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Linking Competitive Strategies With Human Resource Managem
Schuler, Randall S.; Jackson, Susan E.
The Academy of Management Executive; Aug 1987; 1, 3; ABI/INFORM Global
pg. 207
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... Finally, we draw on the behavioral perspective (Jackson et al., 1989;Schuler & Jackson, 1987) to delve into the mechanisms through which digitalization impacts employee resilience. The behavioral perspective proposes a simple yet effective sequence: organizational practices, policies, and processes influence employee behaviors; these, in turn, impact those employee outcomes that are important for the organization (Delery & Roumpi, 2017;Schuler & Jackson, 1987). ...
... Finally, we draw on the behavioral perspective (Jackson et al., 1989;Schuler & Jackson, 1987) to delve into the mechanisms through which digitalization impacts employee resilience. The behavioral perspective proposes a simple yet effective sequence: organizational practices, policies, and processes influence employee behaviors; these, in turn, impact those employee outcomes that are important for the organization (Delery & Roumpi, 2017;Schuler & Jackson, 1987). As such, the behavioral perspective complements the AMO framework by explaining how ability, motivation, and opportunity lead to employee resilience. ...
... According to the behavioral perspective (Jackson et al., 1989;Schuler & Jackson, 1987), organizational practices, policies, and procedures do not only directly impact desirable outcomes for the organization; they can also occur by influencing employees' behaviors (Delery & Roumpi, 2017). On this basis, we suggest that an organization's levels of digitalization (opportunity-enhancing organizational factor) can influence employee resilience by taking charge. ...
Organizations need resilient employees to navigate and leverage constant change and maneuver in turbulent, disruptive contexts. As such, it is imperative to advance a nuanced understanding of drivers and enablers of employee resilience, especially in the current business context of pervasive digitalization and the growing practice of work-from-everywhere. Our research explores how digitalization in the organization is reflected in the employees' behavior of taking charge and resilience. By accounting for core self-evaluation, digital literacy, and inclusive climate boundary conditions, we offer a holistic picture of under what conditions digitalization enhances taking charge and employee resilience. To test our study model, we follow a survey research design and rely on 173 employees' data working in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Our results show that digitalization is positively related to employee resilience. Further, our findings show that core self-evaluation, digital literacy, and inclusive climate moderate the impact of digitalization on employee resilience. Our results received further support in a two-wave online survey with 306 employees in the United States. The support we found for the hypothesized mediating relationship highlights the criticality of taking charge in relation to digitalization and employee resilience. Taking charge is critical in relatively turbulent environments as it helps employees deal with changes in processes, procedures, and structures.
... Human resources management is a very important part of helping an organization reach its goals and stay ahead of the competition. Employee resource management (HRM) practices are the things that companies do to keep track of their employees and make sure they are working towards the company's goals (Schuler, 1987). Human resource management practices include planning, hiring, training, using, evaluating, keeping, and retaining the right number and mix of skills of employees to help the company reach its goals. ...
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This study investigates the Human Resource (HR) challenges faced by Akij Jute Mills Limited, addressing primary objectives of identifying and rectifying existing issues in HR practices. Secondary objectives encompass the investigation of Training and Skill Development, verification of performance recognition, examination of employee engagement, and the formulation of appropriate measures to overcome HRM-related issues. The study holds paramount significance as it serves to assess and enhance organizational performance, shedding light on HR strategies' effectiveness. Additionally, it explores employee satisfaction, engagement, talent acquisition, compliance, diversity, and the company's adaptability to industry trends. Employing a research philosophy that recognizes the pivotal role of successful HR practices in organizational success, the study conducts a comprehensive examination of Akij Jute Mill's HR management. The focus extends to talent acquisition and on boarding, with a close examination of the Recruitment and Selection system through thematic analysis. The research, guided by theoretical saturation, involves semi-structured interviews with 14 employees, ensuring depth and richness in qualitative data. Data collection spans self-administered questionnaires distributed between Augusts to October, emphasizing privacy, confidentiality, and participant autonomy. Primary data is gathered through semi-structured interviews with 14 Akij Jute Mill employees, while secondary sources include internal and external data. Analysis relies on thematic analysis, uncovering recurring patterns and themes that inform recommendations. The implications of this study are multi-faceted. It guides recommendations for enhancing HR strategies, improving organizational performance, fostering a positive work environment, and refining talent acquisition and retention. Furthermore, it contributes insights into compliance, diversity, and adaptability to industry trends, ensuring Akij Jute Mills' competitiveness and resilience. The findings contribute to the efficient management of resources and cost, influencing the overall prosperity of Akij Jute Mills Ltd., positioning it for sustained success in the dynamic jute industry.
