
Notes on Neocapritermes Holmgren, with description of two new species from the Amazon Basin (Isoptera, Termitidae, Termitinae)

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Neocapritermes pumilis, sp.n., and N. unicornis, sp.n., are described, and drawings of soldier's head and worker's mandibles are pre-sented. New data on the geographical distribution of N. angusticeps, N. araguaia, N. bodkini, N. braziliensis, N.guyana, N. opacus, N. talpa, N. taracua, N. utiariti and N. villosus is presented with biological notes. KEY WORDS: Neocapritermes, termites, Isoptera, Termitidae, taxonomy. Neocapritermes pumilis, sp.n., e N. unicornis, sp.n., são descritos e desen-hos da cabeça dos soldados e das mandíbulas do operário são apresentados. Novos dados sobre a distribuição geográfica de N. angusticeps, N. araguaia, N. bodkini, N. braziliensis, N.guyana, N. opacus, N. talpa, N. taracua, N. utiariti e N. villosus são apresentados com notas biológicas.

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... Esta foi feita através de comparação morfológica, com base nos exemplares da Coleção de Invertebrados do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia. Também foram utilizadas as seguintes chaves de identificação para famílias e gêneros : Arnett Jr. et al. (1980);Mill (1983);Constantino (1991a;1999;2001); Bandeira & Cancello (1992); Nickle & Colins (1992 A análise estatística foi utilizada para verificar se houve diferenças significativas entre as espécies coletadas nas posições base, meio e ápice (tratamento) dos fustes das cinco árvores (repetição). Para isto foi feita a ANOVA, mediante o Programa Estatístico BioEstat 5,3 com os totais de cada espécie por coleta e por posição do fuste. ...
... N. surinamensis é relatado por Mill (1992) como pragas de peças estruturais e por Mathews (1977) Cylindrotermes parvignathus é cupim de floresta e ocorre na Amazônia em madeira sobre o solo e aparentemente não constrói ninho (Constantino, 1999). Foi encontrado por Apolinário (1993) Constantino (1991a;1992a) em floresta de terra firme e de várzea da ...
... Normalmente seu habitat é dentro ou embaixo de toras caídas ou em ninhos epígeos abandonados de outras espécies de cupins, mas também constrói ninhos subterrâneos (Constantino 1991a;Apolinário 1993). Alimenta-se de madeira medianamente decomposta a muito podre e preenche os espaços vazios da madeira com terra solta (Bandeira & Macambira 1988;Constantino 1991a). ...
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A obra intitulada “Desafios e perspectivas nas ciências agrárias vol.1”, publicada pela Brazilian Journals Publicações de Periódicos e Editora, apresenta um conjunto vinte e dois capítulos que visa abordar trabalhos voltados sobre cultivo, manejo e cuidados de diversas culturas. Logo, os artigos apresentados neste volume abordam: manejo florestal de florestas comuns: estratégia de mitigação e adaptação à mudança climática em comunidades nativas peruvias da Amazônia; caracteres morfoagronomicos de bananas ‘pacovan’ produzidas sob níveis de fertilizante nitrogenado aplicado via água residuária; produção e qualidade de chips desidratodo de maçã; propagação vegetativa do araticum (annona neosalicifolia H. Rainer) utilizando diferentes tipos de estacas e substratos; Utilização do azospirillum brasilense e composto orgânico na produção de arroz irrigado , entre outros. Dessa forma, agradecemos aos autores por todo esforço e dedicação que contribuíram para a construção dessa obra, e esperamos que este livro possa colaborar para a discussão e entendimento de temas relevantes para a área de agrárias, orientando docentes, estudantes, gestores e pesquisadores à reflexão sobre os assuntos aqui apresentados.
