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“Los parva oppida de la Citerior nororiental entre los siglos I a.C. y II d.C.: monumentalización y promoción jurídica”, Andreu Pintado, J. (ed.), PARVA OPPIDA. Imagen, patrones e ideología del despegue monumental de las ciudades de la Tarraconense hispana, Tudela, pp. 239-278.

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... A little later, at the beginning of the 1st c. B.C., two new cities were founded on the coast north of the river Besòs, Iluro (Mataró) and Baetulo (Badalona), as well as two other settlements in the inland area, Auso (Vic) and Gerunda (Girona), which began to restructure the territory from an economic and administrative perspective (as for Iluro see Revilla and Cela, 2006, p. 89; for Baetulo see Guitart and Padrós, 1990, p. 165; see also Palet, 1997, p. 165;Guitart, 2006;Revilla and Santacana, 2015, p. 86;Revilla 2020). A series of road axes were thus established linking the aforementioned coastal cities with the Roman foundations of the interior, among which the nuclei of Aqua Calidae Figura 10. ...
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Recent research has significantly improved our knowledge about the foundation of the Roman city of Barcino (Barcelona, Spain). However, while these studies have collected some encouraging evidence for a late-Republican chronology, the Augustan chronology traditionally granted to this foundation (around B.C. 10) has not been questioned at all. This article aims to analyse old and new literary, epigraphic, topographic, architectural, and archaeological data, to recover the Caesarean chronology (around B.C. 45-44), which was previously defended from the middle of the 19th century through to the end of the 1970s, and to draw from this study some more general historical conclusions on the process of the romanization of Catalonia.
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“The town's elites and the beginning of the monumental urban planning crisis in the Western Roman Empire: some considerations regarding Hispania” We in this paper tray to show that in the second century A.D. and the first third of the third century A.D., city elites continued to be interested in actively participating in public life in cities and that also kept up their financial support to help cover the costs of the development of urban life. We also suggest that at the same time some cities started having financial problems that would have made maintaining infrastructures and public buildings difficult. Next, we defend the idea that upon determining the beginning of the decadence of monumental urban planning in certain cities, associated with the presence of financial issues, it does not allow for deducing that there was a civic crisis in said cities and a decadence of city government organizations. Finally, we suggest that during this era, the departure of the wealthiest families from small and medium-sized cities to other more important cities in the same province or even to Rome itself (seeking social and political advancement) deprived their hometowns of important financial resources and capital investments, causing some to no longer be able to maintain part of their monumental heritage. Nevertheless, in these cities there continued to be well-off social groups and landowners (the decurional elite) who kept on maintaining local government organizations and public life in the city in working order. “Las élites municipales y los inicios de la crisis del urbanismo monumental en el Occidente romano: algunas consideraciones, con especial referencia a Hispania” Tras mostrar que durante el siglo II d.C. y el primer tercio del III las élites municipales continuaron estando interesadas en participar activamente en la vida pública municipal y que mantuvieron sus aportaciones económicas para ayudar a sufragar los costes generados por el desarrollo de la vida urbana, planteamos que en ese mismo periodo algunas ciudades comenzaron a tener problemas financieros que debieron dificultar el mantenimiento de sus infraestructuras y edificios públicos. A continuación defendemos que el constatar el comienzo de la decadencia del urbanismo monumental en determinadas ciudades, asociado a la existencia de problemas económicos, no permite deducir que en ellas se produjese una crisis de la vida cívica y una decadencia de las instituciones de gobierno municipales. Finalmente, planteamos que durante la etapa señalada la marcha de las familias más ricas de las ciudades pequeñas o medianas a otras de mayor importancia provincial o a la misma Roma (buscando así su promoción social y política) privó de importantes recursos económicos y de inversiones de capital a sus comunidades de origen, ocasionando que algunas no pudieran ya mantener parte de su patrimonio monumental. No obstante, en estas ciudades continuaron existiendo unos grupos sociales acomodados y propietarios de tierras (las élites decurionales) que continuaron manteniendo en funcionamiento las instituciones de gobierno locales y la vida pública municipal.
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The study of the evolution of urban planning of the ancient city of Tortosa is one of the main projects of the Grup de Recerca Seminari de Protohistoria i Arqueologia of the Rovira i Virgili University. The reconstruction of the urban topography of the Iberian and Roman city is the foremost goal of the project. Starting from the interpretation of the archaeological work carried out in the city, especially the interventions led by our team in Tortosa during the last ten years, we offer a first approach to the reality of the Roman occupation of ancient D ertosa . It is a a proposal of urban reconstruction of a section of the city focused on the Rastre ravine, an extramural area that was part of a southern suburb of the city, probably linked to the operations that took place at the river port. We have seen as the built spaces were adapted to the ground by building staggered platforms, and thus overcoming the morphological constraints imposed by a complex topography.
