
Physical properties of almond nut and kernel

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Several physical properties of almond nut and kernel were evaluated as functions of moisture content. The average length, width, thickness, the geometric mean diameter, unit mass and volume of nuts were 25.49, 17.03, 13.12, 18.13 mm, 2.64 g and 2.61 cm3 respectively. Corresponding values for kernel were 21.19, 14.34, 6.38, 11.42 mm, 0.69 g and 0.71 cm3 respectively. In the moisture range from 2.77 to 24.97 db, studies on re-wetted almond nut showed that the bulk density decreased from 655 to 525 kg/m3, true density increased from 1015 to 1115 kg/m3, porosity increased from 35.32% to 53.21%, projected area increased from 3.74 to 3.9 cm2, and terminal velocity increased from 5.62 to 7.98 m/s. For the kernel, the corresponding values changed from 595 to 475 kg/m3, 900 to 995 kg/m3, 34.23% to 50.29%, 1.68 to 2.39 cm2 and from 5.62 to 7.2 m/s respectively. The rupture strength of almond nut and kernel decreased with increasing moisture content. The highest rupture strength occurred when loaded along the X-axis. In the same moisture range 2.77–24.97 db the static coefficient of friction varied from 0.28 to 0.83 for almond nut and from 0.53 to 0.78 for kernel over different material surfaces.

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... Apparent and true density was determined according to Aydin [30], the former represents the ratio of the kernel mass to its total volume, while the latter is the ratio of the kernel mass to the solid volume occupied by the sample. ...
... Moreover, it can be highlighted that size and rupture force presented a significant relationship (p < 0.001), showing that hard almonds are usually characterized by a greater size. These results are also stated by other authors [30,46,47]. Regarding consumer acceptance of raw kernels, averages of about 70 N for the firmness were well accepted by the consumers [25,35,47]. ...
... The apparent and real density registered a mean value of 0.53 and 0.97 g cm −3 , respectively, and these results are in agreement with those reported by Aydin [30] in the Turkish cultivar 'Taşbadem'. It must be highlighted that these authors observed a strong positive correlation between moisture content and real density (R 2 = 0.97), and a negative correlation between moisture and an apparent density (R 2 = 0.97) for both kernels and in-shell almonds. ...
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Almond, one of the most characteristic crops in the agricultural landscape of Mallorca Island, cultivated mainly under rainfed conditions and from native cultivars, represents an important source of income for the Island. Nowadays, modern cultivars were introduced to meet the almond demand, agronomical needs, and climate change issues. Consumption has considerably increased in the last years and the SARS-CoV-2 virus contributed to consumer behavior changes. The present work aimed to characterize 14 cultivars of which 9 were modern and 5 natives. In general, the natives cultivars presented a lower weight (1.3 g), size (21 mm), darker skin (L = 38), softer texture (107 N), with more benzaldehyde flavor (2-fold change) and “twins” (16%), but with a greater thickness, fiber, and linoleic acid (0.1-fold change, respectively). Modern cultivars offered greater weight (1.5 g), size (24 mm), lighter skin (L = 39), and harder texture (121 N), with no or low benzaldehyde flavor and no “twins”. Finally, ‘Belona’, ‘Ferragnès’, ‘Marta’, ‘Masbovera’, ‘Penta’, ‘Soleta’, ‘Vairo’, ‘Duareta’, ‘Jordi’ and ‘Vivot’ met all the requirements to be certified under the quality guarantee Protected Indication of Origin “Almendra de Mallorca”. However, each cultivar presented its own profile which makes them suitable for different purposes in the food industry.
... Galedar et al. [24] determined the geometric mean diameter, bulk densities and terminal velocities of pistachio nuts and kernels and correlated them with MCs. Aydin [25] studied some physical properties of almond kernels at different moisture levels. Khir et al. [26] determined the terminal velocity of freshly harvested walnuts and found a strong linear relationship (R 2 >0.90) between the terminal velocity with the density and MCs. ...
... The bulk density (ρ b ) is the ratio of the mass sample to its total volume when almonds are stacked in bulk. The bulk densities of almonds were determined using a method that was introduced by Aydin [25] . Specifically, a sample of known mass was poured and loosely filled into a container with known volume, and any excess amount was removed. ...
... The bulk density of the in-hull almonds, in-shell almonds and loose hulls ranged from 310 to 390 kg/m 3 , 280 to 340 kg/m 3 and 200 to 260 kg/m 3 , respectively for the three varieties. These results were in accordance with the findings reported by Aydin [25] and Mirzabe et al. [30] . It was found that the bulk density of the Fritz almonds with the smallest length and width was the highest among the three varieties. ...
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This research was conducted to develop an effective approach to sort off-ground harvested almonds for efficient drying based on their physical and aerodynamic properties. Three popular varieties were studied, including Nonpareil, Monterey, and Fritz. The insect damage, axial dimensions, weight ratio, moisture content, bulk density and terminal velocity of in-hull almonds, in-shell almonds and loose hull at harvest were measured. The results indicated that the insect infestation percentage in the off-ground harvested almonds ranged from 2.5% to 6.3%, which was about half of those in the conventional on-ground dried almonds. Loose hulls and in-hull almonds had higher moisture content and wider moisture distribution than those of in-shell almonds, suggesting that sorting of the almonds and drying them separately are necessary for efficient handling and processing. Thickness was the smallest axial dimension of an almond, and thus could be used for sorting. The cutoff sizes of 16.5 mm, 21.3 mm and 21.1 mm could separate 100% of the in-shell almonds from the rest for Nonpareil, Monterey and Fritz varieties, respectively, as the first step. In the second step, applying terminal velocities of 12.3 m/s, 11.8 m/s and 12.2 m/s could efficiently separate the in-hull almonds and loose hulls for Nonpareil, Monterey and Fritz varieties, respectively. Overall, up to 76.7% of the loose hulls could be removed, and up to 3.3% in-hull almonds may be lost during the sorting process. The experimental results provided important information for developing efficient sorting and drying methods with improved throughput, energy efficiency, better quality and safety of off-ground harvested almonds.
... The lowest values of coefficient of static friction for aluminum surface may be attributed to its higher smoothness and polish compared to other surfaces studied (Garnayak et al., 2008). Similar findings have been cited for almond nuts (Aydin, 2003), tung seeds , and filbert nuts (Pliestic et al., 2006). From the findings of the present study, the coefficient of static friction values of aluminum and mild steel are very close to each other. ...
... The terminal velocity significantly ( p < 0.05) increased from 5.84 to 6.88 m s À1 with moisture content for Simarouba seed (Table 3). These values and trends are in accordance with the findings of Aydin (2003) for almond nut and Özgüven and Vursavus (2005) for pine nut. However, these values are lower than those for tung seeds . ...
