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Marburgvirus Resurgence in Kitaka Mine Bat Population after Extermination Attempts, Uganda

panel B). We performed C. burnetii
specic qPCR on the ticks; 14 (88%)
were positive.
We genotyped C. burnetii–positive
DNA from the feces and from 6 of the
16 ticks by using multispacer sequence
typing as described (5). All samples
were identied as MST17, the unique
genotype circulating in Cayenne (5).
After obtaining the laboratory re-
sults, we conrmed that a local group in
charge of the collection and treatment
of injured animals usually released
rehabilitated 3-toed sloths into Tiger
Camp. Residents of Tiger Camp regu-
larly observed and came into contact
with the sloths, and ticks were frequent-
ly observed on the fur of the animals.
Furthermore, 3 Q fever patients from
Cayenne reported contact with sloths.
Feces from the sloth in this study
were highly infectious for C. burnetii.
Because sloths live in tall trees and can
shed this bacterium in their feces, human
contamination might occur through in-
halation of infectious aerosols from fe-
ces. The high prevalence of C. burnetii
infection in ticks also suggests possible
transmission through tick bites or from
aerosols of tick feces that have been de-
posited on the skin of animal hosts; such
feces can be extremely rich in bacteria
and highly infectious (10).
In this 2013 outbreak of Q fever,
epidemiologic studies led to the iden-
tication of 3-toed sloths as a putative
source of C. burnetii infection. Further
investigations are needed to conrm
the role of sloths as a reservoir for C.
burnetii in French Guiana and to im-
plement efcient measures to prevent
transmission to humans.
We thank the French Forces Medi-
cal Service for its support. We also thank
G. Hyvert, T. Lamour, M. Sophie, and D.
Blanchet for their excellent assistance dur-
ing eld work and A. Abeille, T. Ameur,
and C. Nappez for processing the samples.
Funding was provided by the Foun-
dation Méditerranée Infection.
Bernard Davoust,1
Jean-Lou Marié,1
Vincent Pommier de Santi,
Jean-Michel Berenger,
Sophie Edouard,
and Didier Raoult
Authorafliations:Aix-Marseille Université,
Marseille,France (B.Davoust,J.-L.Marié,
J.-M. Berenger, S. Edouard, D. Raoult);
Groupe de Travail en Épidémiologie
Toulon, France (J.-L. Marié); Direction
Interarmées du Service de Santé en
Guyane, Cayenne, France (V. Pommier
de Santi); and Centre d’Épidémiologie et
de Santé Publique des Armées, Marseille
1. Grangier C, Debin M, Ardillon V,
Mahamat A, Fournier P, Simmonnet C,
et al. Epidemiologie de la èvre Q en
Guyanne, 1990–2006. Le Bulletin de
Veille Sanitaire.CIRE Antilles Guyane.
2. Epelboin L, Chesnais C, Boullé C,
Drogoul AS, Raoult D, Djossou F, et al. Q
fever pneumonia in French Guiana: preva-
lence, risk factors and prognostic score.
Clin Infect Dis. 2012;55:67–74. http://
3. Pfaff F, Francois A, Hommel D, Jeanne I,
Margery J, Guillot G, et al. Q fever in
French Guiana: new trends. Emerg Infect
Dis. 1998;4:131–2.
4. Tran A, Gardon J, Weber S, Polidori L.
Mapping disease incidence in suburban
areas using remotely sensed data. Am J
Epidemiol. 2002;156:662–8. http://dx.doi.
5. Mahamat A, Edouard S, Demar M,
Abboud P, Patrice JY, La Scola B, et al.
Unique clone of Coxiella burnetii caus-
ing severe Q fever, French Guiana. Emerg
Infect Dis. 2013;19:1102–4. http://dx.doi.
6. Gardon J, Heraud JM, Laventure S,
Ladam A, Capot P, Fouquet E, et al. Sub-
urban transmission of Q fever in French
Guiana: evidence of a wild reservoir.
J Infect Dis. 2001;184:278–84. http://
7. Escher M, Flamand C, Ardillon V,
Demar M, Berger F, Djossou F, et al. Epidé-
miologie de la èvre Q en Guyane: connais-
sances, incertitudes et perspectives. Bulletin
de Veille Sanitaire. CIRE Antilles Guyane.
8. Edouard S, Mahamat A, Demar M,
Abboud P, Djossou F, Raoult D. Com-
parison between emerging Q fever in
French Guiana and endemic Q fever in
Marseille, France. Am J Trop Med Hyg.
9. Eldin C, Angelakis E, Renvoisé A,
Raoult D. Coxiella burnetii DNA, but not
viable bacteria, in dairy products in France.
Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2013;88:765–9.
10. Porter SR, Czaplicki G, Mainil J, Guattéo R,
Saegerman C. Q Fever: current state of
knowledge and perspectives of research
of a neglected zoonosis. Int J Microbiol.