... Na Amazônia este gênero e outros da família Termitidae têm sido registrados em estudos de levantamentos de insetos em diversos substratos lenhosos expostos à biodeterioração, assim como em árvores (APOLINÁRIO, 1993;BANDEIRA,1998;JESUS et al., 1998;2012;ACKERMAN et al., 2009;MENDONÇA, 2009;BRITO et al., 2012;ACIOLI & OLIVEIRA, 2013;SILVA & CORRÊA-NETO, 2020 : Arnett Jr. et al. (1980);Mill (1983);Constantino (1991a;; Bandeira & Cancello (1992); Nickle & Colins (1992 x Subulitermesbaeileyi x x Anoplotermessp1 ...
... É cupim de florestas de terra firme, de florestas secundárias e de pastagens da Amazônia. Normalmente seu habitat é dentro ou embaixo de toras caídas ou em ninhos epígeos abandonados de outras espécies de cupins, mas também constrói ninhos subterrâneos (CONSTANTINO 1991a;APOLINÁRIO 1993). ...
... Alimenta-se de madeira medianamente decomposta a muito podre e preenche os espaços vazios da madeira com terra solta (BANDEIRA & MACAMBIRA 1988;CONSTANTINO 1991a). Esta espécie também foi encontrada por Dambros et al., (2012) em troncos mortos acima da água em Presidente Figueiredo. ...
A obra intitulada “Desafios e perspectivas nas ciências agrárias vol.1”, publicada pela Brazilian Journals Publicações de Periódicos e Editora, apresenta um conjunto vinte e dois capítulos que visa abordar trabalhos voltados sobre cultivo, manejo e cuidados de diversas culturas. Logo, os artigos apresentados neste volume abordam: manejo florestal de florestas comuns: estratégia de mitigação e adaptação à mudança climática em comunidades nativas peruvias da Amazônia; caracteres morfoagronomicos de bananas ‘pacovan’ produzidas sob níveis de fertilizante nitrogenado aplicado via água residuária; produção e qualidade de chips desidratodo de maçã; propagação vegetativa do araticum (annona neosalicifolia H. Rainer) utilizando diferentes tipos de estacas e substratos; Utilização do azospirillum brasilense e composto orgânico na produção de arroz irrigado , entre outros. Dessa forma, agradecemos aos autores por todo esforço e dedicação que contribuíram para a construção dessa obra, e esperamos que este livro possa colaborar para a discussão e entendimento de temas relevantes para a área de agrárias, orientando docentes, estudantes, gestores e pesquisadores à reflexão sobre os assuntos aqui apresentados.
... El objetivo del presente trabajo es presentar la información actual sobre la presencia y distribución de los géneros de Termitidae para Colombia, mediante la revisión de colecciones entomológicas a nivel nacional. Las identificaciones a nivel de género se realizaron por medio de los trabajos publicados por Mathews (1977), Mill (1983), Fontes (1985Fontes ( , 1992Fontes ( , 1979Fontes ( , 1982Fontes ( , 1986Fontes ( , 1987aFontes ( , 1987b, Constantino (1991Constantino ( , 1999Constantino ( , 2002, Scheffrahn & Su (1994), Noirot (1995), Roisin et al. (1996) y Scheffrahn et al. (2003). La sinopsis de la familia para el Neotrópico se basó en los trabajos de Araujo (1977), Fontes (1983), Maes (1990), Torales et al. (1997), Issa (2000), Constantino (2006). ...
... All the information was gathered by reviewing of entomological collections in Colombia. The genera classification follows that of Mathews (1977), Mill (1983), Fontes (1979Fontes ( , 1982Fontes ( , 1985Fontes ( , 1986Fontes ( , 1987aFontes ( , 1987bFontes ( , 1992, Constantino (1991Constantino ( , 1999Constantino ( , 2002, Scheffrahn & Su (1994), Noirot (1995), Roisin et al. (1996) and Scheffrahn et al. (2003). The synopsis for the Termitidae family in the neotropical region as based on Araujo (1977), Fontes (1983), Maes (1990), Torales et al. (1997), Issa (2000), Constantino (2006). ...