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The present study investigates the moisture dependence of the physical, mechanical and aerodynamic properties of Simarouba seeds within the moisture range of 9.24‐22.46% d.b. The length, width and thickness significantly increased from 19.43 to 22.71 mm, 11.52 to 13.88 mm and 9.79 to 11.34 mm respectively. Our findings showed significant effect of moisture content on the one thousand unit mass, bulk density, true density, and porosity which varied in the range of 1050.41g and 1204.7g, 638.88 to 503.88 kg∙m⁻³, 999.57 to 970.26 kg∙m⁻³ and 36.08% to 48.06%. Moisture content was found to have positive effect on the angle of repose terminal velocity and static coefficient of friction for all surfaces studied. A decreasing trend in rupture force and increasing trend in deformation with moisture content was also observed. The understanding of these properties as per the present study would be useful for designing post‐harvest processing equipment and storage of Simarouba seeds. Practical applications Simarouba glauca, D.C. is an evergreen potential tree born oilseed tree with high scope for biodiesel and edible oil production. The oilseed is presently underutilized due to lack of availability of suitable processing equipment. The findings of the study provide a comprehensive design database related to engineering properties of Simarouba seeds. The predictive models developed in this study can be used to assess the seed properties at any given moisture content range. The enrichment of database would serve as a guide for agricultural engineers, and food processors in the design and development of relevant post‐harvest handling, and processing equipment for Simarouba seeds. This may further lead to promotion of Simarouba processing as a promising enterprise in rural India.
... Türkiye'nin, Marmara ve Akdeniz bölgelerinde yetişebilen çok yıllık bir bitkidir. Yapılan çalışmalarda badem ve ürünlerinin içerdiği yağ asitleri, α-tokoferol, flavonoid, gıda lifi ve yüksek protein sayesinde sağlık üzerine olumlu etkilerinin olduğu belirlenmiştir (Aydin, 2003;Jambazian ve ark., 2005;Kornsteiner ve ark., 2006;Kurlandsky ve Stote, 2006). Kuruyemişlerden özellikle badem ve fıstıkların yaklaşık 10.000-12.000 ...
... Daha önce yapılan araştırmalarda badem meyvesinin protein miktarlarının %4.1-35.1 arasında değiştiği belirlenmiştir (Aydin, 2003;Yıldırım ve ark., 2008;Kodad ve ark., 2013;Çiftci, 2016;Şimşek ve Kızmaz, 2017). Yaptığımız çalışmada badem ezmelerinin protein miktarı %9.45-14.87 ...
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Badem ezmesi, badem, şeker ve az miktarda sudan geleneksel ve endüstriyel olarak üretilen ekonomik açıdan değerli bir üründür. Saray mutfağından çıkıp günümüze kadar farklı katkılar ve yöntemlerle üretilen badem ezmesi, günümüzde özellikle Edirne’de birçok yerel işletme tarafından yaygın bir şekilde geleneksel olarak üretilmekte ve gastronomi kültürünün yaygın bir parçasını oluşturmaktadır. Bu çalışma Edirne’de beş farklı işletme tarafından geleneksel yöntemle üretilmiş badem ezmelerinin bazı fiziksel ve kimyasal özelliklerinin belirlenmesine yönelik yapılmıştır. Örneklerin nem miktarı %6.31-9.09, toplam kül miktarları %3.03-3.88, titrasyon asitliği %1.40-1.72, protein miktarları %9.45-14.87, HMF miktarları 0-0.007 mg kg-1, pH değerleri 5.37- 5.95, L* değerleri 64.77-73.26, a* değerleri (-1.14)-(-0.48) ve b* değerleri (+20.03)-(+22.21) olarak tespit edilmiştir. Örneklerin DPPH• ve ABTS•+ radikali giderme aktiviteleri (IC50), toplam fenolik madde miktarları sırasıyla; 81.73-93.77 µg mL-1, 47.64-66.35 µg mL-1, 17.44-32.22 mg GAE g-1 olarak tespit edilmiştir. Örneklerin mineral madde kompozisyonu ICP-MS ile belirlenmiştir. Analizi yapılan badem ezmesi örneklerinin tümünde en yüksek miktarda Potasyum (K) minerali tespit edilmiş olup, bu mineral miktarı 22770.62-39569.68 mg kg-1 olarak belirlenmiştir. Potasyumu takiben sırasıyla fosfor (19307.9-27418.58 mg kg-1) ve magnezyum (10146.04-15424.03 mg kg-1) badem ezmelerinde en yüksek olarak belirlenen mineral maddelerdir.
... With respect to the sphericity, all the nuts were more or less elongated (mean value = 71.24%). Aydin [51] also reported mean sphericity values of almond nuts close to 70%. The "Marcona" cultivar showed the roundest nuts (79%). ...
... Furthermore, the nuts can be stored for a long time, with reduced problems of becoming rancid or excessively dry, thus allowing their sale throughout the year [46]. Moreover, Aydin [51] also stated that the rupture strength of almond nuts decreased with increasing moisture content. Felipe [26], Mañas et al. [53], Muncharaz [52], Arquero et al. [28] and Batlle et al. [47] also reported that the dry fruits of "Marcona", "Desmayo Largueta" and "Pestañeta" were very hard. ...
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In this study, 24 traditional almond cultivars grown in the central-western Iberian Peninsula, all of them clearly in decline or close to extinction, were characterized from the agromorphological and chemical points of view. A total of 40 agromorphological and chemical descriptors, mainly defined by the IPGRI and the UPOV, were used to describe the flowers, leaves, fruits and the trees themselves over three consecutive years (2015–2017). Some of the cultivars showed distinctive and interesting agronomical characteristics from a commercial point of view, such as high yields and high quality fruit. This was the case of the almond cultivars called “Gorda José” and “Marcelina”. Their fruits were quite heavy (nuts: >9.1 g; kernels: >1.9 g), with very low percentages of double kernels (<3%) and high nutritional value (>50% lipids; >21% proteins). The results of the PCA and cluster analysis showed that agromorphological and chemical analysis can provide reliable information on the variability in almond genotypes. This work constitutes an important step in the conservation of genetic almond resources in the central-western Iberian Peninsula.
... e physical fruit traits must be included to characterize almond fruit [11,12], since these traits not only serve for classification purposes but also affect industrial processing and consumer acceptance. As reported by several other authors, physical quality traits encompass geometrical, gravimetrical, frictional, and tegument color [11,[13][14][15][16]. ese traits depend upon several factors such as geographic origin, genotype, agronomical managements under which almonds are grown, and moisture level [11,13]. ...
... e physical fruit traits must be included to characterize almond fruit [11,12], since these traits not only serve for classification purposes but also affect industrial processing and consumer acceptance. As reported by several other authors, physical quality traits encompass geometrical, gravimetrical, frictional, and tegument color [11,[13][14][15][16]. ese traits depend upon several factors such as geographic origin, genotype, agronomical managements under which almonds are grown, and moisture level [11,13]. ...
