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First Report of Psoriatic-Like Dermatitis and Arthritis in a 4-Year-Old Female Spayed Pug Mix

Case Reports in Veterinary Medicine

Abstract and Figures

Psoriasis manifests as chronic dermatitis and arthritis (PsA) in people. Psoriasis with concurrent PsA is characterized by erythematous, silvery, scaly plaques, especially on the extremities, and concurrent arthritis with enthesitis, tenosynovitis, and dactylitis. To date, no such disease has spontaneously occurred in domestic animals. This case report aims to describe the clinical, radiographic, and histologic appearance of a psoriasis-like dermatitis and psoriatic-like arthritis in a dog. A 4-year-old female spayed pug mix presented for the evaluation of chronic history of hyperkeratotic footpads and deforming arthritis. After ruling out other differential diagnoses and based on the similarity of clinical, radiographic, and histologic findings to human psoriasis and PsA, a tentative diagnosis of psoriasis-like disease was made. Treatment was begun to control pain (tramadol, gabapentin, and carprofen) and psoriatic dermatitis (clobetasol propionate 0.05%, calcipotriene 0.005%, and urea 40% ointment twice daily). Dramatic positive response to treatment was achieved confirming the tentative diagnosis. This case may provide preliminary evidence for the existence of a psoriasis-like condition in dogs and may elucidate treatment options in otherwise refractory cases of chronic dermatitis and polyarthropathy in dogs.
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Case Report
First Report of Psoriatic-Like Dermatitis and Arthritis in
a 4-Year-Old Female Spayed Pug Mix
Stephanie A. Regan,1Rosanna Marsella,1,2 and Ibrahim Ozmen3
1Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Florida,
2015 SW 16th Avenue, Gainesville, FL 32610, USA
2Department of Dermatology, Springhill UF Health, 4037 NW 86th Terrace, College of Medicine, University of Florida,
Gainesville, FL 32606, USA
3Department of Dermatology, Corlu Military Hospital, Corlu, 59850 Tekirdag, Turkey
Correspondence should be addressed to Rosanna Marsella; marsella@u.edu
Received  July ; Accepted  September 
Academic Editor: Carlos Gutierrez
Copyright ©  Stephanie A. Regan et al. is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
Psoriasis manifests as chronic dermatitis and arthritis (PsA) in people. Psoriasis with concurrent PsA is characterized by
erythematous, silvery, scaly plaques, especially on the extremities, and concurrent arthritis with enthesitis, tenosynovitis, and
dactylitis. To date, no such disease has spontaneously occurred in domestic animals. is case report aims to describe the clinical,
radiographic, and histologic appearance of a psoriasis-like dermatitis and psoriatic-like arthritis in a dog. A -year-old female
spayed pug mix presented for the evaluation of chronic history of hyperkeratotic footpads and deforming arthritis. Aer ruling out
other dierential diagnoses and based on the similarity of clinical, radiographic, and histologic ndings to human psoriasis and PsA,
a tentative diagnosis of psoriasis-like disease was made. Treatment was begun to control pain (tramadol, gabapentin, and carprofen)
and psoriatic dermatitis (clobetasol propionate .%, calcipotriene .%, and urea % ointment twice daily). Dramatic positive
response to treatment was achieved conrming the tentative diagnosis. is case may provide preliminary evidence for the existence
of a psoriasis-like condition in dogs and may elucidate treatment options in otherwise refractory cases of chronic dermatitis and
polyarthropathy in dogs.
1. Introduction
Psoriasis is a very common and frustrating disease in people
that can have both cutaneous and bone manifestations. Inter-
estingly there has been no report, so far, of spontaneously
occurring psoriasis-like disease in domestic animals. e
reasons for this dierence are not known. In this report we
describe the rst case of a psoriasis-like disease in a dog
that presented with both cutaneous and bone signs. e
dog of this case report had not responded to treatments
prescribed for the various conditions known in veterinary
medicine attempting to make her t in what is known in
animals. us she had been unsuccessfully managed for a
long time as it did not t in any previously described diseases
of dogs. To the dog’s benet, a human dermatologist happens
to be available for assessment and a diagnosis of psoriasis-like
disease was made as the changes found in this dog appeared to
be classic for how the disease presents in people. e purpose
of this report is to make practitioners aware that although
this psoriasis-like condition may be very rare in dogs, it
reported in human medicine.