Address for correspondence: Didier Raoult,
Unité de Recherche en Maladies Infectieuses et
Tropicales Emergentes (URMITE) CNRS UMR
7278 IRD 198 INSERM U1095 Aix-Marseille
Université, Faculté de Médecine, 27 bd Jean
Moulin, 13385 Marseille CEDEX 5, France;
Resurgence in
Kitaka Mine
Bat Population
after Extermination
Attempts, Uganda
To the Editor: Marburg virus
(MARV) and Ravn virus (RAVV),
collectively called marburgviruses,
cause Marburg hemorrhagic fever
(MHF) in humans. In July 2007, 4 cas-
es of MHF (1 fatal) occurred in miners
at Kitaka Mine in southern Uganda.
Later, MHF occurred in 2 tourists who
visited Python Cave, ≈50 km from
Kitaka Mine. One of the tourists was
from the United States (December
EmergingInfectiousDiseases••Vol.20,No.10,October2014 1761
1These authors contributed equally to this
2007) and 1 was from the Netherlands
(July 2008); 1 case was fatal (1,2,3).
The cave and the mine each contained
40,000–100,000 Rousettus aegyptia-
cus bats (Egyptian fruit bats).
Longitudinal investigations of
the outbreaks at both locations were
initiated by the Viral Special Patho-
gens Branch of the Centers for Dis-
ease Control and Prevention (CDC,
Atlanta, GA, USA, and Entebbe,
Uganda) in collaboration with the
Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA)
and the Uganda Virus Research In-
stitute (UVRI). During these stud-
ies, genetically diverse MARVs and
RAVVs were isolated directly from
bat tissues, and infection levels of the
2 viruses were found to increase in ju-
venile bats on a predictable bi-annual
basis (4,5). However, investigations at
Kitaka Mine were stopped when the
miners exterminated the bat colony by
restricting egress from the cave with
papyrus reed barriers and then entan-
gling the bats in shing nets draped
over the exits. The trapping continued
for weeks, and the entrances were then
sealed with sticks and plastic. These
depopulation efforts were documented
by researchers from UVRI, the CDC,
the National Institute of Communi-
cable Diseases (Sandringham, South
Africa), and UWA during site visits
to Kitaka Mine (online Technical Ap-
pendix Figure,
pdf). In August 2008, thousands of
dead bats were found piled in the for-
est, and by November 2008, there was
no evidence of bats living in the mine;
whether 100% extermination was
achieved is unknown. CDC, UVRI,
and UWA recommended against ex-
termination, believing that any results
would be temporary and that such ef-
forts could exacerbate the problem if
bat exclusion methods were not com-
plete and permanent (6,7).
In October 2012, the most recent
known marburgvirus outbreak was de-
tected in Ibanda, a town in southwest
Uganda. Ibanda is 20 km from the
Kitaka Mine and is the urban center
that serves smaller communities in
the Kitaka area. This MHF outbreak
was the largest in Ugandan history: 15
laboratory-conrmed cases occurred
(8). In November 2012, an ecologic
investigation of the greater Ibanda/
Kitaka area was initiated. The inves-
tigation included interviews with lo-
cal authorities to locate all known
R. aegyptiacus colonies in the area.
Although minor colonies of small in-
sectivorous bats were found, the only
identiable colony of R. aegyptiacus
bats was found inside the re-opened
Kitaka Mine, albeit at much reduced
size, perhaps 1%–5% of that found be-
fore depopulation efforts.
To determine whether the R. ae-
gyptiacus bats that had repopulated
Kitaka Mine were actively infected
with marburgviruses, we tested 400
bats by using previously described
methods (4,5). Viral RNA was extract-
ed from ≈100 mg of liver and spleen
tissue by using the MagMAX Total
Nucleic Acid Isolation Kit (Applied
Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA)
according to the manufacturer’s rec-
ommended protocol. The Fisher ex-
act test was conducted by using IBM
SPSS Statistics, version 19.0 (IBM
Corp., Armonk, NY, USA).
Of the 400 R. aegyptiacus bats
collected, 53 (13.3%) were positive
for marburgvirus RNA by quan-
titative reverse transcription PCR
(32/233 [13.7%] adults and 21/167
[12.6%] juveniles; online Technical
Appendix Table); marburgvirus was
isolated from tissue samples from
9 of the 400 bats. The overall level
of active infection was signicantly
higher than that found in Kitaka Mine
during 2007–2008 (5.1%) (5) (Fisher
exact test, p<0.001) and in other stud-
ies in Uganda (Python Cave [2.5%])
and Gabon (4.8%) (4,9). The reason
for the increase is not clear, but it may
be related to the effects of the exter-
mination and subsequent repopula-
tion. Increases in disease prevalence
in wildlife populations after culling
are not unprecedented (6,7). We
speculate that after the depopulation
attempt, a pool of susceptible bats be-
came established over time and was
subjected to multiple marburgvirus
introductions, as evidenced by the
genetic diversity of viruses isolated
from the bats (Figure). A pool of sus-
ceptible bats would have led to higher
levels of active infection within the
colony, thereby increasing the poten-
tial for virus spillover into the human
population. A signicant sex and age
bias was not detected with respect to
active infection during the breeding
season (Fisher exact test, p>0.5 for
both), and overall, the presence of vi-
rus-specic IgG among the bats was
16.5%, a nding consistent with that
in previous studies (4,5).
