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Certification process in the coffee value chain. Achievements and limits to foster provision of environmental services

Certification Process in the
Coffee Value Chain
Achievements and Limits to Foster
Provision of Environmental Services
Gabriela Soto and Jean-François Le Coq
Various mechanisms have been promoted to foster the provision of ecosystem
services. Product certification is one of the most promising and developed
instruments to reward the socially and environmentally friendly practices of
market producers.
This strategy started with organic production and Fair Trade, but in recent
years has grown to a wide variety of certification labels, with the coffee sector
experiencing the largest development. Before and during the coffee crisis of
2000 to 2003, different labels emerged, such as Smithsonian Bird Friendly
coffee, Rainforest Alliance, Starbucks CAFE practices (Coffee and Farmer
Equity practices), Utz Kapeh (now Utz Certified), the Common Code for
Coffee Community (4C) and recently Nestlé’s Nespresso AAA label. This trend
is not unique to the coffee sector; similar certifications are being developed for
sustainable cocoa, pineapple, cattle and palm oil. This strategy is growing and
proving an important potential in changing how our food is produced.
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With more years of implementation, the coffee sector offers a wide
perspective to analyse the achievements and limits of this strategy in fostering
environmental services. This chapter describes the development of the certified
coffee market and the characteristics of the different certification strategies
within Central America. We then review their achievements and limitations in
promoting ecosystem services, particularly related to biodiversity conservation,
and their reported socio-economic impacts. Finally, we propose areas of
improvement to increase their potential as a tool to foster the provision of
ecosystem services in the region.
Origin and Development of
Sustainable Coffee Labels
There are three stages in the creation of sustainable coffee labels that explain
the differences in objectives, methods and impacts. The first phase is linked to
the global development of organic and Fair Trade (Fairtrade Labelling
Organizations, or FLO, certified) production. This phase experienced
exponential market growth during the 1980s, but did not enter into the Latin
American coffee sector until the early 1990s, and it gained strength during the
coffee crisis of 2000 to 2003 (Ponte, 2004). The second phase incorporates the
development of labels with a biodiversity protection focus, during the late
1990s, such as the Smithsonian Institute Migratory Bird Centre’s Bird Friendly
certification and Rainforest Alliance’s Sustainable Agriculture Network (SAN)
(see Chapter 3 in this volume). The Rainforest Alliance label was first well
known in the forestry and banana sectors, and later in the coffee sector. During
and after the coffee crisis, the third group of sustainable coffee labels was
developed, incorporating socially responsible coffee trading companies, such as
Starbucks CAFE practices, Nespresso AAA, Utz Kapeh (now Utz Certified),
promoted by Ahold (a collaboration between a supermarket in The
Netherlands and coffee farmers in Guatemala), and 4C (a joint effort between
coffee trading and producer organizations) (see Figure 15.1).
Organic production and Fair Trade initiated the awareness process of a
consumer willing to fund the required changes at the farm level, in order to
ensure a greater supply of ecosystem services and to improve producers’ quality
of life (Raynolds, 2002; Loureiroa and Lotade, 2005). Through these two
labels the basis for third-party certification was also developed (Ponte, 2004).
Organic certification was launched in Europe and the US under the leader-
ship of organic farmers and alternative consumers groups and associations,
such as the Soil Association (England), Naturland and Bioland (Germany) and,
in the US, the California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF), the Organic
Growers and Buyers Association (OGBA), the Organic Crop Improvement
Association (OCIA), Oregon Tilth Certified Organic (OTCO) and Florida
Organic Growers (FOG). In 1991, both Europe and the US enacted laws
controlling the marketing of organic products (EU Regulation 2092/91 and US
Organic Foods – Farm Bill Act 1990) because of the increase in public interest
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in organic products. In 1999, the United Nations published the Codex
Alimentarius for organic production. Among the sustainable coffee labels, only
organic production has standards with legal status.
By 2000, the organic and Fair Trade coffee market was widely developed in
large part due to the development of consumer consciousness and a legally
established guarantee system. According to a Coffee Sustainable Survey of the
US Coffee Specialty Industry, by the year 2001, 66 per cent of the coffee roast-
ers sold at least one brand of organic or Fair Trade coffee and 77 per cent
thought that the overprice of US$0.59 to $0.69 per pound of coffee was
suitable (Giovannucci, 2001). But it was the coffee crisis that was the impetus
of all coffee certifications (see Figure 15.2). The production of organic, Fair
Trade, CAFE practices, Rainforest Alliance and Utz Certified coffee grew
among farmers due to the better prices and the lower perceived risk (Ponte,
2004; Giovannucci and Potts, 2008). A survey conducted in 2010 showed that
16 per cent of all coffee entering the US market is certified, with an important
primacy of Starbucks coffee, with around 2280,000 bags of 46kg in 2009.
Rainforest Alliance and Nespresso AAA, although with a smaller volume, are
showing the greatest average growth in the last four years (74 and 70 per cent,
respectively) (Giovannucci, 2010).
Growth and development of coffee labels in Central America
In Central America, as in the rest of the world, organic and Fair Trade lead the
way in coffee-sector certifications. Organic coffee was promoted by non-
governmental organizations (NGOs) with a history of supporting agroecology
Figure 15.1 World coffee prices and development of sustainable
coffee labels over time
Source: chapter authors, using information from ICO (2009)
* New York Board of Trade
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in co-operatives or small farmers’ associations, as well as by foreign producers
based in the region with strong ties to the US and European Union (EU)
markets (Britt Coffee in Costa Rica in 1994, OCIA Chapter in Guatemala in
1996, etc.). Organic and Fair Trade production grew exponentially in the
region during the coffee crisis and was an important strategy to support
farmers in overcoming the coffee crisis (Lyngbaek et al, 2001; Ponte, 2004;
Philpott et al, 2007; Cárdenas, 2008).
Fair Trade certification development was linked to the European market
and funding agencies, such as Ebert Foundation and the Consortium of
Cooperatives of Coffee Growers (COOCAFE) from Guanacaste and Montes
de Oro, one of the pioneers who started marketing Fair Trade coffee in 1989
(Ronchi, 2002). The impact of Fair Trade certification in overcoming the coffee
crisis was also crucial. Farmers with organic and Fair Trade labels were able to
sell coffee at much better prices than conventional coffee (see Table 15.1).
Other labels, such as Rainforest Alliance, Starbucks CAFE practices and
Utz Certified label, also grew rapidly during and post-crisis in Central America
(see Table 15.1). Not all countries in Central America were able to differentiate
between the amounts of exported speciality coffee as the Instituto Hondureño
del Café (IHCAFE) could for Honduras.
Figure 15.2 Coffee certification growth in the world market,
Source: chapter authors, using information from ICO (2009)
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Strategies of Sustainable Coffee Certification
This section presents the characteristics of the various existing certification
systems and analyses their limits and opportunities to foster ecosystem services
(ES) provision.
The success of certification as a strategy to increase the supply of ecosystem
services on farm depends on the different components of the certification struc-
the objective and content of the standards that determine the level of inten-
tionality towards ES provision;
the certification structure which affects the liability of the requisite compli-
ance control, its costs and the degree of access for farmers; and
the market recognition that determines the economic incentive for the
farmers’ effort (investment) to comply with the normative and provide ES.
Certification must not only ensure service provision, but promote the
profitability of the certified activity, such as coffee production. Thus, each
component has the challenge of achieving a balance between these two main
objectives: guarantee the ES provision for consumers’ trust, and guarantee
farmers’ access and profitability. For example, the standards should be strict
enough to guarantee the ES provision, but not so strict that farmers would not
comply. Inspectors’ farm visits should be sufficient to guarantee standards
compliance, while maintaining affordability for the farmer (see Table 15.2).
The objectives and content of the standard
We analysed the standards in terms of objectives and contents, and discussed
the implications in terms of potential effects on ES provision.
It is important to understand that ecosystem services provision is not always
the priority for all sustainable coffee standards (see Table 15.3). Specific labels
Table 15.1 Honduras speciality coffee exported (volumes and sale prices)
from the 2005–2006 harvest
Coffee seal Volume Average price
(bags of 46kg) (US$/bag)
Organic 40,479 132.7
Utz Kapeh 17,578 105.8
Fair Trade/organic 10,395 138.2
Rainforest Alliance 9052 112.3
Fair Trade 8185 129.3
Organic/Fair Trade/Rainforest Alliance 2317 150.0
Source: IHCAFE (2006)
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focus on social priorities rather than environmental, such as Fair Trade, while
other certifications put more emphasis on ensuring that coffee quality meets
their niche market requirements, such as CAFE practices and Nespresso AAA,
who only certify coffee produced 800m above sea level. Seals are sometimes
developed to promote the use of a baseline for sustainable coffee production
(such as 4C).