2. Case Presentation
A -year-old female spayed pug mix weighing . kg pre-
sented for a two-year history of chronic, hyperplastic, crust-
ing, parakeratotic pododermatitis, intermittent episodes of
lethargy and minimal weight bearing on all four limbs. e
dog had ability to ambulate but was reluctant to do so
especially on hard surfaces. ere was so tissue swelling
associated with multiple digits of every foot. e dog had
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Case Reports in Veterinary Medicine
Volume 2015, Article ID 912509, 4 pages
Case Reports in Veterinary Medicine
been adopted at age  with the above symptoms already
present; thus the exact age of onset of clinical signs was not
When presented to the referring veterinarian (rDVM)
at  years old, the original diagnosis was interdigital podo-
dermatitis and cellulitis on all four limbs with almost all
digits involved. Clinical dierentials by rDVM included
necrolytic migratory erythema (NME), pemphigus foliaceus,
and chronic footpad hyperkeratosis, but the joint changes and
so tissue swelling did not t any of these dierentials. Radio-
graphs conrmed so tissue swelling and revealed periosteal
proliferations suggesting chronic periosteitis. Blood work
did not reveal any abnormalities. Oral enrooxacin and
cephalexin were begun as well as debridement, ush, topical
antibiotic ointment, and bandaging of the footpads. Pain
was controlled with metacam liquid. At the one-month
recheck, there was no response to treatment and worsening
in condition had occurred despite oral antibiotics. erapy
was changed to tetracycline, prednisone, and niacinamide as
well as cold laser therapy. Skin biopsy was performed and
showed severe hyperplastic parakeratotic hyperkeratosis with
inltration of lymphocytes and plasma cells and a smaller
population of neutrophils, mast cells, and macrophages.
e dog was then referred to a local dermatologist
who performed a toe amputation for additional biopsy and
culture and sensitivity. Biopsy showed marked acanthosis
with formation of papillae, parakeratosis, and multiple pus-
tules and parakeratotic microabscesses and crust formation.
e crust was composed by necrotic cellular debris and
neutrophils. No acantholysis and no primary etiologic agents
were detected. In the biopsy a moderate amount of chronic
active neutrophilic, supercial perivascular pododermatitis
was present. Bacterial culture showed scant growth of Staphy-
lococcus pseudintermedius sensitive to cephalosporins. While
some of these features were consistent with metabolic epi-
dermal necrosis (e.g., severe parakeratotic hyperkeratosis),
there was no inter- or intracellular edema. Blood work was
repeated (CBC, chemistry panel, and TT) and was within
normal limit. Diagnosis was again presumptive NME or
zinc responsive dermatitis although many of the features
of this disease were not found in the patient. is dog
had no evidence of other liver or pancreatic diseases and
was fed a well-balanced commercial diet. Other dierential
diagnoses included idiopathic chronic hyperkeratosis of foot-
pads but no explanation was provided for the combination
of dermatitis and deforming arthritis and bone changes.
Medications and therapy were modied to a one-month
course of Cefpodoxime proxetil (Simplicef), amino blend
dietary supplement, zinc methionine, omega  fatty acids,
egg yolk supplement, and a high protein diet to address
any dermatitis linked to amino acid or zinc deciency and
carprofen (Rimadyl) and tramadol for pain management.
is therapy did not lead to any clinical improvement aer
one month; thus the dog was then referred to UF.
On presentation to UF Dermatology at the veterinary
school, the patient was quiet, alert, and responsive but
reluctant to ambulate. Her cardiothoracic auscultation and
physical exam parameters were within normal limits. Der-
matologic examination revealed severe hyperkeratosis on
F : Photograph before treatment of worst aected digit, fea-
turing so tissue swelling, proliferative arthritis, and hyperkeratosis.
