
Zur Bedeutung von Bewegung in Sozialtrainings für die Grundschule. Eine Analyse von drei bestehenden Sozialtrainings

  • Schulpsychologische Beratungsstelle für die Stadt Dortmund
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... Verschiedene Autoren [5,16] weisen darauf hin, dass ein erfahrungsorientiertes Ausprobieren und Erleben essenziell für den Erfolg eines Präventionsprogramms sind. Zudem bedienen sich bestehende Präventionsprogramme einer Vielfalt an Methoden, jedoch fällt auf, dass bisher Bewegungsangebote eher selten bis gar nicht berücksichtigt wurden [20]. So erschließt sich auch, dass die Expertise der Psychomotoriktherapie im BESK auf verschiedenen Ebenen als gewinnbringend eingestuft werden kann. ...
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Background. School entry is a sensitive and challenging phase for students regarding their emotional and social competences. In the interplay between their own needs and the demands of the environment and finding their way in the new class constellation, difficulties often arise that manifest themselves in conspicuous or inappropriate behavior. Within the framework of the present research project, a movement-based prevention program for the promotion of prosocial behavior of school children of the 1st and 2nd primary school level was developed under consideration of group dynamic phases and tested for its effect on prosocial behavior. Methods. In terms of a quasi-experimental intervention study with a control group and two measurement time points, the effectiveness was tested with a sample of 213 students. The intervention lasted 10 weeks and was conducted by four psychomotor therapists in a total of 12 school classes (6 intervention classes, 6 control classes). Prosocial behavior was assessed by teacher evaluation using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (T4-16 – SDQ) before and after the intervention and subsequently tested for possible group differences using two-factor analysis of variance. Results. The results show that the use of the prevention program led to an improvement in prosocial behavior from the teachers’ perspective. With an effect size of dkorr= 0.30, the program has a practical benefit. Discussion. This effect is mainly attributed to the movement and experience-oriented structure as well as the active and observing role of the teacher.
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