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Abstract and Figures

A volcanological map of the active Somma-Vesuvius volcano is presented at the 1:20,000 scale. The map is based on 1:5000 field mapping carried out during the Italian CARG project. Geological data are represented on a digital terrain model of the volcano. This allows a better visualisation of the main morphological, volcanic, and geological features. The legend is organised in four different panels, which depict the activity of the volcano and caldera development. The geological survey is based on recognition and description of lithostratigraphic units. The geological map highlights the volcanic evolution of the Somma-Vesuvius volcano, and it is propaedeutic for further studies aimed at improving the scientific knowledge and the volcanic hazard assessment of this world-famous volcano.
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Volcanic evolution of the Somma-Vesuvius
Complex (Italy)
Alessandro Sbrana, Raffaello Cioni, Paola Marianelli, Roberto Sulpizio,
Daniele Andronico & Giuseppe Pasquini
To cite this article: Alessandro Sbrana, Raffaello Cioni, Paola Marianelli, Roberto Sulpizio, Daniele
Andronico & Giuseppe Pasquini (2020) Volcanic evolution of the Somma-Vesuvius Complex (Italy),
Journal of Maps, 16:2, 137-147, DOI: 10.1080/17445647.2019.1706653
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Volcanic evolution of the Somma-Vesuvius Complex (Italy)
Alessandro Sbrana
,Raaello Cioni
, Paola Marianelli
, Roberto Sulpizio
, Daniele Andronico
and Giuseppe Pasquini
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università di Pisa, Pisa, Italy;
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università di Firenze, Firenze, Italy;
Dipartimento Geomineralogico, Università di Bari, Bari, Italy;
IGAG-CNR, section Milano, via M. Bianco 9, Milano, Italy;
Istituto Nazionale di
Geosica e Vulcanologia, Osservatorio Etneo - Sezione di Catania, Catania, Italy
A volcanological map of the active Somma-Vesuvius volcano is presented at the 1:20,000 scale.
The map is based on 1:5000 eld mapping carried out during the Italian CARG project.
Geological data are represented on a digital terrain model of the volcano. This allows a
better visualisation of the main morphological, volcanic, and geological features. The legend
is organised in four dierent panels, which depict the activity of the volcano and caldera
development. The geological survey is based on recognition and description of
lithostratigraphic units. The geological map highlights the volcanic evolution of the Somma-
Vesuvius volcano, and it is propaedeutic for further studies aimed at improving the scientic
knowledge and the volcanic hazard assessment of this world-famous volcano.
Received 13 August 2019
Accepted 16 December 2019
Geological map; digital
terrain model; Somma-
Vesuvius; Italy
1. Introduction
The Somma-Vesuvius, together with the Phlegrean
Fields Volcanic District (Rosi & Sbrana, 1987;Sbrana,
Marianelli, & Pasquini, 2018 and references therein),
are part of a series of active volcanic complexes devel-
oped within the extensional graben of the Campanian
plain, one of the most important peri-Tyrrhenian struc-
tures of the Southern Apennines chain. Its formation
occurred from Miocene to Pleistocene following the
opening of the Tyrrhenian basin (Peccerillo, 2005).
Somma-Vesuvius volcano formed at the intersection
of two main, NE-SW and NW-SE fault systems, inside
In this side of the graben, the Mesozoic carbonate units
represent the basement of the volcano (below 1800 m
In some cases, the presence of carbonates inuences the
eruption dynamics, through the interaction between
magma and carbonate-derived CO
and possibly the
magma composition by carbonate assimilation (Dallai,
Cioni, Boschi, & DOriano, 2011;Iacono Marziano,
Gaillard, & Pichavant, 2008;Peccerillo, 2005;Rittmann,
1933;Savelli, 1967), and distinguishes Somma-Vesuvius
from the volcanoes of the Phlegrean Fields Volcanic
District (carbonate basement deeper than 4000 m).
Despite Somma-Vesuvius is worldwide recognised
as one of the most hazardous volcanoes, few geological
maps have been published. After the pioneering geo-
logical map of sir Johnston-Lavis (1891), a geological
map of Somma-Vesuvius Volcanic Complex at
1:25,000 scale was published by Rosi, Santacroce, and
Sbrana (1986), containing a detailed survey of both
ancient and modern lava ows, the latter performed
through the analysis of historical documents combined
with eld data. However, the geological map did not
describe the complex pyroclastic successions, that
were mapped through the use of a single unit. In the
framework of the CARG88 project, nanced by Servi-
zio Geologico dItalia (ISPRA) and aimed at obtaining
a new 1:50,000 geological map of Italy, new geological
surveys and volcanological studies started in the
Somma-Vesuvius area in the 90s. They produced a
more detailed and accurate geological map of
Somma-Vesuvius and the surrounding plain at
1:15,000 scale (Regione Campania, 2003). In the same
project, other geological maps based on the Unconfor-
mity Bounded Stratigraphic Units (UBSU) were
implemented, i.e. the 1:50,000 scale Sheets Ercolano
and Sorrento (Servizio Geologico dItalia, in press).
More recently, a geological map of a limited area in
the southwestern sector of the volcano, dominated by
the products of the most recent period of activity of
the volcano, was published by Paolillo et al. (2016).
Based on the detailed eld surveys carried out
during the above mentioned CARG88 project and
on new stratigraphic and volcanological studies, an
updated geological map of the Somma-Vesuvius vol-
cano is here presented at the scale 1:20,000 (Plate I).
Geological data were placed on a digital terrain
model (DTM) of the volcano, allowing a better visual-
isation of the morphological and volcanological fea-
tures. The legend, based on lithostratigraphic units,
© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group on behalf of Journal of Maps
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License (, which
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CONTACT Paola Marianelli
2020, VOL. 16, NO. 2, 137147
was also revised and grouped to better illustrate the
volcanological evolution of Somma-Vesuvius. Finally,
a large set of published and unpublished volcanological
data on dispersal of pyroclastic density currents
(PDCs) and fallout deposits of more than 20 explosive
events of variable magnitude and intensity was also
completely revised and summarised in a dedicated
plate (Plate I).
2. Eruptive history of Somma-Vesuvius
The Somma-Vesuvius volcanic complex is formed by
an older stratovolcano (Mt. Somma) cut by an
eccentric, polyphasic caldera, and by a stratocone
(Vesuvius) grown during historical times inside the cal-
dera (Figure 1). Mt. Somma stands over a large sedi-
mentary plain, prevalently formed by volcaniclastic
deposits originated by the mobilisation of the pyroclas-
tic deposits during inter- and syn-eruptive periods, and
collectively described as the volcano sedimentary apron
of Somma-Vesuvius (Regione Campania, 2003). The
volcanoclastic deposits alternate with medial to distal
PDCs and fall deposits.
The rst detailed stratigraphy of the Somma-Vesu-
vius was made by Delibrias, Di Paola, Rosi, and Santa-
croce (1979), who named all the main eruption units
and rst provided a general chronologic framework.