Nevertheless, consumers do not perceive differences among labels, but
maintain the perception that every sustainable coffee label guarantees environ-
mental protection, appropriate social conditions and a fair price for farmers.
Table 15.2 Challenges of the certification structure to guarantee the
ES provision, farmer access and profitability
Standard Ecosystem services (ES) Producer: Facilitate access and
component provision increase revenues
Standards objectives Guarantee the provision of ES. Enable cost-effective productivity.
and contents Promote a farmer strategy of
continuous improvement.
Standards compliance Guarantee equal compliance to Adapt to local conditions.
control structure: the standards in all regions and Be respectful of farmers’ traditions
accreditation body, among all farmers and farmers’ and practices.
certification body organizations. Ensure that costs are accessible for
and inspectors Maintain a reliable guarantee farmers.
system that is transparent for Keep costs accessible to national
consumers, buyers and and international agencies (these
governments. costs will eventually be transferred
to the farmer).
Market recognition Establish prices according to the Provide market prices (premiums)
ES provided. that compensate for the required
Give preference to products investments and the decrease in
providing more ES. productivity.
Ensure stable prices, which will give
confidence to the producer for
long-term investments.
Table 15.3 Main objectives of the different sustainable coffee labels
Label Environment Social Cup quality1
Organic + + + + +
Smithsonian Bird Friendly2+ + + + +
Fair Trade3+ + + + +
Rainforest Alliance + + + + + +
Utz Certified + + + +
Starbucks CAFE practices + + + + + + + +
4C + + + +
Nespresso AAA + + + + + + +
Notes: 1 Organoleptic characteristics. 2 Organic certification required. 3 In 2008, Fairtrade Labelling
Organizations (FLO) added a detailed section on environmental standards.
Source: authors, based on interviews with auditors and certified co-operatives
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Many labels have widened their scope of action to face this challenge, such as
Fair Trade’s environmental standards improvement or Rainforest Alliance’s
inclusion of climate change standards.
Content and design process of certification standards
Certification criteria vary among the different labels based on their objectives
and the scope of standards. Some certifications are generic for all crops, while
others are specific to coffee, allowing a greater degree of precision in aspects
such as shade (see Table 15.5). Thus, organic, Fair Trade, Rainforest Alliance
and Utz Certified are not coffee specific, whereas Smithsonian Bird Friendly,
Starbucks CAFE practices and 4C are coffee specific (see Table 15.4).
The technical support behind each of the standards is also variable and
depends on when the standards were developed and what methods were used
to develop them. The first versions of the organic standards were written
during the 1960s and 1970s by farmers and consumer associations in Europe
or the US. These standards were later voted into the International Federation
of Organic Agricultural Movements’ (IFOAM’s) General Assembly, with
participants from around the world. While these methods were very democra-
tic and participative, ecosystem services technical data was limited. In contrast
to this strategy, the Smithsonian Bird Friendly seal developed its standards
based on scientific data of the impact of coffee intensification (Rice, 1999)
upon migratory bird behaviour in the Mesoamerican coffee landscape
(Greenberg et al, 1997a, 1997b). As a result, these coffee-specific standards
have a clear objective for a defined region. Bird Friendly seal research has since
become the template for defining new criteria for other standards.
Variability of contents and possible practices regarding
ES provision
Since shade structure and management are directly linked to biodiversity
within the coffee system (Perfecto et al, 1997; Moguel and Toledo, 1999; Mas
Table 15.4 Basic requirements of sustainable coffee certification standards and
compliance control system
Criteria/ Organic Smithsonian Fair Rainforest Starbucks Utz 4C
requirements Bird Trade Alliance CAFE Certified
Friendly practices
Criteria specific No Yes No Yes Yes No Yes
for coffee
Allow synthetic No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
pesticides use
Transition period 3 years Must be No No No No No
required before organic
Compliance Full compliance Scoring
assessment system system
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and Dietsch, 2004), they provide a good example of understanding standards’
variability regarding impacts upon ES provision. Standards that are not coffee
specific, such as organic, do not mention shade structure in their requirements;
but shade must be implemented to control weeds, promote biodiversity and
manage coffee nutrition within the farm system. On the other hand, standards
such as Smithsonian Bird Friendly clearly define the number of trees per
hectare, the height of the trees and a minimum shade percentage (see Table
The lack of shade criteria or the fact that shade is optional within the
scoring system has made it possible to have Utz Certified, 4C, Starbucks CAFE
practices, Fair Trade, organic and Rainforest Alliance certified farms with few
or no shade trees. The implications of this for ecosystem services provision will
be discussed further in this chapter (see also Chapter 3 in this volume).
The scoring system used in Rainforest Alliance, Starbucks CAFE practices
or Utz Certified offers the farmer the possibility of being certified and receiving
consumer recognition (potential premium) at the initial stages of implementing
criteria while improving farm management. Full compliance with the standards
is a requirement to be a certified farm for organic and Smithsonian Bird
Friendly programmes. The scoring system strategy risk comes from the
consumer’s perception of certified farms. Most consumers are not aware of the
Table 15.5 Coffee shade requirements in sustainable coffee labels
Requirement Organic Smithsonian Rainforest Utz Starbucks 4C
Bird Friendly Alliance Certified CAFE practices
Regulation NOP-USDA, April 2002 February Version 1.1 November May 2009;
version 834/2007 2009 January 2009 generic
889/2008 2010 indicators
Must have No mention Yes Only for crops If compatible Shade No mention
shade in of shade usually managed with local required of shade
the coffee in agroforestry production where the
plantation systems or in a practices and natural
natural forest considering vegetation
region productivity was forest
Diversity 10 12 ‘Several species’
(number of
species ha1)
Minimum 12
height of
main species (m)
Strata 3 2 – –
Percentage 40 40 Additional points
minimum shade for 10%, 40%
year round or 75% shade
Native species ‘Top strata’ ‘Preferable’ Additional points
if only native
species are used
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different standards, which potentially could result in lost confidence when they
see a full sun farm certified as a sustainable farm.
Adaptations of content and variability of certification
application and practices
Some labels have made an effort in adapting standards to regional conditions.
In 2009, Rainforest Alliance hosted workshops to discuss the coffee standard
of each Mesoamerican country, with participation from farmers, co-op techni-
cians, government extension agents and the academic sector, to guarantee that
the standards are adapted to local conditions and to define training issues for
local inspectors.
As a result of this consulting process, some standards were adapted to local
conditions. For example, Rainforest Alliance and Starbucks CAFE practices
define the shade requirement based on the natural growth of the area before
agriculture. Therefore, if the natural growth in an area was forest, shade is
required, but if it was prairie, shade is not necessary. One of the concerns with
this ‘optional and gradient’ standard system is that there is more room for
interpretation by inspectors. Adequate training for inspectors or auditors is
fundamental for the success of the programme. Farmers often complain about
the interpretation variability of the standards pending the inspector’s visit each
The regional standards adaptation process has been analysed by develop-
ing standards committees worldwide for many years. On the one hand,
adaptation has the advantage of considering different biophysical and socio-
Table 15.6 Components and characteristics of the standards compliance
control structure of sustainable coffee certification
Standards compliance Functions
control structure
Accreditation body Controls the operation of the certification agencies based on ISO 65
and ISO 19011 requirements, as well as each specific standard. The
accreditation body can be a private company or a governmental
institution such as the National Organic Programme of the US
Department of Agriculture (USDA).
Certification agency Certifies coffee production and processing based on:
the farm management plan (FMP) provided by the producer;
the inspection report, which establishes potential non-compliances.
Inspector verifier The inspector receives a copy of the FMP from the certification
agency. The inspector then visits the farm and/or the processing plant.
A detailed report is sent to the certification agency with the potential
non-compliances observed in the field.
Farmer or farmers’ Develop a FMP and send it to the certification agency to apply for
organization certification.
The inspector visits the farm or processing plant.
A corrective plan of action is developed to comply with the non-
compliances found on the farm.
