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Body mass index and central adiposity are associated with sperm quality in men of subfertile couples



The incidence of overweight and obesity in men of reproductive ages is rising, which may affect fertility. Therefore, this study aims to assess the associations between BMI, central adiposity and sperm parameters in men of subfertile couples. Ejaculate volume (ml), sperm concentration (millions per ml), percentage of progressive motile and immotile spermatozoa and total motile sperm count (millions) were measured in 450 men of subfertile couples visiting a tertiary outpatient clinic for reproductive treatment and preconception counseling. Overweight was negatively associated with the percentage of progressive motility type A [β -0.32 (SE 0.2), P=0.036] and positively associated with the percentage of immotility type C [β 0.21 (SE 0.07), P=0.002]. Obesity was negatively associated with ejaculate volume [β-0.23 (SE 0.1), P=0.02], sperm concentration [β -0.77 (SE 0.3), P=0.006] and total motile sperm count [β -0.91 (SE 0.3), P=0.007]. Waist circumference≥102 cm, a measure for central adiposity, was inversely associated with sperm concentration [β -0.69 (SE 0.2), P=0.001] and total motile sperm count [β-0.62 (SE 0.3), P=0.02]. All associations remained significant after adjustment for age, ethnicity, active and passive smoking, alcohol and medication use and folate status. This study shows that in particular, sperm concentration and total motile sperm count in men of subfertile couples are detrimentally affected by a high BMI and central adiposity. The effect of weight loss on sperm quality and fertility needs further investigation.
Body mass index and central adiposity
are associated with sperm quality
in men of subfertile couples
Fatima Hammiche1,2, Joop S.E. Laven1,2, John M. Twigt1,2,
Willem P.A. Boellaard3, Eric A.P. Steegers1,
and Re
´gine P. Steegers-Theunissen1,4,5,*
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Erasmus MC, University Medical Center, Dr. Molewaterplein 50, 3000 DR Rotterdam, The
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Division of Reproductive Medicine, Erasmus MC, University Medical Center, Dr.
Molewaterplein 50, 3000 DR Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Department of Urology, Division of Andrology, Erasmus MC, University Medical
Center, Dr. Molewaterplein 50, 3000 DR Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Department of Epidemiology, Erasmus MC, University Medical
Center, Dr. Molewaterplein 50, 3000 DR Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Clinical Genetics, Erasmus MC, University Medical Center, Dr.
Molewaterplein 50, 3000 DR Rotterdam, The Netherlands
*Correspondence address. Erasmus MC, University Medical Center, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Dr. Molewaterplein 50,
3015 GD Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Tel: +31-10-7032609; Fax: +31-10-7036815; E-mail:
Submitted on November 14, 2011; resubmitted on April 10, 2012; accepted on April 24, 2012
background: The incidence of overweight and obesity in men of reproductive ages is rising, which may affect fertility. Therefore, this
study aims to assess the associations between BMI, central adiposity and sperm parameters in men of subfertile couples.
methods: Ejaculate volume (ml), sperm concentration (millions per ml), percentage of progressive motile and immotile spermatozoa and
total motile sperm count (millions) were measured in 450 men of subfertile couples visiting a tertiary outpatient clinic for reproductive treat-
ment and preconception counseling.
results: Overweight was negatively associated with the percentage of progressive motility type A [b20.32 (SE 0.2), P¼0.036] and
positively associated with the percentage of immotility type C [b0.21 (SE 0.07), P¼0.002]. Obesity was negatively associated with ejaculate
volume [b20.23 (SE 0.1), P¼0.02], sperm concentration [b20.77 (SE 0.3), P¼0.006] and total motile sperm count [b20.91 (SE 0.3),
P¼0.007]. Waist circumference 102 cm, a measure for central adiposity, was inversely associated with sperm concentration [b20.69 (SE
0.2), P¼0.001] and total motile sperm count [b20.62 (SE 0.3), P¼0.02]. All associations remained significant after adjustment for age,
ethnicity, active and passive smoking, alcohol and medication use and folate status.
conclusions: This study shows that in particular, sperm concentration and total motile sperm count in men of subfertile couples are
detrimentally affected by a high BMI and central adiposity. The effect of weight loss on sperm quality and fertility needs further investigation.
Key words: body mass index / overweight / obesity / lifestyle and sperm quality
In western countries, subfertility is a serious health problem affecting
10–15% of all couples trying to conceive (Evers, 2002). Male factor
subfertility accounts for 25– 30% of all cases, of which in the majority
no apparent cause can be found (Wong et al., 2000;Taylor, 2003,).
This has drawn attention to the impact of poor lifestyles, reflected
in a high BMI, on sperm quality (Jensen et al., 2004). In recent
decades, the prevalence of overweight and obesity in men of repro-
ductive age has increased dramatically in the Netherlands with
similar trends in other countries (World Health Organization, 2000;
Statistics the Netherlands, 2010,). Overweight is defined as a BMI
25 and ,30 kg/m
and obesity as a BMI 30 kg/m
Health Organization, 2000).
The adverse effects of a high BMI on female fertility, such as an
increased time to conception and menstrual irregularities, are well
known (Balen et al., 2007;Zain and Norman, 2008). Additionally,
central adiposity, expressed by waist circumference (WC) or waist-hip
ratio, has been shown to independently influence the reproductive po-
tential in women (Zaadstra et al., 1993). The recent systematic review
with meta-analysis has not found evidence on the disadvantages of a
high BMI on male fertility parameters (MacDonald et al., 2010). This
&The Author 2012. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology. All rights reserved.
For Permissions, please email:
Human Reproduction, Vol.27, No.8 pp. 2365– 2372, 2012
Advanced Access publication on June 12, 2012 doi:10.1093/humrep/des177
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is partially due to studies in which no adjustments are made for con-
founding by lifestyle factors. It has been shown that poor nutrition,
smoking and alcohol use impair sperm function (Vujkovic et al.,
2009;Gaur et al., 2010). These lifestyles are associated with excessive
oxidative stress, which has been related to male subfertility due to its
damaging effects on spermatozoa (Ebisch et al., 2006;Tremellen,
Because the incidence of overweight and obesity in men of repro-
ductive ages is rising, this study aims to assess the association
between BMI, central adiposity and sperm quality in men visiting the
preconception outpatient clinic at the Erasmus University Medical
Center in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
Materials and Methods
Study design
Between October 2007 and October 2010, couples planning pregnancy
and visiting the outpatient clinic for reproductive treatment or specialized
medical preconception care of the Department of Obstetrics and Gyne-
cology at the Erasmus University Medical Center Rotterdam, were
offered preconception counseling at the clinic ‘Achieving a Healthy Preg-
nancy’ (Hammiche et al., 2011). The couples filled out questionnaires
from which the following data were extracted as descriptive or potential
confounders: age, ethnicity, educational level, smoking, alcohol consump-
tion and the use of medication, folic acid and multivitamins. Ethnicity was
defined according to the country of birth of the man and his parents:
Dutch: Netherlands; non-western: Africa, South- and Central America
and Asia, Turkey, Morocco, Antilles, Suriname; other western: all other
countries. (Statistics Netherlands, 2008). Educational level was divided
into three categories: low (primary/lower vocational/intermediate sec-
ondary), intermediate (intermediate vocational/higher secondary) and
high (higher vocational/university) (Statistics Netherlands, 2008). At the
preconception counseling visit, the questionnaires were checked by the
counselor in detail. Height (m) and weight (kg) were standardized mea-
sured to calculate the BMI (weight in kg divided by squared height in cen-
timetres). Weight was measured on an electronic scale without shoes and
jacket and empty pockets. Height was measured without shoes. WC was
measured at the narrowest point between the lower border of the rib
cage and the iliac crest. Subsequently, venous blood samples were
drawn to measure serum and red blood cell (RBC) folate concentrations
evaluated as a potential confounder. All study participants signed an
informed consent form before participation. From the total group of
1248 men who visited the outpatient clinic ‘Achieving a Healthy Preg-
nancy’, we selected only men with a sperm analysis performed within
0–70 days prior to the visit as part of the fertility treatment for further
investigation, n¼455. The Medical Ethical and Institutional Review
Board of the Erasmus University Medical Center in the Netherlands
approved the study.
