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Many Are Called, But Few Are Chosen: An Evolutionary Perspective For the Study of Entrepreneurship



More than a decade ago, Low and MacMillan identified three elements indispensable to an understanding of entrepreneurial success: process, context, and outcomes. Since their critique, three important advances include (a) a shift in theoretical emphasis from the characteristics of entrepreneurs as individuals to the consequences of their actions, (b) a deeper understanding of how entrepreneurs use knowledge, networks, and resources to construct firms, and (c) a more sophisticated taxonomy of environmental forces at different levels of analysis (population, community, and society) that affect entrepreneurship. Although our knowledge of entrepreneurial activities has increased dramatically, we still have much to learn about how process and context interact to shape the outcome of entrepreneurial efforts. From an evolutionary approach, process and context (strategy and environment) interact in a recursive continuous process, driving the fate of entrepreneurial efforts. Thus, integrating co...
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... When a new venture is founded, the only assets it possesses come mainly from its founder's human capital (Bhide, 2000). Consequently, founder's experience dramatically affects the way in which a venture controls its resources and performs on the market (Aldrich & Martinez, 2001). Figuratively speaking, the founder's human capital determines where the new venture begins on its learning curve. ...
... Second, compared to individual entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial teams possess more financial resources that are critical to venture survival and performance (Cooper et al., 1994). As Aldrich and Martinez (2001) suggest, limited financial resources put ventures at risk during the early months and years of funding. Also, compared to individual entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial teams have better chances of obtaining external financial resources (Kamm et al., 1990). ...
PURPOSE: In both theory and practice, the entrepreneur’s prior experience is considered to be one of the most important human capital factors affecting venture performance. Nonetheless, the research on the effect of experience on venture performance has produced inconclusive findings. The literature explaining this inconclusiveness is sparse, but several determinants have been identified, such as the variability in the conceptualization and measurement of experience and performance, age of the investigated ventures, types of industry, or size and composition of venture management. The inconsistency of these features across primary studies makes it difficult to compare the results and to integrate findings. METHODOLOGY: This meta-analysis reviews and summarizes 80 primary studies in order to investigate the relationship between entrepreneur’s experience and venture performance. We investigated the effect of five determinants of this relationship, namely the type of experience, type of performance, venture age, size of managerial team, and composition of managerial team. A random effect model was applied and the correlation coefficient was used as an indicator of effect size. FINDINGS: The study found that experience positively affected venture performance, although the magnitude of the effect was rather small. Venture performance showed to have the strongest significant relationship with start-up experience, followed by industrial, working, and managerial experience. International, functional, and entrepreneurial experience had a non-significant effect on venture performance. Moreover, the effect of experience on venture performance was not significant for older ventures. Experience significantly affected two types of venture performance, namely the size of venture and profitability, while the effect on growth was non-significant. Finally, of all the types of venture management, the experience of owner-inclusive entrepreneurial teams had the greatest effect on venture performance. IMPLICATIONS: Investor practitioners may find it helpful to assess entrepreneurs’ experience within a broader context, taking account of the types of experience the entrepreneur possesses. Entrepreneurs’ international, functional, and entrepreneurial experience should be considered very carefully, as they had a non-significant effect on venture performance. In contrast, having experience of founding a venture or of a particular industry seems to provide more value than experience of doing business internationally, or being in business for many years. Another important aspect that investors and venture capitalists should take into account is the size and composition of the entrepreneurial team and the extent to which the venture proposal reflects the different types of experience the team members possess. ORIGINALITY AND VALUE: The study contributes to the human capital literature by firstly attempting to examine systematically the overall magnitude of the relationship between entrepreneur’s experience and venture performance. It also contributes by investigating the determinants of the relationship between experience and venture performance. It summarizes and combines previous inconclusive findings about the impact of different types of experience on different venture performance outcomes.
... Kavramsal çerçevede eğitim algısı, ders içeriğinin algılanan uygunluğu ve yeterliliği, öğretim elemanlarının algılanan yetkinliği ve girişimcilik niyeti olmak dört ana yapı yer almıştır. Kullanılan ölçekler, geçmiş çalışmalardan elde edilmiştir (Adediran & Onifade, 2013;Ajzen, 2002;Aldrich & Martinez, 2001;Choo & Wong,2006;Iwu vd. 2021;Krueger, Reilly, & Carsrud, 2000;Li˜n´an & Chen, 2009;Ozaralli & Rivenburgh, 2016;Peng, Lu, &Kang, 2012;Udo-Imeh et al, 2015Van Gelderen et al., 2008). ...