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Table 15.7 Application structures for different labels in coffee certification in Costa Rica
Who? Organic Smithsonian Fair Trade Rainforest Utz 4C Starbucks Nespresso
Bird Friendly Alliance Certified CAFE practices AAA
Defines the National and Smithsonian International advisory committees coordinated by each of the Starbucks in Designed by
standards international Institute of headquarters of these labels collaboration Rainforest
legislation America with Alliance*
Controls private Governments: Must be They certify Most of the ISO 65 Certify ISO 65 Rainforest
agencies’ activities NOP-USDA** ISO 65 themselves or certification is accredited themselves accredited Alliance
(accreditation) in the US; Plant accredited work in done by agencies; they agencies and
Health and collaboration themselves or also monitor Scientific
Quarantine with other in strategic the certification Certification
Service in certification alliances with agencies Systems
Central agencies NGOs
Controls standards Private Independent Fairtrade Control division Independent Internal Independent Rainforest
compliance agencies or private agencies Labelling of Rainforest private agencies personnel private agencies Alliance
(certification government Organizations Alliance auditors
function) offices (FLO) certified
Rule of Full compliance system Scoring system
Notes: †Private company contracted by Starbucks to develop its certification system.
* The Nespresso AAA are not public standards.
** National Organic Program of the United States Department of Agriculture.
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economic conditions of each region; on the other, it could increase the variabil-
ity of implementation and, by doing so, risk losing consumers’ credibility. For
example, a coffee farmer in Central America who invests in shade management
and accepts a decrease in productivity may feel it is unfair to have the same
label as a full sun coffee from the Cerrado in Brazil.
Structures of the Control System
The compliance control system structure of sustainable coffee certification is
critical to the certification strategy because it is the mechanism that gives credi-
bility to the eco-label strategy. Thus, it should be transparent, fair and strict
enough to be trustworthy. Nevertheless, it should be cost effective and adapt-
able in order to ensure farmer adoption. In this section, the different control
structures and their implications in terms of system liability and efficiency are
The basic structures of the certification control system
Certification’s compliance control system is essentially composed of three main
actors who assume three specific functions (see Table 15.6).
Each label has developed different certification structures from the field
visits selection criteria (see Table 15.7). The fact that organic standards are
enforced by public regulation makes the standards definition a very structured,
open process, relying on government official implementation. However, in
most cases, modifications are difficult and time consuming for all stakeholders,
while private standards are easier to modify.
Differences are also observed in the accreditation system. While organic
certification is mainly government controlled (private accreditations are also
available, such as the Organic Accreditation System (OAS) from IFOAM),
there are standard-setting bodies that conduct the certification themselves,
where accreditation by a third party is not required (e.g. Rainforest Alliance
certification). The advantage of having an accreditation system is that the
division of roles between the standard-setting and standard-controlling bodies
increases the transparency of the process. However, it also increases the certifi-
cation cost. Nonetheless, Utz Certified and Starbucks CAFE practices have
implemented accreditation systems through their regional offices with no
additional cost for the certification agency or the farmers.
Cost control, monitoring and farmers’ accessibility
One of the highest costs in the promotion of ecosystem services through certifi-
cation is compliance inspection and monitoring. The certification process
moves about US$200 million worldwide, from field inspectors and agency
coordination and certification decisions, to agencies in accreditation processes
with governments as well as private agencies (e.g. ISO 65). Sooner or later
these costs are transferred to the producer or the consumer, and have become a
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growth constraint. Case studies in Costa Rica show high variability in certifica-
tion costs (Moreno et al, 2009) (see Table 15.8), depending on certification
type (individual or group), agency, size of and access to farms, number of
inspection days, etc. The size of the organization (number of certified produ-
cers) is a factor that strongly affects the certification cost per hectare (fixed
costs versus variable costs). In the study sample, we worked with organizations
of different sizes (Coopetarrazú with 2600 producers; CoopeAgri – Fair Trade
certified with 16,000 producers; and associations of organic producers with 15
to 20 producers), which justified the variation in costs per hectare. Surveys
with cocoa producer organizations in Central America reported similar certifi-
cation costs for organic and Fair Trade certification (PCC, 2010).
Currently, many efforts have been made to reduce these costs at the
producer level, including collective certification of small producer groups;
funding agencies supporting small producers to cover certification costs; train-
ing of local inspectors instead of working with international inspectors; local
certification agencies; reducing the frequency of visits; etc. The reduction of
these costs should be a constant quest of the certification programmes
themselves. For example, the Smithsonian Bird Friendly label achieved cost
reduction through its union with organic certification, which enables it to
reduce the number of inspection visits to one for both certifications, to reduce
the frequency of audits from one per year to one every three years, and to avoid
accreditation cost for agencies. Other labels such as Starbucks CAFE practices
and Rainforest Alliance have developed similar efforts. Farmers’ organizations
that adopt multi-certification and a common system of internal control systems
are able to reduce the costs of investment in training, record-keeping, etc. at the
farm level.
Table 15.8 Organic, Fair Trade and Rainforest Alliance certification costs of
eight case studies in coffee production in Costa Rica, 2007
Label Zone Form of certification Coffee area Certification
(ha) cost (US$ ha1)
Organic Los Santos (Tarrazú) Individual 3.5 43.8
Central Valley Individual 56.4 33.4
Pérez Zeledón Association 6.6 12.6
Fair Trade Los Santos Co-operative 4.2 0.7
Pérez Zeledón Co-operative 2.1 0.5
Rainforest Alliance Los Santos (Tarrazú) Co-operative 2.8 11.8
Central Valley Individual 49.7 40.1
Turrialba Individual 675 9.6
Conventional Los Santos Individual 7.1 0
Pérez Zeledón Individual 8.5 0
Source: adapted from Moreno et al (2009)
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Multiplicity of standards and access to farmers
Another difficulty that farmers encounter in the organic sector is to have differ-
ent standards for different markets. The current structure of the organic
market states that no matter where the products are produced in the world,
they must be produced following the standards of the regions where the
products are sold. Producers selling to the US market must meet the NOP
standards (Part 205 of Title 7 of the Code of Federal Regulations USDA), while
producers exporting to Europe must comply with European Union Regulations
834/2007 and 889/2008, and exports to Switzerland or Japan must comply
with Biosuisse or Japanese Agricultural Standard (JAS) regulations, respec-
tively. As a result, producers from exporting countries who want to maintain
their access to diversified markets have more constraints than producers from
developed countries, such as Europe and the US, in selling to their local
This additive effect of requirements has made farmers feel that the regula-
tions are constantly changing and becoming stricter with time. This was
mentioned as one of the reasons why farmers are stepping out of organic coffee
in Central America (Haggar and Soto, 2010).
Variability of rules of compliance and access to farmers
Another aspect relevant to farmers’ access is the method of evaluation of
compliance. Different labels are currently using two systems: the full criteria
compliance method used by organic, Smithsonian Bird Friendly and Fair
Trade, and the scoring system. In the full compliance system, the producer
must ensure that all requisites are certified. In the scoring scheme, most of the
requisites have a score and a minimum score certifies a producer (e.g. 60 per
cent of the total score for CAFE practices). However, a balance between the
three main topics (environmental, social and transparency factors) is required.
Farmers, for example, cannot have high scores in social issues that will balance
low performances in environmental issues. In addition, there are compulsory
‘critical criteria’. Among these criteria are aspects such as minimum salaries,
child labour, anti-discrimination, etc. This scoring assessment system is used by
Rainforest Alliance, Starbucks CAFE practices, Utz Certified and 4C.
There are two consequences regarding the differences in the assessment
system. First, full compliance systems are stricter than scoring systems and tend
to be more clearly understood by consumers; but the scoring system offers a
more inclusive pattern from the producers’ point of view. It enables facilitation
of a continuous improvement process within the framework of the certifica-
tion, whereas in a full compliance system, farmers have to develop the
compliance by themselves. Second, the existence of various assessment systems
tends to complicate the comparison between certifications regarding their
impact upon provision of ecosystem services; certified farmers with a scoring
system may have a variety of farmers’ practices.
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Incentives for Certification and Farmers’ Interests
Producers adopt certification for a variety of reasons: an interest in protecting
the environment and family health, access to niche markets, better prices or
price stability, or (as a certified producer said in Nicaragua) ‘I would do
anything not to go through the same anxiety that I suffered during the coffee
crisis.’ But the reason why they decided to become certified does not matter;
they will not remain unless they are recognized for their efforts. We describe
here the modalities of economic rewards to producers and analyse their results
and limitations.
Characteristics of economic incentives
Economic rewards to compensate the certified producers’ efforts take various
forms according to various labels. The common perception is that certification
will lead to a premium over the conventional market price. Yet, the reality is
more complex.