Sperm collection and analysis
Sperm specimens were produced via masturbation after a required abstin-
ence period of 3–5 days. After liquefaction, ejaculate volume, sperm con-
centration, percentage progressive (type A +B) and immotile
spermatozoa (type C +D) were assessed by a Zeiss microscope (Carl
Zeiss, Oberkochen, Germany) according to World Health Organization
guidelines (WHO, 2010). Sperm concentration was determined with an
improved Neubauer Hemocytometer
counting chamber. Total sperm
count was calculated as the product between ejaculate volume and
sperm concentration. Total motile sperm count was calculated as the
product between ejaculate volume, sperm concentration and progressive
motile spermatozoa (type A +B). From a clinical point of view, we studied
the percentage progressive (type A +B) and immotile (type C +D)
spermatozoa. Because of our scientific interest, we also evaluated the in-
dividual sperm motility parameters; type A (rapid progressive motility),
type B (slow or sluggish progressive motility), type C (move locally) and
type D (immotility). The sperm analyses were performed in one single
centre and in one laboratory, which participates in the external quality
control scheme of the Dutch Foundation for Quality Assessment in Clin-
ical Laboratories (SKML).
Laboratory determinations
Venous blood samples were drawn into dry vacutainer tubes and allowed
to clot. After centrifugation at 2000g, serum was collected before being
assayed for the concentration of serum folate. For the determination of
RBC folate venous blood samples were drawn into EDTA–containing
vacutainer tubes. Serum samples from each patient were analysed
during routine laboratory procedures for folate using an immunoelectro-
chemoluminescence assay (E170; Roche Diagnostics GmbH, Mannheim,
Germany). Directly after blood sampling, 0.1 ml EDTA blood was hemo-
lyzed with 0.9 ml of freshly prepared 1% ascorbic acid. Subsequently, the
hematocrit of the EDTA-blood was determined on an ADVIA 120 Hema-
tology Analyzer (Bayer Diagnostics, Leverkusen, Germany). The hemoly-
sate was centrifuged for 5 min at 1000gafter which the folate
concentration was measured in the hemolysate. RBC folate was calculated
using the following formula: (nM hemolysate folate ×10/hematocrit)2
[nM serum folate ×(12hematocrit)/hematocrit] ¼nM RBC folate. Inter-
assay coefficients of variation for serum folate were 4.5% at 13 nmol/l and
5.7% at 23 nmol/l and the detection limit was 1.36 nmol/l.
Statistical analysis
Men were categorized into three BMI groups: (i) ,25 kg/m
, (ii) 25 and
,30 kg/m
and (iii) 30 kg/m
(World Health Organization, 2000). Eight
underweight (BMI ,18.5 kg/m
) men from the entire cohort (n¼1248)
were excluded from the analyses. We dichotomized WC into high- and
low-risk groups on the basis of the gender-specific cut off point of
102 cm for the risk of cardiovascular disease according to the National
Institutes of Health (NIH), 2000. Additionally, we categorized men into
quintiles of WC to explore the association between WC and semen para-
meters in more detail. The Kruskal Wallis test was applied to test differ-
ences between the three BMI strata and the various sperm parameters.
Spearman’s correlation coefficient was calculated between BMI and WC.
The relationships between BMI categories, WC and sperm parameters
were studied using a linear multivariable regression analysis with adjust-
ment for potential confounders. For ease of interpretation, linear regres-
sion was done using log-transformed dependent variables and
non-transformed independent variables, i.e. a log-level linear regression.
The interpretation of the (unstandardized) bis that b×100 equals the
% change in the dependent variable for each 1 unit change in b. Potential
confounders were selected based on significant differences of the covari-
ate between the BMI categories and/or when the literature revealed a
strong relation of the variable with sperm quality and/or BMI. This
resulted in the evaluation of the following potential effect modifiers or con-
founders: age, ethnicity, active and passive smoking, alcohol and medica-
tion use and folate status based on RBC folate. We applied the linear
multivariable regression analysis on the total study sample as well as sep-
arately after stratification in three BMI and two WC categories. All statis-
tics were performed by using the SPSS 17 software package (SPSS, Inc.,
Chicago, IL, USA). A two-tailed P,0.05 was considered statistically
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To evaluate the selection bias, the general characteristics of the 450
participants and 790 non-participants are depicted in Table I. Age,
BMI, WC, educational level, most lifestyle factors and folate status
were not significantly different between the two groups. However,
in the group of non-participants, there were more men with a non-
western ethnicity and active smokers.
In 61.5% of participants primary subfertility was diagnosed.
In Table II, the general characteristics of the participants are
stratified according to the three BMI categories of which 153
(34.0%) had a BMI ,25 kg/m
, 225 (50.0%) a BMI 25 and
,30 kg/m
and 72 (16.0%) a BMI 30 kg/m
. Men with over-
weight or obesity were significantly older compared with normal
weight men (P,0.05). Overweight was significantly more
present in Dutch men (75.1%) and obesity in non-western men
(37.5%), (P,0.05). While not statistically significant, the distribu-
tion of the educational level suggests an inverse association with
BMI. Obese men consumed significantly less alcohol compared
with normal weight and overweight men (P,0.001). Correlation
analysis revealed that WC is significantly correlated with BMI
(r¼0.85; P,0.01).
Association between BMI and sperm
Table II shows that overweight and obese men have a significantly
lower ejaculate volume and sperm count (P,0.05). While not statis-
tically significant, the distribution of the sperm concentrations suggests
a negative association with BMI. Although total motile sperm count
was not significantly different between the groups, overweight and
obese men showed a significantly lower percentage progressive motil-
ity type A (P¼0.02). Furthermore, overweight men showed a signifi-
cantly higher percentage type C motility (P¼0.002).
We further analysed these associations between BMI and sperm
parameters in a multivariable linear regression analysis with adjustment
for the potential confounders age, ethnicity, active and passive
smoking, alcohol and medication use and folate status (Table III).
BMI analysed as linear variable (BMI linear) and the overweight
and obese categories negatively associated with ejaculate volume (all
P,0.05). The association was most pronounced in men with a
BMI 30 [adjusted b20.23 (SE 0.10), P¼0.02]. A BMI 30 was in-
versely associated with sperm concentration [adjusted b20.77 (SE
0.3), P¼0.006]. Negative associations were estimated between
BMI linear, BMI 30 and total sperm count, [adjusted b20.069
Table I Characteristics of men of subfertile couples (n51240).
Study population with sperm analysis
Non-participants without sperm analysis
Age (years) 35 (22–60) 35 (19– 72) 0.18
BMI (kg/m
) 26.3 (19.1– 49.0) 26.3 (18.5–50.1) 0.58
Waist circumference (cm) 94 (65–135) 95 (60–119) 0.42
Ethnicity n(%) 448 (100) 744 (100) ,0.001
Dutch 314 (70.1) 433 (58.2)
Other—western 29 (6.5) 47 (6.3)
Non-western 105 (23.4) 264 (35.5)
Educational level n(%) 450 (100) 743 (100) 0.20
High 169 (37.6) 262 (35.3)
Intermediate 187 (41.6) 292 (39.3)
Low 94 (20.9) 189 (25.4)
Lifestyles (yes), n(%)
Smoking, active 123 (27.3) 249 (31.5) 0.049
Smoking, passive 95 (21.1) 165 (20.9) 0.93
Alcohol 121 (26.9) 231 (30.7) 0.16
Folic acid supplement use 15 (3.3) 14 (1.9) 0.27
Multivitamin supplement use 112 (24.9) 157 (20.8) 0.22
Medication use (prescription and over the
116 (25.8) 175 (22.2) 0.55
Biochemical parameters
Folate (nmol/l) 17.3 (7–64) 17.3 (5.6–128.0) 0.95
Folate RBC (nmol/l) 905 (64–2247) 890 (252–2361) 0.31
P,0.05 was considered statistically significant. Values are expressed as median (range) or number ( percentages).
