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Use of combined oral contraceptives alters metabolic determinants and genetic regulation of C-reactive protein. The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study

  • Tampere University Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology and Fimlab Laboratories


Use of combined oral contraceptives (COCs) is known to increase concentrations of C-reactive protein (CRP), an important predictor of cardiovascular disease. The inflammatory nature of the disease is well acknowledged. The aim of this study was to find out whether the metabolic, lifestyle and genetic determinants of CRP differ between women who use COCs and those who do not use any hormonal contraceptives (non-users). A total of 1,257 women (24-39 years) participated in the ongoing Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study, a population based cross-sectional follow-up study. Use of hormonal contraceptives was determined by questionnaire. Plasma CRP and other cardiovascular risk factors were measured; five CRP gene polymorphisms were genotyped (-717A>G, -286C>T>A, +1059G>C, +1444C>T and +1846G>A) and CRP haplotypes were constructed. Multivariate regression analysis revealed that BMI and leptin were the main determinants of CRP in non-users, whereas in COC users the main determinants were BMI, leptin and triglycerides. The median CRP and triglyceride values were significantly higher in COC users than in non-users. The correlations between triglyceride and CRP were tested separately in different COC users in accordance with progestagen content and dosage, the analysis revealing significant association only in women using a high dosage of progestagen or cyproterone. The haplotypes of CRP gene had no significant association with CRP concentration in COC users, while independent effects on CRP were found in non-users. Our study suggests that use of COCs alters the metabolic determinants and genetic regulation of CRP.
Use of combined oral contraceptives alters metabolic determinants and genetic regulation
of C-reactive protein. The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study
Atte Haarala
, Carita Eklund
, Tanja Pessi
, Terho Lehtima¨ki
, Risto Huupponen
, Antti Jula
Jorma Viikari
, Olli Raitakari
and Mikko Hurme
Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland;
Department of Clinical Chemistry,
Tampere University Hospital and University of Tampere, Finland;
Department of Pharmacology, Drug Development and
Therapeutics, Turku, Finland;
Health Care District of Southwest Finland, Clinical Pharmacology, TYKSLAB;
National Public
Health Institute, Turku, Finland;
Department of Medicine, University of Turku, Turku, Finland;
Department of Clinical
Physiology, University of Turku, Turku, Finland
Background. Use of combined oral contraceptives (COCs) is known to increase concentrations of C-reactive
protein (CRP), an important predictor of cardiovascular disease. The inflammatory nature of the disease is well
acknowledged. The aim of this study was to find out whether the metabolic, lifestyle and genetic determinants of
CRP differ between women who use COCs and those who do not use any hormonal contraceptives (non-users).
Material and methods. A total of 1,257 women (24–39 years) participated in the ongoing Cardiovascular Risk in
Young Finns Study, a population based cross-sectional follow-up study. Use of hormonal contraceptives was
determined by questionnaire. Plasma CRP and other cardiovascular risk factors were measured; five CRP gene
polymorphisms were genotyped (2717AwG, 2286CwTwA, +1059GwC, +1444CwT and +1846GwA) and
CRP haplotypes were constructed. Results. Multivariate regression analysis revealed that BMI and leptin were
the main determinants of CRP in non-users, whereas in COC users the main determinants were BMI, leptin and
triglycerides. The median CRP and triglyceride values were significantly higher in COC users than in non-users.
The correlations between triglyceride and CRP were tested separately in different COC users in accordance with
progestagen content and dosage, the analysis revealing significant association only in women using a high dosage
of progestagen or cyproterone. The haplotypes of CRP gene had no significant association with CRP
concentration in COC users, while independent effects on CRP were found in non-users. Conclusion. Our study
suggests that use of COCs alters the metabolic determinants and genetic regulation of CRP.
Keywords: Body mass index; haplotypes; leptin; progestins; triglycerides
C-reactive protein (CRP) is an acute phase protein
that has been widely used as a marker of acute
inflammation. It is now known that even a minor
elevation of CRP, i.e. low-grade inflammation, is
associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular
disease (CVD) morbidity and mortality [1,2]. Many
demographic, social, metabolic and lifestyle factors
are known to have an effect on CRP concentration,
e.g. age, sex, ethnicity, socio-economic status, birth-
weight, dietary pattern, physical activity, alcohol
consumption, diabetes mellitus, insulin concentra-
tions, glucose concentrations, blood pressure, body
mass index (BMI), HDL-cholesterol, triglycerides
and oestrogen/progestogen use [3,4].
Genetics plays a part in determination of CRP
concentration. Twin studies suggest that CRP plasma
concentrations are over 40 % heritable, and there is
an increasing amount of evidence showing an
association between CRP genetics and CRP concen-
tration [5,6]. For example, in an American popula-
tion, haplotypes constructed from seven selected
CRP gene SNPs have been associated with different
CRP concentrations [7]. In Finns, data from the
ongoing Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study,
the population used in the present study, have shown
that at least five CRP SNPs are associated with
different CRP concentrations [8]. Haplotypes based
on those five SNPs have been associated with life-
long differences in average CRP concentrations, and
seem to explain about 5 % of circulating CRP
concentrations [9].
Combined oral contraceptives (COCs) have been
widely used as a safe and efficient method for
preventing unwanted pregnancies. Over the years,
the amounts of oestrogen and progestagen in COCs
Correspondence: Atte Haarala, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Tampere Medical School, FIN-33014 University of Tampere,
Finland. Tel: +358 3 3551 7723. Fax: +358 3 3551 6173. Email:
(Received 30 April 2008; accepted 15 August 2008)
The Scandinavian Journal of Clinical & Laboratory Investigation,
Vol. 69, No. 2, April 2009, 168–174
ISSN 0036-5513 print/ISSN 1502-7686 online #2009 Informa UK Ltd (Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis AS).
DOI: 10.1080/00365510802449642
have been decreased and chemical formations have
been modified in order to reduce the risk of
thrombosis. The progestagens can be divided into
second-generation (norgestrel, levonorgestrel, norges-
trione) and third-generation (desogestrel, gestodene)
compounds. Some progestagens are not classifiable
into second or third generation (e.g. cyproterone,
norgestimate). Despite these developments, with use
of COCs there is still an increased the risk of
developing myocardial infarction, especially in
women with other cardiovascular risk factors [10].
Similarly, the risk of thromboembolic disease is still
increased [11].