Phylogenetic analysis of viral
RNA genome fragment sequences in
this study showed high marburgvirus
genetic diversity, including the pres-
ence of RAVVs and MARVs. Se-
quences for isolates from 3 bats were
nearly identical to those of the MARV
isolates obtained from patients in the
2012 Ibanda outbreak (8), suggesting
that bats from Kitaka Mine were a
likely source of the virus.
We thank UVRI, the Uganda Minis-
try of Health, and UWA for their assistance
during the outbreak investigation. We also
thank R. Swanepoel and S. Balinandi for
the photographs used in this publication.
Funding for this study was provided
by the United States Department of Health
and Human Services.
Brian R. Amman,
Luke Nyakarahuka,
Anita K. McElroy,
Kimberly A. Dodd,
Tara K. Sealy, Amy J. Schuh,
Trevor R. Shoemaker,
Stephen Balinandi,
Patrick Atimnedi, Winyi Kaboyo,
Stuart T. Nichol,
and Jonathan S. Towner
1762 EmergingInfectiousDiseases••Vol.20,No.10,October2014
Author afliations: Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia,
USA (B.R. Amman, A.K. McElroy, K.A.
Dodd,T.K. Sealy,A.J.Schuh,S.T.Nichol,
tute, Entebbe, Uganda (L. Nyakarahuka);
Emory University,Atlanta (A.K. McElroy);
University of California, Davis, California,
USA (K.A. Dodd); Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, Entebbe (T.R.
Authority,Kampala, Uganda(P.Atimnedi);
and Uganda Ministry of Health, Kampala
1. Adjemian J, Farnon EC, Tschioko F,
Wamala JF, Byaruhanga E, Bwire GS,
et al. Outbreak of Marburg hemorrhagic
fever among miners in Kamwenge and
Ibanda Districts, Uganda, 2007. J Infect
Dis. 2011;204(Suppl 3):S796–9. http://
2. Timen A, Koopmans MP, Vossen AC,
van Doornum GJ, Gunther S, van den
Berkmortel F, et al. Response to im-
ported case of Marburg hemorrhagic
fever, the Netherlands. Emerg Infect
Dis. 2009;15:1171–5.
EmergingInfectiousDiseases••Vol.20,No.10,October2014 1763
Figure. Phylogeny of concatenated
marburgvirus nucleoprotein (NP) and
viral protein 35 (VP35) gene fragments
as determined by using the maximum-
were amplied and determined from viral
RNA and then sequenced as described
represent those generated from samples
collected from bats during the November
Uganda. Underlined sequence names
represent those generated from samples
obtained from marburgvirus-infected
persons in Kabale and Ibanda, Uganda,
in 2012. Multiple sequence alignments
analysis was conducted on concatenated
NPand VP35(208–580nt) sequencesby
using the PhyML method in conjunction
with the GTR+I+G nucleotide substitution
model implemented in SeaView version
determined from samples in this study (in
boldface) were submitted to GenBank
(accession nos. KJ747211–KJ747234
and KJ747235–KJ747253, respectively).
Bayesian posterior probabilities above
50 are shown at the nodes. Scale bar
indicates nucleotide substitutions per site.
Congo; Gab, Gabon; Ger,Germany; Ken,
Kenya;Net, Netherlands;Rav,Ravnvirus;
1764 EmergingInfectiousDiseases••Vol.20,No.10,October2014
3. Centers for Disease Control and Pre-
vention. Imported case of Marburg
hemorrhagic fever–—Colorado, 2008.
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep.
4. Amman BR, Carroll SA, Reed ZD,
Sealy TK, Balinandi S, Swanepoel R,
et al. Seasonal pulses of Marburg virus
circulation in juvenile Rousettus aegyp-
tiacus bats coincide with periods of in-
creased risk of human infection. PLoS
Pathog. 2012;8:e1002877. http://dx.doi.
5. Towner JS, Amman BR, Sealy TK,
Carroll SA, Comer JA, Kemp A, et al.
Isolation of genetically diverse Marburg
viruses from Egyptian fruit bats. PLoS
Pathog. 2009;5:e1000536. http://dx.doi.
6. Donnelly CA, Woodroffe R, Cox DR,
Bourne J, Gettinby G, Le Fevre AM,
et al. Impact of localized badger culling
on tuberculosis incidence in British cattle.
Nature. 2003;426:834–7. http://dx.doi.
7. Swanepoel R. Rabies. In: Coetzer JAW,
Tustin RC, editors. Infectious diseases of
livestock. 2nd ed. Cape Town (South Af-
rica): Oxford University Press Southern
Africa; 2014. p. 1123–82.
8. Albariño CG, Shoemaker T, Khristova ML,
Wamala JF, Muyembe JJ, Balinandi S,
et al. Genomic analysis of loviruses
associated with four viral hemorrhagic
fever outbreaks in Uganda and the Demo-
cratic Republic of the Congo in 2012.
Virology. 2013;442:97–100. http://dx.doi.
9. Maganga GD, Bourgarel M, Ella GE,
Drexler JF, Gonzalez JP, Drosten C,
et al. Is Marburg virus enzootic in Gabon?