The only certification which establishes a premium as part of the standard
is Fair Trade, which explicitly regulates commodity prices, and obligates
traders to pay a minimum price as well as a premium for development of US$5
to $10 kg1of coffee. No other certification has control over the certified
coffee price. However, some of the labels developed by coffee businesses have
established a reward system. For example, Starbucks gives a one-time premium
to CAFE practices producers who make improvements during the initial years.
Producers of Utz Certified coffee or Nespresso AAA are offered a fixed
Figure 15.3 Price premium for organic certified coffee in Latin America
harvest 2002/2003
Source: adapted from CIMS (2004)
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premium (from US$2 per 46kg for the former, to US$5 per 46kg for the latter,
according to producers interviewed by the authors in Costa Rica in 2007). For
organic and Rainforest Alliance, the premium is an element of price negotia-
tion between producers and traders and, thus, depends on market rules.
Whereas Rainforest Alliance association is constantly and actively promoting
its label with traders and roasters, there is no specific promotion for organic
products. Organic certification agencies are specifically forbidden to do so by
ISO 65 accreditation requirements. Nevertheless, since it is the better-known
label in the market, the premium for organic is usually the largest one (see
Table 15.1 and Figure 15.5). Other labels, such as 4C, do not promote a
premium system. Therefore, the premium linked to certification, with the
exception of organic, is generally very limited in comparison to conventional
price. According to our estimation, in 2007 in Costa Rica, the average
premium level, except for organic, represented between 1.5 and 7.5 per cent of
the conventional price.
A second characteristic of the economic reward is that there is no guaran-
teed reward level. The reward level is variable and depends on offer and
market demand in this market segment and on the price level in the conven-
tional market. For example, the premium for organic/Fair Trade production
was around US$70 to $100 per 46kg compared to conventional production
during the coffee crisis during early 2000; however, it was only US$5 to $10
per 46 kg in 2009 during a high price conjuncture in international markets
(Haggar and Soto, 2010).
Figure 15.4 Coffee price distribution in the coffee value chain
Source: CIMS (2004) and ICO (2004)
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As the economic reward is linked to the coffee commodity market, the
price of coffee depends not only on certification, but also on other factors such
as quality, technology and organoleptic characteristics, as well as marketing of
the product or how well the region is known (Tarrazú in Costa Rica; Antigua
or Huehuetenango in Guatemala). Thus, the premium reflects not only the ES
provision, but also commercial attributes. Organic producers in countries such
as Costa Rica and Guatemala benefited from better organic production premi-
ums than other countries in the region for their quality and origin of fame. For
example, during the 2002 to 2003 harvest, they received an average premium
of US$70 per 46kg of green coffee, while countries such as Nicaragua and
Honduras received a premium of US$20 to $30 (see Figure 15.3) (Kilian et al,
Figure 15.5 Organic coffee production (46kg bags) in Costa Rica from 1989
to 2009–2010 harvest
Source: authors based on ICAFE data from 2010
Table 15.9 Evolution of the number of organic producers in Central America
Number of Number of organic Percentage change in
organizations producers in these the total number of
participating in organizations* organic producers
workshops 2004–2005 2009 Between 2004–2005
and 2009
Guatemala 5 1277 738 –42%
Nicaragua 7 2718 2485 –8%
Costa Rica 7 897** 388** –57%
Notes: * Information based on workshops held in 2010 in Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Guatemala. Data provided
by producers participating in the workshops. These are not country averages but averages of the organizations
that they represent.
** Data collected by students from CATIE (Quispe, 2007; Ramirez, 2010). This is a country average.
Source: adapted from Haggar and Soto (2010)
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Another characteristic of economic rewards is no premium guarantee since
certification does not give a guarantee to effectively sell the coffee as certified
coffee. For most eco-labels, it is common that producers have to sell a part or
sometimes all of their certified production as conventional production because
they cannot find a trader interested in the product. This has been particularly the
case for Fair Trade, Utz Certified and Rainforest Alliance during the last few
years since certified production exceeded demand. Indeed the volume effectively
sold as Fair Trade, Utz Certified and Rainforest Alliance at the Central American
level was only 14, 32 and 32 per cent of the certified production, respectively
(authors, based on Kilian and Pratt, 2009).
Finally, the rewards distribution along the commodity chain is not
regulated by the certification standard. Thus, the producers have no guarantee
of receiving the entire premium that the consumers paid for the product.
Indeed, the price premium paid by the consumer is distributed among all of the
actors of the commodity chains. In many cases, the additional price paid by the
consumer is higher than the additional price received by the producers (see
Figure 15.4) (CIMS, 2004).
Economic rewards and benefits for producers:
The importance of productivity
In spite of economic rewards, the number of organic coffee producers in
Central America has suffered a decrease during the last few years (see Table
15.9). Moreover, according to personal communications with leaders of co-
operatives and producers in the region, the producers’ interest in other coffee
labels is also declining. The common reason to explain this tendency is that
economic rewards do not cover the producers’ efforts to comply with certifica-
tion standards. The benefits for producers are a critical factor in the
sustainability of the certification strategy.
Organic certification shows that because recognition for the provision of
ES is paid by quintal of coffee, what is important is not just the premium
received per quintal, but also the number of quintals sold. During periods
when the difference between organic/Fair Trade production compared to
Table 15.10 Comparison of productivity in organic and conventional
farms in Central America, 2009
Average productivity Average productivity Reduction of productivity
in organic farms in conventional farms between organic and
(quintals ha1)*(quintals ha1)*conventional (%)
Guatemala 10 13 23
Nicaragua 10 14 29
Costa Rica 12 25 52
Notes: * Data provided by producers participating in the organic coffee crisis analysis workshops. There are no
country averages, but averages from the regions that they represent.
1 quintal = 46kg of green coffee.
Source: adapted from Haggar and Soto (2010)
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conventional production was important (e.g. US$70 to $100 during the coffee
crisis years), the producer felt rewarded and the amount of organic coffee
production increased (see Figure 15.5); but during periods of high conventional
coffee prices, the organic or Fair Trade premiums do not pay for the differences
in productivity (as in 2009, where the differential was US$5 to $10). This
reduction of productivity results from the density and management of shade
trees, and the limited use of organic fertilizers.
The differential between organic and conventional productivity is not
equal in all Central American countries (see Table 15.10); countries with
higher productivity in conventional coffee, such as Tarrazú in Costa Rica or
Huehuetenango in Guatemala, are regions where most organic farmers have
already converted to conventional or some other sustainable certification.
Moreover, in areas with recognized quality coffee and high coffee price, such as
Tarrazú, there is no interest in organic production since organic coffee premi-
ums do not compete with the premium obtained for quality.
For other labels, the situation seems less stringent. Although the economic
rewards are lower than for organic coffee, the reduction of productivity when
complying with requisites seems to be less than for organic coffee. For
example, CIMS (2006) shows that in the region, Rainforest Alliance and Utz
Certified coffee productivities ranged from 38 quintals to 40 quintals ha1,
which was comparable to conventional production levels.
Finally, producers’ perceptions are also an important element for the
sustainability of the eco-label mechanism. A survey showed that while produ-
cers’ satisfaction was initially high, it has decreased over time because the
economic reward is less than originally offered (Giovannucci and Potts, 2008).
Impact of Sustainable Coffee Certification upon the
Provision of Ecosystem Services and Farmers’ Welfare
Provision of ecosystem services
The provision of ecosystem services from agroforestry systems has been widely
documented (Schroth et al, 2004; Montagnini, 2006; Jose, 2009), and there is
clear evidence that the two main factors that will increase biodiversity and the
provision of ES are shade tree diversity and distance to forest patches (includ-
ing impact of riparian forest, live fences, etc.) (see also Chapter 3 in this
volume). However, farmers have little control over the organization of the
landscape outside of their farm, so shade management is the area where certifi-
cation could have an impact in improving the provision of ES. But after
reviewing the variability that exists in the shade criteria and in the implementa-
tion of these criteria in the field (see Table 15.5), one may wonder about the
real impact of certification upon the provision of ES. Unfortunately, there is
little scientific evidence which compares the impact of the different seals upon
the provision of ES, with the exception of organic and Smithsonian Bird
Friendly (see Table 15.11).