... Although, N. opacus, was found inside the sugarcane stalks in a sugarcane field of Maracaju, it has not considered a pest, since it may have penetrated the stalks previously damaged by other organisms, with the opportunistic behavior being more prevalent. N. opacus has a wide distribution in South America, including Ecuador, Bolivia, Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil (CONSTANTINO, 1991;AZEVEDO et al., 2017). ...
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Pest insects are one of the major factors affecting the productivity of sugarcane, and especially those associated with the soil, which damage the crop if not controlled. There is little information on the insect associated with the soil in the sugarcane crop in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. This study evaluated the occurrence, abundance and population variation of soil-associated insects in sugarcane crops in four counties in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul during a period from September 2009 to August 2010. For the capture of insects, deep in the soil trenches were (50 x 50 x 30 width x length x depth). It was observed that county of Maracaju has a high incidence of soil insects in sugarcane crop. Specimens of the family Scarabaeidae are abundant in sugarcane fields of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, being Liogenys suturalis the predominant species. Soil insects of the Chrysomelidae family were found with greater abundance in Dourados and Naviraí while Noctuidae, represented only by the Hyponeuma taltula, occurred mainly in Dourados. Insects of the family Termitidae occur in sugarcane fields in the counties of Maracaju and Naviraí but not in Nova Alvorada do Sul and Dourados. Sphenophorus levis and Metamasius hemipterus were alsoreported in the sugarcane fields from Maracaju, being the occurrence these species the first record in the Mato Grosso do Sul State. The determined occurrence of different soil insects in the sugarcane fields may help in their management in the four counties studied.
... Schievitermes differs from Crepititermes by its thicker mandibles with a slight, but distinct asymmetry, and globular third antennal article. Neocapritermes species are consistently larger (head width > 1 mm), have more antennal articles (15-16 vs 13) and their mandible asymmetry is always more pronounced (Krishna and Araujo 1968;Constantino 1991;Bandeira and Cancello 1992). ...
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Asymmetrical snapping mandibles have evolved several times in termites. In the Neotropics, asymmetrical snapping mandibles are found in soldiers of four genera: Neocapritermes , Planicapritermes , Cornicapritermes and Dihoplotermes . Here, I describe Schievitermes globicornis , new genus and species, from French Guiana. This genus is characterized by an absence of a frontal prominence and slightly asymmetrical mandibles in the soldier caste. The morphology and anatomy of the worker reveal a wood-based diet, and suggest that Schievitermes , Planicapritermes and Neocapritermes constitute a monophyletic group, which is consistent with mtDNA data.
... Using external soldier caste characters, and both external and internal worker caste characters, the termites sampled from all encounters were sorted to morphospecies. These were named, where possible, after comparison with the collections at the Natural History Museum, London, and descriptions in the available literature (Emerson 1925(Emerson , 1935Emerson and Banks 1957;Araujo 1961Araujo , 1977aAraujo , 1977bKrishna 1961Krishna , 1968Krishna and Araujo 1968;Mathews 1977;Fontes 1979Fontes , 1981Fontes , 1985Fontes and Bandeira 1979;Mill 1983;Constantino 1990Constantino , 1991aConstantino , 1991bConstantino , 1992Constantino , 1995Constantino and De Souza 1997). ...