Öz Girişimcilik eğilimi, girişimcilik yeteneklerini geliştirmek için gereken önemli bir bileşendir. Gençlerin girişimcilik eğitimleri kariyer seçimlerini de etkilediği için eğitim aşamasında onların girişimciliğe yönlendirilmesi, girişimcilik niyetlerinin olumlu değişimini sağlayacaktır. Yönetim Bilişim Sistemleri mezunu öğrencilerin kamu alanında diğer bölüm mezunlarına göre daha az iş imkanı bulunmaktadır. Bu yüzden mezun öğrencilerin kendi girişimlerini oluşturmaları daha faydalı olacaktır. Bunu sağlamak için de Yönetim Bilişim Sistemleri öğrencilerinin girişimcilik niyetini etkileyen faktörlerin araştırılması gerekli görülmüştür. Yapılan analizde girişimcilik eğitimi algısının girişimcilik niyetini etkilediği, ders içeriğinin yeterliliğinin girişimcilik niyetini etkilediği ve öğretim elemanının yetkinliğinin girişimcilik niyetini etkilediği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Girişimcilik, girişimcilik eğitimi, yönetim bilişim sistemleri Jel sınıflandırması: M13, A22, M00
... Therefore, adopting a holistic theoretical model to study entrepreneurship processes is mandatory (Bygrave, 1989a, b;Matricano, 2015;Phan, 2004;Pryor et al., 2016). Immersion in entrepreneurship literature reveals contributions where scholars have already remarked the importance of holistic theoretical models (Johnson, 1990;Macmillan & Katz, 1992;Amit et al., 1993;Bruyat & Julien, 2001;Aldrich & Martinez, 2001;Davidsson & Wiklund, 2001;Low, 2001;Phan, 2004;Okhuysen & Bonardi, 2011). In this vein, multidimensional theoretical frameworks, able to combine different levels of analysis and complement each other (Bruyat & Julien, 2001;Davidsson & Wiklund, 2001;Matricano, 2015), are often proposed in the literature and largely agreed upon. ...
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... .] path dependence conditions, but does not determine, a specific outcome" (Henning et al., 2013(Henning et al., , p. 1350. It is this recursive continuous process of interaction between ecosystems (context), processes, and their outputs and outcomes that shape the ecosystem and the conditions for entrepreneurs (Aldrich and Martinez, 2001). Downward causation can take many forms as an enabler of path dependencies. ...
... In previous research, it was found that perceived family support influenced, in part, the entrepreneurial intentions of students (Shen et al., 2017). Family members may influence an individual's intentions toward creating their own business through emotional and practical support (Aldrich & Martinez, 2001;Greve & Salaff, 2003). Entrepreneurial intentions are shaped partly by the social networks an individual is embedded within (Granovetter, 1973). ...
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This paper examines the impact of family culture on students’ intentions to start their own businesses by comparing two sets of students attending the same entrepreneurship program within two different cultural contexts: the US and China. Current students’ entrepreneurial intentions models do not consider the role of students’ family culture in shaping students’ career choices. This study adds the layer of family and local cultural contexts to expand the entrepreneurial intentions model identifying the elements influencing college students’ interest in entrepreneurial activities and careers. The sample includes 478 college students: 292 from the US and 186 from China. We corroborate that regardless of the cultural background of the student, perceived feasibility and desirability of entrepreneurial activities were significant predictors of entrepreneurial intentions across all students. Yet, findings also found that the relevance of perceived family support and perceived university support varies based on the student’s family’s cultural background and context. For US students, perceived family support is relevant, while perceived university support is not. In contrast, for Chinese students, the opposite is true; perceived university support is relevant, while perceived family support is not. Implications of this counter-intuitive finding are considered in the context of developing culturally adequate university programs.
... Among the scholars who have already shared the importance of interdisciplinarity for the development of entrepreneurial theories, it is worth mentioning the following:Amit et al. (1993);Aldrich and Martinez (2001);;Low (2001);Okhuysen and Bonardi (2011). ...
This chapter lays the foundations for a comprehensive analysis of entrepreneurship. What we know so far is that entrepreneurship has bright and dark sides (although some concepts have become milestones, there is not always total agreement on all their aspects). To shed some light and try to advance entrepreneurship studies, the aim of this chapter is threefold. Firstly, it aims to corroborate the idea that entrepreneurship is a process made up of several and different phases. Accordingly, a processual perspective is evoked. Secondly, it intends to select an appropriate approach to investigate it. This is expected to fit with the idea of entrepreneurship as a process. The choice is among a single, multidisciplinary, or interdisciplinary approach. Lastly, it strives for revealing and investigating some critical issues that emerge when entrepreneurship processes are implemented and conducted. The origin of entrepreneurship, the purpose to achieve, the way decisions are made, the implementation and management of entrepreneurial networks, and the way entrepreneurial ecosystems should work are well-known and largely investigated topics, but—at the same time—they reveal some critical issues that scholars have not solved in a proper way yet. For this reason, they are questioned, revised, and rebuilt by relaying on new sciences, disciplines, or fields of knowledge that may offer new lenses and—hopefully—be useful to solve some criticalities as well as advance entrepreneurship studies.