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Tras una primera parte en la que ponemos de manifiesto la escasez de investigaciones arqueológicas sobre construcciones termales medicinales de época romana en nuestro país, pasamos a describir el conjunto termal de Caldes de Montbui. La parte mejor conservada corresponde a la plaza de la Font del Lleo, seguida del antiguo hospital de santa Susagna. A continuación, damos una interpretación de las estructuras conocidas, intentando clarificar la diferencia entre los dos términos "laconicum" y "concamerata sudatio". Se completa el trabajo con un intento de reconstrucción del balneario y las conclusiones, en las que se destaca la importancia del mismo.
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Ancient Ilerda (Hispania Citerior) is a well known site thanks to written and numismatic sources, both Republican and Imperial. Howewer, archaeological research has been almost neglected as a source for the historical development of the city. Systematic archaeological excavations, carried out in last two decades, has change radically our knowledge of the extension, evolution and main features of the site from the pre-roman period until the late antique.La antigua Ilerda (Hispania Citerior) , bien conocida por las fuentes escritas y numismáticas republicanas e imperiales, no contaba con un conocimiento arqueológico paralelo. Las excavaciones continuas de los últimos años han variado sustancialmente este panorama (sobre todo las más recientes) y hoy podemos aventurar su evolución histórica con unos datos más fiables, así como su extensión y principales características por etapas.
Cultusplaatsen vervulden een spilfunctie in de landelijke gebieden van Italië. Vanaf de vierde eeuw v. Chr. werden zij veroverd door Rome. De politieke en militaire invloed van Rome is bekend, maar er is weinig aandacht geweest voor de gevolgen van Romes veroveringen op religieus vlak. Tesse Stek werpt licht op de veranderingen binnen heiligdommen en religieuze structuren als gevolg van de Romeinse expansie. De religieuze invloed van Rome gold altijd als beperkt, maar Stek betoogt dat de veroveringen leidden tot de installatie van nieuwe Romeinse cultusplaatsen, rituelen en feesten. Ook bestaande inheemse heiligdommen werden daarvoor hergebruikt. Tegelijkertijd speelden heiligdommen een hoofdrol in het formeren en consolideren van nieuwe Italische etnische groepen die in reactie op de Romeinse expansie ontstonden.
The relationship between Rome and its surrounding territory has long been a focus of historical and archaeological study and debate. This paper aims to add to this discussion in two specific ways. First, it questions and dismisses the pervasive dichotomy between metropolis and hinterland. Second, it uses regional field survey data to quantify the population of the early imperial suburbium. The paper explores the nexus of social, political and economic flows in order to assess the interaction and integration of metropolis and suburbium. The chronological focus is the early imperial period (c.27BC-AD100). Particular attention is placed upon the degree to which rural populations can be considered not simply as 'rustici' but as a sizeable and integral part of the population of Rome itself. The conclusions suggest that considering metropolis and suburbium as a single unit has important implications for the study not only of rural areas, but also for the city of Rome itself, and for studies of the Roman Italy in general.
Se ha pensado tradicionalmente que existió en Hispania una continuidad básica en la red de asentamientos urbanos entre la época prerromana y romana, como demostraría la continuidad de los topónimos. Sin embargo, el análisis de los datos arqueológicos conocidos en muchas de las ciudades romanas del nordeste de Hispania parece indicar que determinados centros urbanos fueron trasladados algunos kilómetros respecto a los anteriores indígeas, en diferentes momentos del siglo I a.C. Es difícil sustraerse a la conclusión de que hubo de existir una política romana coordinada en este sentido.
Plinio el t•iejo y la construcción de Hispania Citerior
  • S Ciprl
  • P Torres
CIPRl,S TORRES, P. (ed.) (2017): Plinio el t•iejo y la construcción de Hispania Citerior, Universidad del País Vasco, Vitoria.
«clasificación tipológica de la arquitectura doméstica romana. Refl exiones a partir de las ciudades del NE peninsular
  • Vicente Corrts
CoRrts VICENTE, A. (2014 ): «clasificación tipológica de la arquitectura doméstica romana. Refl exiones a partir de las ciudades del NE peninsular", Pyrenae, 45, pp. 59-93.