In this thesis I investigated the community ecology of local African and south American forest termite assemblages. Additionally, I went on to study the influence of local ecology and biogeographical history upon local patterns of termite functional diversity across the tropics. The African field study established that there were marked differences in body size / energy use relationships between soil and wood feeding species. For the same assemblage, experimental habitat perturbation revealed the greater vulnerability of soil feeders compared with wood feeders. Early successional recovery of assemblage structure was influenced by manipulation of local ecological factors such as the amount of dead wood left on the ground. The south American study looked at patterns of termite assemblage structure across tropical forest islands that had been recently isolated by flooding. The results indicated positive early effects of forest fragmentation on abundance of wood feeders and a negative influence on soil feeders. However, fragmentation effects on species richness were marginal, and species compositional analyses indicated the greater importance of pre-existing spatial features of habitat heterogeneity. A global dataset of 87 standardised diversity transects gathered from 28 study sites across 5 continents revealed marked inter-continental differences in functional diversity, with soil feeders showing the greatest anomalies. These patterns indicated a hierarchy of influences upon local termite assemblages, with local ecological factors being subordinate to the influence of biogeographical history. Nevertheless, a synthesis of findings suggests that the ecological and energetic dichotomies between soil and wood feeding termites are central to the evolution of termite assemblages. Moreover, evidence points to termite evolution down substrate humification gradients as having been intimately associated with the evolution and distribution of tropical rain forests. From this synthesis, a scenario emerges to explain the termite diversity anomaly based on centres of origin, and likely dispersal histories, of termite feeding groups in relation to continental plate tectonic history.
... angusticeps, fig. 14, mandibles); Constantino (1991c;N. pumilis, fig. ...
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This contribution deals with the worker caste of the Neotropical termite fauna. It is a compilation of present knowledge about the morphology of pseudergates and workers, including the literature discussing the origin and evolution of this caste, the terminology used in the different taxonomic groups, and the techniques used to study these individuals, especially examination of the gut, mandibles, legs, and nota. In order to assist in identifying workers, it includes a key for the families that occur in the Neotropical Region and a characterization of workers of all families, especially the subfamilies of Termitidae, with descriptions and illustrations of diagnostic morphological features of genera. We point out advances and gaps in knowledge, as well as directions for future research.
... Termite samples were identified to species or morphospecies level with the help of identi� fication keys and specialized literature (Mathews, 1977; Fontes, 1985 Fontes, , 1992 Constantino, 1991 Constantino, , 1999 Constantino, , 2002 Constantino, , 2012). The specimens were compared with samples from previous studies conducted in the region (Laffont et al., 2004; Torales et al., 2007 Torales et al., , 2009). ...
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Termite (Insecta, Isoptera) assemblage of a gallery forest relic from the Chaco province (Argentina): taxonomic and functional groups.- Termite fauna of the gallery forest in the Colonia Benitez Reserve (Chaco province, Argentina) were analyzed using the rapid diversity assessment protocol (100 × 2 m transects). Twelve species, 10 genera and two families (Ka-lotermitidae and Termitidae), were detected, comprising the four feeding groups recognized for termites. True soil-feeders (IV) showed the highest species richness, and dead wood and grasses feeders (II) had the highest relative abundance. The most frequently occupied microhabitats were dead wood pieces lying on the ground. These results indicate that the Reserve harbors a diverse termite community similar to the 'monte fuerte' isopteran fauna (91.6% shared species). Our fndings also support the Reservés value as a well-preserved fragment of the original gallery forest and emphasize the need to promote its conservation.
... The genus Neocapritermes was revised by Krishna & Araujo (1968), who recognized 14 species. Another three species of Neocapritermes were de-scribed more recently from the Amazon (Constantino, 1991;Bandeira & Cancello, 1992), totaling 17 known species. ...
Planicapritermes longilabrum, new species, is described from central Amazonia based on soldiers. The soldier of this new species is morphologically intermediate between Planicapritermes and Neocapritermes, but shows several synapomorphies with P. planiceps. The gross morphology of the digestive tube of the soldier of the new species and of the workers of P. planiceps and four Neocapritermes spp. is described and compared. The shape of the mixed segment of these two genera is distinctive, and provide a good diagnostic character to separate them.