We have previously shown in this population that
women using oral contraceptives have higher CRP
concentrations than non-users [12]. It is usually
considered that increased CRP is mostly due the
oestrogen component in COCs, although there are
some studies suggesting that CRP concentration
might also depend on progestagen content in COCs
[13–15]. In the present analysis, our aim was to find
out whether the metabolic, lifestyle and genetic
determinants of CRP differ between women who
use COCs and those who do not use any hormonal
The subjects in the study were participants in the
ongoing Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study,
a five-centre follow-up study involving five university
hospital cities in Finland. The study began in 1980,
when 3,596 participants aged 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 and 18
were randomly selected for the study [16]. The most
recent follow-up was conducted in 2001, when 1,257
women and 1,026 men were 24–39 years of age.
Cardiovascular risk factors, including serum lipids,
BMI, blood pressure values, CRP, alcohol consump-
tion, diabetes and smoking habits were recorded [17].
The study was approved by local ethics committees.
Clinical and chemical analyses
BMI was calculated from measured height and
weight. A random zero sphygmomanometer
(Hawksley & Sons Ltd, Lancinn UK) was used to
measure blood pressure and a mean of three
measurements was used in the analysis. From fasting
plasma sample CRP, insulin, leptin, total cholesterol,
HDL-cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations
were drawn. LDL-cholesterol concentration was
calculated using the Friedewald formula (detailed
description in [17,18]). Smoking habits, alcohol
consumption, hormonal contraceptive use, physical
activity [19], history of recent infection, diabetes
and chronic rheumatic disease were elicited by
The study included women who did not use any
hormonal contraceptives (non-users) (n5811) and
those who used COCs (COC users) (n5305), proges-
tin only pills (n512), intrauterine devices (n5119) or
subcutaneous capsules (n53). This data was unavail-
able in 7 subjects. The COCs contained the following
substances: ethinylestradiol (n5291), oestradiol vale-
rate (n514), gestodene (n5136), desogestrel (n578),
cyproterone (n550), levonorgestrel (n547), norethis-
terone (n54), lynestrenol (n52). All intrauterine
devices released levonorgestrel.
Fasting plasma CRP concentrations were ana-
lysed using a high-sensitive latex turbidometric
immunoassay (Wako Chemicals GmbH, Neuss,
Germany); detection limit 0.06 mg/L. DNA was
extracted from whole blood using a commercially
available kit (Qiagen Inc., Hilden, Germany) in 2001.
CRP gene polymorphisms 2717AwG (rs2794521),
2286CwTwA (rs3091244), +1059GwC (rs1800947),
+1444CwT (rs1130864) and +1846GwA (rs1205)
were genotyped using the ABI Prism 7900HT
Sequence Detection System for both PCR and allelic
discrimination (Applied Biosystems, Foster City,
Calif., USA). For SNP +1059, a commercial kit from
Applied Biosystems was used (Assay On Demand,
C_177490_10 CRP). The SNPs 2717, +1444 and
+1846 were genotyped using Assays By Design from
Applied Biosystems under standard conditions. The
triallelic tagSNP 2286 was genotyped as previously
described [7], except for genotype calling, which was
done manually from the PCR run component tab.
Statistical analyses
The haplotypes were constructed using the PHASE v.
2.0.2 program [20] from the five CRP SNPs. This
program calculates from the genotype data the most
likely haplotype pairs for each individual using a
Bayesian statistical method. The haplotypes are
shown in the order 2717, 2286, +1059, +1444 and
+1846. The three most common haplotypes (fre-
quency w0.10) in this cohort were: A-T-G-T-G
(frequency 0.350), A-C-G-C-A (0.301), G-C-G-C-G
(0.207) (previously published in [8]).
The data were analysed with SPSS for Windows
statistical software (versions 14.0 and 15.0; SPSS Inc.,
Chicago, IL., USA). We excluded subjects whose
CRP concentrations were above 10 mg/L (n551),
triglycerides above 4 mmol/L (n54), who had a
history of recent infections (n583), diabetes (n511)
or chronic rheumatic disease (n525), who were
Combined oral contraceptives and CRP 169
pregnant (n562) or lactating (n554). Haplotyping
was unsuccessful in four subjects. No separate
analyses were performed for subjects using pills
containing progestin only, subcutaneous capsules,
oestradiol valerate, norethisterone or lynestrenol,
because the number of subjects in these groups was
low (nv10). As even vaginal administration of
hormones can affect protein synthesis of hepatocytes
[21], the intrauterine device users were excluded from
the non-user group. The total number of subjects
after the exclusions was 841.
Since the distributions of CRP, insulin, leptin
and triglyceride values were skewed, the non-
parametric Mann-Whitney test was used in statis-
tical analysis. For linear regression analysis and
for analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), the values
were log-transformed prior to analysis. Correlation
between skewed variables was estimated with
Spearman’s test. For normally distributed variables,
the t-test for independent samples was used to detect
differences in mean values among different groups.
The effects of metabolic and lifestyle factors on
CRP concentration were analysed using a linear
regression model, and therefore scale variables or
dummy variables were used. The regression model
for logarithmic CRP was constructed from the
following variables: BMI, waist circumference, age,
HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, (log)triglycer-
ides, diastolic blood pressure, systolic blood pres-
sure, (log)insulin, glucose, (log)leptin, physical
activity index, alcohol consumption and smoking.
The variables were tested in a univariate model and
values that were associated with the dependent
variable (pv0.15) were selected for the multivariate
model. From co-linear variables (e.g. BMI and waist
circumference) only the one that showed a stronger
association with (log)CRP was selected for the
model. All non-significant variables (pw0.05) were
excluded one by one from the multivariate model,
starting from the least significant.
The effects of the haplotypes on CRP concentra-
tion were compared between carriers and non-
carriers using the Mann-Whitney test. The difference
between groups after adjustment by the variables
showing significance in the regression model
(pv0.05) was calculated with the ANCOVA method.
Characteristics of the study subjects are given in
Table I. Women using COCs had higher median CRP
concentrations (pv0.001), triglyceride concentrations
(pv0.001), insulin concentrations (p50.032), mean
BMI (p50.002) and HDL-cholesterol (pv0.001) than
non-users. The COC users also had significantly lower
waist circumference (pv0.001), LDL-cholesterol
concentrations (pv0.001), glucose concentrations
(p50.009) and were significantly younger (pv0.001).
The intrauterine device users did not differ signifi-
cantly from the non-users according to the parameters
in data characteristics (data not shown).
To determine whether metabolic and lifestyle
determinants of CRP differ between non-users and
COC users, we built separate linear regression models
for these groups (Table II). In the multivariate
analysis of non-users, variables that remained sig-
nificant in the model were BMI and (log)leptin. In the
Table I. Characteristics of study subjects.