This reconstruction was the base for the monographic
work of Santacroce (1987) and was then progressively
improved and detailed (Figure 2) by several authors
(as summarised in Cioni, Bertagnini, Santacroce, &
Andronico, 2008 and Santacroce et al., 2008).
Nowadays the deposits of a large number of eruptions
of dierent intensity occurred in the last 22 ky of
activity are well known in terms of stratigraphy, disper-
sal and main physical parameters, and many of them
can be mapped with a certain detail. Most of the studies
dedicated to the dierent eruptions derive from the
detailed stratigraphic work carried out during the
eld survey for the new geological map, and isopach
maps of more than 20 events have been revised and
presented in the synoptic Plate I.
The construction of the stratovolcano started after
the Campanian Ignimbrite eruption (Phlegrean Fields;
39 ky, De Vivo et al., 2001), as evidenced by the strati-
graphy of the Trecase 1 geothermal well (Brocchini,
Principe, Castradori, Laurenzi, & Gorla, 2001). The
stratovolcano grew up to around 2000 m in height
over a time span of ca. 20 ky (Cioni, Santacroce, &
Sbrana, 1999), mainly through the piling up of lava
ows and spatter and loose scoria deposits. The main
eusive to mildly explosive activity of the Somma stra-
tovolcano was interrupted around 22 ky BP by the tra-
chytic Pomici di Base Plinian eruption (Santacroce
et al., 2008). This event marked the onset of the multi-
stage Somma caldera formation (Cioni et al., 1999) and
the shift to a more explosive activity fed by generally
evolved magmas. The Pomici di Base eruption was fol-
lowed by eusive/mildly explosive activity from lateral
vents, aligned along regional faults (San Severino, Pol-
lena and Camaldoli eruptive fracture systems) (Figure
3) and, after about 3 ky, by the Pomici Verdoline
(Figure 4(A)) subplinian eruption (Cioni, Sulpizio, &
Garruccio, 2003). The following 15 ky period of activity
Figure 1. (A): View from Vesuvius cone; in the background the Somma inner caldera wall; in the foreground 1944 lava ow. (B):
Somma-Vesuvius (Google Earth image). (C): Valle del Gigante, view from Mt. Somma, Cognoli di Levante. In the foreground Somma
spatter cone (Cognoli) and lavas (LSC formation in the main map), and in the background, 1944 lava (lv20 in the main map, centre
of picture) and 1944 hot avalanche deposits (1944 va in the main map) overlying the lava ow and Colle Umberto exogenous lava
dome (left).
was characterised by two, large intensity (Plinian)
eruptions, separated by long periods of nearly complete
quiescence, and by a shift from trachytic to phonolitic
compositions (Figure 5). These two Plinian events
(Mercato Pumice, 9.0 ky BP; Mele, Sulpizio, Dellino,
& La Volpe, 2011; Avellino Pumice, 3.9 ky BP; Sevink
et al., 2011;Sulpizio, Bonasia, et al., 2010a,2010b), pro-
duced phonolitic and phonolitic to tephriphonolitic
Figure 2. Simplied chronostratigraphic sequence (not to scale) of Somma-Vesuvius. Arrows refer to explosive eruptions, length
and colour (blue = VEI 2; green = VEI 3; orange = VEI 4; red = VEI 5) reect the estimated VEI (data from Cioni et al., 2008); dashed
arrows mark eruptions of uncertain source. Yellow boxes show periods of persistent strombolian and eusive activity.
Figure 3. Geological and structural sketch map of Somma-Vesuvius. Submarine gas emission areas from Caliro, Chiodini, Avino,
Cardellini, and Frondini (2005).
products, respectively (Figure 4(A,B)). Both these Pli-
nian eruptions, culminated in phases of caldera col-
lapse, are related to the partial emptying of a crustal
magma reservoir (Cioni et al., 1999), which started to
dene the present-day caldera shape (see the main
map and Figure 3). No clear activity from Somma-
Vesuvius is recorded in the intervening periods separ-
ating these two eruptions, except for the sporadic
nding of badly preserved, fall deposits dubitatively
traceable to the activity of the volcano or from the
nearby Phlegrean elds caldera (Figure 2).
After the Avellino eruption, the frequency of med-
ium to high intensity eruptions increased, with at least
8 explosive events ranging from subplinian to violent
strombolian and vulcanian (Andronico & Cioni,
2002). This period of activity ends in 217 BC
(Stothers & Rampino, 1983) preceding the AD 79
Pompeii Plinian eruption. This iconic event was
described in detail by Pliny the Younger, who was
the rst eyewitness of a large volcanic eruption that
handed down a written report of this natural
phenomenon. The deposits are represented by a
widely dispersed pumice fallout and by numerous
PDCs (Figure 6). Magma composition varies from
phonolitic to tephriphonolitic, mainly diering from
the preceding products for the highest K
ratio. The deposits of AD 79 eruption are still easily
visible in the main archaeological sites of Ercolano,
Oplontis and Pompei (Figure 3) and in several
other minor excavations. The eruption modied the
morphology surroundings the volcano, producing a
general increase of the elevations up to 1020 m in
Ercolano (Guidobaldi, Camardo, & Rossi, 2014) and
Pompei archeological areas (Vogel, Maerker, & Seiler,
2011), and an important variation of the coastline, as
reported in the geological map (main map; Cinque &
Irollo, 2004;Guidobaldi, Camardo, & Notomista,
Figure 4. (A) Traianello quarry. The white pumice layer in the middle of the sequence is the base of the Mercato Pumice fallout,
followed on top by pyroclastic ow unit. The thinly stratied fallout deposits of Pomici Verdoline and Campi Flegrei Agnano Pomici
Principali are visible below the Mercato Pumice. (B) The fallout sequence (white and grey beds) of the Avellino Pumice. (C) Panora-
mic view of the Post AD 472 sequence in the area of Terzigno. The sequence is formed by the superposition of scoria and ash fallout
beds of several eruptions. The light coloured deposits at the base of the sequence record the nal pyroclastic density currents and
lahars related to the AD 472 Pollena eruption.
The Vesuvius cone possibly began to form after
AD 79 inside the Somma caldera, in coincidence
with minor explosive activity described in few con-
temporary chronicles (Cioni, DOriano, Bertagnini, &
Andronico, 2013). Its growth occurred discontinuously
during periods of open conduit activity (Figure 2). All
the products erupted during the entire following period
of activity are mostly characterised by poorly evolved
compositions (from tephrites to tephriphonolites)
with only minor amount of phonolitic magmas associ-
ated to the very initial phases of the two largest and
most intense events of the period. At the same time,
the alkali content of the products was increasingly
higher with respect to the preceding activity (Figure 5).
The rst period, named Santa Maria Cycle (Cioni
et al., 2013), punctuated the I-III century period, pre-
ceding the subplinian event of the AD 472 Pollena
eruption (Sulpizio, Mele, Dellino, & La Volpe, 2005).