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Color indices are important quality traits that define the consumer visual acceptance and agroindustrial preferences. Little is known regarding these properties in the commercial almond cultivars grown in Morocco. &is work aimed at investigating kernel color indices in five cultivars, namely, “Fournat de Brezenaud,” “Tuono,” “Ferragn ´ es,” “Ferraduel,” and “Marcona.” Color indices ` consisted in the following: brightness (L∗), redness index (a∗), yellowness index (b∗), chroma (C∗), hue (H∗), and metric saturation (S∗). Measurements were performed over three consecutive growing seasons (2016–2018) across five different sites from northern (Aknoul, Bni Hadifa, and Tahar Souk) and eastern (Rislane and Sidi Bouhria) Morocco. All factors (cultivar, growing season, and site) affected significantly studied color properties; however, genotype was the main variability source. Wide variabilities were found among cultivars. “Marcona” showed the highest L∗, while “Ferragn`es” and “Ferraduel” displayed greater scores of a∗, b∗, C∗, and S∗. Sidi Bouhria presented the lowest L∗ but higher a∗, H∗, and S∗. Moreover, Bni Hadifa displayed higher L∗ , b∗, and C∗. 2016 (drier growing season) had the highest values of most indices. Principal component analyses (PCA) discriminate all factors through the first three components: PC1 (61%, genetic component) and PC2 (30%) and PC3 (7%) which were of environmental nature since they separate sites and growing seasons, respectively. Despite environmental effects, we suggested a possible discrimination among the studied cultivars based on their kernel color indices. Drought conditions during fruit development seemed to improve kernel quality via synthesis of pigments resulting in higher a∗ and b∗.
... These results suggested the influence of shell weight in the case of the Qom accession. The range of wild almond Kedw was similar to the Kedw range previously reported for different almond genotypes (Aydin, 2003;Colić et al., 2012;Sepahvand et al., 2015). Results were in line with other reports regarding the high diversity in the Nudw and Kedw among various almond genotypes (Aydin, 2003;Colić et al., 2012;Hanine et al., 2015;Sepahvand et al., 2015). ...
... The range of wild almond Kedw was similar to the Kedw range previously reported for different almond genotypes (Aydin, 2003;Colić et al., 2012;Sepahvand et al., 2015). Results were in line with other reports regarding the high diversity in the Nudw and Kedw among various almond genotypes (Aydin, 2003;Colić et al., 2012;Hanine et al., 2015;Sepahvand et al., 2015). Various quantitative traits in almonds are inbred, showing the important effects of genetic background of each accession on the phenotypic characteristics of the nuts and kernels . ...
The physical and biochemical traits are responsible for the quality of almonds. Therefore, both should be considered in breeding programs aiming to search for almonds of high quality for sustainable production. The aim of this work was to analyze several important physical and biochemical traits in the kernels of 10 native Iranian wild almond accessions grown naturally in different locations in Iran to identify their potential in breeding programs. The studied parameters included nut and kernel dry weights, kernel percentage, shell cracking strength of nuts, contents of microminerals (iron, zinc, manganese and copper) and macrominerals (potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and sodium), and levels of fatty acids (palmitic, stearic, oleic and linoleic), total phenolics and α-tocopherol in kernels. Principal component and multilinear regression analyses were done to observe the variations of almonds based on physical and biochemical traits. Principal component analysis showed 4 clustering groups of studied almonds based on physical and biochemical traits, explaining 67.2% of the total variance. Results showed differences between the accessions in terms of physical properties of nuts and kernels, as well as in the evaluated biochemical traits. East Azerbaijan and Fars accessions had the highest linoleic, palmitic and stearic acid contents and the lowest oleic acid content, while Qom accession had the highest oleic acid and the lowest palmitic, stearic and linoleic acid contents in kernels among all studied accessions. Results suggested that the naturally diverse accessions and/or environmental effects might be the reason(s) for the observed diversity in physical and biochemical traits.
... Grain properties influence the characteristics of each stage of material processing significantly [3]. Research on physical, mechanical and thermal properties has been carried out on several agricultural products including physical properties of fennel seeds [4], Moringa Oleifera Seed [5], Jatropha curcas [6], almond nut and kernel [7], Soybean Grains [ 8] The physical properties of some rice varieties have also been studied by several researchers of Basmati Varieties of Paddy [9] as well as two rice varieties in Iraq [10], rice (rough and milled) region of Kashmir (India) [11], and other rice varieties [ 12], [13], [35], Sunflower Seeds [14], and oilbean seed [24]. Research on physical properties were also carried out on other agricultural products including soybean and cowpea [25], [34], Banana Fruit [26], [27], tomato fruit [28], orange fruit [29] [30], and apple [ 31] [32]. ...
... Grain volume (V) was calculated using [7]: ...
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Designing post-harvest rice equipment and machinery requires data on its physical and mechanical properties. Physical and mechanical properties were examined in the local variety rice 'Genjah Arum’ with a moisture content of 12.80%, 15.90% and 20.50% (wet basis). The physical properties measured are axial diameter and average diameter, where the higher the moisture contents the diameter increases. Sphericity, volume, and surface area, will increase if the moisture content is higher. If the moisture content rises, the average thousand grain weight will increase. There is an increase in true density and bulk density with increasing moisture content. Porosity decreases with the addition of paddy moisture content. Mechanical properties at moisture content of 12.80%, 15.90% and 20.50% are 9.12 kgf, 7.162 kgf and 6,196 kgf. The static angle of friction is measured on glass, plywood and stainless steel, the highest friction angle measurement results found on plywood.
... where M i -mass of individual fruit (g), V i -volume of individual fruit (cm 3 ) Bulk density ( = ) is defined as the ratio of the mass of a fruit sample to its total volume and was determined with a weight per hectolitre tester calibrated in kg per hectolitre (Aydin, 2003). It is the sample mass ratio to the container volume it occupies, as Ehiem et al. (2016) suggested. ...
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Dabai fruit is an exotic and seasonal fruit in Sarawak. Among the varieties available, the Song variety was chosen due to better taste and high demand amongst local consumers. This study determined the physical properties of dabai (Song variety) at three different fractions: whole fruit, nut, and kernel. According to the results, whole fruit had the highest values in geometric mean diameter (27.86 mm), volume (12.70 cm 3), mass (13.89 g), surface area (2442.60 mm 2) and angle of repose (39.06°) when compared to nut and kernel. Bulk density of dabai nut reached the highest with the value of 0.63 gcm-3. Kernel had the highest percentage of porosity (80.50) compared to others. The correlations of physical properties between whole fruit, nut and kernel were further analysed using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The findings can potentially be useful in the design of handling and processing equipment.