J Infect Dis. 2011;204(Suppl 3):S800–3.
10. Gouy M, Guindon S, Gascuel O. SeaView
version 4: a multiplatform graphical user
interface for sequence alignment and phy-
logenetic tree building. Mol Biol Evol.
Address for correspondence: Jonathan S.
Towner, Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, 1600 Clifton Rd NE, Mailstop G14,
Atlanta, GA 30329-4027, USA; email: jit8@
Detection of
Measles Virus
Genotype B3, India
To the Editor: Molecular epide-
miologic investigations and virologic
surveillance contribute notably to the
control and prevention of measles
(1). Nearly half of measles-related
deaths worldwide occur in India,
yet virologic surveillance data are
incomplete for many regions of the
country (2,3). Previous studies have
documented the presence of measles
virus genotypes D4, D7, and D8 in
India, and genotypes D5, D9, D11,
H1, and G3 have been detected in
neighboring countries (3,4).
Kerala, India’s southernmost
state, has high measles vaccination
coverage compared with many other
states in the country; however, the dis-
ease is still endemic in the region. Two
districts, Thiruvananthapuram and
Malappuram, report the highest num-
bers of cases (5). Baseline data on cir-
culating measles virus genotypes are
needed for measles elimination, but
such data are not available for Kerala.
In this context, we performed a pilot
genetic analysis of the measles virus
strains circulating in Thiruvanantha-
puram, the capital of Kerala. We used
throat and nasopharyngeal swab and
serum samples from children admit-
ted to Sree Avittom Thirunal Hospital
during measles outbreaks occurring
March–August 2012.
We used the Vero/human-SLAM
cell line (http://www.phe-culture for isolation of
measles virus from throat and naso-
pharyngeal swab samples. For sero-
logic conrmation of cases, we used
a commercial measles IgM ELISA
kit (IBL International GmbH, Ham-
burg, Germany). Virus genotyping
was based on the 450-nt coding se-
quence for the carboxyl terminus of
nucleoprotein (N) of measles virus,
as recommended by the World Health
Organization (3,6). We extracted
RNA from the samples using TRIzol
reagent (GIBCO-BRL, Grand Island,
NY, USA). We performed reverse
transcription PCR using a Super-
Script One-Step RT-PCR kit with a
Platinum Taq system (Invitrogen,
Carlsbad, CA, USA) and previously
described primers (3,6). Amplicons
were subjected to bidirectional se-
quencing using a BigDye Terminator
v3.1 cycle sequencing kit (Applied
Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA).
We edited and aligned nucleotide se-
quences using Bio Edit 7.1.11 soft-
ware (7). Phylogenetic analysis was
performed by using the maximum-
likelihood method implemented in
the MEGA5 program (8) to compare
the determined N gene sequences
with the World Health Organization
reference sequences of the 24 known
measles genotypes.
PCR products could be amplied
from 16 of the 24 samples analyzed.
Ten samples provided high quality
sequence reads for the N gene coding
region, which were used for further
analysis. Clinical and demographic
data for these 10 cases, virus isolation
status, and GenBank accession num-
bers of the sequences are summarized
in the Table.
Phylogenetic analysis revealed
1 of the 10 measles virus strains to
be of genotype D8 (online Technical
Appendix Figure 1, http://wwwnc.
Techapp1.pdf), a genotype previ-
ously found to be circulating in
Kerala and in other regions of India
(3,6,9,10). The other 9 virus strains
were closely related to B3 genotype
reference strains, indicating circu-
lation of the B3 genotype in Kerala
(online Technical Appendix Figure
1). The nucleotide sequences of 7 of
the 9 strains were identical, indicat-
ing a single chain of transmission.
The remaining 2 samples showed
sequence divergence, indicating in-
dependent sources of infection. In a
phylogenetic analysis comparing the
Kerala B3 genotypes and a dataset of

Supplementary resources (44)

... As a result, bundles of dead and dying bats were discarded in a nearby forest, and shortly thereafter, no visible evidence of living ERBs remained in the mine. 5 For the next 3 years, the mine was not monitored until an MVD outbreak emerged in a town within 20 km of the mine. 6 An investigative team returned to the mine and found that the papyrus reed barriers had long since disintegrated, the ERBs had returned, and there was clear evidence of renewed human activity inside the mine. ...
... Subsequent ecological studies found that the overall prevalence of active marburgvirus infection in the ERB population had surged to almost 3 times what it was previously. 5 It was speculated that, after the initial bat culling, an immunologically naïve ERB population built up over time and marburgvirus was reintroduced and spread rapidly in the bat colony. The primary human case was never confirmed, but epidemiological investigations, combined with a spike in marburgvirus circulation levels in the bats, suggested renewed mining activity in the presence of ERBs as the most likely source of the outbreak. ...
... The primary human case was never confirmed, but epidemiological investigations, combined with a spike in marburgvirus circulation levels in the bats, suggested renewed mining activity in the presence of ERBs as the most likely source of the outbreak. 5,6 Commentary This scenario involving rural African gold and other artisanal miners working in close proximity to bats known to carry high-consequence zoonotic pathogens highlights numerous ethically complex questions faced by public health professionals, wildlife conservation authorities, and workers with limited skill sets living in or near poverty. ...