Open conduit activity (Figure 4(C)) characterised the
VVIII and XXII centuries (San Pietro Cycle and
Villa Inglese lava ows), and preceded the AD 1631
subplinian eruption. The latter was the last large explo-
sive event occurred in the recent history of Vesuvius.
Basing on several lines of evidence, these two last
subplinian eruptions were taken as reference for
dening the maximum expected event in case of reac-
tivation by the national Civil Protection Department
In particular, the scenario of the expected event was
based on that of the AD 1631 eruption, accurately
reconstructed through detailed stratigraphic works
and the analysis of several contemporary chronicles
(Bertagnini et al., 2006;Rosi, Principe, & Vecci,
1993). The AD 1631 eruption was followed by the
last period of activity (16381944) during which the
Gran Conoof Vesuvius attained its present mor-
phology. The eruptive activity of this period was split
into 18 cycles characterised by summit and lateral
lava eusions and semi-persistent mild explosive
activity. Each cycle was closed by more intense
eusive-explosive naleruptions (Santacroce, 1987),
the last one occurred in 1944 (Figure 7). The rise of a
volatile-rich mac magma batch triggered a mixed
eusive-explosive eruption (Marianelli, Metrich, &
Sbrana, 1999;Marianelli, Sbrana, Métrich, & Cecchetti,
2005) opened by lava eusions and followed by a vio-
lent lava fountaining phase (Figure 7(B)) and by a
nal phreatomagmatic phase (Marianelli et al., 1999,
and references therein). The Vesuvius is quiescent
since March 1944.
3. Methods
The rst step for the elaboration of the volcanological
map was the collection and the graphic layout of the
base map. The orographic background of the map is
the result of the Lidar DTM (1 × 1 m ground resolution,
Z-error ± 15 cm, years 20092012) and the ORCA pro-
ject DTM (5 × 5 m, years 20042005). These two digital
elevation models were mixed to produce a realistic topo-
graphic eect, using Adobe Photoshop® CC 2018. The
topographic contour lines were derived from the
smoothing and contouring process on the ORCA
DTM, and the high-resolution Lidar DTM was also
used to draw geomorphological elements such as frac-
tures, scars, caldera and crater rims and parasitic vents
Figure 5. Composition of Somma-Vesuvius products is largely variable through time and within a single eruption. The diagram
shows the increasing alkalinity of the erupted products from the Somma lavas up to the most recent products (data from Santacroce
et al., 2008).
Figure 6. A general consensus exists on the stratigraphy of the AD 79 eruption deposits (Cioni, Marianelli, & Sbrana, 1992;Sigurdsson,
Carey, Cornell, & Pescatore, 1985) with the denition of three dierent phases. The Opening phase, comprising only a few centimetres
of accretionary lapilli-bearing ash fall and very minor surge beds, was followed by the Plinian magmatic phase, mostly consisting of
tephra fallout (white and grey pumice layers, phonolitic to tephriphonolitic) dispersed in an elongated fan to SSW. This fallout deposit
is the product of a sustained Plinian column, which during the deposition of the grey pumice collapsed at least four times producing
low concentration, turbulent pyroclastic density currents (hereafter PDCs). The latter can be found interlayered in the fallout deposits
along the slopes of the volcano and in the plain approximately up to a maximum distance of 810 km from the vent. According to Pliny
the Youngers letters (Sigurdsson et al., 1985;Sigurdsson, Cashdollar, & Sparks, 1982), the Plinian phase of the eruption lasted no
longer than 20 h. It was followed by a phreatomagmatic phase whose initial stages (formation of a short-lived sustained column con-
cluded with the generation of a high-energy turbulent PDC) coincided with the onset of the caldera collapse that enlarged to the
South the existing depression left by the preceding Plinian events (Cioni et al., 1999). The AD 79 eruption closed with the emplace-
ment of wetPDCs and a thick succession of accretionary lapilli-bearing ash beds. The gure contains the stratigraphy of the eruption
in the Pozzelle quarry. (A) Close view of the white pumice fallout. At the base it is visible the grey ash of the opening phase. On top of
the white pumice is a thin bed of grey pumice fallout followed by the pyroclastic ow deposits related to the total column collapse. (B)
Sequence of pyroclastic ow deposits in the San Sebastiano quarry.
The bathymetric reconstruction was based on the
data elaboration extracted from the map Golfo di
Napoli, 1:60.000 scale published by Istituto Idrograco
della Marina, Genova, 1889.
The geological data are based on the CARG88 eld
survey carried out at the 1:5.000 scale and on unpub-
lished data of the authors. In this study, all data were
stored and generated in a geographical information
system (GIS) developed with ESRI ARCGIS® 10.6,
using the cartographical reference system WGS 84-
UTM 33N. Data generation in a GIS environment
enables the production of the following thematic
.orographic background of inland and oshore areas;
.topographic and bathymetric contour lines;
.polygonal and linear base map elements such as
buildings and streets (Open Street Map);
.polygonal, linear, and punctual features for volcano-
logical, geological, and geomorphological elements;
.Archaeological sites of interest (Pompei and Erco-
lano data extracted from CTP Carta Tecnica Pro-
vinciale, scale 1:25.000; sheets 446 IV and 448 III);
All these layers were elaborated with Adobe Illus-
trator® CC 2018 and Adobe Photoshop® CC 2018
obtaining the nal layout at the scale 1:20,000.
Figure 7. (A) View of the present Vesuvius crater (inner northern), deposits of Phase 4: 19131944 lavas (lv19 and lv20 in the main
map); 1944 proximal fallout deposits (spatter ss and lapilli fallout in the main map); breccia and ashes (pc in the main map). (B)
Somma-Vesuvius and 1944 plume on 24 March 1944 (photo credit: U.S. Air Force Photo Coll. Courtesy of the National Air and Space
Museum, Smithsonian Institution).
Data collected for Plate I, as isopachs of fallout and
PDC deposits, main outcrops, vents and caldera rims of
the dierent eruptions, are from a detailed revision of
published and unpublished data mainly collected by
the authors in the last 30 years. Published data are
acknowledged in the legend of Plate I.
4. Results and discussion
The geological map (main map) is based on a reinter-
pretation of the volcano evolution in terms of dierent
phases, during which the volcano changed the style of
activity and some main volcano-tectonic structures
progressively formed and evolved. The proposed
phases mark the main steps of the volcano evolution,
that will be described in detail in the following sub-sec-
tions: (i) Somma stratovolcano growth, (ii) polyphasic
caldera formation, (iii) post caldera activity and, (iv)
growth of Vesuvius cone. The forty-three lithostrati-
graphic units related to the dierent phases are here
distinguished on the basis of their lithologic and sedi-
mentological features, as well as in many cases by the
presence of basal unconformities (mainly erosional),
paleosols, reworked or variably pedogenized beds
and, in a few cases, structural unconformities. We pre-
ferred not to use a stratigraphic scheme based on
UBSU (Unconformably Bounded Stratigraphic
Units), as for example proposed at other Italian volca-
noes (Branca, Coltelli, Groppelli, & Lentini, 2011;Funi-
ciello & Giordano, 2010) or similar to that used for the
1:50,000 geological map of Italy. In fact, as indicated
above, the four dierent phases recognised in the evol-
ution of the volcano are related to changes in the style
of activity and may or not correspond to the presence
of unconformable surfaces between the deposits at the
scale of the entire edice. In fact, the nature itself of
volcanic activity, largely discontinuous in time, results
in the frequent formation of multiple, local or more
extended erosional surfaces both during the activity
within a single phase or due to events that mark the
passage from a phase to another.