ES_ESAA_1-4_ES_POL_25/7 01/04/2011 14:08 Page 336
Table 15.11 Studies comparing the provision of ecosystem services in certified
coffee farms in Mesoamerica and Brazil
Ecosystem Indicator Region Certification Main results Source
Biodiversity Fruit- Chiapas, Organic, More variation with Mas and Dietsch
and pests consuming Mexico Rainforest Alliance, shade structure (2004)
and disease butterflies Bird Friendly and than with
and forest conventional certification label.
birds Farms with more
complex shade
structures were
more diverse.
Trees, Chiapas, Organic, The ideal for Philpott et al
epiphytes, Mexico Organic + Fair biodiversity is (2007)
birds, ants Trade, standards more
and yield conventional specific to tree
and ‘similar to’ requirements.
Alliance and
Bird Friendly
(no certified
farms in the
Tree diversity Costa Rica Organic, CAFE practices, Quispe (2007)
conventional, Rainforest Alliance
Fair Trade, Rainforest and Utz Certified
Alliance, CAFE no difference in
practices and percentage shade
Utz Certified from conventional.
Rainforest Alliance,
organic and Fair
Trade were different
from conventional
in the biodiversity
of trees.
Ants Turrialba, Organic and Organic farms had Barbera et al
Costa Rica conventional higher species (2004)
(including a diversity richness.
gradient of high
diverse to low
Cicadellidae Higher diversity of Ramos (2008)
Cicadellidae on
organic shaded
Less nests in Varon et al
organic shaded (2007)
Hydrological Native species Minas Rainforest Alliance Rainforest Alliance Palmieri (2008)
services number and Gerais, and conventional had higher numbers
conservation Brazil of native species
of water and better water
resources conservation.
Soil quality Soil carbon Cartago, Organic and More homogen- Payan et al
Costa Rica conventional eous distribution (2009)
of soil carbon in
organic farms.
ES_ESAA_1-4_ES_POL_25/7 01/04/2011 14:08 Page 337
Table 15.11 Studies comparing the provision of ecosystem services in certified
coffee farms in Mesoamerica and Brazil (Cont’d)
Ecosystem Indicator Region Certification Main results Source
Organic Guatemala Organic and Higher contents Alfaro (2004)
matter, and Brazil conventional of organic matter,
mycorrhizae mycorrhizae,
and bacteriophages
nematodes and nematodes in
organic production.
30 indicators Turrialba, Organic and Higher additive Porras (2006);
of soil quality Costa Rica conventional with Index of Soil Quality George (2006)
and without timber (ICSA) (combination
trees and bananas of different
variables of soil)
in organic farms.
Ground cover Costa Rica Organic, Significant Quispe (2007)
conventional, differences in the
Fair Trade, ground cover of
Rainforest Alliance, organic farms.
CAFE practices
and Utz Certified
Earthworms Turrialba, Organic and Similar yields and Sanchez de
and microbial Costa Rica conventional with microbial biomass León et al
biomass and different shade trees between organic (2006)
yield and conventional
farms. More
earthworms in
Soil fertility Turrialba, Organic and Higher P, Ca and Soto et al
Costa Rica conventional with K, and lower (2007)
different shade trees acidity after four
years of organic
Provision Other Turrialba Organic and Organic farms Cárdenas
products Costa Rica conventional were more (2008)
extracted profitable when
from the considering the
organic farm other food products
produced on-farm;
but coffee
productivity was
lower on organic
Profit and Costa Rica Organic and 22% less yield in Lyngbaek et al
coffee yield conventional organic, 5% more (2001)
Carbon Carbon Turrialba, Organic and Higher CO2Noponen et al
sequestration footprint Costa Rica, conventional with kg1ha1on (2010)
and different shade trees conventional farms;
Masatepe, higher CO2kg1
Nicaragua of coffee on
organic farms
due to lower yields.
ES_ESAA_1-4_ES_POL_25/7 01/04/2011 14:08 Page 338
Comparative studies of the impact of certification upon ES provision have
several constraints. The first and most common is the definition of the
categories of management systems to be compared (e.g. organic versus conven-
tional), when management practices within each of these categories can be
variable (trees or no trees, pruned trees or free growth, etc.). Other studies
compare before and after certification; but most farmers did not keep records
before certification, so the study must rely on the farmers’ memories, which are
subject to error. Another strategy is to compare certified and uncertified farms
in a specific time, matching and comparing socio-economic and biophysical
characteristics. The drawback of this methodology is limited access to
databases to identify certified and uncertified farms with the same characteris-
tics, or, alternatively, the high cost of a sampling effort. Facing these
difficulties, the ISEAL alliance developed a code of good practices to conduct
impact studies for this type of analysis (see
content/ Impacts-code).
Other aspects to be considered when interpreting the results are regional
differences, such as the existence of strong environmental national regulations,
which could alter the results (Alonso and Jiménez, 2009). Preliminary data on
the impact of organic, Fair Trade, Rainforest Alliance, Utz Certified and
Starbucks CAFE practices in Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Peru and
Kenya collected within the COSA project (a multi-criteria cost–benefit analysis
of sustainable practices in coffee) show a wide range of economic and biodiver-
sity impacts of the same labels in different countries (Giovannucci and Potts,
A review of ecosystem services provision in certified coffee farms in the
Mesoamerican region and Brazil (see Table 15.11) shows a trend towards
positive impacts of organic, Smithsonian Bird Friendly and Rainforest Alliance.
More research is required to determine the impact of the most recent labels,
such as Utz Certified, CAFE practices, Nespresso AAA or 4C.
The challenge that the standard-setting bodies are facing is how to develop
standards to improve the provision of ES, but to be understood and imple-
mented by farmers. Should the standards refer to the provision of ES (e.g. to
avoid erosion), or should the practice to avoid erosion be requested (e.g.
construct terraces in the field). It is clear that for the inspector visiting the farm
once a year for two or three hours (depending on the size of the farm and
access to all fields), it would be easier, for example, to verify the presence or
absence of the terraces than to measure laminar erosion.
The other question that remains is: are the standards strong enough to
make the necessary changes in farm practices to improve provision of ES?
Quispe (2007) compared changes in farming practices before and after certifi-
cation in Costa Rica, observing limited changes on the Utz Certified,
Rainforest Alliance and Starbucks CAFE practices certified farms (reduction of
one herbicide application, no changes in fungicides or fertilizers used), and
observing no change in the percentage of shade, even though Rainforest
Alliance producers increased tree plantings in the plantation (too small at the
ES_ESAA_1-4_ES_POL_25/7 01/04/2011 14:08 Page 339
time of the study to see their impacts reflected in shade percentage). The only
producers with radical changes in management practices were organic produ-
cers who modified most of their practices (e.g. removing herbicides, fungicides
and synthetic fertilizers).
On the other hand, auditors and verifiers monitor regulation compliance
for changes in plantation management practices. But they should also use
indicators to quantify the provision of ecosystem services without increasing
the costs of certification (two- to three-hour visits per farm depending on farm
size) (see Chapter 3 in this volume).
Social impacts of certification
Some coffee certifications have important social implications (De Lima et al,
2008; Rivera, 2008), especially Fair Trade certification (Ronchi, 2002; Bacon,
2005). Although social impacts are not covered in this chapter, they should not
be ignored as a fundamental component of the strategy’s success: they are an
important part of consumers’ preference criteria.
In Central American regions where education or health access was limited,
the impact of CAFE practices and Rainforest Alliance certification on large
farmers has made an important difference in farmers’ communication. In Costa
Rica, where social security and access to education is available in most coffee
areas, the major impact has been in workers’ housing, especially harvesters,
who often come from neighbouring countries. The strongest economic impact
of implementing these standards has been felt on medium-sized farms (5ha)
(Moreno, 2008).
The growth in recent years of the green label sector is a promising strategy to
promote the required changes to foster ecosystem services provision through
market mechanisms. One of the main achievements of sustainable certification
processes has been to improve the link between the producer (family and
production system) and the consumer. Consumer preference in the market is a
tool to obtain changes at the farm level. If this link is valuable and powerful, it
is also extremely fragile and subject to market rules. Certification development
experience in Central America highlights some limitations and lesson learned:
As a result of consumers’ concern about reduced knowledge on certifica-
tion issues, the different certifications tended to converge and make more
room for environmental concerns.
Continuous evolution of the standards has tended to fine-tune the criteria
of the norm. Nevertheless, there is still room for improvement in the
mobilization of technical knowledge to improve ES provision guarantees in
the criteria of the norm.
The compliance standard control structure of existing certifications offers
a good level of guarantee to consumers. However, this control system is
ES_ESAA_1-4_ES_POL_25/7 01/04/2011 14:08 Page 340
costly for individual smallholder farmers; as a result, several efforts have
been made to reduce these costs.