... A conservative taxonomic approach was used throughout, with species being assigned existing names wherever pos- sible. Termites with soldiers were identified to genus level with Con- stantino's (2002) key to Neotropical termite genera, and to species level with the museum collection and keys (Emerson 1952;Emerson & Banks 1965;Krishna & Araujo 1968;Constantino 1991Constantino , 2000Maiti 2006;da Rocha & Cancello 2007). Soldierless termites were identified to genus and species level with L. M. Hernández's (unpubl. ...
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Through their role as 'ecosystem engineers', termites provide a range of ecosystem services including decomposition, and carbon and nitrogen cycling. Although termite diversity levels differ between regions as a result of variation in regional species pool size, in general, termite diversity is thought to decline with elevation. This study (1) investigated how termite species density, abundance, functional group diversity and termite attack on dead wood vary with altitude along an Amazon-Andes altitudinal gradient in Peru; (2) identified likely environmental causes of this pattern; and (3) explored the implications of termite presence for ecosystem functioning (notably for decomposition). Termites were sampled with a standardized 100 × 2 m straight-belt transect at five undisturbed forest sites along a gradient 190 to 3025 m, as were environmental variables and termite and fungus attack on dead wood. Termite diversity was similar to that found at comparable sites in South America, and there was little turnover of assemblage composition with elevation suggesting that montane specialists are not present. Termite diversity declined with increased elevation, though the upper distribution limit for termites was at a lower elevation than anticipated. We suggest that key drivers of this elevation pattern are reduced temperature with altitude and mid-elevation peaks in soil water content. Also, attack on dead wood diminished with decreasing termite indirect absolute abundance, while the depth of the soil humic layer increased. We hypothesize that termite abundance is a major accelerant of decomposition rates (and associated mineralization) in Amazonian forests. Abstract in Spanish is available at © 2010 The Author(s). Journal compilation © 2010 by The Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation.
The neotropical termite genus Neocapritermes Holmgren (1912) was revised by Krishna & Araujo (1968), who recognized 14 valid species. Two additional species were described by Constantino (1991), and another one by Bandeira & Cancello (1992). However, the imago of most species of Neocapritermes remain unknown. In this paper we describe for the first time the imago of Neocapritermes utiariti based on specimens from the State of Rondônia, Brazil. The examined material will be deposited in the Invertebrate Collection of the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, in Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil (INPA). Comparisons with other imagoes of Neocapritermes were made based on descriptions and figures from Krishna & Araújo (1968). The measurements were taken with an ocular micrometer following Roonwal’s (1970) system of morphometric characters.
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FAUNISTIC COMPOSITION AND DISTRIBUTION OF ISOPTERA (INSECTA) FROM THE LITORAL REGION (ARGENTINA). The Litoral comprises 3 biogeographical regions (Chaqueña, Espinal and Paranaense), in which 68 termite species were detected. They belonged to the families Kalotermitidae, Rhinotermitidae and Termitidae, with a conspicuous predominance of the last one. The best represented genera for each family were: Neotermes and Tauritermes (Kalotermitidae), Heterotermes (Rhinotermitidae), Nasutitermes and Termes (Termitidae). The Chaqueña Province showed the highest species richness, with 56 species distributed mainly within the Oriental District. Some of the termites built arboreal or epigeal mounds, but most of them (28 species) were subterranean or inquilines inside nests of other Termitidae. At the Espinal Province, 11 termite species occurred, 91% of them were located at the Ñandubay District. The dry-wood termites (Kalotermitidae) lived inside dead branches and epigeal as well as subterranean Termitidae nests were located at the grasslands. The termite species found at the Selvas District of Paranaense Province (8) were mainly wood-feeders, that nested within the wood or constructed arboreal nests. Nevertheless, it was at the Campos District were most of the Paranaense termite fauna was distributed (26 species), composed mainly by mound builders and subterra-nean species.
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The updated list of Isoptera from Argentina includes 31 genera and 81 species, belonging to Kalotermitidae, Rhinotermitidae, Termitidae and Termopsidae. The geographical distributions of termite species in 214 localities of 21 provinces, partially from literature, are indicated on maps. The collection sites and diet of different species are also detailed.