4.1. Phase 1: Building of the Somma
stratovolcano (ca. 39 ka 22 ka)
Alternating lava ows and scoria deposits form the
Somma stratovolcano, cropping out extensively along
the upper slopes of Mt. Somma (see geological sketch
in the main map and Figure 3) and on the scarp of
the Somma caldera (Figure 1(A)). The sequence
exposed on the caldera wall evidences two main
units: (i) a lower unit, mostly represented by weathered
scoria beds and, (ii) an upper unit, formed by an alter-
nation of thin lava ows and scoriae topped by para-
sitic cones (LSC in the main map; Figure 1(C)). The
stratigraphic succession is locally crosscut by several
dykes, up to a few metres thick (Marinoni, 2001;
Porreca et al., 2006). Few parasitic scoria and spatter
cones are located on the lower slopes of Mt. Somma
and in the surrounding plain buried under younger
pyroclastic and volcaniclastic deposits. These have
morphological evidences and crop out both in the
southern and eastern sectors, in the Pompei and in
the Palma Campania areas, respectively.
This sequence (LPG and LSC in the main map;
Figure 1(A,C)), representing the oldest outcropping
products of the Somma volcanic successions, is uncon-
formably covered by the units of Phase 2, dominated by
explosive activity, which partially inll deep valleys
eroded on the Somma anks (especially in the northern
sector or in the higher slopes of the eastern sector) or
mantle the interuves. The products of this activity
are not exposed in the southern and western sectors
of the volcano, except in few quarries in the areas of
Boscoreale, where they are covered by a 2030 m
thick pyroclastic succession of the following activity.
4.2. Phase 2: Caldera formation (22 ka AD 79)
During this period, at least four major Plinian erup-
tions and several lower intensity eruptions occurred.
Major Plinian eruptions (Pomici di Base, Mercato,
Avellino and Pompeii) were responsible of the shaping
of the summit caldera (Cioni et al., 1999). Summit cal-
dera collapses occurred after each Plinian eruption,
each centred at slightly dierent locations roughly
aligned along an E-W direction (Figure 3). The depos-
its of these Plinian eruptions are always characterised
by fall beds of pumice and lithics, usually alternating
with and followed by deposits of dilute to concentrate
PDC. Fall deposits dominate the eastern and north
eastern anks of the volcano, reecting the direction
of the dominant stratospheric winds (Plate I). PDC
deposits are dispersed along the entire slopes of the vol-
cano, from an elevation of about 500 m down to the
nearby plain, where they are interstratied with the
volcanoclastic deposits (forming the Somma-Vesuvius
The PDC deposits show largely variable sedimento-
logical features, from massive to stratied deposits, and
from ash-dominated to breccia-like deposits. The
maximum thickness of these deposits generally
coincides with the termination of the main paleoval-
leys, where they form pyroclastic fans reaching a thick-
ness of several metres. Thinly stratied deposits from
dilute PDCs are also widely exposed on Somma slopes,
irrespective of the paleotopography of the volcano. The
stratigraphic relationships between the deposits of the
dierent eruptions are complex, as they occupy
paleo-depressions often cut into the deposits of the pre-
vious eruptions, resulting in a complex geometry with
lateral or vertical superposition of units from dierent
eruptions. Phase 2 deposits also comprise the products
of a few subplinian events (Pomici Verdoline, AP1 and
AP2 eruptions) mainly characterised by fall beds, with
only minor PDC deposits. Ash deposits from long-last-
ing ash emission activity (AP3, AP4, AP5) locally form
thick deposits on the eastern slopes of the volcano. In
the time interval between 22 and 19 ka, activity along
several eruptive fractures fed by latitic magmas formed
spatter and scoria cones and minor lava ows along the
San Severino valley (NE of slopes) and in the area
upslope of Pollena village (NW Somma slopes). In
the stratigraphic succession, sporadic tephra layers of
possible Somma-Vesuvius provenance are also present
(MA1 and MA2) as well as of at least two major erup-
tions of Phlegrean Fields (Agnano Pomici Principali
and Agnano Monte Spina Plinian eruptions; Rosi &
Sbrana, 1987; de Vita et al., 1999). As a whole, the pro-
ducts of this phase represent the majority of the out-
cropping deposits along the northern and eastern
slopes of the volcano, while they are mainly covered,
in the western and southern sectors, by the deposits
of the following phases.
4.3. Phase 3: Post-caldera activity (AD 472 AD
Phase 3 deposits are the result of the post-caldera
activity, which comprises several eruptions mainly
sourced inside the caldera. Volumetrically, this activity
is dominated by the deposits of the two subplinian
eruptions of AD 472 (Pollena, PPL) and AD 1631
(PMX). Both eruptions were characterised by easterly
to north easterly dispersed fall beds, followed by PDC
deposits spreading all over the volcano slopes (PPL)
or only over its western and southern slopes (PMX).
The absence of AD 1631 PDC deposits on the northern
Somma slopes indicates they had not enough energy to
overpass the caldera wall. These AD 1631 PDC depos-
its are mainly represented by massive, poorly sorted,
valley-pond units, usually showing a large proportion
of block-sized material (both juvenile and lithic),
which owed following the main valleys and forming
pyroclastic fans at the break in slope to the plain sur-
rounding the volcano. These PDC contributed to
bury the Villa of Emperor August, I-IV century, that
survived to the AD 79 eruption (Perrotta, Scarpati,
Luongo, & Aoyagi, 2006). Although Phase 3 deposits
are dominated by the products of the AD 472 and
AD 1631 eruptions, an important high-frequency,
mid- to low-intensity activity also occurred between
the two events. This activity is locally recorded,
especially in the eastern sector, by a succession of lapilli
and ash fallout layers only separated by minor
reworked beds or erosional surfaces. This activity,
started in AD 512, and lasted at least up to XII century.