Non-users (n5591) COC users (n5250)
pfor difference*Mean SD Mean SD
Body mass index (kg/m
) 24.21 ¡4.49 26.21 ¡3.32 0.002
Waist circumference (cm) 79.37 ¡11.65 75.67 ¡8.62 v0.001
Age (years) 32.17 ¡4.99 29.36 ¡4.73 v0.001
HDL-cholesterol (mmol/L) 1.34 ¡0.28 1.54 ¡0.30 v0.001
LDL-cholesterol (mmol/L) 3.19 ¡0.75 2.93 ¡0.71 v0.001
Systolic blood pressure (mmHg) 116.13 ¡12.71 118.03 ¡12.49 0.053
Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) 71.85 ¡8.74 72.52 ¡8.79 0.318
Glucose (mmol/L) 4.93 ¡0.43 4.84 ¡0.42 0.009
Physical activity index 16.50 ¡14.75 17.90 ¡14.05 0.258
Smoking (daily) (%) 20.07 % 20.99 %
Median Quartiles Median Quartiles pfor difference**
CRP (mg/L) 0.54 0.26–1.33 1.66 0.81–3.30 v0.001
Triglycerides (mmol/L) 0.90 0.70–1.20 1.20 1.00–1.60 v0.001
Insulin (mU/L) 6.00 5.00–9.00 7.00 5.00–9.00 0.032
Leptin (mU/L) 12.59 7.59–19.95 12.88 8.66–19.50 0.538
*T-test for difference between non-users and COC users. **Mann-Whitney test for difference between non-users and COC users.
170 A. Haarala et al.
multivariate analysis of COC users, variables that
remained significant were BMI, (log)leptin and
(log)triglycerides. To find out whether the effect
of triglycerides was dependent on a certain proges-
tagen formulation in COCs, we calculated correla-
tion between triglycerides and CRP inside different
progestagen-containing subgroups (Table III). The
correlation was significant only in subjects using
cyproterone (r50.508, p50.001). To assess the
progestagen dosage effect, we calculated the corre-
lation in women using continuous COCs with low
dosages of progestagen (v3150 mg/month) and in
women using continuous COCs with high dosages
of progestagen (>3150 mg/month). Cyproterone
users were not included in this analysis. The
correlation was significant only in women using
continuous high dosages of progestagen (r50.298,
p50.012). Differences in median CRP values
between different progestagen users did not reach
statistical significance.
The effects of the haplotypes on CRP concentra-
tions were analysed separately in women according
to contraceptive use before and after adjustment of
metabolic and lifestyle factors. The results are
presented in Table IV (ANCOVA). In non-users,
all haplotypes had significant effects on CRP
Table II. Univariates and adjusted multiple linear regression model of (log)CRP in women without hormonal contraceptives
and with COCs.
Non-users (n5591) COC users (n5250)
Univariate Multivariate Univariate Multivariate
Body mass index
0.053 ¡0.004 v0.001 0.028 0.005 v0.001 0.048 ¡0.008 v0.001 0.020 0.009 0.029
Waist circumference
0.002 ¡0.001 v0.001 0.002 ¡0.001 v0.001
Age (years) 0.002 ¡0.004 0.542 0.000 ¡0.006 0.956
20.294 ¡0.070 v0.001 20.040 ¡0.097 0.680
0.101 ¡0.026 v0.001 0.014 ¡0.042 0.742
(log) Triglycerides
0.797 ¡0.107 v0.001 0.666 ¡0.169 v0.001 0.358 0.156 0.023
Systolic blood
pressure (mmHg)
0.007 ¡0.002 v0.001 0.006 ¡0.002 0.006
Diastolic blood
pressure (mmHg)
0.010 ¡0.002 v0.001 0.009 ¡0.003 0.003
(log) Insulin (mU/L) 0.697 ¡0.081 v0.001 0.440 ¡0.128 0.001
Glucose (mmol/L) 0.163 ¡0.045 v0.001 0.063 ¡0.065 0.331
(log) Leptin (mU/L) 0.869 ¡0.058 v0.001 0.557 0.080 v0.001 0.760 ¡0.101 v0.001 0.524 0.124 v0.001
Physical activity
20.004 ¡0.001 0.003 20.005 ¡0.002 0.050
Smoking (daily) 20.007 ¡0.046 0.879 20.123 ¡0.069 0.076
(drinks per week)
20.001 ¡0.003 0.863 20.007 ¡0.005 0.214
50.309 R
Table III. Median CRP and triglycerides levels compared to the type of progestagen included in the COCs.
Progestagen compound n
CRP Triglycerides Correlation*
Median Quartiles Median Quartiles rp
Gestodene 116 1.56 0.89–3.33 1.20 1.00–1.40 0.128 0.171
Desogestrel 60 1.90 0.79–3.26 1.30 1.00–1.70 0.210 0.106
Levonorgestrel 37 1.29 0.54–2.34 1.10 0.90–1.50 0.290 0.082
Cyproterone 41 2.00 0.52–4.06 1.60 0.90–2.00 0.508 0.001
Low-dosage continuous 96 1.56 0.89–3.31 1.20 1.00–1.50 0.042 0.686
High-dosage continuous
(without cyproterone)
71 2.02 0.82–3.43 1.30 1.00–1.80 0.298 0.012
*Spearman’s test for correlation between CRP and triglycerides.
Combined oral contraceptives and CRP 171
concentrations, the p-values ranging from v0.001 to
0.041. In COC users, the haplotypes had no signi-
ficant effects on CRP concentration. Further analy-
sis in relation to progestagen/oestrogen content or
dosage did not change the result.
CRP has various roles in the development of
atherosclerosis. It can bind to modified LDL-
cholesterol particles, especially to the non-esterified
cholesterol in LDL [22], after which CRP-opsonized
LDL can be taken up by macrophages via CRP
receptor CD32 [23]. This can lead to increased foam-
cell formation in atherosclerotic plaques. CRP can
also induce the expression of adhesion molecules [24]
and inhibit nitric oxide expression in the human
endothelial cells [25], both of which facilitate the
atherosclerosis processes further. In addition, CRP
promotes apoptosis of endothelial progenitor cells
that are responsible for vascular regenerative poten-
tial [26].
Although the risk of both myocardial infarction
(MI) and venous thromboembolism (VTE) is gen-
erally low in young women, COC use is known to
increase the risk of both. This is especially true in the
case of women who have other cardiovascular risk
factors environmental and genetic. However, the
risk of MI might be lower in women who use third-
generation oral contraceptives [10], while the risk of
VTE diseases might be higher in women who use
third-generation COCs [11]. Because CRP is one
possible pathological agent behind CVD, and COC
usage affects CRP levels, we assessed the effects of
COC usage and the different progestagen effects on
CRP in young Finnish women.