Marburg virus, the first filovirus discovered and a close cousin to the Ebola virus, is carried by the Egyptian rousette bat, a common cave-dwelling fruit bat endemic to sub-Saharan Africa whose populations can exceed 50 000 individuals. Community outbreaks of Marburg virus can result in high morbidity rates. In eastern Africa, favorite habitats of these bats include rural subterranean gold mines-sometimes worked illegally-that create environments conducive to zoonotic virus transmission. This commentary on a case describes how outbreaks of Marburg virus disease among people exposed to sub-Saharan African caves and mines containing these bats cause tensions among miners, companies, public health officials, and conservationists.
... Consequently, animals experiencing allostatic overload may shed more pathogens for longer periods, increasing the risk of spillover. Empirical evidence underscores the link between stress, acute food deprivation, and low body weight with higher probability, magnitude, and duration of viral shedding, as observed in bats [21][22][23][24][25] and birds 26,27 . ...
... Increased zoonotic risk, then, often coincides with stressful life stages or times and places of resource scarcity 21,33,34 . Understanding which animals are most likely to modify their distributions, or are at the highest risk of allostatic overload, helps target countermeasures to spillover. ...
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Substantial global attention is focused on how to reduce the risk of future pandemics. Reducing this risk requires investment in prevention, preparedness, and response. Although preparedness and response have received significant focus, prevention, especially the prevention of zoonotic spillover, remains largely absent from global conversations. This oversight is due in part to the lack of a clear definition of prevention and lack of guidance on how to achieve it. To address this gap, we elucidate the mechanisms linking environmental change and zoonotic spillover using spillover of viruses from bats as a case study. We identify ecological interventions that can disrupt these spillover mechanisms and propose policy frameworks for their implementation. Recognizing that pandemics originate in ecological systems, we advocate for integrating ecological approaches alongside biomedical approaches in a comprehensive and balanced pandemic prevention strategy.
... 15 In Uganda, for example, miners' fear of Marburg virus triggered a mass culling of Egyptian rousette bats in a mine in 2008. 16 However, by 2012, bats had recolonized the mine, and Marburg infection rates were higher than during the 2007 to 2008 outbreak. 16 Similarly, the government of Mauritius ordered multiple mass cullings of the endangered Mauritius fruit bat (Pteropus niger), reportedly due to fruit crop damage. ...
... 16 However, by 2012, bats had recolonized the mine, and Marburg infection rates were higher than during the 2007 to 2008 outbreak. 16 Similarly, the government of Mauritius ordered multiple mass cullings of the endangered Mauritius fruit bat (Pteropus niger), reportedly due to fruit crop damage. 17 While this discordance between conservation goals and infectious disease control has created tension within the bat research community, 18 a One Health perspective recognizes that the protection of bats and their habitats from anthropogenic disturbance and the protection of humans from zoonotic disease function together as one interconnected system. ...
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Bats are diverse mammals that are globally distributed and ecologically critical, yet some bat species are associated with disease agents that have severe consequences for human health. Disease outbreak responses require interdisciplinary knowledge of bat-associated pathogens and microbial transmission patterns. Health promotion requires close, collaborative attention to the needs, vulnerabilities, and interests of diverse stakeholders, including the public and professionals in public health, conservation, ecology, social science, communication, and policy. This article describes a successful One Health engagement among such stakeholders and partners looking to motivate both bat-human ecology preservation and viral disease management in Uganda.
... cluster with primate instead of bat hosts 37 . The virus-host specificity seen for MARV 5,9,44 , Lloviu virus 45 , BOMV 13,31 and here for EBOV, may reflect the host-shift of an orthoebolavirus' common ancestor from frugivorous to insectivorous bats (e.g. BOMV), some of which could have further adapted to a novel host taxon (e.g. ...
... We hypothesise that birthing seasons could not only drive EBOV maintenance in reservoirs, but also spillover to humans. However, blunt measures to stop virus transmission, such as culling, are not only detrimental to bat conservation, but also have been shown to be counterproductive 44,50 . Instead, targeted preventative measures, such as seasonal closure of cave exploration activities (e.g. ...
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The natural reservoir of Ebola virus (EBOV), agent of a zoonosis burdening several African countries, remains unidentified, albeit evidence points towards bats. In contrast, the ecology of the related Marburg virus is much better understood; with experimental infections of bats being instrumental for understanding reservoir-pathogen interactions. Experiments have focused on elucidating reservoir competence, infection kinetics and specifically horizontal transmission, although, vertical transmission plays a key role in many viral enzootic cycles. Herein, we investigate the permissiveness of Angolan free-tailed bats (AFBs), known to harbour Bombali virus, to other filoviruses: Ebola, Marburg, Taï Forest and Reston viruses. We demonstrate that only the bats inoculated with EBOV show high and disseminated viral replication and infectious virus shedding, without clinical disease, while the other filoviruses fail to establish productive infections. Notably, we evidence placental-specific tissue tropism and a unique ability of EBOV to traverse the placenta, infect and persist in foetal tissues of AFBs, which results in distinct genetic signatures of adaptive evolution. These findings not only demonstrate plausible routes of horizontal and vertical transmission in these bats, which are expectant of reservoir hosts, but may also reveal an ancillary transmission mechanism, potentially required for the maintenance of EBOV in small reservoir populations.