Lava ows vented from inside the caldera rst over-
passed the southern (and lower altitude) rim of the cal-
dera approximately during the XI century activity,
invading the southern and then the western slopes of
the volcano (Paolillo et al., 2016;Principe et al.,
2004). An important eusive activity possibly also
accompanied the VI to X century explosive activity,
being conned inside the caldera and not evident on
the outer slopes of the volcano. Minor scoria cones,
Fossa Monaca and Viulo vents, on the lower southern
slopes of the volcano were also built up during this
4.4. Phase 4: Vesuvius cone (post 16311944)
The AD 1631 eruption marked an important change in
the style of activity of the volcano, whose activity
rapidly resumed with a nearly continuous open-con-
duit activity. Lava eusion and low-intensity explosive
activity characterised this period, which was also punc-
tuated by violent strombolian eruptions (Arrighi, Prin-
cipe, & Rosi, 2001;Marianelli et al., 2005;Santacroce,
1983). The present Vesuvius cone is the result of lava
and tephra accumulation during this period of activity
(Figure 7(A)). Although being prevalently focused in
the central part of the caldera, eusive activity some-
times issued from vents on the anks of Vesuvius
cone or close to its base, and in some cases also outside
of the caldera, along the slopes of the volcano (Principe
et al., 2004). The products of this activity are collec-
tively indicated in the main map and in Figure 3 as
Phase 4. The witnesses of this activity are the large
lava ows owing down from the caldera border to
cover the southern and western sectors of the volcano.
Most of these lava ows can be recognised through
their morphology and attributed to the related erup-
tions thanks to the huge literature existing for the
area since the XVIII century.
5. Final remarks and conclusions
The new volcanological map of the Somma-Vesuvius
Complex presents a novel, exhaustive picture of the
volcanic structures, geological history, and distribution
of eusive and explosive deposits. The map represents
the basic document for a correct reconstruction of the
past activity and a guide for the possible impact on the
territory in case of a future reactivation of the volcano.
Hence, we expect that the geological map (main map)
and the associated table presenting the dispersal of fall-
out and PDC deposits of a large number of past events
(Plate I) can become a reference for any future, long-
term, territorial planning and assessment of volcanic
hazard in the area.
In this new map, the volcano activity is framed in
dierent phases aimed to increase detail of the deposits
of the numerous eruptions of the past 22 ka of the vol-
cano, and to give an easier and more eective interpret-
ative key of the volcano evolution. With respect to the
other available maps of Vesuvius area, the proposed
grouping of the dierent litostratigraphic units into
some main phases, and the picture given by Plate I of
the impact related to the main past explosive eruptions,
represent in our opinion an important added value, as
they oer a clearer and direct view of the changes
occurred in the volcano through time. Easiness of read-
ing and directness of the message brought by the large
amount of geological information conveyed by the
main map and Plate I are particularly important not
only for their scientic content, but also for a correct
dissemination of the available knowledge on the volca-
nic area, of absolute relevance for increasing the aware-
ness of the several hundred thousand inhabitants living
on the volcano slopes and the nearby plain.
ESRI ArcGIS® 10.6 was used to produce the digital
elevation model, to collect all data in GIS, and to create
new features. The design of the nal map layout was
created using Adobe Photoshop® CC 2018 and Adobe
Illustrator® CC 2018.
The contribution of the CAR.G Project team, the Geological
Survey of Italy, and the Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e
la Ricerca Ambientale (ISPRA) and Regione Campania are
acknowledged in the map. The authors are grateful to
Heike Apps, José Luis Macías, Guido Ventura and Claudio
Riccomini for their constructive comments and suggestions
that helped to improve the quality of the manuscript.
Disclosure statement
No potential conict of interest was reported by the authors.
This work was nancially supported by the University of
Pisa, grants to A. Sbrana and PRA 201819.
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... Somma) and an intra-caldera cone ( Figure 5A; Mt. Vesuvius) [38,[73][74][75]. The volcanic succession is composed of lava flows, interlayered with strombolian scoria fall deposits overlain by the deposits of four main Plinian eruptions [73]: ...
... Moreover, a new geological map of the Somma-Vesuvius volcano at the 1:20,000 scale was recently constructed ( Figure 5C) [75]. In this map, an interpretation of the volcanological evolution is shown, based on four main phases, including ( Figure ...
... During the fourth phase, the Vesuvius cone grew (post-1631-1944), with the effusion of lavas and volcanic eruptions of a strombolian-type. The corresponding volcanic deposits are represented by wide lava flows, overlying the southwestern slopes of Vesuvius[75]. ...
Full-text available
The submarine stratigraphy of the eastern Bay of Naples is studied through seismo�stratigraphic data correlated with borehole data. Multichannel seismic profiles are interpreted in order to reconstruct the stratigraphic relationships between the Quaternary marine seismic units and the volcanic acoustic substratum. Seven seismic units are recognized based on the geological interpretation of seismic profiles and using seismo-stratigraphic criteria. The top of the lowest seismic unit was correlated with the Campanian Ignimbrite (Southern Campania Volcanic Zone). The stratigraphic setting of the eastern Bay of Naples is characterized by NE-SW trending seismic structures, probably corresponding with tuff rings. These tuff rings can be compared with the Porto Miseno, the Archiaverno and Averno, and the Astroni tuff rings (Campi Flegrei). Offshore, the Somma-Vesuvius a seismic unit was interpreted as the fallout deposits representing the base of the AD 79 eruption. However, since a branch of the isopach of 5 m of the “Pomici di Avellino” pyroclastic deposits is very close to the Tyrrhenian coastline and near our GRNA01 and GRNA03 seismic profiles, we cannot exclude that the seismic unit could be also correlated with the deposits of this eruption.
... Furthermore, the Vesuvio volcano has been so far affected by a substantial lack of attention toward the description of brittle structural elements, i.e., faults and fractures, even within geological maps, such as those of [2,3,7]. In recent times, predictive studies and models of Monte Somma and Vesuvio were produced, considering either a few tectonic features only [8][9][10][11] or volcano-tectonic characteristics only, such as caldera and flank collapses e.g., [12]. ...
... Focusing on the volcano, [2], in their map at the scale 1:25,000, reported the feeding fractures of Viulo-Fossa Monaca medieval lava flows (N345 • ), the 1760 lava flows (both N15 • trending), and the ones feeding the 1794 lavas (N82 • trending) and the 1861 lavas (N66 • trending) only, without providing for them any specific kinematic context. The same authors, and later Sbrana et al. (2020), identified for Monte Somma the three linear elements of Lagno di Pollena, Cupa dell'Olivella (both N300 • trending), and Vallone San Severino (N55 • trending) only as simple fractures, with no particular association to any local or regional-scale fault system. ...
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Vesuvio is likely the most if not one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world. It is an active volcano, quiescent since 1944. The activity of the Monte Somma and Vesuvio volcanic complex is commonly referred to as two central volcanic edifices, namely Monte Somma and Vesuvio. Nevertheless, the opening of numerous eruptive fissures and related vents have characterized Monte Somma and Vesuvio throughout their lives. Spatter cones, spatter ramparts, and related eruptive fissures are disseminated downslope of Vesuvio’s main cone and on the southern slopes of the volcano. Similarly, cinder cones, spatter cones, and welded spatters are distributed in the sequence cropping out on the Monte Somma cliff and on the northern slopes of Monte Somma. In this work, a total of 168 eruptive vents have been identified and characterized in a GIS environment in which field data have been merged with relevant information from historical maps and documents. These vents have been arranged into units bounded by unconformities (Unconformity Bounded Stratigraphic Units) defining the eruptive history of the volcano. Alignments of vents and eruptive fissures within each unit have been compared with regional tectonic elements and the volcano-tectonic features affecting Monte Somma and Vesuvio during the last 5600 years, thus inferring that different structural trends were active in the different stratigraphic units. In particular, we show that the N300°–320° regional, Apennine, left-lateral, strike-slip fault system, the N040°–055° Torre del Greco direct fault system, the N70° and the EW fault system, and the generally NS oriented group of local brittle elements, all analyzed here, were differently active during the investigated time span. These tectonic trends might control the position of the eruptive fissures and vents in case of future unrest of the volcano.