Certification has led to various forms of remuneration to compensate
farmers’ efforts. Nevertheless, the balance between remuneration and
effort is not sufficient to develop sustainable economic interests for
producers, especially in organic farming.
This strategy to motivate changes on farm through market incentives has great
potential but also great challenges ahead. Some improvements are necessary to
promote ES provision through the certification strategy (see Table 15.12).
Improvements may be difficult since the certification strategies have inherent
tensions and trade-offs, such as between the complexity of requisites and the
capacity to evaluate; between flexibility of requisites (adaptation) and
consumers’ credibility perception; between the accuracy of control and its
Table 15.12 Areas of improvement of certification to promote
the provision of ES
Areas of improvement Possible actions
Improve the guarantee Develop inspection methodologies that allow the use of more
for provision of indicators to quantify the provision of ecosystem services.
environmental services (ES) Evaluate changes to regulations that encourage greater provision of ES.
Adapt the rules to local biophysical and socio-economic conditions.
Harmonize criteria for interpretation of standards by auditors and
inspectors in the field.
Cost reduction Various actions are possible to reduce certification costs, such as
more government involvement in the certification process (a test is
being carried out in Costa Rica with a mixed private–state
certification; inspections will be done where government extension
agents working in different regions will conduct the inspection and
send the report to the private certification agencies; inspection costs
are covered by the government). Participatory certification for local
(and international) markets, as well as alliances between certification
programmes to reduce inspection costs, should also be encouraged.
Sell certified coffee in local markets.
Improve the recognition of In the case of organic production, harmonize regulations in the
producer investment in various export markets.
sustainable production Establish better distribution of the ‘premium’ among the commodity
chain. Various options at the institutional or standard level can be
used, including standard regulations (such as Fair Trade) and state
regulations. Modify the balance of power between producers and
their organizations and other actors of the commodity chain.
Develop information and promotion campaigns on certification to
ensure consumers’ preferences.
Improve productivity Promote intensification of production under certification
(especially for organic farms) commitment to maintain or upgrade profitability of certified
Identify risk management practices under certification commitment
to secure the incomes of producers.
Promote technical assistance support.
ES_ESAA_1-4_ES_POL_25/7 01/04/2011 14:08 Page 341
costs; and between levels of effort asked of farmers and the compensation
provided by the market. In order to develop this strategy, further support from
governments is required, as well as further identification of robust and easily
tested criteria for standard requisites. Alternative propositions are therefore
needed for better market recognition and to improve farmers’ productivity
under different certification schemes.
We are grateful for the financial support provided by the European Union via
CAFNET (Connecting, Enhancing and Sustaining Environmental Services and
Market Values of Coffee Agroforestry in Central America, East Africa and
India) collaborative project and by the French Agence Nationale de la
Recherche (ANR) through the SERENA (Environmental Services and Rural
Land Uses) project. Support was also provided by Pôle de Compétences en
Partenariat (PCP): Agroforestry Systems with Perennial Crops, CIRAD–
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... As a result of the variations arising from the provenance factor in coffee attributes, particularly aromas which significantly impact coffee quality, producers have chosen to obtain certification for their products. This certification process guarantees that consumers can identify the distinct aromas of the coffee linked to its origin, enhancing their perception of quality and ultimately leading to greater acceptance [7,8]. Various aspects in the coffee brewing process might potentially influence the scent of the final product. ...
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This work aims to create a resistive sensor array for categorizing coffee from various plantations. A mixture of graphene oxide and a conductive polymer is used to create the sensor array. Eight types of sensors were made by dripping various mixtures of graphene oxide, polypyrrole, polyaniline, and poly acetate materials on the interdigitated electrode. Coffee fragrance gas was used for the sensor array test. The surface of the sensor array receives the scent gas created by the brewing of coffee grinds. Each sensor’s response profile is recorded. Each coffee sample has a distinct sensor response profile for simple separation with a distinct pattern. PCA analysis was used to examine sensor responses in order to find classification patterns of coffee samples from diverse plantations that were separated by brewing category. Sensor response data underwent PCA analysis, yielding scores of 54.74% PC1 and 26.17% PC2. These findings suggest that graphene-based and conducting polymer sensor array have a good potential for quick differentiation of different coffee varieties.
... Many shade-grown coffee farms still use conventional practices including agrochemicals, with the estimate of certified organic coffee producers in Costa Rica below 2% (Soto & Le Coq, 2011). Evidently, there remain strong social, economic and environmental barriers for farmers to transition to organic production, including the emergence of weeds (Lyngbaek et al., 2001;Ronchi & Silva, 2006). ...
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Smallholder farms that transition to organic and biodiverse production are increasingly recognized as strongholds of agrobiodiversity, with emerging work identifying important outcomes such as enhancing crop portfolios, mitigating extreme climate events and contributing to farmer well‐being. Yet the emergent herbaceous communities in these organic systems remain understudied, with the functional diversity and management of this stratum relatively unknown. This study identifies the taxonomic and functional diversity of the herbaceous community in organic coffee agroforestry systems, and describes the extent of this diversity with farm, and farmer, attributes. We measured leaf‐level functional traits (e.g. specific leaf area) of the herbaceous community to derive functional diversity indices and collected localized environmental conditions on 15 organic coffee farms in Central Valley, Costa Rica. We also conducted semi‐structured interviews with nine farmers to construct mental models on herbaceous community management using a cognitive mapping approach. In total, 38 species from 20 taxonomic families were present in these organic coffee systems. The herbaceous communities were functionally diverse; however, functional evenness increased with canopy openness, suggesting that farms adopting agroforestry tend to have a more functionally diverse herbaceous stratum. Farmer perception of plant traits in the herbaceous community was differentiated into competitive (weeds) or neutral/positive effects. These perceptions aligned with well‐established functional trait trade‐offs. The mental models representing farmer decision‐making processes were highly variable, with a nearly 30% increase in cognitive map density from the simplest map to the most complex; this complexity in mental models was a key explanatory variable in the level of functional diversity of the herbaceous community. Organic management practices that support agroforestry practices also, in turn, promote a functionally diverse herbaceous stratum. We show that functional trait syndromes in these herbaceous communities in agroforestry systems are linked with farmer perceptions of traits, and that highly interconnected farm decision‐making is related to greater functional diversity in the herbaceous community. Understanding pathways of farmer decision‐making on managing this herbaceous community can appropriately situate on‐farm practice and policy for the transition to organic production, and inform emerging agri‐environmental programs.
... En el sector del café, los grandes grupos de compradores se apoyaron sobre las demandas de los consumidores para desarrollar estrategias que integran certificaciones tomando en cuenta criterios ambientales y sociales. Estas certificaciones siguen diversos objetivos como los de promover una agricultura durable y sostener los ingresos de los pequeños productores, así como mejorar la posición de los productos en los mercados (Soto y Le Coq, 2011). Dichos sellos son liderados por el sector público (Agricultura Biológica), por el sector asociativo (Comercio Equitativo, Rainforest Alliance) o por el sector privado (C.A.F.E. ...
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En esta obra se hace un planteamiento de una nueva agenda de investigación para las zonas rurales de Costa Rica, a partir de nuevos contextos, retos y conceptos, y con una serie de comendaciones de política pública para el mundo rural costarricense.
... Prior studies shed light on the effect of VSS in countries of Latin America and Africa (see for instance: Soto and Le Coq (2011); Kilian et al. (2006), Barham and Weber (2011), Pinard et al., 2011) and Manning et al. (2012). With regard to Brazil, some studies can be found concerning the implications for the farms in adopting the Rainforest Alliance certification system (Guedes Pinto et al., 2014), Fairtrade (Alvarenga and Arraes, 2017) and a study on the process of UTZ Certified coffee certification (Barra and Ladeira, 2017). ...
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With the spread of sustainable thinking, people have come to recognize that profitability is not the only element for the long-term success of businesses. Of equal importance is the issue of the use of natural resources and people's living conditions. Within this realization, consumers' interest in knowing the implications of their consumption is increasing through information on how products and services are produced. This increasingly leads organizations to seek to differentiate their brands through Voluntary Sustainability Standards (VSS). In this context, the aim of this paper is to present a taxonomy of value chain upgrading types through VSS adoption by farmers. Empirical evidence to test the proposed framework is presented focusing on the adoption of the 4C system by coffee farmers in Brazil. Although all five types of upgrading were identified in the field research, most of the improvements can be characterized as environmental. Furthermore, the results indicated that the adoption of the 4C standards was an upgrading form for farmers to enhance the coffee production process, as well as to control management activities within the production unit. The paper is innovative in integrating and proposing a framework for the value chain by adding value through VSS. It also empirically applies the proposed framework in the context of the Brazilian coffee chain.