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(SE 0.02), P¼0.003; adjusted b20.98 (SE 0.3), P¼0.001], respect-
ively. In a similar manner, BMI linear and BMI 30 were negatively
associated with total motile sperm count [adjusted b20.058 (SE
0.03), P¼0.04 and adjusted b20.91 (SE 0.3), P¼0.007], respect-
ively. Furthermore, an inverse association was observed between a
25 BMI ,30 and the percentage progressive motility type A
[adjusted b20.32 (SE 0.2), P¼0.036]. BMI linear and the 25
BMI ,30 category were positively associated with the percentage
of type C motility [adjusted b0.02 (SE 0.01), P¼0.009 and adjusted
b0.21 (SE 0.07), P¼0.002, respectively].
Association between WC and sperm
Men with a WC 102 cm had a significantly lower sperm concentra-
tion compared with men with a WC ,102 cm, respectively 27 ×
/ml (0– 661 ×10
/ml) and 17 ×10
/ml (0– 350 ×10
P0.05. Table IV shows the multivariable linear regression analysis
with adjustment for confounders. After adjustment, a WC 102 cm
remained negatively associated with sperm concentration [adjusted
b20.69 (SE 0.2), P¼0.001]. Furthermore, a WC 102 cm was
Table II Characteristics of men of subfertile couples (n5450).
BMI <25 (n5153) 25
BMI <30 (n5225) BMI
30 (n572) P
Age (years), median 34 (23– 60) 35 (24–57) 35 (22–52) 0.048
Waist circumference (cm) 85 (65–106) 95 (81 –110) 113 (95–135) ,0.001
Ethnicity n(%) 152 (100) 224 (100) 72 (100) 0.02
Dutch 105 (69.1) 169 (75.1) 40 (55.6)
Other—western 12 (7.9) 12 (5.3) 5 (6.9)
Non-western 35 (23.0) 43 (19.1) 27 (37.5)
Educational level n(%) 153 (100) 225 (100) 72 (100) 0.08
High 66 (43.1) 85 (37.8) 18 (25.0)
Intermediate 62 (40.5) 89 (39.6) 36 (50.0)
Low 25 (16.3) 51 (22.7) 18 (25.0)
Subfertility n(%) 137 (100) 196 (100) 64 (100) 0.90
Primary 98 (71.5) 138 (70.4) 47 (73.4)
Secondary 39 (28.5) 58 (29.6) 17 (26.6)
Lifestyles (yes), n(%)
Smoking, active 37 (24.5) 64 (28.8) 22 (30.6) 0.55
Smoking, passive 30 (19.3) 52 (23.1) 13 (18.3) 0.60
Alcohol 120 (78.4) 170 (75.6) 39 (54.2) ,0.001
Folic acid supplement use 7 (4.8) 5 (2.2) 3 (4.2) 0.56
Multivitamin supplement use 43 (28.5) 53 (24.2) 16 (22.5) 0.54
Medication use (prescribed and over the counter) 39 (25.8) 53 (23.7) 24 (33.3) 0.27
Biochemical parameters
Folate (nmol/l) 18.5 (7–64) 17.3 (7– 45) 16.3 (8– 33) 0.21
RBC folate (nmol/l) 879 (64 2247) 948 (153– 2194) 861 (474– 1622) 0.11
Sperm parameters (p25 –p75)
Ejaculate volume (ml) 3.0 (1.9– 4.0) 2.7 (1.5–3.5) 2.4 (1.6– 3.4) 0.02
Sperm concentration (10
/ml) 34.0 (8.9– 62.3) 23.0 (6.8– 51.5) 18.0 (1.1– 60.3) 0.99
Sperm count 68.6 (19.8 –183.2) 49.6 (14–124.8) 45.9 (2.8 –147.5) 0.03
Total motile sperm count (10
/ml) 27.3 (4.0–85.2) 17.2 (2.8– 50.0) 14.4 (5.6– 73.2) 0.07
Progressive motility (A +B) (%) 39.0 (22.0– 48.5) 37.0 (21.0– 47.0) 39.0 (23.0– 49.0) 0.48
Immotile sperm (C +D) (%) 61.0 (51.5– 78.0) 63.0 (53.0 79.0) 61.0 (51.0–77.0) 0.48
Subtypes of motility
Type A motility (%) 8.0 (2.0– 23.0) 5.0 (1.0– 14.0) 6.0 (1.0 16.0) 0.02
Type B motility (%) 21.0 (13.0 31.0) 25.5 (15.0– 33.0) 28.0 (14.0– 36.0) 0.20
Type C motility (%) 8.0 (5.0– 10.0) 9.0 (6.0– 13.0) 8.0 (6.0 –10.0) 0.002
Type D motility (%) 52.0 (43.5 68.5) 53.0 (43.0– 68.0) 53.0 (44.0– 66.0) 0.91
P,0.05 was considered statistically significant. Values are expressed as median (range), median (p25– p75) or as number (%) per BMI stratum. Totalsperm count ¼ejaculate volume
×sperm concentration. Total motile sperm count ¼ejaculate volume ×sperm concentration ×progressive motile spermatozoa (type A +B).
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Table III Associations between BMI and sperm parameters.
BMI linear (total group n5450) BMI <25
BMI <30 (n5225) BMI
30 (n572)
Unadjusted Adjusted
Unadjusted Adjusted
Unadjusted Adjusted
Sperm parameters REF
Ejaculate volume (ml), b(SE), P20.029 (0.01), 0.00 20.027 (0.01), 0.001 20.17 (0.07), 0.01 20.14 (0.07), 0.048 20.24 (0.09), 0.01 20.23 (0.1), 0.02
Sperm concentration (10
/ml), b(SE), P20.034 (0.02), 0.12 20.042 (0.02), 0.07 20.10 (0.2), 0.59 20.046 (0.2), 0.86 20.65 (0.3), 0.01 20.77 (0.3), 0.006
Total sperm count (10
/ml), b(SE),P20.063 (0.02), 0.004 20.069 (0.02), 0.003 20.26 (0.2), 0.19 0.17 (0.2), 0.42 20.88 (0.3), 0.001 20.98 (0.3), 0.001
Total motile sperm count (10
/ml), b(SE), P20.055 (0.03), 0.03 20.058 (0.03), 0.04 20.22 (0.2), 0.33 20.079 (0.2), 0.74 20.84 (0.3), 0.007 20.91 (0.3), 0.007
Progressive motility (A +B) (%), b(SE), P20.001 (0.01), 0.95 0.001 (0.01), 0.96 20.10 (0.08), 0.22 20.066 (0.09), 0.47 20.001 (0.1), 0.99 0.014 (0.1), 0.91
Immotile sperm (C +D) (%), b(SE), P0 (0.003), 0.92 20.001 (0.004), 0.85 0.037 (0.04), 0.30 0.026 (0.04), 0.50 20.059 (0.05), 0.23 20.078 (0.1), 0.15
Subtypes of motility
Type A motility (%), b(SE), P20.028 (0.02), 0.08 20.025 (0.02), 0.14 20.38 (0.1), 0.008 20.32 (0.2), 0.036 20.21 (0.2), 0.27 20.18 (0.2), 0.38
Type B motility (%), b(SE), P0.008 (0.01), 0.42 0.009 (0.1), 0.41 0.051 (0.09), 0.55 0.059 (0.09), 0.53 0.10 (0.1), 0.39 0.12 (0.1), 0.34
Type C motility (%), b(SE), P0.017 (0.01), 0.02 0.02 (0.01), 0.009 0.23 (0.06), ,0.001 0.21 (0.07), 0.002 0.12 (0.09), 0.16 0.16 (0.09), 0.095
Type D motility (%), b(SE), P20.005 (0.004), 0.25 20.006 (0.004), 0.14 0.002 (0.04), 0.96 20.01 (0.04), 0.79 20.028 (0.05), 0.56 20.051 (0.05), 0.34
P,0.05 was considered statistically significant. All data in the table are presented as unstandardized adjusted linear regression coefficients (b) [standard error (SE)] which reflect the relative effect per 1 point of BMI on the respective sperm
parameter. Total sperm count ¼ejaculate volume ×sperm concentration. Total motile sperm count ¼ejaculate volume ×sperm concentration ×progressive motile spermatozoa (type A +B).