... Somma (1132 m.a.s.l.). A sequence of four Plinian eruptions progressively reshaped and dismantled the Somma edifice during a poly-phased, caldera-forming stage that lasted twenty millennia (Cioni et al. 1999;Sbrana et al. 2020). The oldest of these Plinian events occurred 22 ka BP and was named "Pomici di Base", followed by the 8.9 ka "Mercato" eruption, the 3.9 ka "Avellino" eruption and, lastly, the famous AD 79 "Pompeii" eruption. ...
... In addition, superimposition of thick pyroclastic sequences of Plinian and sub-Plinian eruptions (e.g. Santacroce and Sbrana 2003;Di Vito et al. 2009;Sbrana et al. 2020;Doronzo et al. 2022) and deposits of ancient (>22 ka) scoria cones built on eccentric vents (McDonald et al. 2016;Sparice et al. 2017), representing most of the volcanic history of Somma-Vesuvius, are visible in defunct quarries around the volcano (Fig. 1). Some of these are recognized as geosites (Leone 2015) of great interest and value for volcanological and archaeological studies. ...
Full-text available
The Osservatorio Vesuviano (OV) is the oldest volcano observatory in the world having been founded in 1841 by the King of the Two Sicilies Ferdinand II of Bourbon. The historical building, located on the western slope of Vesuvius, hosts a museum with important collections of remarkable scientific, historical and artistic value, including pioneering instruments, rocks and minerals, photos and films of Vesuvius’ eruptions and many other memorabilia. Visitors discover this heritage through permanent exhibitions, and a multimedia path, across the history of Vesuvius and the origin of volcano monitoring. The museum lies within the protected area of Vesuvius National Park, established in 1995. The park’s network of trails allows visitors to enjoy the geodiversity of Somma-Vesuvius, whose activity has been intertwined with that of humans from Bronze Age to modern times, as testified by many important archaeological sites around the volcano, the most famous among them being Pompeii and Herculaneum. The “Grand Tour” was the cultural journey undertaken in the eighteenth century by European intellectuals, in which Italy was an essential destination; we consider the Museum of the OV an essential stop in a modern “Vesuvius Grand Tour”, a journey through the geological and archaeological heritage of Vesuvius territory. Since 2001, the OV is the Naples section of the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), which is primarily tasked with monitoring the three active volcanoes of the Neapolitan area—Vesuvius, Campi Flegrei and Ischia—through an advanced surveillance network.
... The Somma-Vesuvius complex (Campania region, Italy) is characterised by complex magmatism and volcanism (Lima et al., 2007;Alfano and Parascaldola, 2015;Sbrana et al., 2020;Melluso et al., 2022); it is a polygenic stratovolcano with strong eruption variability in terms of style, cyclicity and magma composition. During the last 3.5 ka effusive lava flows and scoria eruptions were alternated to highly explosive Plinian eruptions of pumice and ash, with pyroclastic flows and surges. ...
... During the last 3.5 ka effusive lava flows and scoria eruptions were alternated to highly explosive Plinian eruptions of pumice and ash, with pyroclastic flows and surges. All exposed lavas refer to the recent activity between A.D. 1631and 1944(Santacroce et al., 2008Sbrana et al., 2020). Since 1944, Vesuvius has been quiescent, with only moderate seismicity and fumarolic activity. ...
Full-text available
Napoliite, ideally Pb 2OFCl, is a new fluoroxychloride mineral found in a specimen from a fumarole formed subsequent to the 1944 eruption of Vesuvius volcano, Naples Province, Italy. It occurs as well-shaped lamellar crystals up to 0.25 × 0.25 × 0.01 mm typically forming clusters up to 0.4 × 0.4 mm on the surface of volcanic scoria in association with anglesite, artroeite, atacamite, calcioaravaipaite, cerussite, challacolloite, cotunnite, hephaistosite, manuelarossiite, matlockite and susannite. Napoliite is colourless with white streak and adamantine lustre. It is brittle and has a laminated fracture. Cleavage is perfect on {001}. Dcalc = 7.797 g cm–3 . The calculated mean refractive index is 2.10. Chemical composition (wt.%, electron microprobe) is: PbO 91.71, F 3.89, Cl 7.34, –O=(F+Cl) –3.30, total 99.64. The empirical formula calculated on the basis of 3 anions is Pb1.999O0.997F0.996Cl 1.007. Raman spectroscopy confirms the absence of OH– groups and H2O molecules in the mineral. Napoliite is tetragonal, space group P42/mcm, a = 5.7418(11), c = 12.524(4) Å, V = 412.9(2) Å3 and Z = 4. The strongest lines of the powder X-ray diffraction pattern [d, Å (I, %) (hkl)] are: 3.860 (85) (111); 3.139 (20) (004); 2.914 (100) (113); 2.866 (63) (200); 2.118 (19) (204); 2.027 (19) (220); 1.665 (20) (313); and 1.642 (23) (117). The crystal structure was refined to R1 = 0.024 for 222 reflections with F > 4σ(F). It is based on lead oxide blocks derived from that of litharge PbO, which alternate with layers of chloride ions. Napoliite represents a new structure type with a unique order/disorder pattern of fluorine and oxygen atoms. The new mineral is dimorphous with rumseyite. It is named after the city of Naples (Napoli in Italian).
... The deposits of the first stage are characterized by a well-reported compositional variation from white phonolitic pumice clasts at the base, to grey tephriphonolitic pumice clasts at the top, whereas the second-stage deposits were fed only by tephriphonolitic grey magma batches. Occasional occurrence of white juvenile clasts in the upper part of the sequence is also reported (Cioni et al., 1992;Gurioli et al., 2002;Sbrana et al., 2020). Here we present a chemostratigraphic characterization of selected type-sections for the 79 AD post-Plinian PDC deposits characterized by the presence of both types of pumice clasts at the same stratigraphic levels. ...