The data shown in this report demonstrate that
CRP and triglyceride levels are higher in COC users
than in non-users. Also, the determinants of plasma
CRP concentration are different in COC users than in
non-users. The most striking difference was seen in
triglycerides, i.e. in COC users there was a positive
association between triglyceride and CRP concen-
trations, while in non-users there was no association
at all. In COC users, the association was found only
in users of COCs containing cyproterone or other
high progestagen dosage COCs. To the best of our
knowledge, these findings are now described for the
first time.
It has previously been shown that COC use
increases both plasma triglyceride concentrations
[21,27] and CRP concentrations [28]; this was also
observed in the present study. It is known that COCs
increases CRP concentrations without increasing IL-
6 concentrations [29], suggesting that COCs stimu-
lates hepatocytes directly to synthesize CRP, and not
via IL-6-mediated inflammation. The mechanism of
how COCs stimulates hepatocytes protein synthesis is
still not known. However, the role of oestrogen might
be more important than that of progestagen, because
studies in postmenopausal women have shown that
oestrogen alone can induce CRP concentrations
[14,30], and in premenopausal women it has been
observed that pills containing only progestagen do
not elevate CRP concentrations [28]. The role of
progestagens on CRP concentration is still unclear.
Studies comparing different progestagen effects on
CRP suggest that the effect might depend on specific
progestaten content [13–15]. Our findings support the
idea that progestagens do have a role in CRP
regulation. In particular, the amount of progestagen
seems to be important. Although there were differ-
ences in correlation between CRP and triglycerides
depending on the progestagens that had been used,
there were no significant differences in CRP concen-
trations. The cyproterones are usually prescribed to
women with androgen excess, e.g. polycystic ovary
syndrome. This underlying disorder affects the CRP
[31] and triglyceride [32] levels, so we cannot rule out
that correlation between triglycerides and CRP
Table IV. Effect of CRP haplotype carriage on CRP levels before and after adjustment of metabolic and lifestyle factors.
Carriage of
Non-users COC users
nMedian Quartiles p* Adjusted p** nMedian Quartiles p* Adjusted p**
ATGTG+308 0.59 0.28–1.36 124 1.65 0.72–3.44
ATGTG2210 0.43 0.23–0.96 0.008 0.004 94 1.71 0.82–3.27 0.776 0.688
ACGCA+261 0.48 0.24–1.05 103 1.67 0.80–3.33
ACGCA2257 0.56 0.28–1.35 0.131 0.041 115 1.67 0.89–3.25 0.572 0.391
GCGCG+195 0.41 0.20–0.86 87 1.87 0.89–3.18
GCGCG2323 0.66 0.28–1.49 v0.001 v0.001 131 1.54 0.79–3.33 0.584 0.419
Haplotypes are composed of SNPs 2717AwG, 2286CwTwA, +1059GwC, +1444CwT, 1846GwA. **Mann-Whitney test for
difference between carrier and non-carrier. *ANCOVA test with (log)CRP values: Non-users after adjustment of BMI, (log)leptin. COC
users after adjustment of BMI, (log)triglycerides, (log)leptin.
172 A. Haarala et al.
among cyproterone users is due to the underlying
disorder, because its frequency is unknown in this
cohort. To avoid this bias, all the analyses were also
performed without cyproterone users, but it did not
change the results. The other significant determinants
of plasma CRP in our data were BMI and leptin.
They had similar effects on CRP in COC users and
non-users, so it seems that the IL-6 mediated
stimulation of CRP by BMI [33] and leptin [34] is
not affected by COC use.
In addition to the changes in the role of metabolic
factors in the regulation of CRP concentrations, we
found that the contribution of genetic control on
CRP concentrations was entirely different between
COC users and non-users. Haplotypes of the CRP
gene were associated with CRP concentrations in
non-users, but not in COC users. At present, the
molecular background of this is not known.
However, hepatic induction of CRP gene via IL-6
and without IL-6 is different; the CRP gene IL-6
responsive elements are probably involved in the
former but not in the latter. In other words, the CRP
production induced or enhanced by COCs is pre-
sumably regulated by different transcription factors
from the IL-6 mediated CRP production. Of the 5
SNPs used for construction of the haplotypes, two
are promoter region polymorphisms (2717 and
2286), one is exonic (+1059) and two are in the
39UTR region (+1444 and +1846), and there is no
obvious steroid receptor binding sequences in these
positions. Therefore, understanding the molecular
mechanism of this observed difference requires a
more thorough analysis of the transcriptional control
of this gene. The haplotypes analysed can explain
only about 5 % of the circulating CRP [9], so it is
possible that the genetic effect is overwhelmed by the
strong COC effect.
The most limiting factor in this study was its
cross-sectional design. There was a relatively large
variation in the use of different COCs with different
contents and amounts of oestrogen and progestagens,
which made it difficult to create comparable and
representative subgroups in relation to COC usage.
In order to keep comparison clear and representative
in both groups, the main comparison was done
between COC users and non-users. There were also
other disadvantages. The use of contraceptives was
elicited only by questionnaire; COC users and non-
users might not be comparable in every respect. For
example, there might be some infertile women who
do not need COCs and also women wishing to
become pregnant and therefore not using COCs.
There could also be other reasons possibly altering
the use of COCs that we could not account for,
such as temporary intermission due to broken
relationships, inconstant use of COCs (time and
brand, etc.). Unfortunately we were not able to
analyse all of these confounders, but still we believe
that these cases are low in number and do not affect
our results. Despite these limitations, we believe that
this study included a relatively large and representa-
tive number of young women (n5841) and that our
conclusions are valid.
In conclusion, our findings support a direct role
for COCs in CRP determination by affecting its
metabolic and genetic regulation. These findings
highlight the importance of thorough adjustment of
CRP concentration with confounding variables in
the analysis of genetic polymorphism, i.e. COC
usage diminishes the effect of CRP genetics on CRP
concentration. Future research of COC usage-
related changes in CRP determination and genetic
regulation are needed, especially random controlled
trials, and the clinical relevance of the findings has to
be seen.
We thank Sinikka Repo-Koskinen, Eija Spa˚re and
Nina Peltonen for their skilful technical assistance
and Heini Huhtala for her help with statistical
problems. The study was financially supported by
the Tampere University Central Hospital Medical
Fund, the Emil Aaltonen Foundation (to T.L.), the
Tampere Tuberculosis Foundation, the Academy of
Finland (grant nos. 117941, 77841, 210283), the Juha
Vainio Foundation, the Finnish Foundation of
Cardiosvascular Research, the Finnish Cultural
Foundation and Special Federal Grants for the
Turku University Central Hospital.