P-values are adjusted for the following covariates: age (in years), ethnicity, active and passive smoking, alcohol, medication use and folate status.
............................................................... ..........................................................
Table IV Associations between WC and sperm parameters.
Waist circumference linear (total group
Waist circumference <102 cm
Waist circumference
102 cm (n5103)
Unadjusted Adjusted
Unadjusted Adjusted
Sperm parameters REF
Ejaculate volume (ml), b(SE), P20.005 (0.003), 0.06 20.006 (0.003), 0.04 20.12 (0.08), 0.14 20.15 (0.08), 0.07
Sperm concentrations (10
/ml), b(SE), P20.018 (0.007), 0.02 20.019 (0.008), 0.02 20.64 (0.2), 0.002 20.69 (0.2), 0.001
Total sperm count (10
/ml), b(SE), P20.023 (0.008), 0.003 20.025 (0.008), 0.002 20.73 (0.2), 0.001 20.81 (0.2), ,0.001
Total motile sperm count (10
/ml), b(SE), P20.021 (0.009), 0.02 20.021 (0.01), 0.03 20.59 (0.2), 0.02 20.62 (0.3), 0.02
Progressive motility (A +B) (%), b(SE), P20.003 (0.003), 0.39 20.002 (0.004), 0.65 20.063 (0.1), 0.49 20.032 (0.1), 0.75
Immotile sperm (C +D) (%), b(SE), P0.001 (0.001), 0.50 0.00 (0.001), 0.94 0.014 (0.03), 0.69 20.004 (0.04), 0.90
P,0.05 was considered statistically significant. All data in the table are presented as unstandardized adjusted linear regression coefficients (b) [standard error (SE)] which reflect the relative effect of WC on the respective sperm parameter.
Total sperm count ¼ejaculate volume ×sperm concentration. Total motile sperm count ¼ejaculate volume ×sperm concentration ×progressive motile spermatozoa (type A +B).
P-values are adjusted for the following covariates: age (in years), ethnicity, active and passive smoking, alcohol, medication use and folate status.
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also negatively associated with total sperm count [adjusted b20.81
(SE 0.2), P¼0.001] and total motile sperm count [adjusted b
20.62 (SE 0.3), P¼0.02]. To further specify the relation between
WC and sperm parameters, we categorized men into quintiles
based on the observed WC in our cohort. The quintile analyses
show that the NIH cut-off for a high WC ( 102 cm) is a sensible
cut-off for the study of adverse effects of WC. In these analyses, we
show that the effects of WC on sperm parameters are only seen in
the highest quintile of WC (104 cm). With the lowest quintile
(WC 85 cm) as a reference, men in the highest quintile of WC
(104 cm) had a lower ejaculate volume [adjusted b20.223 (SE
0.11), P¼0.045], sperm concentration [adjusted b20.642
(SE 0.29), P¼0.03] and total sperm count [adjusted b20.875 (SE
0.30), P¼0.004]. With similar effect estimates, the effect of WC
on total motile sperm count was only significant before adjustments
[adjusted b20.633 (SE 0.36), P¼0.08]. To investigate if we could
disentangle possible independent effects of WC and BMI on sperm
parameters (i.e. does the distribution of fat tissue explain the effect
of WC on sperm parameters), we generated WC residuals, i.e. vari-
ation of WC not explained by variation in BMI. We additionally
adjusted for BMI and WC residuals in the linear multivariable regres-
sion analysis after which all associations between WC and sperm para-
meters disappeared.
This study demonstrates that BMI and WC—independent of other
lifestyle factors—affect sperm quality in men of subfertile couples
attending an outpatient preconception clinic, in which BMI seems a
slightly stronger predictor than WC. Being overweight is associated
with a significantly lower ejaculate volume, a lower percentage of pro-
gressive motility type A and a higher percentage of motility type
C. Furthermore, obesity is associated with a significantly lower ejacu-
late volume, lower sperm concentration, lower total sperm count and
a lower total motile sperm count. A WC 102 cm, as a marker for
central adiposity, was associated with a lower sperm concentration,
lower total sperm count and a lower total motile sperm count. Quin-
tile analyses of the effects of WC on sperm parameters confirm that
the NIH cut-off for a high WC is sensible and that the effects are only
seen in the highest quintile with a comparable cut-off as the NIH ref-
erence. Due to the stronger correlations between BMI and sperm
parameters, the associations with WC disappeared after adjustment
for BMI.
Thus, BMI and WC are especially associated with ejaculate volume,
sperm concentration and sperm motility. These associations have also
been investigated and described by MacDonald et al. (2010). Our find-
ings, however, are in contrast to a recent Dutch study (Duits et al.,
2010) that observed no significant association between BMI and
sperm parameters. This lack of an association may be a statistical
power issue, given that a smaller proportion of obese men (10.4%)
compared with the 16% in our study has been investigated. In addition,
it is not clear whether the anthropometric features were standardized
measured or self-reported. The latter could have induced a differential
misclassification of the exposure of interest, which may have led to a
bias towards the null hypothesis resulting in a non-significant estimate.
This is supported by others showing that the prevalence of obesity
based on self-reported data underestimates the true prevalence
(Fear et al., 2011).
In line with the study of Chavarro et al. (2010), we also found dif-
ferent effects of the BMI strata on sperm parameters. They reported a
similar inverse association between BMI and ejaculate volume and
total sperm count. However, they did not find an association
between BMI and sperm concentration, which is the most consistent
finding across studies (Jensen et al., 2004;Koloszar et al., 2005;Mag-
nusdottir et al., 2005;Hammoud et al., 2008a,b). Furthermore, in con-
trast to our results, the Chavarro group showed that overweight men
had a higher percentage of progressive motile sperm.
Our findings of the inverse association between a high BMI and
sperm parameters strengthen a previously reported study in Europe
and the USA (Hammoud et al., 2008a,b). The majority of the
studies have focused only on BMI as the predominant measure of adi-
posity and not on WC. To our knowledge, this study is the second
study to show an association between WC and sperm parameters
(Fejes et al., 2005) and the first to do so after adjusting for various con-
founders and in a large study population. The sensitivity of BMI in es-
timating individuals body fat mass suffers from the inability to
distinguish between variability in body composition and body fat
mass distribution (Akpinar et al., 2007), to which WC offers a
partial solution. Recent studies indicated that abdominal obesity is
more strongly associated with obesity-related health problems than
adiposity measured by BMI (Yusuf et al., 2005). In women, it has
been shown that differences in fat mass distribution exist between
subfertile women and normal controls. The different fat mass patterns
were accompanied by different prognoses of fertility (Kirchengast and
Huber, 2004). We showed that a WC of 102 cm is associated with
a lower sperm concentration, total sperm count and total motile
sperm count. However, after additional adjustment for BMI in the
linear multivariable regression analysis the association attenuated,
which may indicate that BMI and WC are markers for the same vari-
able, i.e. physiology associated with adipose tissue/weight gain with
comparable effect estimates.