Large explosive eruptions often generate compositionally zoned ignimbrites that provide evidence for the vertical stratification in the magma chamber and insights on magma withdrawal dynamics. In this regard, an excellent case is represented by the AD 79 eruption of Vesuvius, which consisted of two main phases. A first Plinian phase emplaced widespread fallout deposits and minor pyroclastic density currents (PDCs), characterized by a marked compositional variation from white phonolitic pumice clasts at the base, to grey tephriphonolitic pumice clasts at the top. This is commonly interpreted to reflect the emptying of a stratified magma chamber. A post-Plinian phase, emplacing mainly PDC deposits, followed, tapping the lowermost, tephriphonolitic “grey magma” still residing in the magma reservoir. Occasional occurrence of white juvenile clasts in the upper part of the sequence is also reported. We present here new geochemical data on the juvenile clasts from the 79 AD post-Plinian PDC deposits, collected at three type-locations representatives of the proximal and medial facies of the deposits in three different sectors around the volcano. Our dataset testifies the systematic coexistence of both grey and white pumice types at various stratigraphic levels. The grey pumice clasts depict quite regular vertical variations for both major and trace elements, with Fe2O3tot and TiO2 linearly increasing from 4.55 to 5.22 wt.% and from 0.51 to 0.65 wt.%, respectively, while Al2O3 and Zr regularly decrease from 19.2 to 16.9 wt.% and 294 to 255 ppm, respectively. The phonolitic white pumice clasts are much less common and do not display any regular vertical geochemical trend. Two possible interpretations can be proposed for such coexistence: 1) batches of the phonolitic “white magma” had remained trapped in the magma chamber and were sporadically discharged during the eruption of the “grey magma”; 2) the white pumice clasts represent accidental cognate lithic clasts that were scraped off from the basal Plinian fallout deposits by the highly erosive post-Plinian PDCs.
... The almost persistent and mild explosive activity displayed by the summit vents is the origin of the island's name being used for these kinds of eruptions observed around the world. Indeed, the term Strombolian-type explosive activity [2][3][4][5] refers to mild explosions common to many other volcanoes, such as Tajogaite (La Palma, Canary Islands; [6]), Shishaldin (Alaska; [7]), Fuego and Pacaya (Guatemala; [8,9]), Villarrica (Chile; [10]), Etna and Vesuvius (Italy; [11,12]), Karymsky (Kamchatka, Russia; [13]), Yasur (Vanuatu; [14,15]), Erebus (Antarctica; [5,16]), Aso and Sakurajima (Japan; [17,18]) and Kilauea (Hawaii; [19]), among others. Strombolian explosions are characterized by the bursting of a gas slug at the magma-free surface [3,[20][21][22]. ...
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Stromboli is an open-conduit active volcano located in the southern Tyrrhenian Sea and is the easternmost island of the Aeolian Archipelago. It is known as “the lighthouse of the Mediterranean” for its continuous and mild Strombolian-type explosive activity, occurring at the summit craters. Sometimes the volcano undergoes more intense explosions, called “major explosions” if they affect just the summit above 500 m a.s.l. or “paroxysms” if the whole island is threatened. Effusive eruptions are less frequent, normally occurring every 3–5 years, and may be accompanied or preceded by landslides, crater collapses and tsunamis. Given the small size of the island (maximum diameter of 5 km, NE–SW) and the consequent proximity of the inhabited areas to the active craters (maximum distance 2.5 km), it is of paramount importance to use all available information to forecast the volcano’s eruptive activity. The availability of a detailed record of the volcano’s eruptive activity spanning some centuries has prompted evaluations on its possible short-term evolution. The aim of this paper is to present some statistical insights on the eruptive activity at Stromboli using a catalogue dating back to 1879 and reviewed for the events during the last two decades. Our results confirm the recent trend of a significant increase in major explosions, small lava flows and summit crater collapses at the volcano, and might help monitoring research institutions and stakeholders to evaluate volcanic hazards from eruptive activity at this and possibly other open-vent active basaltic volcanoes.
... Indeed, since now no absolute dating exists for the Zannone due to the high alteration degree of the volcanic rocks (Dolfi & Conte, 2018). (Santacroce et al., 2003;Sbrana et al., 2020). For the legend the reader has to refer to the original publication; (b) Chronogram of Somma-Vesuvius activity. ...
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Volkanik alanlarda gerçekleştirilen arkeolojik çalışmalarda volkanik patlama kalıntıları ile sıklıkla karşılaşılmaktadır. Bu kalıntılar genellikle araştırma tasarımının dışında, tesadüfi olarak tespit edilmektedir. Bununla birlikte volkanik patlamalar, arkeolojide yoğun ekolojik ve sosyal etkilerine rağmen çok az ilgi gösterilen bir konu başlığı olagelmiştir. Ancak geçmiş toplulukların volkanik aktivitelerden doğrudan ve/veya dolaylı olarak etkilenmiş olduğu göz ardı edilemez bir gerçektir. Son yıllarda sistematik ve disiplinlerarası çalışmaların sayısı giderek artmaya başlamıştır. Bu tip çalışmaların bir örneği olan “paleososyal volkanoloji” volkanik patlamaların prehistorik topluluklar üzerindeki etkisini anlamak için sistematik bir çerçeve sunmayı amaçlamaktadır. Arkeoloji volkanik olaylar ve geçmiş insan toplulukları arasındaki ilişkiyi karşılaştırmalı ve ayrıntılı olarak araştırmak için temel verilere sahiptir. Ancak bu veriler genellikle afetlerin fiziksel etkilerini anlamak için kullanılmaktadır. Patlamaların toplumsal kırılganlıklar, iç sosyal gerilimler, kültürel değişim, inanç sistemleri üzerindeki etkileri gibi sosyal yönleri göz ardı edilmektedir. Paleososyal volkanoloji gibi sistematik yaklaşım örnekleri arkeoloji ve volkanoloji ortak kümesinde doğal afetlerin sosyoekolojik yönlerini ortaya koymak için bir potansiyel barındırmaktadır. Bu bağlamda yazıda paleososyal volkanoloji yaklaşımını açıklayarak bu çerçevede volkanik olaylar ve prehistorik topluluklar ilişkisinin arkeolojik araştırmalardaki temel prensiplerini tanımlamak amaçlanmıştır.
Volcanic ashes can threaten the human respiratory system through inhalation. In this study we investigated the physical and chemical characteristics of volcanic ashes from the Pomici di Avellino (PdA) eruption, an Early Bronze Age (ca. 3.9 ka) Plinian event from Somma-Vesuvius volcano, southern Italy, whose wide dispersal affected most of the Italian peninsula. In particular, we analysed particle size, shape, composition, and surface reactivity of samples from both proximal and distal locations. Our results indicate that some tephra layers north of Rome have a phonolitic composition and match that of PdA eruption; they reach grain-sizes <2 µm (~13.5 %), thus having the potential to enter the deep respiratory system. Furthermore, the reactivity in free radical generation makes these products potentially able to cause oxidative stress within cells. While commonly no volcanic hazard assessment is made in areas far from active volcanoes, this study highlights that fine ashes from future similar large eruptions, producing high amount of highly fragmented material, can pose a health hazard even in remote, non-volcanic areas, hundreds of km away from the vent, suggesting that further studies on ash toxicity (e.g., in vitro toxicity studies) are required.