Declaration of interest: The authors report no
conflicts of interest. The authors alone are respon-
sible for the content and writing of the paper.
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174 A. Haarala et al.
... Two more studies were of cross-sectional development, with statistical significance and showing relationships between the use of HCC and the increase of two levels of triglycerides (Table 03). (9,12,18,19,(24)(25)(26) An experimental study using various combinations of contraceptives and exclusive progestagen showed that the group that used HCC showed significantly higher levels of triglycerides than the controlled group, or that it was not the case with exclusive progestagen use.. (26) A retrospective cross-sectional cohort study including 1,297 young women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) who had never taken CHC showed that triglyceride levels did not differ between the control and Cross-sectional study. N = 104 (21 CHC users and 83 controls) . ...
... Two more studies were of cross-sectional development, with statistical significance and showing relationships between the use of HCC and the increase of two levels of triglycerides (Table 03). (9,12,18,19,(24)(25)(26) An experimental study using various combinations of contraceptives and exclusive progestagen showed that the group that used HCC showed significantly higher levels of triglycerides than the controlled group, or that it was not the case with exclusive progestagen use.. (26) A retrospective cross-sectional cohort study including 1,297 young women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) who had never taken CHC showed that triglyceride levels did not differ between the control and Cross-sectional study. N = 104 (21 CHC users and 83 controls) . ...
... The increase in CRP has been associated with the use of HCC and directly related to the increase in triglyceride levels, regardless of the route of administration used.. (15,26,31) A cross-sectional study of 1,257 women between 24 and 49 years old assessed whether the metabolism, lifestyle and genetic determinants of CRP differed between women who used HCC and those who did not use hormonal contraceptives; this study detected higher median CRP values among users than non-users, mainly associated with high doses of progesterone. In addition, the study suggests that the use of HCC alters the metabolic determinants and gene regulation of CRP (Table 06). ...
Abstract: Objective: The goal of this revision is to explain if the use of combined hormonal contraceptives (CHCs) can be correlated to metabolic alterations that may have an association on the occurrence of metabolic syndrome. Methods: Articles published between January 2008 and September 2020 identified in Google Scholar, Scielo, Pubmed, and Cochrane databases were enlisted and narrowed down to 28 selected articles and one Ph.D. thesis. Results: The use of CHCs may influence carbohydrate metabolism, lipid profile, and changes in C-reactive protein (CRP), however, the influence of CHCs on abdominal circumference, blood pressure, and the prevalence of metabolic syndrome is unclear. Conclusions: The results found were controversial in most of the investigated cases of metabolic alterations. Therefore, there is no association between the use of CHCs and the occurrence of metabolic syndrome. Keywords: Metabolic syndrome, contraceptives, metabolism.
... [3][4][5][6][7] A large number of cross-sectional studies have shown that COCPs are associated with cardiometabolic risk markers, such as increased circulating levels of triglycerides and various cholesterol measures, and also greater insulin resistance and inflammatory marker C-reactive protein (CRP). [8][9][10][11][12] This is in contrast to progestinonly contraceptives (POCs) that do not appear to be associated with higher venous thrombosis or other cardiometabolic risk. 3,4,6,7,10 Randomized controlled trials have compared effects between different hormonal contraceptive preparations on metabolic risk markers. ...
... The three cohorts were analysed separately and the results then combined via an inverse variance weighted meta-analysis using fixed effects model, after confirming the consistency of the metabolic associations across the three cohorts (Supplementary Figure 1, available as Supplementary data at IJE online). In the main analyses, we adjusted for potential confounding by age, which is related to the type of contraception used 33 and affects lipid Systolic blood pressure (mmHg) 119 (12) 122 (12) 119 (13) 112 (12) 115 (13) 112 (13) 125 (15) 122 (12) 123 (16) Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) 75 (10) 76 (11) 74 (11) 69 (10) 70 (10) 69 (10) 78 (10) 75 (10) 77 (11) Smoking prevalence (%) Values are mean (standard deviation) for normally distributed and median (interquartile range) for skewed variables. COCP, combined oral contraceptive pill; POC, progestin-only contraceptive; BMI, body mass index; ...
... The three cohorts were analysed separately and the results then combined via an inverse variance weighted meta-analysis using fixed effects model, after confirming the consistency of the metabolic associations across the three cohorts (Supplementary Figure 1, available as Supplementary data at IJE online). In the main analyses, we adjusted for potential confounding by age, which is related to the type of contraception used 33 and affects lipid Systolic blood pressure (mmHg) 119 (12) 122 (12) 119 (13) 112 (12) 115 (13) 112 (13) 125 (15) 122 (12) 123 (16) Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) 75 (10) 76 (11) 74 (11) 69 (10) 70 (10) 69 (10) 78 (10) 75 (10) 77 (11) Smoking prevalence (%) Values are mean (standard deviation) for normally distributed and median (interquartile range) for skewed variables. COCP, combined oral contraceptive pill; POC, progestin-only contraceptive; BMI, body mass index; ...
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Background Hormonal contraception is commonly used worldwide, but its systemic effects across lipoprotein subclasses, fatty acids, circulating metabolites and cytokines remain poorly understood. Methods A comprehensive molecular profile (75 metabolic measures and 37 cytokines) was measured for up to 5841 women (age range 24–49 years) from three population-based cohorts. Women using combined oral contraceptive pills (COCPs) or progestin-only contraceptives (POCs) were compared with those who did not use hormonal contraception. Metabolomics profiles were reassessed for 869 women after 6 years to uncover the metabolic effects of starting, stopping and persistently using hormonal contraception. Results The comprehensive molecular profiling allowed multiple new findings on the metabolic associations with the use of COCPs. They were positively associated with lipoprotein subclasses, including all high-density lipoprotein (HDL) subclasses. The associations with fatty acids and amino acids were strong and variable in direction. COCP use was negatively associated with albumin and positively associated with creatinine and inflammatory markers, including glycoprotein acetyls and several growth factors and interleukins. Our findings also confirmed previous results e.g. for increased circulating triglycerides and HDL cholesterol. Starting COCPs caused similar metabolic changes to those observed cross-sectionally: the changes were maintained in consistent users and normalized in those who stopped using. In contrast, POCs were only weakly associated with metabolic and inflammatory markers. Results were consistent across all cohorts and for different COCP preparations and different types of POC delivery. Conclusions Use of COCPs causes widespread metabolic and inflammatory effects. However, persistent use does not appear to accumulate the effects over time and the metabolic perturbations are reversed upon discontinuation. POCs have little effect on systemic metabolism and inflammation.