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The collection of the Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi (MPEG), in the city of Belém, State of Pará, Brazil, has 65 samples of type-specimens of Isoptera, representing 26 species (21 holotypes and 5 paratypes) of 18 genera. This paper lists the number of specimens of each caste in each type series, type localities with geographical coordinates, collectors, and dates of collection.A Coleção do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi (MPEG), na cidade de Belém, Estado do Pará, Brasil, possui 65 amostras que são exemplares-tipos de Isoptera, representando 26 espécies (21 holótipos e 5 parátipos) pertencentes a 18 gêneros. Este trabalho lista o número de espécimes de cada casta em cada série-tipo, localidade tipo com as coordenadas geográficas, coletor e dados da coleta.
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Patterns of species composition in a neotropical termite assemblage were studied in relation to early effects of forest fragmentation as well as other sources of environmental and spatial heterogeneity. Termite diversity surveys were carried out at three mainland forest sites, and 10 islands of varying size, in an area of lowland tropical forest that had been flooded 4 y earlier, during the creation of the Petit Saut hydroelectric project in French Guiana. The 'ghost forest' of dead emergent trees in the flooded zone was also studied for its influence on island termite assemblages. Results suggested that the effects of forest fragmentation upon the total assemblage, and upon soil-feeders in particular, were subordinate to the influence of forest understorey palm density, and the closely associated gradients of soil humus depth and soil pH. Moreover, gradients for these three variables were uncorrelated with forest fragmentation and probably reflected spatial environmental heterogeneity pre-dating inundation events. Nevertheless, factors associated with forest fragmentation appeared to have had a significant effect on changes in termite species composition across the study site, primarily in structuring the wood-and leaf-litter-feeder assemblage. Effects upon the latter were not apparently a result of influx of species from the ghost forest. Purely spatial variation also influenced β-diversity changes in species composition across the site. In conclusion, the effects of forest fragmentation upon termites appear to have been relatively mild compared with other faunal groups, 4 y after flooding. Nevertheless, we predict that the effects of fragmentation on termite assemblages will ultimately be negative. This study also points to the importance of Amazonian understorey palms in structuring a tropical forest termite assemblage.
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Patterns of species composition in a neotropical termite assemblage were studied in relation to early effects of forest fragmentation as well as other sources of environmental and spatial heterogeneity. Termite diversity surveys were carried out at three mainland forest sites, and 10 islands of varying size, in an area of lowland tropical forest that had been flooded 4 y earlier, during the creation of the Petit Saut hydroelectric project in French Guiana. The ‘ghost forest’ of dead emergent trees in the flooded zone was also studied for its influence on island termite assemblages. Results suggested that the effects of forest fragmentation upon the total assemblage, and upon soil-feeders in particular, were subordinate to the influence of forest understorey palm density, and the closely associated gradients of soil humus depth and soil pH. Moreover, gradients for these three variables were uncorrelated with forest fragmentation and probably reflected spatial environmental heterogeneity pre-dating inundation events. Nevertheless, factors associated with forest fragmentation appeared to have had a significant effect on changes in termite species composition across the study site, primarily in structuring the wood- and leaf-litter-feeder assemblage. Effects upon the latter were not apparently a result of influx of species from the ghost forest. Purely spatial variation also influenced β-diversity changes in species composition across the site. In conclusion, the effects of forest fragmentation upon termites appear to have been relatively mild compared with other faunal groups, 4 y after flooding. Nevertheless, we predict that the effects of fragmentation on termite assemblages will ultimately be negative. This study also points to the importance of Amazonian understorey palms in structuring a tropical forest termite assemblage.
Studien über südamerikanische Termiten
  • N Holmgren
Holmgren, N. 1906. Studien über südamerikanische Termiten. Zool. Jahrb., Abt. Syst., 23: 521-676.