... Field studies in Uganda showed 4.7% (62/1331) of all ERBs tested to be actively infected with SOSV [2]. At one location (Kitaka Mine), the active infection rate for SOSV in ERBs was as high as 10.2% (41/400), possibly due to the colony undergoing repopulation after an extermination attempt to eliminate Marburg virus (MARV)-infected ERBs from the mine [20]. Until now, these have been the only reported occurrences of SOSV in wild caught bats, although other rubulaviruses have been identified in ERBs in South Africa [21]. ...
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Sosuga virus (SOSV), a rare human pathogenic paramyxovirus, was first discovered in 2012 when a person became ill after working in South Sudan and Uganda. During an ecological investigation, several species of bats were sampled and tested for SOSV RNA and only one species, the Egyptian rousette bat (ERBs; Rousettus aegyptiacus), tested positive. Since that time, multiple other species have been sampled and ERBs in Uganda have continued to be the only species of bat positive for SOSV infection. Subsequent studies of ERBs with SOSV demonstrated that ERBs are a competent host for SOSV and shed this infectious virus while exhibiting only minor infection-associated pathology. Following the 2014 Ebola outbreak in West Africa, surveillance efforts focused on discovering reservoirs for zoonotic pathogens resulted in the capture and testing of many bat species. Here, SOSV RNA was detected by qRT-PCR only in ERBs captured in the Moyamba District of Sierra Leone in the central region of the country. These findings represent a substantial range extension from East Africa to West Africa for SOSV, suggesting that this paramyxovirus may occur in ERB populations throughout its sub-Saharan African range.
... Paradoxically, these activities often led to direct human contact with bats, creating additional opportunities for pathogen exposure. Stress to bats caused by removal attempts can also increase pathogen transmission risk by altering bat behavior and immune function, which collectively drive contact rates and pathogen susceptibility and shedding [46][47][48]. Furthermore, high bat mortality can negatively impact the critical ecosystem services that bats provide by reducing their ability to consume insect pests, pollinate fruit trees, and disperse seeds [49]. ...
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Simultaneous use of domestic spaces by humans and wildlife is little understood, despite global ubiquity, and can create an interface for human exposure to wildlife pathogens. Bats are a pervasive synanthropic taxon and are associated with several pathogens that can spill over and cause disease in humans. Urbanization has destroyed much natural bat habitat and, in response, many species increasingly use buildings as roosts. The purpose of this study was to characterize human interactions with bats in shared buildings to assess potential for human exposure to and spillover of bat-borne pathogens. We surveyed 102 people living and working in buildings used as bat roosts in Taita-Taveta county, Kenya between 2021 and 2023. We characterized and quantified the duration, intensity, and frequency of human-bat interactions occurring in this common domestic setting. Survey respondents reported living with bats in buildings year-round, with cohabitation occurring consistently for at least 10 years in 38% of cases. Human contact with bats occurred primarily through direct and indirect routes, including exposure to excrement (90% of respondents), and direct touching of bats (39% of respondents). Indirect contacts most often occurred daily, and direct contacts most often occurred yearly. Domestic animal consumption of bats was also reported (16% of respondents). We demonstrate that shared building use by bats and humans in rural Kenya leads to prolonged, frequent, and sometimes intense interactions between bats and humans, consistent with interfaces that can facilitate exposure to bat pathogens and subsequent spillover. Identifying and understanding the settings and practices that may lead to zoonotic pathogen spillover is of great global importance for developing countermeasures, and this study establishes bat roosts in buildings as such a setting.
... Rabbits can also be reservoirs for a range of zoonotic diseases including Hepatitis E virus (HEV) (Gleeson and Petritz, 2020), Francisella tularensis (Amman et al., 2014), microsporidia (Baz-González et al., 2022a) and waterborne protozoans including Toxoplasma (McKenny et al., 2020), Cryptosporidium (Chalmers et al., 2009b;Baz-González et al., 2022b) and Giardia (Cai et al., 2021;Baptista et al., 2023). ...
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Rabbits are highly abundant in many countries and can serve as reservoirs of diseases for a diversity of pathogens including the enteric protozoan parasites, Cryptosporidium and Giardia. Both parasites shed environmentally robust environmental stages (oo/cysts) and have been responsible for numerous waterborne outbreaks of diseases. Cryptosporidium hominis and C. parvum are responsible for most infections in humans, while Giardia duodenalis assemblages A and B, cause most human cases of giardiasis. Cryptosporidium cuniculus, the dominant species infecting rabbits, is the only spceies other than C. hominis and C. parvum to have caused a waterborne outbreak of gastritis, which occurred in the United Kingdom in 2008. This review examines the prevalence of Cryptosporidium and Giardia species in rabbits to better understand the public health risks of contamination of water sources with Cryptosporidium and Giardia oo/cysts from rabbits. Despite the abundance of C. cuniculus in rabbits, reports in humans are relatively rare, with the exception of the United Kingdom and New Zealand, and reports of C. cuniculus in humans from the United Kingdom have declined substantially since the 2008 outbreak. Subtyping of C. cuniculus has supported the potential for zoonotic transmission. Relatively few studies have been conducted on Giardia, but assemblage B dominates. However, improved typing methods are required to better understand the transmission dynamics of Giardia assemblages in rabbits. Similarly, it is not well understood if pet rabbits or contaminated water are the main source of C. cuniculus infections in humans. Well-planned studies using high-resolution typing tools are required to understand the transmission dynamics better and quantify the public health risk of Cryptosporidium and Giardia from rabbits.