F : Radiographs of forelimbs before treatment, showing
proliferative joint disease in the interphalangeal joint, ankylosis,
dactylitis, and enthesitis.
footpads (Figure ) on all four limbs. All four feet palpated
with a positive pain response. e rDVM provided radio-
graphs which showed proliferative joint disease in the inter-
phalangeal joints of forelimbs (Figure ). Major dierentials
possibly due to liver disease, glucagonoma, and GI malab-
sorption. However, these dierentials still failed to explain
the arthritis component, intermittent lethargy, solely digital
distribution of lesions, and the early onset of symptoms (age
 or potentially earlier) and were not consistent with any
previous blood work which had all been within normal limits.
NME is frequently linked to liver changes; thus, in
the attempt to further pursue NME, ultrasound was per-
formed but ndings were unremarkable. Pancreatic Lipase
Immunoreactivity (PLI) and Trypsin-Like Immunoreactivity
(TLI) were discussed as diagnostic options to further investi-
gate other possible cases of NME but not pursued at rst visit
in light of the complete absence of clinical signs to support
this dierential diagnosis.
Upon further examination of the conuence of clinical
signs, biopsy results, and radiographic changes noted and in
consultation with a human dermatologist, it was determined
that plaque psoriasis with psoriatic arthritis, although neither
was ever previously documented in canines, could actually
provide a comprehensive explanation for the condition of
this dog. us, a tentative diagnosis of psoriatic-like disease
Case Reports in Veterinary Medicine
F : Occlusion therapy with Pawz dog boots.
was made and it was decided to attempt rst line of defense
therapy for psoriasis as it would be done in human medicine.
Treatment was begun based on a presumptive diag-
nosis of psoriatic-like arthritis and consisted of tramadol
( mg q-hr PRN for pain), gabapentin ( mg qhr
for pain), and carprofen ( mg qhr for pain, arthritis,
and inammation). To control the dermatologic symptoms
clobetasol propionate .% ointment (topical steroid), cal-
cipotriene .% ointment (topical Vitamin D), and urea
% ointment (topical keratolytic) were prescribed to be
used twice daily, with one of the daily administrations to be
performed under occlusion. To properly perform occlusion
therapy, Pawz dog boots (Figure ) were given to provide
a so, water-vapor impermeable membrane that would be
easily applicable to the paws. Topical therapy was prescribed
until reexamination with the possibility of adding systemic
therapy with oral steroids (prednisone) or oral disease mod-
ifying antirheumatic drugs (methotrexate, also classied as
an antimetabolite immunosuppressant) later on, if needed.
Follow-up care was performed at the rDVM with consulta-
tion by UF Dermatology. rDVM noted on follow-up com-
munication that the patient responded beautifully to topical
treatment; crusting of footpads was reduced and the patient’s
comfort and activity level had dramatically increased. While
now comfortable and even observed to initiate play several
times. At two-month follow-up some muscle wasting was
noticed, and topical treatment was reduced in frequency.
Muscle wasting resolved following these changes. Owners
were very satised with improvement in quality of life, and
no systemic treatments were needed. One year later she is
currently being maintained with carprofen and tramadol
if needed,  capsule of Omega Tri-V PO qhr, clobetasol
propionate .% ointment, calcipotriene .% ointment,
and urea % ointment two times per week, alternating and
without occlusion.
3. Discussion
aecting -% of humans [–]..While psoriasis-like con-
ditions have been described in mice [], this disease has
not been described as spontaneously occurring in domestic
animals. In humans, the most frequent clinical presentation
of psoriasis includes erythematous, silvery, scaly plaques
especially on the extremities and scalp []. Patients may
also suer from itch, pain, nail-related disease, and arthritis
[–]. Up to –% of psoriasis patients will also have
psoriatic arthritis (PsA), with joint disease typically occurring
several years aer the original onset of skin conditions [].