... Even though the health benefits of COCs are clear, studies have shown that the use of COCs may have some adverse short-and long-term metabolic effects. According to previous studies, the use of COC increases the circulating levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL) and triglycerides (3)(4)(5) as well as inflammatory markers including high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) and pentraxin 3 (PTX-3), the latter being known risk factors for cardiovascular diseases (3)(4)(5)(6)(7). In fact, a recent study showed that the use of COC was associated with a small but significantly increased risk of cardiovascular diseases and myocardial infarction (8). ...
... The present results show that the use of COC containing EE promotes low-grade inflammation in women, as evidenced by increased levels of circulating hs-CRP and PTX-3. This is in line with earlier studies that have reported an increase in hs-CRP during the use of COC containing EE (3,4,6,7). We have also previously demonstrated that regardless of the route of administration (oral, transdermal, vaginal), EE-containing combined contraceptives increase the serum concentrations of hs-CRP and PTX-3 (5). ...
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Context Combined oral contraceptives (COCs) alter inflammatory status and lipid metabolism. Whether different estrogens have different effects is poorly known. Objective We compared the effects of COCs containing ethinyl estradiol (EE) or estradiol valerate (EV) and dienogest (DNG) with those containing DNG only on inflammation and lipid metabolism. Design Randomized, controlled, open-label clinical trial. Setting Two-center study in Helsinki and Oulu University Hospitals. Participants Fifty-nine healthy, young, non-smoking women with regular menstrual cycles. Age, BMI and waist-to-hip ratio were comparable in all study groups at the beginning. Fifty-six women completed the study (EV+DNG, n=20; EE+DNG, n=19; DNG only, n=17). Interventions Nine-week continuous use of COCs containing either EV+DNG or EE+DNG, or DNG only as control. Main Outcome Measures Parameters of chronic inflammation (high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, hs-CRP and pentraxin 3, PTX-3) and lipid profile (HDL, LDL, triglycerides and total cholesterol). Results Serum hs-CRP increased after 9-week use of EE+DNG (mean change±SD 1.10±2.11 mg/L) compared with EV+DNG (−0.06±0.97 mg/L, p=0.001) or DNG only (0.13±0.68 mg/L, p=0.021). Also, PTX-3 increased in the EE+DNG group compared with EV+DNG and DNG-only groups (p= 0.017 and p=0.003). In the EE+DNG group, HDL and triglycerides increased compared with other groups (HDL: EE+DNG 0.20±0.24 mmol/L vs. EV+DNG 0.02±0.20 mmol/L[p=0.002] vs. DNG 0.02±0.18 mmol/L[p=0.002]; triglycerides: EE+DNG 0.45±0.21 mmol/L vs. EV+DNG 0.18±0.36 mmol/L[p=0.003] vs. DNG 0.06±0.18 mmol/L[p<0.001]). Conclusions EV+DNG and DNG only had a neutral effect on inflammation and lipids, while EE+DNG increased both hs-CRP and PTX-3 levels as well as triglycerides and HDL. Trial Registration NCT02352090
... after obesity (OR: 7.8, 95% CI: 5.8 to 10.6) (16) . Association between OC use and increased serum levels of CRP have been found in many other observational studies (17)(18)(19)(20)(21)(22)(23) . In most of these studies both second and third generation OC were used, but no analyses were made according to OC type. ...
... In most of these studies both second and third generation OC were used, but no analyses were made according to OC type. In one of the studies, involving 1,257 women (aged 24-39) the correlations between serum triglyceride level and CRP were tested separately in different COC users in accordance with progestogen content and dosage, the analysis revealing significant association only in women using a high dosage of progestogen or cyproterone (22) . The haplotypes of CRP gene had no significant association with CRP concentration in COC users, while independent effects on CRP were found in non-users. ...
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Hormonal contraceptives (HC) are currently the most commonly prescribed method to prevent pregnancy. Although the composition of oral contraceptives has markedly changed over time, venous thromboembolism is the main determinant of the risk-benefit profile in HC use. High concentrations of homocysteine and C reactive protein (CRP) are linked as independent predictor factors of cardiovascular events risk and might be sensitive to hormonal changes in HC users. The aim of present study was to synthesise the available data on the relationship between CRP and homocysteine levels in HC use. We found considerable amount of evidence to support the association between increased CRP level and HC use, while the relationship with the homocysteine level is not well established. However, given the evidence linking inflammation and homocysteine to cardiovascular risk, homocysteine-folate to hormonal changes, as well as HC use to thromboembolic risk, elucidating these aspects by long term prospective studies for various types of combined HC is needed. Filling the gap of knowledge on the subject might allow the development of preventive strategies for thromboembolic risk. Demonstrating possible additional benefits of adding folic acid to HC on reducing the cardiovascular risk demands further investigation. © 2015 Romanian Society of Ultrasonography in Obstetrics and Gynecology.
... EE is a highly potent estrogen with an up-to-600-fold effect on hepatic protein synthesis compared to estradiol (E2) [11]. EEcontaining COCs also affect cortisol-related inflammatory cascades, glucose metabolism, and blood coagulation [12][13][14][15][16][17]. To avoid these unfavorable effects from EE, COCs containing natural estrogens, such as E2 (and its valerate, EV) and estetrol (E4), have been developed. ...
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Objective Ethinylestradiol (EE)-based combined oral contraceptives (COC) affect adrenal function by altering steroid and corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG) synthesis, that may contribute to adverse effects related to these drugs. The effects of COCs containing natural estrogens remain unclear. We compared the effects of COCs containing estradiol valerate (EV) and EE on cortisol and other adrenal steroid hormones. Study design A spin-off study of a randomized, open-label trial. Fifty-nine healthy women were allocated to groups that engaged in the continuous use of EV+dienogest (DNG), EE+DNG, or DNG only for nine weeks. We measured changes in adrenal steroids, CBG, and the free cortisol index (FCI). Results Treatment with EE+DNG increased total cortisol (mean increment 668 nmol/L, p< 0.001) and cortisone (10 nmol/L, p= 0.001) levels, whereas the change from the baseline was insignificant for the EV+DNG and DNG-only groups. Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate decreased by 24% in the EE+DNG group but remained unchanged in the EV+DNG and DNG-only groups. Aldosterone and 17-hydroxyprogesterone levels did not differ between the groups. All preparations increased CBG, but the increase in the EE+DNG group (median increment 42 µg/ml, p< 0.001) was 9- and 49-fold higher than that in the EV+DNG and DNG-only groups, respectively. The FCI remained unchanged in all study groups, indicating that cortisol and CBG mainly increased in parallel, although some individuals demonstrated larger alterations in the cortisol–CBG balance. Conclusions In COCs, EV had a milder effect on circulating CBG and adrenal steroid levels than EE; however, further research is necessary to determine the long-term effects. Trial Registration NCT02352090 Implications EV-based COC had reduced effects on circulating CBG and adrenal steroids compared to EE, probably due to a lower hepatic impact. Whether the sensitization of the adrenals to ACTH varies according to COC contents and whether it relates to experienced side effects needs to be investigated. These results encourage further research and development of contraceptives containing natural estrogens.