Several mechanisms might account for the harmful effects of a high
BMI on sperm parameters. Numerous studies have noted that obesity
and several of its causes, such as insulin resistance and dyslipidemia,
are associated with increased oxidative stress (Dandona et al., 2005;
Davi and Falco, 2005). Oxidative stress is an independent marker
for male factor subfertility since it impairs sperm quality (Ebisch
et al., 2008). A mouse study showed that obesity increases oxidative
stress and, as a result, reduced sperm motility and increased DNA
damage (Bakos et al., 2011).
It has also been suggested that the detrimental influence of a high
body weight on sperm quality is partially driven by an altered repro-
ductive hormonal profile (Jensen et al., 2004;Hammoud et al.,
2008a,b). Overweight and obesity, particularly when central, have
been shown to affect the GnRH-LH/FSH pulse, which may impair
Leydig and Sertoli cell functions and thus interfere with the release
of sex hormones and production and maturation of sperm
(Hammoud et al., 2008a,b). Consequently, a high BMI is associated
with lower levels of total testosterone, sex hormone-binding globulin
and inhibin B and higher levels of serum estradiol (Jensen et al., 2004;
Chavarro et al., 2010). Additionally, serum leptin, which is higher in
overweight and obese men, inhibits testosterone synthesis, which is
a cause of impaired sperm quality (Hofny et al., 2010). However,
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the levels across which alterations of these hormones have a deleteri-
ous effect on sperm quality are unknown. In our study, we were not
able to substantiate our findings with changes in male sex hormone
levels. While weight loss normalizes testosterone and inhibin B
levels in obese men, it is unknown whether this also restores sperm
quality (Globerman et al., 2005). A previous study concluded that
associations between male BMI and sperm quality were found to be
statistically significant even after adjustment for reproductive hor-
mones (Qin et al., 2007). This suggests that a hormonal explanation
as the sole mechanism is unlikely. Future studies are needed to inves-
tigate this finding in more detail.
The strengths and weaknesses of this study design have to be
addressed. The strengths of our study are the assessment of standar-
dized anthropometric measures, i.e., BMI, WC, sperm parameters,
biomarkers and potential confounders in a relatively large homogen-
ous group of men in subfertile couples. To prevent selection bias
we included all men of subfertile couples planning pregnancy who
visited a single tertiary centre between October 2007 and October
2010. Sperm parameters and biomarkers were also measured at
one single centre and laboratory. A limitation of our study might be
that only one single sperm analysis was performed. However, we
do not believe that this poses a major threat to the validity of this ana-
lysis, because it has been shown in a population based study that ana-
lyzing multiple sperm samples per subject does not seem superior to a
single sperm sample analysis (Stokes-Riner et al., 2007). A strength of
our study is that we limited measurement errors by selecting men on
whom a sperm analysis was performed in a standardized window of
0–70 days before the preconceptional visit. Moreover, the indication
for the sperm analysis and referral to the preconceptional outpatient
clinic was not influenced by BMI. We are aware, however, that this
study has been performed in men of subfertile couples, which limits
its external validity with the consequence that the results cannot be
extrapolated to the general population. It is also well recognized
that fecundity as assessed by the standard sperm parameters does
not necessarily translate to fertility including live births. There are
also additional sperm quality parameters of importance, in particular
sperm DNA fragmentation.
A high BMI and a high WC are associated with detrimental effects on
sperm quality. Increasing awareness of the target population of men,
gynecologists, urologists, andrologists and general practitioners is
needed to address the importance of this relationship. Future pre-
ventative interventions should be developed and directed at men to
loose weight especially during the window of planning a pregnancy.
However, this emphasizes the need of intervention studies directed
at the effects of loosing weight on sperm quality. Future studies are
also needed to gain insight into the underlying mechanisms and the
effects on fertility outcome.
Authors’ roles
F.H. acquired, analysed and interpreted data, drafted the manuscript
and designed study. J.S.E.L. drafted the manuscript, critically revised
the manuscript for intellectual content and data interpretation.
J.M.T. acquired and analysed data. W.P.A.B. critically revised the
manuscript for intellectual content. E.A.P.S. critically revised the manu-
script for intellectual content. R.P.M.S.T. drafted the manuscript, inter-
preted data, critically revised the manuscript for intellectual content
and study design.
The authors are financially supported by the Department of Obste-
trics and Gynecology of the Erasmus MC, University Medical
Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Conflict of interest
J.S.E.L. has received fees and grant support from the following com-
panies (in alphabetic order): Ferring, Genovum, Merck-Serono,
Organon, Schering Plough and Serono. All other authors have
nothing to disclose.
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... Research data have shown that obese men have an increased risk of azoospermia or oligospermia, and body mass index (BMI) is negatively correlated with the quality and quantity of sperm [2,3]. Obesity can reduce male serum testosterone levels and sperm quality [4,5]. Furthermore, obesity is thought to be a systemic chronic inflammatory response resulted from adipocyte dysfunction [6]. ...
... Male infertility associated with obesity has dramatically risen worldwide [46] and has also received much significant attention from the medical community [47,48].The mechanisms through which obesity affects male reproductive function are complex. Research by Hotamisligil and colleagues suggests that obesity is a systemic state of chronic low-grade inflammation, with the resulting inflammatory response believed to be a key risk factor for obesity-related complications [9].This chronic low-grade inflammatory state associated with obesity is closely linked to the release and induction of numerous related inflammatory factors [4].TNF-α and IL-6 are inflammatory cytokines associated with obesity, particularly abdominal obesity [49]. For instance, elevated levels of IL-6 have been positively correlated with the expansion of adipose tissue [50].TNF-α, IL-6, and IL-1β can enhance the inflammatory cascade reaction and promote inflammatory responses [49], which are considered key triggering factors for obesity-related complications. ...
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Obesity is associated with chronic inflammation that affects various organs in the body, including the reproductive system, which is a key factor in male infertility. 1-Deoxynojirimycin (1-DNJ) is a natural alkaloid in mulberry leaves, which has anti-inflammatory capabilities, yet, it’s effects on obesity-induced inflammation-related male infertility remain unclear. Therefore, this research investigates the underlying mechanism by which 1-DNJ may mitigate fertility impairment in male mice caused by obesity-related inflammation. Male mice with high-fat diet (HFD)-induced obesity were treated with 1-DNJ or metformin for 8 weeks. Metabolic profiles were evaluated by enzyme method. Reproductive capacity was assessed by sperm viability, motility and counts, immunohistochemistry was performed to evaluate the testicular damage caused by obesity and inflammation. The inflammation was assessed by measuring the levels of tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα), interleukin 1β (IL-1β), and interleukin 6 (IL-6). The activation of IκB kinase β (IKKβ) and nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) was examined using western blot and immunohistochemistry. HFD induced obesity in mice with obvious lipid metabolism disorder. The obese male mice had a decreased testosterone level, impaired sperm motility, and increased inflammatory factors. 1-DNJ treatment improved the testosterone level in the obese mice, ameliorated the testicular structure damage and improve sperm viability. In addition, 1-DNJ treatment inhibited IKKβ/NF-kB signaling pathway and reduced inflammation in obese mice. 1-DNJ can improve the fertility of obese men by reducing obesity as well as obesity-induced inflammation. These findings provide new insights for 1-DNJ to alleviate inflammation caused by obesity and provide future possibilities for treating male infertility.
... 13 In men, body mass index has shown to be related to semen quality and reproductive hormones. 14,15 It has also been shown that among men, obesity increases the risk of infertility 1.4 times and overweight 1.2 times. 16 A review article on smoking and alcohol addiction concluded that these habits in uence men´s fertility in a negative way. 9 Another review by Balawernder and Orkisz also indicated that the most signi cant factors that cause male infertility are lifestyle-related; being obese, nicotine addiction and alcohol consumption among others. ...