... 16 Yet bats are also essential parts of healthy ecosystems, and efforts to reduce spillover infections to humans by simply culling bat populations have often resulted in increased virus transmission risk. 17,18 Interdisciplinary approaches are thus key to responding to emerging infectious diseases, zoonotic spillover, changing ecological landscapes, and disease transmission trends. ...
... MVD is characterized by a high fatality rate, ranging from 32% to 88% (Nyakarahuka et al., 2016). The MV is typically transmitted to humans following a spillover event from a wildlife reservoir, such as Rousettus aegyptiacus (Egyptian fruit bats), or through contact with infected primates or their faeces (Towner et al., 2009;Amman et al., 2012Amman et al., , 2014. Human-to-human transmission is also possible, usually through direct contact with blood, bodily fluids, secretions, or tissues of infected individuals or dead bodies. ...
Thousands of scientists and practitioners conduct research on infectious diseases of wildlife. Rapid and comprehensive data sharing is vital to the transparency and actionability of their work, but unfortunately, most efforts designed to publically share these data are focused on pathogen determination and genetic sequence data. Other facets of existing surveillance data – particularly negative results – are often withheld or, at best, summarized in a descriptive table with limited metadata. As a result, very few datasets on wildlife disease dynamics over space and time are publicly available for synthesis research or applied uses in conservation or public health. Here, we propose a minimum data and metadata reporting standard for wildlife disease studies. Our checklist identifies a minimum set of 30 fields required to standardize and document a dataset consisting of records disaggregated to the finest possible spatial, temporal, and taxonomic scale. We illustrate how this standard is applied to an example study, which documented a novel alphacoronavirus found in bats in Belize. Finally, we outline best practices for how data should be formatted for optimal re-use, and how researchers can navigate potential safety concerns around data sharing.
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Acute Q fever is an emergent and severe disease in French Guiana. We obtained 5 Coxiella burnetii isolates from samples of patients from Cayenne and found an epidemic clone circulating in Cayenne. This clone has caused pneumonia and endocarditis and seems to be more virulent than previously described strains.
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Transmission by the oral route of Coxiella burnetii is controversial. Our objective was to evaluate dairy products in the transmission of Q fever. Pasteurized, unpasteurized, and thermized dairy products were tested for C. burnetii by using a quantitative polymerase chain reaction specific for IS1111 and IS30A spacers, culturing in human embryonic lung fibroblasts cells, and inoculation into BALB/c mice. We tested 201 products and C. burnetii was identified in 64%. Cow milk origin products were more frequently positive than goat or ewe products (P = 0.006 and P = 0.0001, respectively), and industrial food was more frequently positive than artisanal food (P < 0.0001). Food made from unpasteurized milk contained higher bacteria concentrations than food made from pasteurized milk (P = 0.02). All cultures were negative and mice did not show signs of illness. Farm animals are highly infected in France but consumption of cheese and yogurt does not seem to pose a public health risk for transmission of Q fever.
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Marburg virus (family Filoviridae) causes sporadic outbreaks of severe hemorrhagic disease in sub-Saharan Africa. Bats have been implicated as likely natural reservoir hosts based most recently on an investigation of cases among miners infected in 2007 at the Kitaka mine, Uganda, which contained a large population of Marburg virus-infected Rousettus aegyptiacus fruit bats. Described here is an ecologic investigation of Python Cave, Uganda, where an American and a Dutch tourist acquired Marburg virus infection in December 2007 and July 2008. More than 40,000 R. aegyptiacus were found in the cave and were the sole bat species present. Between August 2008 and November 2009, 1,622 bats were captured and tested for Marburg virus. Q-RT-PCR analysis of bat liver/spleen tissues indicated ∼2.5% of the bats were actively infected, seven of which yielded Marburg virus isolates. Moreover, Q-RT-PCR-positive lung, kidney, colon and reproductive tissues were found, consistent with potential for oral, urine, fecal or sexual transmission. The combined data for R. aegyptiacus tested from Python Cave and Kitaka mine indicate low level horizontal transmission throughout the year. However, Q-RT-PCR data show distinct pulses of virus infection in older juvenile bats (∼six months of age) that temporarily coincide with the peak twice-yearly birthing seasons. Retrospective analysis of historical human infections suspected to have been the result of discrete spillover events directly from nature found 83% (54/65) events occurred during these seasonal pulses in virus circulation, perhaps demonstrating periods of increased risk of human infection. The discovery of two tags at Python Cave from bats marked at Kitaka mine, together with the close genetic linkages evident between viruses detected in geographically distant locations, are consistent with R. aegyptiacus bats existing as a large meta-population with associated virus circulation over broad geographic ranges. These findings provide a basis for developing Marburg hemorrhagic fever risk reduction strategies.