... OCs increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases, in particular the risk of venous thromboembolism, myocardial infarction, and stroke (Kaminski et al., 2013). Haarala et al. (2009) revealed that combined oral contraceptives (COCs) can alter the metabolic determinants and genetic regulation of Creactive protein (CRP) which is a predictor of cardiovascular diseases. ...
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Our goal is not to describe a single harmful environmental or lifestyle risk factor in great detail, as most scientific articles do. In contrast, we aim to point out that human beings are continuously and simultaneously exposed to countless kinds of harmful environmental and lifestyle risk factors. First, we briefly review and evaluate several environmental, technological, and lifestyle risk factors. We point out that each of these can be associated with perturbed oxidative and epigenetic processes, and the onset of various diseases, including neurodevelopmental, neurodegenerative, and neurological disorders, with a worldwide increasing prevalence. In addition, disturbed epigenetic changes by modern technological innovations and lifestyle risk factors can be inheritable to offspring and subsequent generations. Furthermore, disturbed epigenetic changes may also accumulate in the genome. Finally, diverse environmental and lifestyle risk factors may enhance vulnerability and decrease the resilience of modern humans.
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Hormonal contraceptives (HC) are widely used among women in reproductive ages. In this review, the effects of HCs on 91 routine chemistry tests, metabolic tests, and tests for liver function, hemostatic system, renal function, hormones, vitamins and minerals were evaluated. Test parameters were differently affected by the dosage, duration, composition of HCs and route of administration. Most studies concerned the effects of combined oral contraceptives (COC) on the metabolic, hemostatic and (sex) steroids test results. Although the majority of the effects were minor, a major increase was seen in angiotensinogen levels (90-375 %) and the concentrations of the binding proteins (SHBG [∼200 %], CBG [∼100 %], TBG [∼90 %], VDBP [∼30 %], and IGFBPs [∼40 %]). Also, there were significant changes in levels of their bound molecules (testosterone, T3, T4, cortisol, vitamin D, IGF1 and GH). Data about the effects of all kinds of HCs on all test results are limited and sometimes inconclusive due to the large variety in HC, administration routes and dosages. Still, it can be concluded that HC use in women mainly stimulates the liver production of binding proteins. All biochemical test results of women using HC should be assessed carefully and unexpected test results should be further evaluated for both methodological and pre-analytical reasons. As HCs change over time, future studies are needed to learn more about the effects of other types, routes and combinations of HCs on clinical chemistry tests.
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STUDY QUESTION Does an estradiol-based combined oral contraceptive (COC) have a milder effect on the serum proteome than an ethinylestradiol (EE)-based COC or dienogest (DNG) only? SUMMARY ANSWER The changes in serum proteome were multifold after the use of a synthetic EE-based COC compared to natural estrogen COC or progestin-only preparation. WHAT IS KNOWN ALREADY EE-based COCs widely affect metabolism, inflammation, hepatic protein synthesis and blood coagulation. Studies comparing serum proteomes after the use of COCs containing EE and natural estrogens are lacking. STUDY DESIGN, SIZE, DURATION This was a spin-off from a randomized, controlled, two-center clinical trial. Women (n = 59) were randomized to use either EE + DNG, estradiol valerate (EV) + DNG or DNG only continuously for 9 weeks. PARTICIPANTS/MATERIALS, SETTING, METHODS Participants were healthy, young, white volunteer women. Serum samples were collected before and after 9 weeks of hormonal exposure. Samples from 44 women were available for analysis (EE + DNG n = 14, EV + DNG n = 16 and DNG only n = 14). Serum proteins were analyzed by quantitative, discovery-type label-free proteomics. MAIN RESULTS AND THE ROLE OF CHANCE Altogether, 446 proteins/protein families with two or more unique peptides were detected and quantified. The number of proteins/families that altered over the 9-week period within the study groups was 121 for EE + DNG and 5 for EV + DNG, while no changes were detected for DNG only. When alterations were compared between the groups, significant differences were detected for 63 proteins/protein families, of which 58 were between the EE + DNG and EV + DNG groups. The most affected functions during the use of EE + DNG were the complement system, acute phase response signaling, metabolism and the coagulation system. The results were validated by fetuin-B and cortisol-binding globulin ELISA and sex hormone-binding globulin immunoassay. LARGE SCALE DATA Data are available via ProteomeXchange with identifiers PXD033617 (low abundance fraction) and PXD033618 (high abundance fraction). LIMITATIONS, REASONS FOR CAUTION The power analysis of the trial was not based on the proteomic analysis of this spin-off study. In the future, targeted proteomic analysis with samples from another trial should be carried out in order to confirm the results. WIDER IMPLICATIONS OF THE FINDINGS The EE-based COC exerted a broader effect on the serum proteome than the EV-based COC or the DNG-only preparation. These results demonstrate that the effects of EE in COCs go far beyond the established endpoint markers of estrogen action, while the EV combination is closer to the progestin-only preparation. The study indicates that EV could provide a preferable option to EE in COCs in the future and signals a need for further studies comparing the clinical health outcomes of COCs containing EE and natural estrogens. STUDY FUNDING/COMPETING INTEREST(S) Funding for this researcher-initiated study was obtained from the Helsinki University Hospital research funds, the Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa, the Sigrid Juselius Foundation, the Academy of Finland, the Finnish Medical Association, the University of Oulu Graduate School, the Emil Aaltonen Foundation, the Swedish Cultural Foundation in Finland, the Novo Nordisk Foundation, Orion Research Foundation and the Northern Ostrobothnia Regional Fund. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, publishing decisions or manuscript preparation. T.P. has received honoraria for lectures, consultations and research grants from Exeltis, Gedeon Richter, MSD, Merck, Pfizer, Roche, Stragen and Mithra Pharmaceuticals. O.H. occasionally serves on advisory boards for Bayer AG and Gedeon Richter and has designed and lectured at educational events for these companies. The other authors have nothing to disclose. O.H. occasionally serves on advisory boards for Bayer AG and Gedeon Richter and has designed and lectured at educational events for these companies. The other authors have nothing to disclose. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER NCT02352090 TRIAL REGISTRATION DATE 27 January 2015 DATE OF FIRST PATIENT’S ENROLMENT 1 April 2015
Glycogen and lipid disruptions represent a spectrum of metabolic disorders that are crucial risk factors for cardiovascular disease in estrogen-progestin oral contraceptive (COC) users. l-glutamine (GLN) has been shown to exert a modulatory effect in metabolic disorders-related syndromes. We therefore hypothesized that GLN supplementation would protect against myocardial and renal glycogen-lipid mishandling in COC-treated animals by modulation of Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) and xanthine oxidase (XO) activities. Adult female Wistar rats were randomly allotted into control, GLN, COC and COC + GLN groups (six rats per group). The groups received vehicle (distilled water, p.o.), GLN (1 g/kg), COC containing 1.0 μg ethinylestradiol plus 5.0 μg levonorgestrel and COC plus GLN respectively, daily for 8 weeks. Data showed that treatment with COC led to metabolically-induced obesity with correspondent increased visceral and epicardial fat mass. It also led to increased plasma, myocardial and renal triglyceride, free fatty acid, malondialdehyde (MDA), XO activity, uric acid content and decreased glutathione content and G6PD activity. In addition, COC increased myocardial but not renal glycogen content, and increased myocardial and renal glycogen synthase activity, increased plasma and renal lactate production and plasma aspartate transaminase/alanine aminotransferase (AST/ALT) ratio. However, these alterations were attenuated when supplemented with GLN except plasma AST/ALT ratio. Collectively, the present results indicate that estrogen-progestin oral contraceptive causes metabolically-induced obesity that is accompanied by differential myocardial and renal metabolic disturbances. The findings also suggest that irrespective of varying metabolic phenotypes, GLN exerts protection against cardio-renal dysmetabolism by modulation of XO and G6PD activities.