... While X-ray CT scanning offers a powerful and precise way to quantify these volumes, there are inexpensive alternatives if we just want to measure volume. Kernel, shell, and packing tissue volumes can be measured via toluene (C 7 H 8 ) displacement (Aydin, 2003;Gharibzahedi et al., 2012). Inner air volume can be estimated following the Archimedean's principle and using a vacuum flask partially filled with a surfactant solution (Marquard, 1989;Raskin, 1983). ...
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Persian walnuts (Juglans regia L.) are the second most produced and consumed tree nut, with over 2.6 million metric tons produced in the 2022–2023 harvest cycle alone. The United States is the second largest producer, accounting for 25% of the total global supply. Nonetheless, producers face an ever‐growing demand in a more uncertain climate landscape, which requires effective and efficient walnut selection and breeding of new cultivars with increased kernel content and easy‐to‐open shells. Past and current efforts select for these traits using hand‐held calipers and eye‐based evaluations. Yet there is plenty of morphology that meets the eye but goes unmeasured, such as the volume of inner air or the convexity of the kernel. Here, we study the shape of walnut fruits based on X‐ray computed tomography three‐dimensional reconstructions. We compute 49 different morphological phenotypes for 1264 individual nuts comprising 149 accessions. These phenotypes are complemented by traits of breeding interest such as ease of kernel removal and kernel‐to‐nut weight ratio. Through allometric relationships, relative growth of one tissue to another, we identify possible biophysical constraints at play during development. We explore multiple correlations between all morphological and commercial traits and identify which morphological traits can explain the most variability of commercial traits. We show that using only volume‐ and thickness‐based traits, especially inner air content, we can successfully encode several of the commercial traits.
... Physic-mechanical properties of the agricultural products is of fundamental importance for the proper storage and for design, manufacturing and operating different equipments used in post harvest operations (Correa et al., 2007;Guzel et al., 1999). In recent years, physicmechanical properties have been studied for various nut crops such as hazelnuts (Aydin, 2002;Guner, 2003), areca nut kernel (Kaleemmullah and Gunasekar, 2002), almond nut kernel (Aydin, 2003), shea nut (Olaniyan and Oje, 2002) and walnut (Ghafari et al., 2011). ...
The traditional method of cracking walnut using hammer or stone is laborious, time consuming, and cumbersome with huge wastage. A prototype of walnut cracking machine was developed and evaluated under three different levels of shell moisture content (db) (25%-30%,15%-20% and 8%-12%) and three different levels of roller speeds (25, 43 and 69 rpm) of the cracking unit. The machine consists of motor, frame, hopper, conveying tray, cracking unit, conveying chute and collecting bin. The main working principle of cracking unit is based on the compression of the walnut between two rollers rotating in opposite direction. The rupture force was minimum (90.16 N) along Z-axis (suture line) at 8%-12% (d.b) shell moisture content and maximum (200.90 N) along X-axis and at shell moisture content of 25%-30% (d.b). The effective throughput capacity significantly increased with rotational speed of the rollers. The cracking efficiency was found highest (82.1%) at 43 rpm and 15%-20% shell moisture content, while it was lowest (70.9%) at 63 rpm and 8%-12% (d.b) shell moisture content. The kernel damage increased linearly with the rotational speed of roller and found highest (21.8%) at 69 rpm and 8%-12% (d.b) shell moisture content, while it was lowest (11.7%) at 25 rpm and 15%-20% (d.b) shell moisture content. At standardized speed of operation (43 rpm) and shell moisture content (15%-20%), the throughput capacity of the machine was recorded as 56.1 kg h-1 with cracking efficiency of 82.1% and kernel damage of 13.8%. While throughput capacity observed with traditional method was 2.5 kg h-1 with cracking efficiency of 85.9%, and kernel damage of 8%-9%. About 437 man h t-1 labour requirements could be saved with the use of developed machine over traditional method of walnut cracking. So, the walnut cracking machine is very useful and innovative for marginal and small farmers of the regions.
... a Calculated as (lwt) 1/3 l × 100% 14,21 . b Calculated as (lwt) 1/319,25 . ...
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A carrot seeder that utilizes a cylindrical component serving as both hopper/metering device to deposit seeds precisely into planting beds/hills at a uniform interval along a straight row over a plant bed was developed in this study. The seeder was evaluated at different operating speeds (89, 70, 61, 51, 48, 38, and 34 cm s−1) relative to mean number of seeds planted in each hill, hill center, scattering distance ratio, hill spacing and missed hills. The seeder was able to deposit seeds in each hill ranging from 2.8 to 4.0 at all speeds. The mean hill center and missed hills suggested that the seeder is best operated at speed under 70 cm s−1 with the respective values ranging from 0.9 to 1.6 cm and 0–5.5%. This indicates that number of the seeds dropped per hill was very uniform, which is a good indicator of the seeding performance. The hill center and missed hills at 89 cm s−1 were 3.08 cm and 16.67% respectively were significantly higher than at lower speeds. Other operating performances such as the mean number of seeds deposited in each hill and the distance between hills did not appear to vary with the planting speed. The scattering distance ratios of operating speeds from 34 to 61 cm s−1 were less than 30% and therefore acceptable for hill dropping of carrot seeds.
... The high oily content of the seeds prompts producers to press them. For example, almond oil is extracted from almond tree seeds with an oil content of 35-40% [4], argan oil is extracted from argan seeds with an oil content of about 50-55% [5], black seed oil from nigella seeds contains 28-36% oil [6], Ricinus oil from Ricinus seeds is extracted with an oil content of 40-50% and oil from flaxseed with an oil ...
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Unrefined vegetable oils from niche oilseeds are now sought after by consumers because of their unique nutritional properties and taste qualities. The color and flavor intensity of niche oils is a big problem, and their refining is not industrially feasible due to the small production scale. The study undertaken aimed analyze the effect of changing the amount of phytosterols (PSs) after the bleaching process of hemp oils of the ‘Finola’, ‘Earlina 8FC’ and ‘Secuieni Jubileu’ varieties. Cold-pressed (C) and hot-pressed (H) crude vegetable oils were bleached with selected bleaching earth (BE) at two concentrations. The post-process BE was extracted with methanol. The amount of PSs in the crude oils and the extract after washing the BE with methanol was analyzed by GC (gas chromatography). The study shows that the bleaching process did not significantly affect the depletion of PSs in the oils. Trace amounts of PSs remain on the BE and, due to methanol extraction, can be extracted from the oil. The conclusion of the performed research is that the bleaching of hemp oil does not cause depletion of the oil, and it significantly improves organoleptic properties. The oil bleaching process results in an oil loss of less than 2% by weight of the bleached oil, while the loss depends on the type of BE used. The study shows that the loss of phytosterols after the bleaching process averages 2.69 ± 0.69%, and depends on the type of BE used and the oil extracted from different varieties of hemp seeds.