PsA has several patterns, including distal interphalangeal,
asymmetric oligoarthritis, symmetric polyarthritis, arthritis
mutilans, and spondyloarthritis. Clinically, PsA may also
involve enthesitis, tenosynovitis, and dactylitis []. Both
psoriasis and PsA may have varying degrees of severity, and in
humans they have been associated with comorbidities such as
cardiovascular disease, stroke, inammatory bowel disease,
depression, and potentially cancer [, ].
is case report aims to describe the clinical, radio-
graphic, and histologic appearance of a psoriasis-like der-
matitis and corresponding psoriatic-like arthritis in a dog.
Dermatologic manifestations of psoriasis in humans can
usually be diagnosed by visible appearance of the patient
[–]. e most frequent type of psoriasis is chronic plaque
psoriasis, or psoriasis vulgaris, and this is characterized by
distinct, erythematous, scaly plaques, usually on the scalp
or extremities [, ]. Psoriatic arthritis, however, can be a
more dicult diagnosis. Diagnosis can be made using several
factors including corresponding plaque psoriasis diagnosis,
familial history, asymmetric arthritis of distal interphalangeal
joints, dactylitis, enthesitis, axial involvement, extra-articular
manifestations (i.e., uveitis), and laboratory tests (radiology,
rheumatoid factor, ultrasonography, and MRI) [, , ].
Following the above criteria for clinical diagnosis of
human psoriatic patients, this case report describes a dog
with similar presentation to psoriasis vulgaris with PsA. Der-
matologically, she had distinct, erythematous, scaly plaques
located on her footpads or distal extremities. Concurrent with
the psoriasis-like dermatitis, she also exhibited asymmetric
arthritis of distal interphalangeal joints, dactylitis, and enthe-
sitis and had radiographic evidence of so tissue swelling,
proliferative arthritis, and ankylosis. Her histological appear-
ance was also similar to psoriatic patients. In human
patients, histologic samples show hyperkeratosis, parakerato-
sis, Munro microabscesses (neutrophilic inltrate), dilation
of capillaries engorged with erythrocytes and leukocytes,
tortuous blood vessels, and perivascular polymorphonuclear
leukocytic inltrate []. In this case study, the patient
exhibited severe parakeratotic hyperkeratosis with moderate
amount of chronic active neutrophilic, lymphocytic, and
plasma cellular supercial perivascular pododermatitis. It is
common in human patients for individual lesions to have
variants in histologic ndings and to have some indicators
absent; therefore lack of certain histological features in the
dog’s samples does not preclude her from the diagnosis [].
In fact, lesions oen change in histologic appearance even
throughout their own progression []. e dog in this case
report did not have other signs of concurrent disease.
Treatment of psoriasis in human dermatology consists
of topical agents, occlusion therapy, phototherapy, oral sys-
temic agents, injectable biological therapies, and oen a
varying combination of treatment options. Topical agents are
Case Reports in Veterinary Medicine
considered rst line treatment, and the addition of escalated
treatments depends on the added benets of mitigating the
disease process weighed against the increasing side eects
or invasiveness. Topical agents include Vitamin D analogues,
corticosteroids, keratolytics, and retinoids; the combination
of Vitamin D analogues and corticosteroids show the greatest
ecacy in terms of multiple topical therapies []. Mild cases
are commonly treated with topical therapies only, and it is
sometimes dicult for the general practitioner to discern
when patients require secondary care, especially when PsA
may be concurrently involved [].
In this case study, treatment with combined topical ther-
apy of Vitamin D analogue, corticosteroid, and keratolytic
was both therapeutic and diagnostic. Psoriasis had not been
previously described in dogs, but based on the similarities of
clinical appearance and radiographic and histologic ndings,
rst line psoriatic treatment was attempted. erapy under
occlusion was recommended as it has been shown to greatly
increase the response in psoriatic patients [].
Response to treatment further supported the psoriatic-
like dermatitis diagnosis as this dog had failed to respond
to any other previous therapy. Future therapy with immune-
modulating antimetabolites, such as methotrexate, was con-
sidered to address the joint disease but the owner elected to
controlled with the initial plan. Although this condition
is extremely rare in dogs, it is important to consider the
possibility for cases in which both joint and skin involvement
dermatologist was crucial to provide proper treatment plan
for this case which had not found relief with previous
therapies that had attempted to treat diseases known in
veterinary medicine.