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A volcanological map of the active Ischia volcanic field that includes Vivara Island is presented. The volcanological map is at the 1:10,000 scale and is based on 1:5000 field mapping, geological CAR.G data, and new volcanological studies. Geological data are represented on the three-dimensional orographic background digital terrain model of the inland and offshore areas of the volcanic field. This allows a better visualization of the main morphological, volcanic, and geological structures. Six phases were identified on the basis of volcanotectonic events; the 110 volcanic units were arranged following these evolutive phases, and a volcanosedimentary apron unit was introduced. This volcanological map enables visualization of the volcanic evolution of the Ischia volcanic field and could be useful for the evaluation of volcano-related hazards in the area.
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The new geological map of Etna volcano at 1:50,000 scale represents a significant progress in the geological studies of this volcano over the last 30 years, coming after Waltershausen's map published around the mid of 19(th) century, the first geological map of a large active volcano, and the ROMANO et alii (1979) map published about a century later, both at 1:50,000 scale. Lithostratigraphy was used for mapping volcanic units and then Unconformity Bounded Units were applied to group lithostratigraphic units into synthems. In addition, lithosomes were exploited to better represent the spatial localization of different eruptive centres according to their morphology. On the whole, we identified 27 lithostratigraphic units, grouped into 8 synthems, and 9 volcanoes. In detail, effusive and explosive deposits generated by each eruption of Mongibello and, partially, Ellittico volcanoes were mapped as flow rank. This stratigraphic framework represents the best synthesis of the geological evolution of Etna volcano using the main unconformities recognized within its complex volcanic succession. In addition, we constrain the Etna volcanic succession and its lithostratigraphic units chronologically by radioisotope age determinations. On the basis of the outlined synthemic units, it was possible to divide Etna's volcanic succession into 4 supersynthems, which correspond to 4 well-defined and spatially localized phases. The detailed reconstruction of the past eruptive activity allowed compiling the most accurate dataset in particular of the Holocene eruptions of Etna volcano, which will enable significantly improving the volcanic hazard assessment, together with petrological interpretation of erupted magmas and geophysical modelling of the volcano plumbing system.
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Knowledge of past precursor patterns is crucial for the correct interpretation of monitoring data and reliable volcano forecasting. In the case of Vesuvius, one of the world's riskiest volcanoes, very little information is available about unrest signals following long periods of quiescence. The translation and analysis of three Latin treatises written from eye-witnesses immediately after the A.D. 1631 subplinian eruption allowed us to reconstruct the sequence of precursors. The progression in the signals was remarkably clear starting at least two to three weeks before the event. Widespread gas emission from the ground coupled with deformation was followed by an increase in seismic activity in the eight days before the eruption. Seismicity escalated both in frequency and intensity in the night before the eruption, heralding the opening of fissures on the volcanic cone. The details of phenomena occurring in the medium-term (months before the eruption) are difficult to evaluate, though it is worth noticing that no major tectonic earthquakes were felt in the area of the volcano. Civil protection preparedness plans should be organized in order to complete the evacuation of people in a time span significantly shorter than the duration of expected short-term precursors.
By means of both detailed geomorphological investigations and analysis of pre-existing drilling data, the small hills occurring in the area of Pompeii (Province of Naples; Italy) have been definitely recognized as volcanic landforms and attributed to the activity of local vents. The main relict of what we call the Pompeii Volcano consists in a crescent-shaped ridge ("Arco della Civita) that is tentatively interpreted as the remnant of an ancient volcanic ring. It stretches from Sette Termini, near Boscoreale, to the archaeological site of the ancient town of Pompeii. Further to the North, it is buried by lavas and pyroclastics forming the southern piedmont of Somma-Vesuvius volcano. Southwards it is buried by the Late Quaternary sediments of the Sarno Rives alluvial coastal plain. The Eastern half of the ancient ring, which does not crop out, may have been lowered by some tens of meters because of a SE-trending normal fault. A geological section across the Arco della Civita crescent, shows that the structure has a core of tuffs and loose pyroclastic beds; suggesting that the initial activity of Pompeii Volcano was essentially explosive. This pyroclastic edifice was then locally covered by lava flows and scoria (leucite bearing tephrites) coming from a number of local vents, among which is the small S. Abbondio cone and, probably, the one we named Via di Stabia crater. Their products (such as the typical foam lava, already known to Vitruvius) were abundantly utilized as building materials in ancient Pompeii. On the base of their relations with other dated formations, the various emissions of lava appear to vary in age from place to place: they are older than 19 ky close to Porta Nocera and Early Holocene in age (likely 8÷6 ka) in the SW flank of the Pompeian hill where the lava flows interfinger with the transgressive Versilian sediments of the lower Sarno River Plain and appear cut by a sea-cliff to be acribed to the peaking stage of the same Post-Glacial trasgression. More difficult to date is the explosive activity which occurred before lava and scoria emissions. Some sub-surface stratigraphic data prove that it is not older than the Tyrrhenian Stage (OIS 5) and possibly younger than the OIS 3. Other stratigraphical and palaeomorphological data suggest that the explosive activity of Pompeii Volcano occurred when the Campanian Ignimbrite (39 ka) had already been dissected by the Sarno River. The existence and the position of the studied volcano can be connected to an important E-W trending normal fault which is perfectly buried by the thick Quaternary fill of the Sarno Plain, but nicely revealed by gravimetric and magnetic anomalies. This fault lowers the substrate of the Plain (Mesozoic to Neogene units of the Apenninic chain) by approximately one thousand meters to the North and it can be followed from Nocera Inf. to Torre Annunziata. The Pompeii Volcano could be at the intersection of this fault with another, NW trending regional fault or with a radial fracture of the Somma-Vesuvius volcano.
Here we present a new volcanological map of the Southwestern portion of the Vesuvius volcano at a scale of 1:10,000. Mapped units were subdivided into Unconformity-Bounded Stratigraphic Units. This work constitutes a significant development with respect to previous maps, particularly for the medieval lavas. It also includes a series of volcanic–tectonic lineaments, which have never been reported in any of the previous cartographic works. Archeological and historical data were used for mapping the lava emitted during the last 2000 years. All the historical lava flow paths and tephra deposits of the last 4000 years that were reported on the map and evidence the intimate relationship between volcanological and morphological features, and the development of human activity on this very densely populated sector of the volcano.
Reinterpretation of the volcanological and historical evidence shows that the eruption of Vesuvius in A. D. 79 consisted of two main phases. The initial 18 to 20-hour Plinian phase caused extensive pumice-fall south of the volcano, resulting in the slow accumulation of a pumice layer up to 2.8 m. thick over Pompeii and other regions to the south. Much of the population fled the area during this non-lethal phase. On the second day of activity the Peléan phase occurred, when a series of nuées ardentes or hot ash-avalanches swept down the south and west flanks of the volcano, affecting the region as far as Misenum, 30 km. to the west. The first of two nuées ardentes which inundated Pompeii over-whelmed and asphyxiated those who remained above ground in the city and their bodies were immediately interred in the fine-grained deposit. The effects of the Peléan activity were even more severe west and north-west of Pompeii, resulting in burial of the cities of Oplontis and Herculaneum by a series of nuée ardente deposits.