... In recent studies, the tendency of analysis physical and mechanical properties are increase between researchers, such as macadamia nut; [4] castor nut; [5] raw cashew nut; [6] almond nut and kernel. [7] Physical properties like dimension of fruits have a commercial worth in packing, sorting, separating, and manufacturing appropriate sorter. Some sorters were designed including cucumber, [8] long type watermelon, [9] Spheroid Fruit [10] sorters. ...
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One of the exhausting and pricy works in the agriculture is sorting product. It is crucial to choose the best sorting method for Walnut because there is colossal number of Walnut farms in Iran. In this study, properties of the 100 walnuts (Juglans regia L.) shape, such as thickness, width, length and shape index were investigated experimentally. The imaging system especially the pre-processing level was designed to modify any noises. The binary process implemented to identify the objects on white color sample in black background. According to the range of indicators, all walnuts were divided into three groups including small, medium and large. The proposed machine learning method was development by regression analysis with sigmoid function for find relationship between output variable from one or more input variables. Thus, the correlation coefficient of R 2 = 0.9. This research focuses on postharvest processing, specifically the advantages of machine learning for sorting system.
... Sorting and then drying walnuts with different moistures in different bins reduced 18%-28% drying energy consumption compared to without sorting (Chen, 2021). The correlations between the terminal velocities of pistachios and almonds with their MCs have also been determined, which could potentially be used for the air sorting (Aydin, 2003;Polat et al., 2007). ...
Tree nuts are important economic crops and are consumed as healthy snacks worldwide. In recent years, the increasing needs for more efficient and effective postharvest processing technologies have been driven by the growing production, higher quality standards, stricter food safety requirements, development of new harvesting methods, and demand to achieve energy saving and carbon neutralization. Among all, the technologies related to drying, disinfection, and disinfestation and downstream processes, such as blanching, kernel peeling, and roasting, are the most important processes influencing the quality and safety of the products. These processes make up the largest contribution to the energy consumptions and environmental impacts stemming from tree nut production. Although many studies have been conducted to improve the processing efficiency and sustainability, and preserve the product quality and safety, information from these studies is fragmented and a centralized review highlighting the important technology advancements of postharvest processing of tree nuts would benefit the industry. In this comprehensive review, almonds, walnuts, and pistachios are selected as the representative crops of tree nuts. Current statuses, recent advances, and ongoing challenges in the scientific research as well as in the industrial processing practices of these tree nuts are summarized. Some new perspectives and applications of tree nut processing waste and by‐products (such as the hulls and shells) are also discussed. In addition, future trends and research needs are highlighted. The material presented here will help both stakeholders and scientists to better understand postharvest tree nut processing and provide technological recommendations to improve the efficiency and sustainability, product quality and safety, and competitiveness of the industry.
... Almond oil is a light yellow, transparent, thick liquid with a light consistency and a characteristic sweet smell. It is produced by pressing crushed seeds of the common almond tree (Prunus dulcis L.), and oil content ranges from 35-40% [58]. More than 2.5 million tons of common almond kernels are harvested worldwide, of which about 30% is for oil production and less than half of that is for edible oils. ...
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Consumer’s awareness of the health-promoting aspects of food and their search for products with high nutritional value is driving increased interest in niche oils. Such oils are produced on a small scale due to limited access to raw material and its low oil content. The aim of this multi-criteria analysis was to position niche oils. Data for the study were collected based on a literature review regarding twenty-three niche oils available on the European Union market. Analysis of quality parameters, key production factors, waste reusability, and average annual consumption volume in 2015–2020 was performed. Based on the research, it was concluded that linseed (flaxseed) oil, hemp oil, mustard oil, raspberry seed oil, and sesame oil should be of the most interest to consumers. They are characterized by the highest content of tocopherols, sterols, polyphenols, and carotenoids, a favorable ratio of mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids, and pro-ecological and sustainable production technology. Based on the results of the study, the need for empirical research was identified, the key to filling the knowledge gaps in the area of edible niche oils.
... 2.3.5. Sphericity Aspect Ratio, Surface Area, and Volume [22][23][24]. ...
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Orange is mainly consumed as fresh fruit, concentrated juice, or thin dried slices, while the seeds are usually discarded by consumers and orange juice processing companies. This study was carried out to determine the physical, frictional, nutritional, and antinutritional properties of the Late Valencia and Red Blood orange seeds. The proximate composition, mineral profile, antinutrient content, and physical and frictional properties of two orange seed varieties were determined using standard methods. The mean length, width, thickness, geometric, and arithmetic mean diameter of the Late Valencia and Red Blood seeds were 14.66, 8.45, 5.05, 8.47, and 9.39 and 13.74, 7.51, 4.99, 7.97, and 8.75 mm, respectively. An angle of repose 39.62° and 38.62°, coefficient of friction of 0.63 and 0.61 on wood, 0.33 each on mild steel, and 0.41 and 0.43 on Teflon were recorded, respectively, for the Late Valencia and Red Blood orange seed varieties. Seeds from Late Valencia and Red Blood orange variety contained 547.39 mg/100 g and 693.87 mg/100 g of oxalate, respectively. Proximate and vitamin C of the orange seeds analyzed indicated that the protein (4.18%), fat (57.45%), fiber (6.06%), energy (640.66 kcal/100 g), and vitamin C (63 mg/100 g) content in the Late Valencia were significantly higher (p
... In all of the three grains, terminal velocity significantly increased with increasing the moisture content and grain size. Aydin (2003) investigated the aerodynamic properties of hazelnuts and showed that their terminal velocity increased from 7.22% to 8.54% with increasing the moisture content from 2.77% to 19.89%. ...
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Physical and aerodynamic properties of agricultural products have been used to precision design of the machinery and different postharvest operations. In this study, some physical and aerodynamic properties of corn kernels were investigated as a function of size at three levels of small, medium, and large (8.41 mm, 9.60 mm, and 11.62 mm, respectively) and moisture content in the range of 10 to 25% (wet basis). According to results, with increasing the moisture content from 10 to 25%, the length; width; thickness; geometric mean diameter; mass; and volume of the small, medium, and large kernels linearly increased by 2.22%, 2.40%, and 1.68%; 3.76%, 1.82%, and 1.55%; 3.98%, 2.49%, and 2.67%; 3.29%, 2.23%, and 1.93%; 8.44%, 7.38%, and 8.12%; and 11.32%, 10.71%, and 10.21%, respectively. In this regard, the projection area of the specimens increased nonlinearly by 6.06%, 4.26%, and 3.26%, respectively; whereas, true density decreased nonlinearly by 2.65%, 2.91%, and 1.90%, respectively. The maximum terminal velocity (12.41 m/s) and Reynolds number (6,037.44) were observed in large kernels and the moisture content of 25%; whereas, the minimum terminal velocity (8.32 m/s) and Reynolds number (3,016.55) were observed in small kernels and the moisture content of 10%. Maximum and minimum drag coefficients (1.014 vs. 0.302) were observed in small kernels at the moisture of 10% and large kernels at the moisture of 25%, respectively. The polynomial model was chosen as a suitable model in order to foretell the terminal velocity, Reynolds number, and drag coefficient of kernels as a function of moisture content and size. Practical Applications Mechanical damages to seeds at harvesting, transporting, and threshing are major concerns for farmers and farming experts. All the processes of wind transfer, flotation, and seed removal from seed mixture and the stalks and husks depend on the behavior of the seeds in the wind flow. Therefore, it is crucial to determine the physical and aerodynamic properties of various crops to analyzing their behavior during transport, processing, and precise design of farm equipment and machines to minimize wastes.