Conflict of Interests
e authors declared no potential conict of interests with
respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
e authors would like to thank Dr. Suero for his contribution
with this clinical case.
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... The ancient Greeks described an illness that seems to be psoriasis, but it could be confused with leprosy or Hansen's disease [1]. Because psoriasis develops naturally in humans but rarely in other species [2,3], the study of this disease was possible only after progress was made on immunology and on genetic engineering knowledge. Although reports on animals with psoriatic lesions due spontaneous mutations exist, the phenotype does not completely resemble human psoriasis, as occur with the homozygous asebia (Scd1ab/Scd1ab) mutant mice, the Flaky skin mice (Ttcfsn/Ttcfsn) and the spontaneous chronic proliferative dermatitis mutation mice [4,5]. ...
Full-text available
The assessment of the severity of psoriasis is often subjective because of the lack of quantitative laboratory diagnostic tools. Histopathological examination is the most commonly performed procedure for psoriasis diagnosis; however, it is usually descriptive. Thus, there is currently no quantitative method of determining psoriasis severity. The clinical types of psoriasis are correlated with the severity of the disease, and a lesional severity index, such as the psoriasis severity index (PSI), could be used as a quantitative tool for assessing gross severity. To correlate the histopathological findings of psoriasis with the PSI. Psoriatic lesions in 98 patients were evaluated. The lesions were classified into the guttate, papular, small plaque, and large plaque types according to morphology, and were scored according to the PSI. Ten common histopathological features of psoriasis were evaluated for correlation with gross severity. The clinical types of psoriasis showed significant correlations with the histopathological severity. However, the PSI score showed no correlation with histopathological severity. In the future, subjective gross assessment should be modified by using objective measuring devices with detailed scales, in order to correlate the findings with the histological severity.
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Our understanding of psoriatic arthritis has evolved as new knowledge of the disease has emerged. However, the exact prevalence of psoriatic arthritis is unknown, and its pathogenesis has not been fully elucidated. Genetic, environmental, and immunologic factors have all been implicated in disease development. Early diagnosis and treatment have become primary objectives in clinical rheumatology. Psoriatic arthritis not only causes functional impairment, but also increases mortality risk of patients. The advent of new therapeutic agents capable of arresting the progression of joint damage is expected. However, early psoriatic arthritis assessment remains limited. The objectives of this article are to outline the epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment of psoriatic arthritis and to suggest a paradigm for identifying early psoriatic arthritis patients.
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Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune disease affecting the skin and characterized by aberrant keratinocyte proliferation and function. Immune cells infiltrate the skin and release proinflammatory cytokines that play important roles in psoriasis. The Th17 network, including IL-23 and IL-22, has recently emerged as a critical component in the pathogenesis of psoriasis. IL-22 and IL-23 signaling is dependent on the JAK family of protein tyrosine kinases, making JAK inhibition an appealing strategy for the treatment of psoriasis. In this study, we report the activity of SAR-20347, a small molecule inhibitor with specificity for JAK1 and tyrosine kinase 2 (TYK2) over other JAK family members. In cellular assays, SAR-20347 dose dependently (1 nM-10 μM) inhibited JAK1- and/or TYK2-dependent signaling from the IL-12/IL-23, IL-22, and IFN-α receptors. In vivo, TYK2 mutant mice or treatment of wild-type mice with SAR-20347 significantly reduced IL-12-induced IFN-γ production and IL-22-dependent serum amyloid A to similar extents, indicating that, in these models, SAR-20347 is probably acting through inhibition of TYK2. In an imiquimod-induced psoriasis model, the administration of SAR-20347 led to a striking decrease in disease pathology, including reduced activation of keratinocytes and proinflammatory cytokine levels compared with both TYK2 mutant mice and wild-type controls. Taken together, these data indicate that targeting both JAK1- and TYK2-mediated cytokine signaling is more effective than TYK2 inhibition alone in reducing psoriasis pathogenesis.