... Suite à la crise des prix du café qui a débuté à la fin des années 1990, des stratégies privées ont été mises en place pour promouvoir et valoriser la qualité environnementale et sociale de ce produit, en fixant des normes pour sa production et en créant des labels pour certifier le respect de ces normes (Soto et Le Coq, 2011 Une autre grande stratégie a reposé sur la promotion de la qualité du café et dans certains cas sur son amélioration. Elle est généralement plus liée à des entreprises de l'aval de la filière. ...
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Ce chapitre vise à analyser comment la recherche agronomique conduite en Amérique centrale dans le cadre du dispositif de recherche et d’enseignement en partenariat (PCP AFS-CP) mis en place en 2007 par le Cirad, le Catie (Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza, une organisation de recherche, d’enseignement et de développement) et leurs partenaires régionaux et internationaux, accompagne la caféiculture centraméricaine face aux défis actuels du secteur, et en particulier, ceux de la transition agro-écologique.
The objective of this project is to investigate circular economy practices from the perspective of social inclusion in the Brazilian context. Three research questions are proposed: (1) How are companies engaging in the social practices of CE? (2) What are the relationships established between companies or other types of economic agents to promote CE practices that take social inclusion into account? (3) What are the effects of CE practices on the social groups involved? To answer these questions, a literature review will be conducted on the circular economy, considering social practices. For the field research, the qualitative approach was chosen using the multiple case study method. Interviews with companies and key stakeholders will be conducted through a semi-structured questionnaire. It is expected to contribute to the operations management literature regarding circular economy practices, as well as to identify possible mechanisms of coordination of these practices that lead to increase sustainable development. Key-words: circular economy, collaboration, social inclusion; coordination mechanisms; sustainability.
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Coffee is generally grown in areas derived from forest, and both its expansion and management cause biodiversity loss. Sustainability standards in coffee are well established but have been criticized while social and environmental impact is elusive. This paper assesses the issue-attention cycle of coffee production in India and Nicaragua, including producer concerns and responses over time to concerns (sustainability standards, public regulations and development projects). Systematic comparison of the socioeconomic, environmental and policy context in both countries is then used to explore potential effects of sustainability standards. Results show limits, in local context, to relevance of global certification approaches: in both countries due to naturally high levels of biodiversity within coffee production systems global standards are easily met. They do not provide recognition for the swing potential (difference between best and worst) and do not raise the bar of environmental outcomes though nationally biodiversity declines. Nicaraguan regulations have focused on the socioeconomic development of the coffee sector via strengthening producer organizations, while India prioritized environmental and biodiversity conservation. In India, externally driven sustainability standards partially replace the existing producer–buyer relationship while in Nicaragua standards are desired by producer organizations. The temporal comparison shows that recently local stakeholders harness improvements through their unique local value propositions: the ‘small producer’ symbol in Nicaragua and certification of geographic origin in India. Nicaragua builds on the strength of its smallholder sector while India builds on its strength of being home to a global biodiversity hotspot.
Over the past four decades, a solid body of research has revealed the potential of agroforestry for increasing or maintaining system productivity while protecting natural resources and providing environmental services, including pollination, pest control/prevention, carbon sequestration, and the conservation of soil health, water quality, and biodiversity. Thus, agroforestry is well suited as a central tool for “sustainable intensification” within a land use paradigm that should be based, in alignment with a recent call by FAO, much more on biology and agroecology, rather than on chemistry and fossil fuels. With success stories from around the world and new methodological tools for valuing also environmental services, we can now apply these tools to design practices and systems that match the outputs of sustainable crop, tree, and animal agroforestry systems to the local needs. To custom-tailor the systems to the respective environmental and socioeconomic conditions, and rise to the challenge of sustainably producing more food that is less contaminated and less contaminating, we should advance in the following directions: (i) expand the species characterizations, (ii) widen the scope of plants and animals used and include “neglected and underutilized species” (NUS), (iii) intensify work on “using” beneficial soil organisms for soil and plant health, (iv) optimize the system design and management to maximize resource use efficiency and minimize pest incidence, (v) create climate-smart and pest-suppressive landscapes, and, finally, (vi) advance toward more holistic socioeconomic assessments including an improved valuation of environmental services. A call is made to apply also relevant experiences from other fields such as biointensive or organic production, urban agriculture, and permaculture.
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A political and social recognition of ecosystem services is increasingly complementing that of services generally expected from agriculture. It is in this context that this chapter discusses the role of payments for environmental services in regulating agricultural and forestry activities. We first show how the initial representation of payments for environmental services as ‘market instruments’, designed to ensure the internalization of environmental externalities, has evolved over almost 20 years of implementation characterized by the funding and management primarily by the State of payments for environmental services. Payments for environmental services are now widely recognized as transfers aimed at influencing private and/or collective use of land, and addressing political and institutional concerns regarding the management of natural resources. After noting the benefits and limitations of environmental and sustainable labels in relation to payments for environmental services, we propose an original and integrative approach for such payments at the local and national levels, which combines agri-chain approaches (labels, zero deforestation) and territorial approaches, in order to reconcile conservation and development of territories by ensuring the sustainability of agricultural activities.
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Over the past four decades, a solid body of research has revealed the potential of agroforestry for increasing or maintaining system productivity while protecting natural resources and providing environmental services, including pollination, pest control/prevention, carbon sequestration, and the conservation of soil health, water quality, and biodiversity. Thus, agroforestry is well suited as a central tool for “sustainable intensification” within a land use paradigm that should be based, in alignment with a recent call by FAO, much more on biology and agroecology, rather than on chemistry and fossil fuels. With success stories from around the world and new methodological tools for valuing also environmental services, we can now apply these tools to design practices and systems that match the outputs of sustainable crop, tree, and animal agroforestry systems to the local needs. To custom-tailor the systems to the respective environmental and socioeconomic conditions, and rise to the challenge of sustainably producing more food that is less contaminated and less contaminating, we should advance in the following directions: (i) expand the species characterizations, (ii) widen the scope of plants and animals used and include “neglected and underutilized species” (NUS), (iii) intensify work on “using” beneficial soil organisms for soil and plant health, (iv) optimize the system design and management to maximize resource use efficiency and minimize pest incidence, (v) create climate-smart and pest-suppressive landscapes, and, finally, (vi) advance toward more holistic socioeconomic assessments including an improved valuation of environmental services. A call is made to apply also relevant experiences from other fields such as biointensive or organic production, urban agriculture, and permaculture.
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Coffee management systems are diverse and can have significant impacts on soil biota. Earthworms are important members of the soil biotic community and may enhance soil fertility in agricul-tural soils. The impact of coffee management on earthworms and other factors related to productivity are not well known. Our main objective was to determine the impact of coffee management on earthworm popu-lations, microbial biomass, and coffee production in Turrialba, Costa Rica. Three experimental coffee (Coffea arabica 'Caturra') management systems were studied: full sun, shade with Erythrina poepiggiana and shade with Terminalia amazonia. Within these systems there were three sub-treatments with different levels of inputs: high conventional or medium conventional sub-treatments with chemical fertilizer, herbicide and fungicide additions, and organic inputs in the shade systems. We found the earthworms Pontoscolex core-thrurus and Metaphire californica in shade treatments, but M. californica was absent from sun systems and Terminalia high conventional systems. Mean earthworm density was lowest in the sun high conventional treatment (63 ind. m −2), higher in medium conventional treatments (from 108 ind. m −2 to 225 ind. m −2), and highest in Terminalia organic systems (334 ind. m −2). In 2003, coffee production was highest in sun high conventional treatments (17.6 Mg ha −1), but in 2004 it was highest in the Terminalia organic treatments (9.2 Mg ha −1). Microbial biomass was not different among treatments, but was correlated with total earthworm density and biomass. Results indicate that shade organic management favors high earthworm density and biomass and that coffee yields under organic management can equal those of conventional systems.