Katz e Gartner (1988) apontaram a necessidade dos estudos em empreendedorismo se focar nos momento iniciais da formação de um novo empreendimento, indicando que para tal as pesquisas deveriam explorar o que denominaram propriedades das organizações emergentes. Dessa forma, este artigo relata os resultados de uma pesquisa cujo objetivo foi verificar como se dá a criação de uma nova organização, enfocando as dimensões propostas em Gartner e Katz (1988). Para isso, foram realizadas entrevistas com quatro empreendedores de Curitiba, Paraná. A análise das respostas foi realizada pela técnica de análise da narrativa e os resultados apontaram, em geral, as seguintes considerações: 1) os empreendedores procuram embasamento técnico preliminar para criar sua organização, seja por parcerias ou por aprimoramento pessoal; 2) o estudo do mercado, concorrentes e clientes são atividades prioritárias executadas por meio de pesquisas, contatos e reprodução de algumas práticas já institucionalizadas no contexto em que atuam; 3) atividades-meio como Marketing e Finanças são prioridade e se resumem em atividades básicas para gestão da empresa; 4) o plano de negócios é formalizado, mas não é revisto e atualizado; 5) internet e redes sociais são considerados de fundamental importância na divulgação da empresa no mercado; 6) os recursos utilizados, em sua maioria, são do próprio empreendedor; 7) parcerias e o desenvolvimento do produto e serviço – quando não são reformulados quase que por completo – são atividades constantes o que denota um aprendizado e aprimoramento contínuos. Sugere-se que, em pesquisas futuras, outros processos de criação de novas organização sejam acompanhados, por um tempo ainda maior, para análise das ações dos empreendedores em seus processos de empreender e gerir seus negócios.
Traditional indicators, such as R&D expenditures and patent applications, are not necessarily the most relevant to measure the innovative capability of companies. Hence, this study aims at understanding how the conversion of ideas and inventions into commercialisation of products and services is managed, with an emphasis on internal processes and structures. To this purpose, a question sheet and a guide for semi-structured interviews have been developed derived from the model for the dynamic adaptation capability. Surprisingly, the findings from five French and five Scottish firms point to differences in innovative capabilities between French and Scottish firms that can be understood from autopoietic principles (following the law of parsimony) and the myopic versus dynamic approach for the context of the national innovation system. Additionally, the extent of the instrument indicates that a major effort is required to understand the innovative capabilities of firms and that this cannot be reduced to simplified measures as traditionally done.
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As known that the IT training and management of human resources very important for any organization, the measure of success of any organization is measured by the extent to which pre-established goals are achieved, which depend mainly on the workforce. Therefore, in order to improve the organization's performance, organizations must focus on information technology and invest in this field. However, we do not see many organizations working to invest in the field of information technology, because they do not put it among their priorities, and some of these organizations still feel that training employees to engage in this field is unnecessary. These organizations are working to reduce the budget allocated to IT to reduce annual expenses or to save some revenues. A stratified sampling method was used and 60 employees from a community of 300 were targeted through a self-administered questionnaire. The aim of this questionnaire is to find out the effect of training employees on information technology and motivating them to develop their skills, as well as knowing job satisfaction in small organizations. This study concluded that training on information technology has increased the performance of employees and also had a positive impact on the performance of the organization.
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The present study examines the evolving nature of social enterprise and identifies the most significant factors related to individuals and institutions. Organisations that pursue both profit and non-profit objectives, thus maintaining a mix of market- and mission-oriented practices and beliefs for addressing social and ecological issues, are known as “social enterprises.” The present study examines the methods of identifying, evaluating, and exploiting the principal factors related to social entrepreneurial opportunities. For this purpose, a qualitative research process applying the Delphi technique was conducted. A Delphi sample of 25 experts from Spain and Latin America was included. This study contributes to building a framework of reference for academics and practitioners regarding the key factors influencing the different stages of the social entrepreneurial process. The empirical results of the study offer a testimony of the most significant, both contextual and individual, factors in each stage of the social entrepreneurial process.
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The book presents the latest research and theory about evolutionary change in organizations. It brings together the work of organizational theorists who have challenged the orthodox adaptation views that prevailed until the beginning of the 1980s. It emphasizes multiple levels of change - distinguishing change at the intraorganizational level, the organizational level, the population level, and the community level. The book is organized in a way that gives order and coherence to what has been a diverse and multidisciplinary field. (The book had its inception at a conference held at the Stern School of Business, New York University, January 1992.)
This book seeks to deepen and broaden the understanding of change in organization populations by examining the dynamics of numbers of organizations in populations. The authors have studied various kinds of organizations, including national labour unions, newspapers and newspaper publishers, brewing firms, life insurance companies, and banks.
Portentous and abrupt changes in the world economic order have recently rekindled public interest in the globalization of business. Students of international business thus face with renewed urgency the challenge of explaining the interaction between business organizations and their environment. This challenge is also an opportunity: large-scale environmental transformations constitute so many occasions to observe organizational reactions and proactions.