Biologic treatments have revolutionized the management of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis (PsA). Anti-tumor necrosis factor (TNF) α monoclonal antibodies presently are approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for treatment of these conditions. In this article, new therapies that target this pathway and other steps in the pathogenesis of psoriasis and PsA are discussed, including IL-12/IL-23, IL-17, T-cell activation in antigen-presenting cells, regulatory T cells, toll-like receptors, and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor. This article is the second in a 3-part series on treatments presently in the pipeline for the management of psoriasis and PsA including topical agents, biologic treatments, and systemic therapies in phase 2 through phase 4 clinical trials as well as agents that are recently FDA approved. Pivotal clinical trials, mechanisms of action, patient outcomes, and pertinent safety information will be discussed for each new therapy. As our knowledge of the underlying pathogenesis of psoriasis and PsA deepens, it enables the development of more targeted therapies in the management of these conditions.
Background Few studies have examined the association between psoriasis and glomerulonephritis (GN) as well as chronic kidney disease (CKD).Objectives To determine the risk of CKD in patients with psoriasis and evaluate the impact of the severity of psoriasis, comorbidities, and concomitant medications on the risk of GN and CKD in patients with psoriasis.Methods We identified 4344 patients with psoriasis for the study cohort and randomly selected 13032 subjects as a control cohort. Each subject was individually followed up for a 5-year period to identify those who subsequently developed GN and CKD.ResultsAfter adjustment with traditional CKD risk factors, psoriasis was found to be independently associated with an increased risk of CKD during the 5-year follow-up period (hazard ratio (HR), 1.28; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.14-1.44). The increased incidence GN in psoriasis patients (HR, 1.50; 95% CI, 1.24-1.81) may partly contributed to the positive association between psoriasis and CKD. Both patients with mild and severe psoriasis had an increased risk of CKD and GN compared with control cohort and the risk increased with severity. Psoriasis patients with arthritis exhibited a higher risk of CKD than patients without arthritis (HR, 1.62 vs. 1.26). Among medication, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) have the strongest association with CKD in patients with psoriasis (Adjusted Odds Ratio, 1.69; 95% CI, 1.14-2.49).Conclusions Psoriasis was associated with a higher risk of developing CKD and GN. High severity, psoriatic arthritis involvement and concomitant NSAIDs use further increased the risk of CKD in patients with psoriasis.This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Background Previous studies have indicated an association between psoriasis and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and the concurrence of the two diseases reportedly has higher morbidities in Caucasian populations. However, reports on the concurrence of psoriasis with IBD in the Asian population in the literature are scarce. Objective To analyse the characteristics of psoriasis concurrent with IBD and investigate the associated morbidity in the Asian population. Methods We retrospectively examined the medical records of 15 patients with a confirmed diagnosis of both psoriasis and IBD. Sixty age-, gender-, and ethnicity-matched patients with a confirmed diagnosis of only psoriasis were included as controls. Both cases and controls had visited the Seoul National University Hospital or Seoul National University Boramae Hospital between 1990 and 2012. The characteristics of psoriasis, presence of comorbidity and laboratory parameters were compared between the two groups. ResultsCompared to controls with psoriasis only, cases of psoriasis concurrent with IBD had a younger age of onset, longer duration of psoriasis and a higher Psoriasis Area Severity Index (PASI) score. A larger proportion of cases was treated with phototherapy, systemic therapy and biologics. However, all these differences above were not statistically significant. Cases of psoriasis with concurrent IBD showed higher erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein levels compared with the controls (both P = 0.000). Furthermore, this case group had a higher proportion of patients with psoriatic arthritis and with more than one autoimmune disease as compared with the control group (P = 0.007 and 0.005 respectively). Conclusion Asian patients having psoriasis concurrent with IBD exhibited different characteristics as compared with those having psoriasis only, particularly in terms of psoriasis severity, risk of psoriatic arthritis, systemic inflammatory parameters and presence of autoimmune comorbidity. However, further studies elucidating the exact pathogenesis and including a larger number of patients are required.