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Background: The aim of this population-based study is to examine lifestyle factors (smoking and alcohol consumption) and body mass index (BMI) among fertile and infertile Finnish women and men. Methods: Infertility was defined based on reporting having ever tried to become pregnant or to get a child unsuccessfully over a year. Logistic regression analysis was used to investigate the association of smoking, alcohol consumption and BMI with infertility when adjusted first for age and then additionally for marital status, education and employment status. Men (n=201) and women (n=267) who had ever experienced infertility were compared to those with no experience of infertility (n=1677 men and n=1257 women) and further separately for those who had despite the infertility experience received a child or not. Results: No significant differences between smoking or BMI were found in men by the infertility experience, compared to childless infertile and infertile men with a child. However, men with infertility experience had higher total alcohol consumption (g/year) than fertile men (p=0.005). The odds ratio for total consumption of alcohol at an average or high level was 2.49 (95 % CI 1.39-4.45) in the age adjusted model and 2.01 (CI 1.11-3.67) in the fully adjusted model for males who had experienced infertility by using the fertile men as a reference group. No differences in smoking, alcohol consumption or BMI were found between women with or without infertility experience. Conclusions: The results indicate that in fertility counselling and care given by midwifes and health care professionals, attention should be paid to men’s lifestyle, especially to alcohol consumption. The small numbers of those having experienced infertility limited analyses in this study.
... Out of the selected ten studies, four studies failed to show any statistically significant association between BMI and sperm parameters (14,16,17,18). On the other hand, the remaining six studies have shown significant association between BMI and sperm parameters (10,11,12,13,15,19). (11,14). ...
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Objective: The effect of obesity on male reproductive health has recently gained considerable attention, particularly the effect on sperm parameters. However, studies show a controversial relationship between male obesity and their sperm parameters. This study aimed to systematically review the published literature on the relationship between men's BMI and their sperm parameters.Method: A comprehensive systematic search of PubMed and SCOPUS databases was conducted to identify relevant research published in the English language from January 2010 to April 2023. Ten studies were determined according to the PRISMA statement for the systematic review, including 19,008 male participants. The first two authors conducted the search strategy independently, and the identified papers were critically appraised before the analysis. Data on sperm parameters such as semen volume, sperm concentration, count, motility, and morphology were systematically extracted into predesigned data extraction sheets. Statistical software SPSS version 25.0 was used for data analysis.Results: Among the ten studies included in this analysis, four studies with 2391 participants found no statistically significant association between men's BMI and their sperm parameters. In contrast, the remaining six studies involving 16,702 participants showed a statistically significant negative correlation between BMI and sperm concentration, count, and motility (p<0.001, p=0.05, p<0.001, respectively). Nevertheless, the analysis revealed no statistically significant correlation between body mass index and sperm volume (p=0.46) or sperm morphology (p=0.14).Conclusion: The study results show that BMI significantly affects sperm concentration, count, and motility. However, BMI did not show a significant effect on sperm volume and sperm morphology.
... In obese men, 10 out of 21 papers reported a decrease in sperm concentration, while 7 out of 13 studies found a lower total sperm count compared to men with normal weight (Table 1), and an isolated work reported an increase in concentration and sperm count in the semen of obese men (Tang et al. 2015). Hammiche et al. (2012) confirmed this association, which remained significant even after adjusting for confounding variables such as age, ethnicity, smoking, alcohol consumption, and medication use. However, in a more recent study, McCray and coworkers showed that adjusting for confounders led to a loss of significance (McCray et al. 2020). ...
Infertility affects approximately 15% of couples trying to conceive. Male-related causes account for roughly 50% of cases, with obesity emerging as a possible significant factor. Obesity, defined as a body mass index of 30.0 or higher, has become a widespread epidemic associated with numerous health issues, including a decrease of fertility. This review discusses the relationship between obesity and male infertility, particularly focusing on sperm quality and function. An overview of the literature suggests that obesity may influence the male reproductive system via disruptions in hormonal profiles, oxidative stress, and inflammation, leading to changes in sperm parameters. Several studies have discussed if obesity causes a decrease in sperm concentration, motility, and normal morphology, so far without a consensus being reached. However, available evidence suggests an impairment of sperm function in obese men, due to an increase in DNA damage and oxidative stress, impaired mitochondrial function and acrosome reaction in response to progesterone. Finally, the relationship between obesity and assisted reproductive technologies outcomes remains debatable, with conflicting evidence regarding the influence on fertilisation, pregnancy, and live birth rates. Therefore, the actual impact of obesity on human spermatozoa still needs to be clarified, due to the multiple factors potentially in play.
... Thus, approximately 50% of infertility is attributable to male factors 32 . While known etiologies of male infertility include cryptorchidism, testicular torsion or trauma, varicocele, seminal tract infections, antisperm antibodies, hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, gonadal dysgenesis, and obstruction of the reproductive channels 32 , obesity has been reported to represent a risk factor for male subfertility [33][34][35][36] . Several mechanisms underlying obesityinduced male subfertility have been reported, which include hypogonadism, chronic inflammation, oxidative stress, impaired sperm parameters, such as sperm concentration, sperm motility and morphology, sperm DNA damage, altered sperm lipid composition, and sperm epigenetic modification 37 . ...
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Obesity is among the risk factors for male infertility. Although several mechanisms underlying obesity-induced male subfertility have been reported, the entire mechanism of obesity-induced male infertility still remains unclear. Here, we show that sperm count, sperm motility and sperm fertilizing ability were decreased in male mice fed a high-fat diet and that the expression of the AdipoR1 gene and protein was decreased, and the expression of pro-apoptotic genes and protein increased, in the testis from mice fed a high-fat diet. Moreover, we demonstrate that testes weight, sperm count, sperm motility and sperm fertilizing ability were significantly decreased in AdipoR1 knockout mice compared to those in wild-type mice; furthermore, the phosphorylation of AMPK was decreased, and the expression of pro-apoptotic genes and proteins, caspase-6 activity and pathologically apoptotic seminiferous tubules were increased, in the testis from AdipoR1 knockout mice. Furthermore, study findings show that orally administrated AdipoRon decreased caspase-6 activity and apoptotic seminiferous tubules in the testis, thus ameliorating sperm motility in male mice fed a high-fat diet. This was the first study to demonstrate that decreased AdipoR1/AMPK signaling led to increased caspase-6 activity/increased apoptosis in the testis thus likely accounting for male infertility.
... Despite extensive research, the exact causes of the decline in sperm quality remain unclear. Factors such as lifestyle choices (including smoking, drinking, and diet), environmental pollutants, and meteorological conditions (like ambient temperature and temperature variability) are implicated (Chiu et al., 2016;Hammiche et al., 2012;Sharma et al., 2016;Ma et al., 2022a;Ma et al., 2022b;Zhou et al., 2020;Zhang et al., 2023;Xiao et al., 2022). ...
Inter-day temperature variability has been reported to be associated with sperm quality in a city-level exposure assessment study. However, studies exploring the impact of temperature variability within a single day on sperm quality at individual level are still lacking. The present study aims to bridge this research gap by analyzing the linear and non-linear associations between diurnal temperature range (DTR) exposure and sperm quality, utilizing data from the Anhui Prospective Assisted Reproduction Cohort. The study included 15,112 males (totaling 28,267 tests) and assessed individual exposure to various environmental factors (residential greenness, ambient particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, relative humidity, ambient temperature, and DTR) during the 0-90 day period before semen analysis. A combination of a linear mixed model, natural cubic splines, and subgroup analysis was employed. Significant "U"-shaped non-linear associations were observed between DTR exposure and total motility, sperm concentration, sperm count, total motile sperm count, and progressive motile sperm count. Lower DTR levels negatively impacted these parameters, whereas higher DTR levels showed a positive effect. Notably, these associations were more pronounced at ambient temperatures below 16.5 °C, while absent in warmer conditions. Sperm quality demonstrates increased sensitivity to DTR exposure in cooler environments. Therefore, implementing effective individual temperature management strategies is crucial for mitigating decreased sperm quality associated with DTR exposure, highlighting the potential benefits of government policies aimed at achieving carbon neutrality to enhance overall sperm quality in the general population.