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Shade coffee certification programs have emerged over the past six years to verify that coffee marketed as ''shade grown'' is actually grown on farms that provide higher quality habitat for biodiversity. In spite of good intentions and an increasing market, little consensus exists on whether current criteria can successfully identify coffee farms of conservation significance. This paper provides the first ecological evaluation and compar- ison of shade-grown coffee criteria used by major certification programs. Using vegetative data, we evaluated criteria developed by the Rainforest Alliance, the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center (SMBC), and the Specialty Coffee Association of America across a range of coffee agroecosystems in Chiapas, Mexico, to determine which management practices each program would certify. Fruit-feeding butterflies and forest bird species found in these coffee agroecosystems were compared with nearby forest reserves as indicators of biodiversity and conservation potential. These agroecosystems fall into three categories: rustic, com- mercial polyculture, and shaded monoculture. The rustic system contained significantly higher fruit-feeding butterfly diversity and an avifauna more similar to that found in forest reserves than the other systems. This was also the only agroecosystem that met the criteria for all certification programs, while the shaded monoculture fell short of all sets of criteria. This suggests that certification programs are succeeding in discriminating between the extremes of shade coffee production. Certification programs differed, however, in their treatment of the intermediate, commercial polyculture systems, reflecting different philos- ophies for conservation in managed ecosystems. Programs promoted by SMBC use high standards that would exclude all but the most diverse commercial polyculture or rustic systems to certify only those systems that support high levels of biodiversity. The program supported by the Rainforest Alliance only excludes the shaded monoculture while engaging the others in the move toward greater sustainability. The merits of each approach should be put to rigorous debate, and their ability to contribute to biodiversity conservation should be reflected in product marketing. This study suggests that further research can provide a stronger scientific basis and independent verification for the certification of green products that claim to enhance biodiversity conservation in tropical agroecosystems.
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RESUMEN. Se caracterizó la diversidad de especies hormigas presentes en un gradiente de seis sistemas agro-forestales de café, desde totalmente orgánicos hasta totalmente convencionales. Hubo contrastes marcados en-tre los sistemas en cuanto a la composición, riqueza y diversidad de hormigas, alcanzándose los mayores valo-res en el sistema totalmente orgánico. No obstante, tales diferencias se explican más por la edad de los cafetales y su complejidad estructural que por su tipo de manejo (orgánico o convencional). Asimismo, tanto la riqueza como la diversidad de especies de hormigas fueron mayores en el suelo y en los árboles de poró (Erythrina poeppigiana) que en los arbustos de café. Solenopsis geminata fue la especie dominante en todos los sistemas, con excepción del sistema totalmente orgánico, donde dominó Pheidole radoszkowskii. ABSTRACT. Ant species diversity in a gradient of organic and conventional coffee systems. Ant species diver-sity was studied along a gradient of six agroforestry coffee systems, ranging from fully organic to fully conven-tional. There were clear contrasts between systems in terms of species composition, richness and diversity, with the highest values attained in the fully organic system. However, such differences were due to the age and struc-tural complexity of the systems, rather than to the type of management (organic or conventional). Also, both ant species richness and diversity were higher in the soil and on poró (Erythrina poeppigiana) trees than on the coffee shrubs. Solenopsis geminata was the dominant ant species in all systems, excepting the fully organic one, where Pheidole radoszkowskii dominated.
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In Mexico, coffee is cultivated on the coastal slopes of the central and southern parts of the country in areas where two or more types of vegetation make contact. Based on management level and vegetational and structural complexity, it is possible to distinguish five main coffee production systems in Mexico: two kinds of traditional shaded agroforests (with native trees), one commercially oriented polyspecific shaded system, and two “modern” systems (shaded and unshaded monocultures). Traditional shaded coffee is cultivated principally by small-scale, community-based growers, most of whom belong to some indigenous culture group. Through an exhaustive review of the literature, we found that traditional shaded coffee plantations are important repositories of biological richness for groups such as trees and epiphytes, mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and arthropods. We evaluated the conservation role of these traditional shaded systems by estimating the percentage of the whole coffee area under traditional management, by reviewing the ecological and geographical distribution of coffee areas in Mexico, and by connecting the geographical distribution of these coffee areas with recognized centers of species richness and endemism. The assesment revealed that in Mexico, coffee fields are located in a biogeographically and ecologically strategic elevational belt that is an area of overlap between the tropical and temperate elements and of contact among the four main types of Mexican forests. We also found that between 60% and 70% of these coffee areas are under traditional management and that at least 14 of 155 priority regions selected by experts as having high numbers of species and endemics overlap with or are near traditional coffee-growing areas.
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Agroforestry systems are believed to provide a number of ecosystem services; however, until recently evidence in the agroforestry literature supporting these perceived benefits has been lacking. This special issue brings together a series of papers from around the globe to address recent findings on the ecosystem services and environmental benefits provided by agroforestry. As prelude to the special issue, this paper examines four major ecosystem services and environmental benefits of agroforestry: (1) carbon sequestration, (2) biodiversity conservation, (3) soil enrichment and (4) air and water quality. Past and present evidence clearly indicates that agroforestry, as part of a multifunctional working landscape, can be a viable land-use option that, in addition to alleviating poverty, offers a number of ecosystem services and environmental benefits. This realization should help promote agroforestry and its role as an integral part of a multifunctional working landscape the world over.
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In areas where traditional multistrata coffee systems have been transformed to systems with patchy or no shade at all, often dependent on high chemical inputs, ecological and socioeconomic degradation has become an increasing issue. During the 1990s, rising environmental and health concerns have promoted the interest in organic production systems and their environmental services for natural resource conservation. This study compared productivity, profitability, producer-defined constraints, and goals and research priorities between ten individually paired organic and conventional coffee farms in Costa Rica. Although five of the organic farms matched or exceeded the production of their conventional counterparts, the three-year mean yield of the organic farms as a group was 22% lower than that of the conventional farms. However, excluding organic certification costs, mean variable costs and net income (NI) were similar for both groups, mainly because organic price premiums received by the farmers compensated for lower yields. If current organic certification costs are included, the price premiums paid to organic producers would have to increase to 38% in order to equal the NI from conventional coffee. Conventional farmers indentified low and unstable prices as the main constraints to sustained production and stated further intensification of production as their main goal. In contrast, the key issues for future development of the organic group centered on farm diversification, agroecological self-sufficiency, and agronomic practices that permit organic farm management.
Much of the remaining “forest” vegetation in eastern Chiapas, Mexico is managed for coffee production. In this region coffee is grown under either the canopy of natural forest or under a planted canopy dominated by Inga spp. Despite the large differences in diversity of dominant plant species, both planted and rustic shade coffee plantations support a high overall diversity of bird species; we recorded approximately 105 species in each plantation type on fixed radius point counts. We accumulated a combined species list of 180 species on repeatedly surveyed transects through both coffee plantation types. These values are exceeded regionally only by moist tropical forest. Of the habitats surveyed, shade coffee was second only to acacia groves in the abundance and diversity of Nearctic migrants. The two plantation types have similar bird species lists and both are similar in composition to the dominant woodland—mixed pine-oak. Both types of shade coffee plantation habitats differ from other local habitats in supporting highly seasonal bird populations. Survey numbers almost double during the dry season—an increase that is found in omnivorous migrants and omnivorous, frugivorous, and nectarivorous resident species. Particularly large influxes were found for Tennessee warblers (Vermivora peregrina) and northern orioles (Icterus galbula) in Inga dominated plantations.
We studied the avifauna of sun and shade coffee plantations and associated mid-elevation habitats during the dry season of 1995. The three plantation types (Inga, Gliricidia, and sun) showed high faunistic similarities with each other and were both distinct and depauperate compared to matorral and forest patch habitats. Of all the coffee plantation habitats, Inga shade had the highest diversity. Species associated with wooded vegetation were more common in shade plantations, particularly in Inga. A second census showed a decline in bird numbers that was more pronounced in sun and Gliricidia than in Inga plantations. Overall, differences between the plantation types were small and all coffee plantations were less diverse than traditional coffee farms previously studied in nearby Chiapas, México. The relatively low bird diversity was probably due to the low stature, low tree species diversity, and heavy pruning of the canopy. These features reflect management practices that are common throughout Latin America. The most common species of birds in all coffee plantation habitats were common second-growth or edge species; more specialized forest species were almost completely absent from plantations. Furthermore, many common matorral species were rare or absent from coffee plantations, even sun plantations with which matorral shares a similar superficial structure. Coffee plantations probably will only be important for avian diversity if a tall, taxonomically and structurally diverse canopy is maintained. We suggest this is most likely to occur on farms that are managed for a variety of products rather than those designated entirely for the production of coffee.