... Sterling and Simone (1954) showed that significant differences existed among cultivars in "fragmentability" (ability to break into small pieces) and "hardness" or "crispness" (tendency to break sharply into larger pieces). Aydin (2003) found that the rupture strength of the kernel from 'Taşbaden' decreased with moisture content. At IRTA using a texturometer we have measured a range of cultivars; being 'Nonpareil' (hard) and 'Desmayo Largueta' (soft) and finding a relation between fragmentability during handling and soft texture (A. ...
This book, containing 20 chapters, deals with almond taxonomy, morphology, physiology, cultivation history, production, breeding (classical and molecular), cultivar development, genomics, pollen-style (in)compatibility, rootstock development, propagation, orchard management, environmental and water requirements, nutrition, diseases, pests, harvesting, chemical composition, marketing, processing and industrialization.
... The plant dimensions were measured with a digital caliper (HSL 246-15, Karl Hammacher GmbH, Solingen, Germany) with an accuracy of 0.01 mm according to the report of Sulusoglu et al. 37 The fruit shape index (FSI) was calculated as L/W (elongated shape (FSI > 1.1); round shape (0.9 < FSI < 1.1); and flat shape (FSI < 0.9)). The geometric diameter (Dg) and sphericity (SP) were calculated using the formula below: 35 = LWT Dg ( ) 0.333 (1) ...
... The volume was calculated from the dimensions of the half-cubes. To calculate the density of the almond material, the volume was determined using the liquid displacement method with toluene as the liquid (Aydin, 2003). The summed assessed weight of all particles yielded the total assessed weight of all size classes involved in scanning. ...
Following chewing, the particle size distribution (PSD) by cumulative volume is characterized by X50, and b. Volume data are lacking when using less time-consuming optical scanning instead of sieving for characterizing PSDs. The aim was to transform 2D scanning data to 3D ones. Optosil® and almond were used as artificial and real solid foods, and minimal Feret-diameter (min-FD) as a measure of particle size. Border min-FDs were calibrated as a function of sieve aperture to determine size classes. Flakes produced by chewing were considered as ellipsoids. The ratio between the largest and the intermediate ellipsoid's radius was known by scanning. The ratio between the smallest and the intermediate radius was adjusted with Solver of Excel® to minimize the difference between the estimated total volume of the particles, and the known total volume. Estimated values of X50 and b from scanning closely approached those from sieving, the ‘gold standard’.
... Fruit and stone volume was calculated using the formula 4/3πr 3 , where r = [L + W + T]/6. Geometric mean diameter (Dg) and sphericity (Ø) were calculated using the following equations Dg = (LWT) 0.333 and Ø = Dg/L (Aydin, 2003;Mohsenin, 1986). Following Mohsenin (1986), fruit surface area (S) was expressed as S = π Dg 2 . ...
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Twenty-four morphological and pomological traits were characterized in a group of 47 Moroccan sweet cherry genotypes to evaluate their diversity. The fruit weight varied between 3.6 and 7.52 g, considered acceptable for the fresh market. Six genotypes showed fruit weight between 3 and 5 g, making them suitable for specific industrial uses. The statistical analysis revealed high variability among genotypes, although these variables did not allow the classification of the genotypes according to their geographical origin. Genotypes with high physical traits could be planted in modern orchards in association with commercial cultivars or incorporated in sweet cherry breeding programmes.
... The major physical properties of citrus natural products are shape, size, density, porosity, volume, and mass of foods grown from the ground against different surfaces (Akar and Aydin, 2005). These properties have been considered for different horticultural items, for example, breadfruit, terebinth natural products, onion, almond, escapade, myrtle, orange and pomegranate (Omobuwajo et al., 1999;Aydin and Ozcan, 2002;Abhayawick et al., 2002;Aydin, 2003;Sessiz et al., 2007;Aydine and Ozcan, 2007;Hassan, 2002 andKhoshnam et al., 2007). The span of foods grown from the ground is an essential physiological property that can be portrayed by various parameters, for example, volume, weight, length, and distance across (Moreda et al., 2009). ...
... Soybean (Azadbakht et al., 2013), Jatropha (Shkelqim and Joachim, 2010), Soyabean (Deshpande et al., 1993), oil bean seed (Oje and Ugbor, 1991), karingda seed (Suthar and Das, 1996), cumin seed (Singh and Goswami, 1996), lentil seeds (Carman, 1996), sunflower seeds (Gupta and Das, 1997), green (Nimkar and Chattopadhyaya, 2001), chick pea seeds (Konak et al., 2002), neem nuts (Visvanathan et al., 1996), quinoa seeds (Vilche et al., 2003), hemp seed (Sacilik et al., 2003), faba bean (Haciseferogullaria et al., 2003), rapeseed (Calisir et al., 2005), African yam beans (Asoiro and Ani, 2011) and coffee (Chandrasekar and Viswanathan, 1999) have all been investigated. The following researchers have also studied some physico-mechanical properties of other seeds and crops (Aydin, 2003;Baryeh and Mangope, 2002;Gezer et al., 2002;Guner et al., 2003;Olajide et al., 2000;Olaoye, 2000). ...
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A culinary enhancer is a substance that enhances the flavor and other properties of soups, stews and foods. Normally in flour form, culinary enhancers are used to enhance the proximate composition, viscosity, flavor and some other rheological and functional properties of soups and convenience foods. Physical properties of culinary seeds are utilized in the development of their handling, storage and processing facilities. The unit operations in the process of converting culinary seeds into flour include handling or conveying, cleaning, drying, storage, cracking, and separation of chaffs and shells before milling of the kernels or endosperm into flour. The aim of this study was to determine some postharvest physical properties of four African culinary enhancers, namely Irvingia gabonensis (Ogbono), Detarium microcapum (Ofor), Mucuna pruriens (Ukpo) and Brachystegia eurycoma (Achi) seeds. Ogbono seed had the highest dimensions (Length, L = 3.91, Width, W = 3.13, Thickness, T = 2.34 cm, Geometric mean diameter, Dg = 3.06, Arithmetic mean diameter, Da = 3.13 cm, Equivalent mean diameter, De = 2.87 cm and Square mean diameter, Ds = 1.02 cm), followed by Ukpo, Ofor and Achi seeds. The average sphericity, surface area and 1000-unit mass were 0.6, 25.61 cm2 and 11130 g; 0.95, 13.24 cm2 and 4019 g; 0.94, 17.79 cm2 and 7720 g and 0.48, 3.11 cm2 and 8960 g for Ogbono, Ofor, Ukpo and Achi seeds respectively. These properties are useful baseline data required for further research studies on rational development of handling and processing systems for the products. The seeds' dimensions, size, and shape will be useful in the design and development of their cleaning, sorting, and grading machines and in the analyses of their drying behavior. The seeds' densities and porosity values will be used to develop their conveying and storage facilities. The angles of repose and coefficient of friction will be used to design their conveying chutes and hoppers of their cracking machines and storage facility outlets.