... According to current literature, it is clear that age and BMI [20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27], varicocele grade [28][29][30][31] and testicular elasticity modulus [32][33][34][35] have a definite impact on male fertility and sperm quality. Interestingly, the multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that BMI had no predictive value for the improvement of sperm parameters after surgery. ...
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Background Varicocele is a condition that seriously affects male fertility. It can cause pathological changes in the testicles and affect their spermatogenesis and endocrine function. Objective To formulate nomograms to predict sperm improvements after microscopic varicocelectomy. Design, setting, and participants A retrospective analysis was conducted on varicocele patients who met the research criteria and were enrolled from March 2020 to June 2022. They were divided into a development and a validation cohort in a 2:1 ratio. Outcome measurements and statistical analysis Data on preoperative testicular atrophy index, bilateral testicular elastic modulus, testosterone, pre- and postoperative 6-mo total sperm count, sperm concentration, and sperm vitality were collected. An increase of ≥25% is considered a postoperative improvement in sperm parameters. Predictive nomograms were constructed through forward stepwise LR regression, based on independent risk factors filtered by univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses. Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis, calibration curve, and decision curve analysis were employed to assess the performance of the models. Results and limitations The areas under the curve of nomograms for predicting the postoperative improvement of total sperm count, sperm concentration, and sperm vitality were 0.915, 0.986, and 0.924 respectively. The nomogram models demonstrated good predictive performance. The single-center sample size was a limitation of this study. Conclusions In this study, we developed effective predictive nomogram models for anticipating postoperative improvements in sperm quality among varicocele patients. These models offer a significant value in providing accurate predictions of surgical outcomes. However, it is crucial to conduct further external validation. Patient summary In this study, a predictive nomogram model was constructed for assessing the improvement of sperm quality in varicocele patients after surgery. The model offered satisfactory results.
Many lifestyle factors, such as nutritional imbalance leading to obesity, metabolic disorders, and nutritional deficiency, have been identified as potential risk factors for male infertility. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between semen parameters and anthropometric, metabolic and nutritional parameters. Relationship was first assessed individually, then after the application of a previously constructed and validated machine learning score that allows their combination. Anthropometric, metabolic, antioxidant, micronutrient, and sperm parameters from 75 men suffering from idiopathic infertility from four infertility centers in France (Jean-Verdier ART Center Hospital, Bondy; North Hospital ART Center, Saint-Étienne; Navarre Polyclinic ART Center, Pau; and Cochin Hospital ART Center, Paris) between September 2009 and December 2013 were collected. After assessing standard correlation analysis, a previously built machine learning model, providing a score ranging from 0 (the poorest) to 1 (the most favorable), was calculated for each man in the study cohort. This machine learning model, which separates infertile/fertile men with unexplained infertility on the basis of their bioclinical signature, provides a more holistic evaluation of the influence of the considered markers (anthropometric, metabolic, and oxidative status). We observed a significant correlation of some anthropometric, metabolic, and nutritional disorders with some sperm characteristics. Moreover, an unfavorable machine learning score was associated with a high level of sperm DNA fragmentation. Favorable anthropometric, metabolic, and oxidative patterns, which may reflect an appropriate lifestyle, appear to positively impact overall health, in particular reproductive function. This study, consistent with previous publications, suggests that beyond semen quality parameters, in an essential assessment of male fertility, other key factors should be taken into account. In this regard, the application of emerging artificial intelligence techniques may provide a unique opportunity to integrate all these parameters and deliver personalized care.
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Adverse reproductive performance has been linked to unhealthy dietary intake and lifestyles. Our objectives were to investigate the prevalence of unhealthy dietary intake and lifestyles before conception and to evaluate whether tailored preconception counselling modifies these behaviours. Between October 2007 and April 2009, 419 couples received tailored preconception dietary and lifestyle counselling at the outpatient clinic of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the Erasmus University Medical Center Rotterdam, the Netherlands. A subgroup (n = 110 couples) was counselled twice with a fixed time interval of 3 months. Self-administered questionnaires were used for tailored dietary and lifestyle counselling. A cumulative score based on six Dutch dietary guidelines was displayed in the personal Preconception Dietary Risk score (PDR score). In a similar manner, the Rotterdam Reproduction Risk score (R3 score) was calculated from lifestyle factors (women: 13 items, men: 10 items). Univariate and paired tests were used. Most couples (93.8%) were subfertile. At the second counselling, the percentage consuming the recommended intake of fruit had increased from 65 to 80 in women and from 49 to 68 in men and the percentage of women getting the recommended intake of fish increased from 39 to 52. As a consequence, the median PDR score was decreased [women: 2.6 (95% CI 2.4-2.9) to 2.4 (95% CI 2.1-2.6), men: 2.5 (95% CI 2.3-2.7) to 2.2 (95% CI 1.9-2.4), both P < 0.05]. The median R3 scores were also lower [women: 4.7 (95% CI 4.3-5.0) to 3.1 (95% CI 2.8-3.4), men: 3.0 (95% CI 2.8-3.3) to 2.0 (95% CI 1.7-2.3), both P < 0.01] due to less alcohol use (-14.6%), more physical exercise and folic acid use in women, and less alcohol use in men (-19.4%) (all P < 0.01). The R3 scores in women and men were decreased in all ethnicity, educational level, neighbourhood and BMI categories. However, low educated women appeared to show a larger reduction than better educated women and men with a normal BMI to show a larger decrease than overweight men. The reduction in the PDR score of women was similar in both ethnic groups. More than 85% women and men found the counselling useful and around 70% would recommend it to others. Tailored preconception counselling about unhealthy dietary and lifestyle behaviours of subfertile couples in an outpatient tertiary clinic is feasible and seems to decrease the prevalence of harmful behaviours in the short term. These results with subfertile couples are promising and illustrate their opportunities to contribute to reproductive performance and pregnancy outcome.
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It has been suggested that body mass index (BMI), especially obesity, is associated with subfertility in men. Semen parameters are central to male fertility and reproductive hormones also play a role in spermatogenesis. This review aimed to investigate the association of BMI with semen parameters and reproductive hormones in men of reproductive age. MEDLINE, EMBASE, Biological Abstracts, PsycINFO and CINAHL databases and references from relevant articles were searched in January and February 2009. Outcomes included for semen parameters were sperm concentration, total sperm count, semen volume, motility and morphology. Reproductive hormones included were testosterone, free testosterone, estradiol, FSH, LH, inhibin B and sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG). A meta-analysis was conducted to investigate sperm concentration and total sperm count. In total, 31 studies were included. Five studies were suitable for pooling and the meta-analysis found no evidence for a relationship between BMI and sperm concentration or total sperm count. Overall review of all studies similarly revealed little evidence for a relationship with semen parameters and increased BMI. There was strong evidence of a negative relationship for testosterone, SHBG and free testosterone with increased BMI. This systematic review with meta-analysis has not found evidence of an association between increased BMI and semen parameters. The main limitation of this review is that data from most studies could not be aggregated for meta-analysis. Population-based studies with larger sample sizes and longitudinal studies are required.