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Pathogens that are transmitted between wildlife, livestock and humans present major challenges for the protection of human and animal health, the economic sustainability of agriculture, and the conservation of wildlife. Mycobacterium bovis, the aetiological agent of bovine tuberculosis (TB), is one such pathogen. The incidence of TB in cattle has increased substantially in parts of Great Britain in the past two decades, adversely affecting the livelihoods of cattle farmers and potentially increasing the risks of human exposure. The control of bovine TB in Great Britain is complicated by the involvement of wildlife, particularly badgers (Meles meles), which appear to sustain endemic infection and can transmit TB to cattle. Between 1975 and 1997 over 20,000 badgers were culled as part of British TB control policy, generating conflict between conservation and farming interest groups. Here we present results from a large-scale field trial that indicate that localized badger culling not only fails to control but also seems to increase TB incidence in cattle.
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Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is the major manifestation of Q fever, an emerging disease in French Guiana. Consequently, the empirical antibiotherapy used for the treatment of CAP combines doxycycline and the recommended amoxicillin. Our objectives were to estimate the prevalence of Q fever pneumonia and to build a prediction rule to identify patients with Q fever pneumonia for empirical antibiotic guidance. A retrospective case-control study was conducted on inpatients admitted with CAP in the Department of Infectious Diseases of Cayenne Hospital from 2004 to 2007. Serodiagnosis for Coxiella burnetii was performed for all patients. Risk factor analysis was performed using multivariate logistic regression, and a prognostic score was computed using bootstrap procedures. The score performance characteristics were used to choose the best prediction rule to identify patients with Q fever pneumonia. One hundred thirty-one patients with CAP were included and the Q fever pneumonia prevalence was 24.4% (95% confidence interval [CI], 17.1-31.9). In multivariate analysis, male sex, middle age (age, 30-60 years), headache, leukocyte count <10 × 10(9)/L and C-reactive protein level >185 mg/L were independently associated with Q fever pneumonia. Patients with a predictive score ≤3 had a low risk of Q fever pneumonia with a negative predictive value of 0.97 (95% CI, .90-1) and a sensitivity of 0.97 (95% CI, .89-1). The prediction rule described here accurately identifies patients with low risk of Q fever pneumonia and may help physicians to make more rational decisions about the empirical use of antibiotherapy. Further prospective studies should be performed to validate this score.
A method using remotely sensed data was developed to map the incidence of Q fever in the vicinity of Cayenne, French Guiana. A satellite image was processed to map land cover and generate a population density index, which was used to determine areas of high disease incidence during the 1996-2000 period. A comparison with results obtained using population census data showed strong concordance between the two incidence maps. All high-incidence areas identified using population census data were also detected using remotely sensed data. This demonstrates the potential of remote sensing as a new tool for rapid mapping of disease incidence in epidemiologic surveys.
On July 10, 2008, Marburg hemorrhagic fever was confirmed in a Dutch patient who had vacationed recently in Uganda. Exposure most likely occurred in the Python Cave (Maramagambo Forest), which harbors bat species that elsewhere in Africa have been found positive for Marburg virus. A multidisciplinary response team was convened to perform a structured risk assessment, perform risk classification of contacts, issue guidelines for follow-up, provide information, and monitor the crisis response. In total, 130 contacts were identified (66 classified as high risk and 64 as low risk) and monitored for 21 days after their last possible exposure. The case raised questions specific to international travel, postexposure prophylaxis for Marburg virus, and laboratory testing of contacts with fever. We present lessons learned and results of the follow-up serosurvey of contacts and focus on factors that prevented overreaction during an event with a high public health impact.
Q fever is an emergent disease in French Guiana. We compared the incidence and clinical and serologic profiles between patients from Cayenne, French Guiana and Marseille in metropolitan France during a four-year period. The annual incidence of diagnosed acute Q fever was higher in Cayenne (17.5/100,000) than in Marseille (1.9/100,000) (P = 0.0004), and the annual incidence of endocarditis was also higher (1.29 versus 0.34/100,000). Most patients had fever (97%) and pneumonia (83%) in Cayenne versus 81% and 8% in Marseille (P < 0.0001 and P < 0.0001, respectively) but transaminitis was more common in patients from Marseille (54% versus 32%; P < 0.0001).The proportion of patients with cardiovascular infections was significantly lower in Cayenne (7%) than in Marseille (17%) (P = 0.017), although they showed a stronger immune response with higher levels of phase I IgG (P = 0.024). The differing epidemiologic, clinical, and serologic responses of patients from Cayenne and Marseille suggest a different source of infection and a different strain of Coxiella burnetii.
In 2012, an unprecedented number of four distinct, partially overlapping filovirus-associated viral hemorrhagic fever outbreaks were detected in equatorial Africa. Analysis of complete virus genome sequences confirmed the reemergence of Sudan virus and Marburg virus in Uganda, and the first emergence of Bundibugyo virus in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.