... Achieving organizational goals and preserving a competitive edge depends heavily on the application of efficient HRM practices. These activities involve the organizational endeavors to oversee a workforce and ensure their active participation in accomplishing the objectives of the organization Schuler and Jackson (1987). Human Resource Management practices can be described as the strategies, policies, and activities involved in the planning, acquisition, development, utilization, evaluation, maintenance, and retention of proficient employees toward fulfilling the goals of an organization Appelbaum (2001). ...
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The bank is the lifeblood of a modern economy. The overall success and performance of a bank are largely reliant on competent and skilled employees. A dynamic, capable, and talented workforce will be ensured through the efficient use and practice of Human Resource Management. This research study examines the HRM practices in private Conventional and Islamic Shariah-based banks in Bangladesh. The study investigates various aspects of Human Resource Practices, including analysis of jobs, hiring policies, educational programs, performance management, salary structure, Occupational health and safety, and promotion policy. This research is based on secondary data. The utilization of journals, books, authorized papers, yearly reports, and internet material made this study feasible. The results of the findings show that both types of banks have established these HRM practices efficiently. The research suggests that banks ought to prioritize the implementation of environmentally friendly HRM practices, focus on utilizing data analytics, and establish HRIS to align with current industry trends.
La relation entre les pratiques RH et la résilience des entreprises via l’efficacité de la gestion des connaissances n’a pas été suffisamment étudiée. Alors cet article se donne pour objectif de remédier à cette insuffisance grâce à une démarche quantitative basée sur un échantillon de 171 entreprises nigériennes. Les résultats montrent que la formation, l’évaluation des salariés et la gestion des carrières sont positivement liées aux trois dimensions de la résilience (l’adaptation organisationnelle, la compétitivité organisationnelle et la valeur organisationnelle) tandis que le recrutement et le système de récompense n’ont pas de lien significatif avec ces trois dimensions. Les résultats indiquent également que les pratiques RH sont positivement liées à l’efficacité de la gestion des connaissances. On remarque que cette dernière est positivement liée à son tour à la résilience des entreprises. Enfin, les résultats montrent que l’efficacité de la gestion des connaissances assure la médiation dans la relation entre certaines pratiques RH (évaluation des salariés, formation et gestion des carrières) et la résilience des entreprises.
Organisational citizenship behaviour towards the environment (OCBE) aids in both environmental protection and in harnessing sustainable competitive organisational advantage. This study proposed a conceptual research model which investigated managerial perceptions of the relationship between OCBE and economic cost performance (ECP) in the UAE hospitality sector, with green innovative behaviour (GIB) mediating and green training moderating the relationship. Drawing on the theory of planned behaviour and abilities motivation opportunity theory, the study administered 479 structured questionnaires to hotel managers in the UAE using purposive and snowball sampling techniques. Partial least squares structural equation modelling was applied to test the hypotheses in SmartPLS3.3. Findings showed that OCBE had a direct and significant impact on ECP, with GIB emerging both as a direct and mediating predictor. Additionally, green training directly and significantly moderated the OCBE–cost performance relationship. These results evince the integration of sustainable philosophies with innovative mindsets to encourage green innovative endeavours among hotel managers.
The purpose of this study is to determine how high-performance human resource initiatives and creative employee behavior affect the adoption of digital transformation. There hasn't been much study done on how to employ human resources in digital transformation. The primary goal of this study is to determine which high performance human resource practices have the greatest impact on employee innovation and how those practices affect both employee creativity and company digital transformation. The study's focus is first-hand information. In this examination, a quantitative research design is employed. All IT professionals working in Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan, make up the population used in this study. Data collection is done using a convenience sampling strategy. IT staff members were given a total of 350 questionnaires; 310 of them were returned, and 300 of them were chosen for analysis. The research might benefit from multilevel and longitudinal studies that incorporate companies from different industries. The current study found extensive training, selective staffing, and rewards are essential steps in the digital transformation process to encourage employee innovative behavior.
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This systematic review study argues that guanxi HRM practices, as opposed to formal HRM practices, may improve the employee’s performance in organizations with a collective business culture. To substantiate this claim, three decade published articles; literature from the Sage, Asia Pacific, Taylor & Francis Group, and Emerald journals are reviewed. NVivo software was used for content, coding, and analysis. The results of this systematic review study reveal that informal term of guanxi HRM practices identifies positive and productive outcomes of employees in the collectivism business culture organizations in contrast to formal HRM practices. This study is useful because it also proposes that in the future, academics and HR managers can explore the guanxi HRM practices that adhere to collectivist culture in their organizational culture, particularly in growing nations like Pakistan, both theoretically and practically to enhance employee performance to meet global challenges.
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