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To study the changes in semen parameters, gonadotropic and sex hormones, and serum leptin in obese fertile and infertile oligozoospermic men. Prospective. University hospital. Forty-two obese fertile and 80 obese infertile oligozoospermic men (body mass index [BMI] >30). The BMI calculation, semen analysis, and serum FSH, LH, T, E(2), PRL, and leptin estimation. Semen and hormonal profiles. Obese oligozoospermic patients had significant increase in mean BMI, serum FSH, LH, E(2), PRL, and leptin compared with obese fertile controls. The BMI had significant positive correlation with abnormal sperm morphology, LH, serum leptin and significant negative correlation with sperm concentration, sperm motility, serum T. Serum leptin demonstrated significant positive correlation with patients' age, abnormal sperm morphology, serum FSH, LH, PRL and significant negative correlation with sperm concentration, sperm motility, and serum T. Serum leptin mediates a link between obesity and male infertility.
To assess the prevalence of obesity in the United Kingdom military and general population and the extent to which self-reported data underestimates obesity. Height and weight data from military personnel (measured data: 2,073 men, 308 women; self-reported data: 6,374 men, 609 women) and from the general population (measured data: 1,121 men, 1,396 women; self-reported data: 1,234 men, 1,543 women). Obesity (defined as having a body mass index of 30+) was 6.2% in those under 25 years old and 24.5% in those over 35 years old in military males, and the prevalence of obesity was 12% in those under 25 years old and 25% in those over 35 years old in military women. Self-reported body mass index underestimated obesity. Obesity is uncommon in those under 25 years old in the United Kingdom military. The prevalence of obesity based on self-reported data underestimates true prevalence.
Although obvious effects of obesity on female reproduction and oocytes are emerging, the effects on male fertility and sperm quality are less clear with studies reporting conflicting results. We hypothesize that male obesity affects sperm function and physiology probably as a result of elevated oxidative stress in spermatozoa and therefore elevated levels of sperm DNA damage and loss of function. Six-week-old C57/Bl6 male mice (n = 36) were randomly allocated to two groups: group 1 (n = 18) received a control diet, whereas group 2 (n = 18) received a high-fat diet (HFD). At the completion of a 9-week period, mice were sacrificed and spermatozoa were obtained. Sperm motility, concentration, intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and sperm DNA damage were measured. The ability of the sperm to undergo capacitation, acrosome reaction, sperm binding and ability to fertilize an oocyte were also assessed. The percentage of motile spermatozoa was decreased in the HFD group compared with controls (36 ± 2% vs. 44 ± 4%; p < 0.05). Intracellular ROS was elevated (692 ± 83 vs. 409 ± 22 units; p < 0.01) in the HFD group compared with controls. Sperm DNA damage was also increased (1.64 ± 0.6% vs. 0.17 ± 0.06%; p < 0.05) in the HFD group compared with the control group. Furthermore, the percentage of non-capacitated sperm was significantly lower compared with controls (12.34% vs. 21.06%; p < 0.01). The number of sperm bound to each oocyte was significantly lower (41.14 ± 2.5 vs. 58.39 ± 2.4; p < 0.01) in the HFD group compared with that in controls and resulted in significantly lower fertilization rates (25.9% vs. 43.9%; p < 0.01). This report provides evidence that obesity may induce oxidative stress and sperm DNA damage as well as decreased fertilizing ability. This is important as DNA damage in the sperm as a result of oxidative stress has been linked to poor reproductive outcomes.
Lifestyle factors, like alcohol intake and cigarette smoking, have been reported to affect male fertility. To find out the specific impact of alcohol and smoking on semen quality of male partners of couples seeking treatment for primary infertility. From the semen samples analyzed in our andrology laboratory, results of 100 alcoholics and 100 cigarette smoker males were studied following WHO guidelines and compared with 100 strict nonalcoholic and nonsmoker males for presence of asthenozoospermia, oligozoospermia and teratozoospermia. Data was analyzed by F- test using Microsoft Office Excel 2003. Only 12% alcoholics and six per cent smokers showed normozoospermia compared to 37 % nonalcoholic nonsmoker males. Teratozoospermia, followed by oligozoospermia dominated alcoholics. Overall impact of asthenozoospermia and teratozoospermia, but not of oligozoospermia, was observed in smokers. Light smokers predominantly showed asthenozoospermia. Heavy alcoholics and smokers showed asthenozoospermia, teratozoospermia as well as oligozoospermia. Asthenozoospermia, the most common semen variable in our study, can be an early indicator of reduction in quality of semen. Alcohol abuse apparently targets sperm morphology and sperm production. Smoke-induced toxins primarily hamper sperm motility and seminal fluid quality. Progressive deterioration in semen quality is related to increasing quantity of alcohol intake and cigarettes smoked.
Little is known on the metabolic profile of lung tumors and the reminiscence of embryonic features. Herein, we determined the bioenergetic profiles of human fibroblasts taken from lung epidermoid carcinoma (HLF-a) and fetal lung (MRC5). We also analysed human lung tumors and their surrounding healthy tissue from four patients with adenocarcinoma. On these different models, we measured functional parameters (cell growth rates in oxidative and glycolytic media, respiration, ATP synthesis and PDH activity) as well as compositional features (expression level of various energy proteins and upstream transcription factors). The results demonstrate that both the lung fetal and cancer cell lines produced their ATP predominantly by glycolysis, while oxidative phosphorylation was only capable of poor ATP delivery. This was explained by a decreased mitochondrial biogenesis caused by a lowered expression of PGC1alpha (as shown by RT-PCR and Western blot) and mtTFA. Consequently, the relative expression of glycolytic versus OXPHOS markers was high in these cells. Moreover, the re-activation of mitochondrial biogenesis with resveratrol induced cell death specifically in cancer cells. A consistent reduction of mitochondrial biogenesis and the subsequent alteration of respiratory capacity was also observed in lung tumors, associated with a lower expression level of bcl2. Our data give a better characterization of lung cancer cells' metabolic alterations which are essential for growth and survival. They designate mitochondrial biogenesis as a possible target for anti-cancer therapy.
To study the effect of body mass index (BMI) on semen quality in a cohort of male partners in subfertile couples. Prospective cohort study. A fertility center based in an academic hospital. Between January 2000 and January 2007, 1466 men visiting the Centre for Reproductive Medicine as part of a subfertile couple. None. Semen volume (in mL), semen concentration (in millions per mL), percentage of motile spermatozoa, percentage of spermatozoa with normal forms, total sperm count (in millions), and total motile sperm count (in millions). After exclusion of men without data on BMI, the data of 1401 men could be analyzed. The group of men with a BMI lower than 20 kg/m2, with a BMI between 25 and 30 kg/m2, and with a BMI>30 kg/m2 had a lower semen volume compared with the group with a BMI between 20 and 25 kg/m2. Other semen parameters were not statistically significantly different. Multivariable analysis (generalized linear model), correcting for confounders, showed no statistically significant association between BMI and semen parameters, including semen volume. Semen quality was not statistically significantly affected by BMI in a cohort of male partners in subfertile couples.
To examine the association between body weight and measures of male reproductive potential. Cross-sectional study. Fertility clinic in an academic medical center. Four hundred eighty-three male partners of subfertile couples. None. Standard semen analysis, sperm DNA fragmentation, and serum levels of reproductive hormones. As expected, body mass index (BMI) was positively related to estradiol levels and inversely related to total testosterone and sex hormone-binding glogulin (SHBG) levels. There was also a strong inverse relation between BMI and inhibin B levels and a lower testosterone:LH ratio among men with a BMI > or = 35 kg/m(2). Body mass index was unrelated to sperm concentration, motility, or morphology. Ejaculate volume decreased steadily with increasing BMI levels. Further, men with BMI > or = 35 kg/m(2) had a lower total sperm count (concentration x volume) than normal weight men (adjusted difference in the median [95% confidence interval] = -86 x 10(6) sperm [-134, -37]). Sperm with high DNA damage were significantly more numerous in obese men than in normal-weight men. These data suggest that despite major differences in reproductive hormone levels with increasing body weight, only extreme levels of obesity may negatively influence male reproductive potential.