At the 2013 annual meeting of the Group for Research and Assessment of Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis (GRAPPA), members were updated on educational areas in psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis (PsA). Discussions included (1) the psoriasis and PsA GRAPPA video project, comprising a set of educational online videos that provide standardized psoriatic disease endpoint training to clinicians and researchers; (2) the GRAPPA Educational Outreach Project, focused on cross-disciplinary education for rheumatologists and dermatologists and including several collaborations to expand educational sessions globally; (3) the Dermatology and Rheumatology Trainee Educational Initiative, that provides psoriatic disease education to medical students, residents, and fellows training in dermatology and/or rheumatology; and (4) the GRAPPA Educational Slide Library, developed as a resource for GRAPPA members for their own educational presentations.
Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is an inflammatory arthritis of uncertain pathogenesis, affecting approximately 1 in 4 patients with psoriasis. Onset of psoriasis typically precedes development of PsA. Therefore, the dermatologist is ideally positioned to recognise the early signs and symptoms of PsA for diagnosis and subsequent treatment. The role of the dermatologist in early diagnosis and treatment is essential for preventing pain and functional disabilities, as well as joint deterioration that accompanies progressive forms of PsA. Diagnosis of PsA is a key aspect of the clinical decision process for the dermatologist, as psoriasis plus PsA requires a different therapeutic approach to that required for psoriasis alone. Furthermore, PsA is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular comorbidities that present significant health concerns. In this review, PsA pathogenesis and comorbidities are discussed. In addition, screening and imaging tools that aid in the diagnosis of PsA, as well as tools used for efficacy assessment, are reviewed. Available therapies are presented, with a focus on targeted biologics and emerging treatments. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Background Although occlusive dressings have great potential in the management of psoriasis vulgaris, the therapeutic mechanism is not completely understood. Occlusion artificially restores and corrects the defective barrier in psoriasis plaques. Additionally, occlusion is know to normalize the epidermal calcium gradients in hyperproliferative murine skin models. Methods To investigate the basis of the therapeutic effect of occlusion on psoriatic plaques, we investigated the ultrastructural morphology of intercorneocyte lipid layers, lamellar bodies, and calcium gradient in chronic plaque-type psoriasis after occlusion with a water vapor-impermeable membrane. The specimens were processed for electron microscopy using: (i) ruthenium tetroxide postfixation; and (ii) ion-capture cytochemistry for calcium localization. Results Occlusion for 7 days resulted in a nearly mature pattern of intercellular multilamellar structures, re-establishment of the near-normal epidermal calcium gradient, and disappearance of calcium precipitates from the stratum corneum interstices. Conclusions The normalization of the permeability barrier and epidermal calcium gradient may play important roles in the therapeutic effects of occlusive dressings in chronic plaque-type psoriasis.
Despite increasing therapies for moderate to severe psoriasis, dermatologists' treatment preferences are unknown. We sought to assess dermatologists' preferences for first-line treatments and their selection determinants. We surveyed 1000 US dermatologists (500 National Psoriasis Foundation and 500 American Academy of Dermatology members who treat psoriasis) about their preferences for first-line treatment of moderate to severe psoriasis in healthy adults of childbearing age using standardized patient vignettes. The response rate was 39% (N = 387). Preferred therapies for male and female patients were: ultraviolet (UV) B (40% and 56%, respectively), etanercept (15% and 19%), methotrexate (16% and 4%), and adalimumab (12% and 10%). Of respondents, 66% administered phototherapy in their practice. After adjusting for all physician characteristics, those preferring first-line UVB for male or female patients were significantly more likely to have phototherapy in their practice (odds ratio [OR] 3.4, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.8-6.6 and OR 2.8, 95% CI 1.5-5.3, respectively) and to have used UVB in more than 10 patients in the last 3 months (OR 8.0, 95% CI 3.9-16.4; OR 9.6, 95% CI 4.3-21.6). Dermatologists in the Midwest were more likely than those in the Northeast to prefer adalimumab first line for male and female patients. We surveyed only dermatologists with interest in treating psoriasis and elicited their treatment preferences for a single base case scenario. Treatment preferences may differ between survey respondents and nonrespondents. UVB is most commonly preferred as a first-line treatment for moderate to severe psoriasis in healthy adults, and preferences vary based on region, phototherapy availability, and prior treatment use.