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Introduction: Early postnatal weight gain is associated with determinants of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) in adults born term. We aimed to investigate the association of weight gain during different periods, and weight trajectories in early life after preterm birth, with determinants of CVD and DM2 in early adulthood. Methods: Associations of first-year growth and tempo of weight gain with determinants of CVD and DM2 in 162 young adults (18-24 yr) born preterm (gestational age <36 wk) were determined and compared with data of young adults born term (n = 217). Results: Gain in weight for length in the period from preterm birth up to term age, and in the first 3 months after term age, was positively associated with body fat percentage and waist circumference at 21 yr. Gain in weight for length in the first 3 months after term age was also positively associated with total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels in early adulthood. Subjects with the highest gain in weight from birth to term age (highest quartile) had significantly higher body fat percentage, waist circumference, acute insulin response, and disposition index in early adulthood than the subgroups with moderate and low gain in weight. Rapid catch-up in weight during the first 3 months after term age resulted in a higher fat percentage, waist circumference, and serum triglycerides level than slower catch-up in weight. Conclusion: Accelerated neonatal gain in weight relative to length after preterm birth (immediately after birth and during the first 3 months after term age) is associated with determinants of CVD in early adulthood and should therefore be avoided.
IL-6, tumour necrosis factor-α (TNE-α) and IL-1 are thought to be the key mediators of the acute phase response although much of the evidence is based on in vitro studies. It is not clear to what extent each of the acute phase proteins are regulated in vivo by each of these cytokines. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of IL-6 treatment in eight patients with cancer on the concentrations of an extensive range of positive and negative acute phase proteins. It was part of a larger investigation to assess the value of IL-6 in the management of chemotherapy-induced thrombocytopenia. IL-6 was administered by a daily subcutaneous injection for 7 days at a dose level of 1, 3. or 10 μg/kg/day. Increases in the positive acute phase proteins, serum amyloid A. C-reactive protein. α1-acid glycoprotein, α1-antichymotrypsin, haptoglobin, α1-antitrypsin, fibrinogen, complement component C3, and caeruloptasmin, were observed, with the greatest incremental changes and fastest responses being seen for C-reactive protein and serum amyloid A protein. The negative acute phase proteins transferrin, transthyretin and retinol binding protein all fell to a nadir within 48-96 h after the first IL-6 injection. Increases in complement component C4 were only found in two patients, which may be related to the increase in circulating TNF-α concentrations found only in these patients. This study has therefore shown that IL-6 is capable of causing changes in the majority of acute phase proteins in vivo. Although secondary induction of TNF-α was not observed in the majority of patients examined, it is still possible however that other cytokines involved in regulation of the acute phase response, such as IL-1, may have been induced and contributed to the overall response.
The paper describes the general outline of a multicentre study on the risk factors of coronary heart disease (CHD) and their determinants in children of various ages in different parts of Finland. The study was a cross-sectional one, and was carried out in 1980 in five university cities of Finland with medical schools and in 12 rural communities in their vicinity. The randomized sample included an equal number of boys and girls, aged 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18 years, and an equal number of urban and rural population in each area. The total sample size was 4,320 subjects, and of these 3,596 participated (83.1 %). The families received before the medical examination of the child, questionnaires on the Socioeconomic background, the child's general health and development, the parents’and grandparents’health status, and the child's food and exercise habits. At the physical examination also a fasting blood sample (lipids, insulin, trace elements) was taken, a bundle of hair was cut for trace element analysis, and a 48-hour recall on food intake was obtained from every second subject. 19.5 % of the children had in their history some long-term disease, allergic diseases being the most common. CHD and other cardiovascular diseases were significantly more frequent among the grandparents and parents in eastern than in western Finland. The study is meant to be a basis for a longitudinal study.
The paper describes the general outline of a multicentre study on the risk factors of coronary heart disease (CHD) and their determinants in children of various ages in different parts of Finland. The study was a cross-sectional one, and was carried out in 1980 in five university cities of Finland with medical schools and in 12 rural communities in their vicinity. The randomized sample included an equal number of boys and girls, aged 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18 years, and an equal number of urban and rural population in each area. The total sample size was 4,320 subjects, and of these 3,596 participated (83.1%). The families received before the medical examination of the child, questionnaires on the socioeconomic background the child's general health and development, the parents' and grandparents' health status, and the child's food and exercise habits. At the physical examination also a fasting blood sample (lipids, insulin, trace elements) was taken, a bundle of hair was cut for trace element analysis, and a 48-hour recall on food intake was obtained from every second subject. 19.5% of the children had in their history some long-term disease, allergic diseases being the most common. CHD and other cardiovascular diseases were significantly more frequent among the grandparents and parents in eastern than in western Finland. The study is meant to be a basis for a longitudinal study.