... mm 3 ) cultivars had the lowest volume values. In contrast, the volume value (1.92 cm 3 ) of the Tombul cultivar reported by Aydin (2003) was lower than the present study's values. The highest average length and width values were measured for the Devedişi and Kara fındık cultivars. ...
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Hazelnut is one of the most popular nuts consumed by people; it has different cultivars in Turkey. The aim of the current study was to characterize some physicomechanical characteristics, shape features, color, and biochemical properties of 6 standard and 3 local hazelnut cultivars grown in Turkey. The shape and size properties of the samples were determined using image processing techniques as an alternative to conventional measurement methods. Additionally, principal component analysis (PCA) was used to classify the hazelnut samples in terms of the biochemical parameters of the hazelnut cultivars. According to the findings, the highest crude oil (63.25%) and lowest protein contents (13.63%) were observed in the Kalınkara cultivar. Oleic and linoleic acids were the major fatty acids for all hazelnut samples. While local Devedişi and standard Çakıldak cultivars had the highest oleic acid levels, the highest linoleic acid level was observed for the Dağ fındığı cultivar. The cultivars of Foşa had the highest Zn and Mn, while the highest Cu was found in the Tombul cultivar. The greatest surface and projected areas were calculated for the Kara fındık and Dağ fındığı samples, while the greatest hardness value was measured for the Devedişi cultivar. PCA revealed some positive and negative correlations between the physicomechanical and biochemical parameters. The present analyses revealed significant correlations between hardness and internal shell b* values and between Cu content and internal L*. Such correlations should be taken into consideration in food processing applications and machine design for these hazelnut cultivars.
... Tohumların geometrik ortalama çapları (d g ) ve küresellikleri (ϕ) 1 ve 2 numaralı formüllerden yararlanılarak hesaplanmıştır; (Mohsenin 1978;Aydın 2003;Olajide ve Igbeka 2003;Coşkun ve ark. 2006;Yalçın ve ark. ...
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Bitkisel üretimde başarılı bir tohum/fide oluşturulmasında; genetik özelliklerin yanında, optimum çimlenme faktörlerinin de ortaya konulması gerekmektedir. Bu çalışma da duna cinsi marul tohumlarına, iki farklı çapa sahip (450-600 mm) dikey rotorlu peletle tohum kaplama makinası ile pelet kaplama uygulanmıştır. Böylece farklı çaptaki dikey rotorların, kaplama kalite kriterlerine etkisi ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır. Küresellik, geometrik ortalama çap tohumların ekilişlerinde önemli etkenlerdendir. Rotor çapı 450 mm olan makine ile kaplamanın, 600 mm çapa sahip olan kaplamaya göre küresellik (0.79-0.76) ve geometrik ortalama çap (2.95-2.82) değerleri bakımından daha olumlu sonuç verdiği ortaya konulmuştur. Fide yetiştiriciliği açısından önemli bir kriter olan tek taneli pelet elde etme yönünden, Kaplı450 grubunda tek tohum oranı %97 olurken, Kaplı600 grubunda ise tek tohum oranı %92 olmuştur. Çimlenme oranı bakımından %4’lük fark ile Kaplı450 grubunun çimlenme oranları değerleri (%70.25) daha yüksek değere sahip olmuştur. Tüm bu veriler incelendiğinde küçük çaplı olan marul tohumlarının peletle kaplanmasında 600 mm yerine 450 mm olan daha küçük rotor çapına sahip olan makine ile kaplama; tek tohum oluşması, geometrik çap ve küresellik kriterleri açısından daha olumlu sonuçlar ortaya koymaktadır.
... The geometric mean diameter (D g ) and sphericity (Ø) were calculated using the equations below (Aydin, 2003;Saracoglu et al., 2017): ...
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This study was carried out to evaluate fruit quality of five sweet cherry cultivars grown in Morocco, namely, Burlat, Van, Cerisette, Napoleon and Coeur de pigeon. Significant differences (p˂0.05) were observed across the five cultivars in fruit weight (5.24–8.72 g), geometric mean diameter (14.22–16.36 mm), pH (3.48–4.12), soluble solid content (17.70–24.50 °Brix), total phenolics (426.44–485.69 mg GAE/100 g fresh weight (fw)), total proanthocyanidins (51.17–131.20 mg CE/100 g fw) and total anthocyanins (194.53–267.67 mg cya-3-glu/100 g fw). The antioxidant activity was evaluated by three assays. The values were 11.96–21.04, 16.48–63.96 and 9.62–15.65 mmol TE/g for DPPH scavenging test, FRAP and ABTS, respectively. Volatile compounds were identified and semi-quantified in sweet cherry fruit using solid-phase microextraction in combination with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (SPME-GC/MS). Nine volatile compounds (benzaldehyde, nonanal, ethyl hexanoate, ethyl octanoate, γ-terpinene, β-pinene, limonene, linalool and 2-ethyl-1-hexanol) were detected in all sweet cherry cultivars. Aldehydes compounds were the most abundant in sweet cherry aroma, followed by terpenes and esters. Correlation between all parameters showed varying trends.
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The aim is to prepare Balls (ladoo) as a nutritional point of view and to provide convenience to the consumer. The ingredient which were used for preparation of balls is Dates (Phoenix dactylifera) which contains Energy: 282 cal., Protein: 2.5g. Carbohydrates: 75g, Fat: 0.4g etc. Vitamin B-6 (PYRIDOXINE) is present. Minerals such as Calcium, iron, Magnesium are present in Dates. The flax seeds are very important in regular diet for humans especially for females. They increase nutrient absorption, help in weight loss, gluten free, rich in antioxidants and omega 3 fatty acids. Owing to these health benefits, dietitians and doctors advise to take flax seeds every day. Balls (ladoo) is good and typically made from various flours and dry fruits by various ways. Balls (ladoo) are usually round, sweet, small or large in size. For preparation of Balls (ladoo) ingredients used are pitted dates, flax seeds, almonds, cashews, Jaggery syrup, oats etc. all these ingredients were finely Grounded. The formulation was made by varying levels of ingredients. For preparation of Balls (ladoo) all ingredients were roasted and then grounded into fine powder. The dates were pitted and then grounded in mixer grinder. All these grounded ingredients were made into dough by adding Jaggery syrup. Three trials have been done T1, T2, and T3 by varying proportion of all ingredients and T3 has been selected. Proximate composition of ladoo ware fat content was found out to be 7.08±0.02%, the protein content is 7.85±0.09 %, the total carbs are 58.40±0.07 %, the energy in ladoo was 328.72kcal and ash content is about 2.01±0.11% respectively). It was concluded that the Balls (ladoo) can be store for one month in High density polyethylene pouches at room temperature. These balls are rich source of iron so they satisfy consumer's needs.
