, it
should not be in the star calendar. The heads of the Gemini had heliacal
rising in the same month as Sirius, but were not in any way connected with
δCMa. Therefore, record (2.5) should be considered erroneous.
Line 7: The star γVel (or its vicinity) had heliacal rising a month earlier
than that of αLib and γCen.
Line 10: ζAql had heliacal rising much earlier than that of βAqr. Thus,
the logical structure of the astrolabe is violated.
Again, the only possible solution of this problem could be an assumption
of three independent lists of the rising stars, which were combined into an
astrolabe. In this case, the estimates obtained in part 5 lose their meaning
and the contradiction is eliminated.
An analysis of the Babylonian ”astrolabes” allows for assuming one of the
four alternatives.
1. The mutual positions of stars and constellations established by us
contradict the data structure of a star calendar. This is evidenced by the
following facts: a) the lack of ordering of stars along longitudes, b) the lack
of ordering of synchronicity of the events of heliacal risings for stars belong-
ing to the same month, c) the lack of ordering according to declinations (or
lack of ordering over the bands of the sky), d)the presence of planets. In
The problem of decipherment the Babylonian ”astrolabes” 25
Month Stars of Ea Stars of Anu Stars of Enlil
1 Nisan α, β, γ Peg ?Tri + γAnd
2 Iyar Pleiades γPer ?
3 Sivan Orion delta Leo δCan or Hya
4 Tammuz αCMa αand βGem ?
5 Ab δCMa αand βGem Ursa Major
6 Elul part of Puppies γCrv αBoo
7 Tishrei γVel αLib γCen
8 Cheshvan δSer or
part of Lupus Scorpio ?
9 Kislev ?δCyg+Lac+Cep αLyr
10 Tebeth βAqr ?ζAql
11 Shebat from αand βSag
to αPhe εPeg ?
12 Adar αPsA ? ?
Table 4. An estimation of synchronicity of heliacal risings. Problematic items are shown
in bold.
26 Nickiforov M., Tabov J.
practice, this means that the Babylonian ”astrolabes” could not be used
for calendar purposes.
2. The ”Astrolabe” should be considered as three independent docu-
ments, each of which described the order of the rising stars. In this case,
there will be less contradictions, since the requirement for the synchronism
of the heliacal risings and the orderliness of the stars in declination disap-
pears. Along with this, there remains the problem of the presence of planets,
as well as the orderliness of declinations. In this sense, the ideal version of
the calendar is a list of stars corresponding to the sector Ea.
3. The ”Astrolabe” is a cult document, so it does not have to meet the
astronomical requirements, which we expect for a star calendar.
4. Our decoding of the ”astrolabe” is very inaccurate, which leads to
numerous errors in identifications. One of the reasons for this may be the
lack of unification of the designations of stars and constellations during the
creation of ”astrolabes”.
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Waerden B.L. van der 1949, JNES, 8, 6-26
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Waerden B.L. van der 1974, Science Awakening II. The Birth of Astronomy Leiden-N.Y.
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ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
  • D Brown
Brown D. 2000, Mesopotamian Planetary Astronomy-Astrology Groningen, STYX Publications
  • P F Gössmann
Gössmann P.F. 1950, Planetarium Babylonicum Hunger H., Pingree D. 1989, Archiv für Orientforschung, 28, 138
  • H Hunger
  • D Pingree
Hunger H., Pingree D. 1999, Astral Science in Mesopotamia Leiden-Boston-Köln Koch J. 1989, Neue Untersuchungen zur Topographie des babylomischen Fixsternhimmels Weisbaden Koch J. 1993, Die Rolle Astronomie in der Kulturen Mesopotamiens. Hrsg. H.D. Galter. 185-198 Graz Koch-Westenholz U. 1995, Mesopotamian Astrology. Copenhagen, Museum Tusculanum Press Kurtik G.E. 2000, Istoriko-astronomicheskie issledovaniya, 25, 128-134 (In Russian)
  • G E Kurtik
Kurtik G.E. 2007, Zvezdnoe nebo drevnej Mesopotamii. SpB. Aletejya (In Russian)
  • W Papke
Papke W. 1978, Die Keilschriftserie MUL.APIN. Dokument Wissenschaftlicher Astronomie im 3. Tubingen
Babylonian Planetary Omens. Part Two. Malibu, Undena Publications Reiner E., Pingree D
  • E Reiner
  • D Pingree
Reiner E., Pingree D. 1981, Babylonian Planetary Omens. Part Two. Malibu, Undena Publications Reiner E., Pingree D. 1998, Babylonian Planetary Omens. Part Three. Groningen, STYX Publications Schaumberger J. 1952, ZA, 50(16), 214-229
  • B L Waerden
  • Van Der
Waerden B.L. van der 1949, JNES, 8, 6-26
  • B L Waerden
  • Van Der
Waerden B.L. van der 1974, Science Awakening II. The Birth of Astronomy Leiden-N.Y. Waerden B.L. van der 1984, AHES, 29, 2, 101-114