The increasing use of composite components in various engineering disciplines necessitates detailed comprehension of their operation. When subjected to adverse environmental circumstances, such as variable humid surroundings and UV radiations, the structural and mechanical characteristics of the composites can deteriorate. Additionally, using these composite materials for structural applications such as rooftop buildings or household properties may reduce lifespan. In this study, the static and dynamic mechanical properties and the stability of novel lignocellulosic Moringa stenopetala (MS) husk fiber‐based epoxy composites exposed to various environmental factors were assessed. These harsh conditions were picked to imitate those encountered outside and influence the longevity of these composites. The obtained fiber from the husk was examined for its physiological, structural, and thermal characteristics. Using the Broido, Kissinger, Flynn‐Wall‐Ozawa (FWO), Coats‐Redfern and Kissinger‐Akahira‐Sunose (KAS) isoconventional models, the thermal degradation kinetics of the fibers were investigated. KAS method results in the best‐fitted curve and shows maximum activation energy of 175.13 KJ/mol. After husk fiber assessment, composite materials were fabricated using a Hand layup method, and their static and dynamic mechanical properties, water uptake rate, and contact angle analysis with surface energy behavior under various environmental aging circumstances were studied. In comparison to the composites “as developed,” the findings indicate that the mechanical characteristics of husk fiber‐based epoxy composites are significantly reduced by humidity and UV aging. Overall, the development of thermoset composites for structural applications can utilize husk fiber. Furthermore, after curing the water and UV‐aged composites, qualities can be recovered.
Plants store triacylglycerols in the form of oil bodies (OBs) as an energy source for germination and subsequent seedling growth. The interfacial biomaterials from these OBs are called OB membrane materials (OBMMs) and have several applications in foods, e.g., as emulsifiers. OBMMs are preferred, compared with their synthetic counterparts, in food applications as emulsifiers because they are natural, i.e., suitable for clean label, and may stabilize bioactive components during storage. This review focuses mainly on the extraction technologies for plant OBMMs, the functionality of these materials, and the interaction of OB membranes with other food components. Different sources of OBs are evaluated and the challenges during the extraction and use of these OBMMs for food applications are addressed.
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EFFECT OF SOLAR THERMAL RADIATION AND MAGNETIC FIELD ON THE FLOW OF CASSON FLUID Abstract In this paper, the behavior of the non-Newtonian fluid and heat transfer is considered in an exponentially stretching surface in the occurrence of porous magnetic field, as it has vast applications in the field of several industries. An explicit Finite difference method is applied for the solution of governing equations. By considering governing equations of the mathematical model as a platform non-linier differential equation have been reduced to ordinary differential equations by using similarity transformations. BVP4C software technique is used for finding the solutions and results are presented in the form of tables and graphs for several equations. After simulation, it is found that the heat transfer rate decreases with higher values of the magnetic field as well as the radiation. The temperature profile and velocity profile of the Casson fluid flow is directly related to several parameters. Finally, it is observed that several parameters such as Casson fluid parameter, radiation parameter, Prandtl number, and Eckert number are stable at the point of convergence.
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ABSTRACT Some of the engineering properties of okra seeds and fruit studied were: geometric dimension such as length, width, thickness, arithmetic and geometric mean diameter, volume, 1000 unit mass, square mean diameters, surface area, sphericity and equivalent mean diameter. that are relevant to design and manufacturing of equipment for processing and preservation of the fruits and seeds. The mean values of aspect ratio and sphericity of okra seeds and fruit indicated that the shape tends towards being spherical and expected to roll than slide. The results obtained will form a database that will be valuable in the design of systems for handling and processing of okra seeds and fruit.. Stainless steel as construction material had the lowest dynamic and static coefficient of friction. Hence, suitable as construction material for the production of food processing machines Keywords: axial dimensions, sphericity, crop, bulk density, angle of repose.
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Tree nuts are consumed as healthy snacks worldwide and are important economic crops. In this chapter, post-harvest processing technologies of tree nuts are discussed, with focus on the drying, disinfection, disinfestation, and downstream processing technologies (blanching, kernel peeling and roasting) for the control and preservation of product quality and safety. Almonds, walnuts, and pistachios are selected as the representative crops for the discussion. Current status, recent advances, and challenges in the scientific research, as well as in the industrial productions are summarized. Some new perspectives and applications of tree nut processing waste and byproducts (such as shells and hulls) are also introduced. The contents presented in this chapter will help both scientists and stakeholders to better understand the tree nut processing and provide technological recommendations to improve the throughput, efficiency, and sustainability of the processes, and preserve the quality and safety of the products.
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In this study, physicochemical properties, thermal analyze, viscosity, phenol content and fatty acid composition were investigated. The plant material used comes from a wild plant growing in the wilaya of Béjaïa (Algeria). Almonds oil is considered functional foods for the presence of polyphenols compounds. The physicochemical parameters of the bitter almond oil were: the acidity values vary from 1.389 to 3.559%, peroxide index 19.538meq of active oxygen/ kg of oil, rancimat test PI=15h, total polyphenols= 0.137mg Gallic acid/mg bitter almond oil. The profile of the viscosity of the oils confirming that oil analyzed was Newtonian in nature. The TG/DTG curves showed bitter almond oil thermally stable consistent with the result of oxidative induction time. The fatty acid composition of bitter almond oil reveals the presence of the following fatty acids: gallic acid; hydrobenzoic acid. Catechic acid, isovanilic acid, vanilic acid, salicylic acid, myricetin, quercetin, anthrone and oxacil acid. Of which gallic acid is the majority. The physicochemical properties of the bitter almond oil indicated that it is promotes use in cosmetics and suggested its suitability for industrial purposes.
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This study was carried out to design simple equipment for seed coating using mixture from organic and inorganic filler. The experiments were conducted at El-Serw agricultural research station-Damietta governorate-Egypt at season 2019. The coating equipment consists of main frame, spinning as coating unit, power source and power transmutation unit. Experiments were run with a small batch processing capability. Locally available mixture of soft compost and calcium peroxide were tried and tested for possible application as coating material at coating unit tilt angles (20, 40 and 60°); rotating speeds (40, 60, 80 and 100 rpm) and coating times (3, 6, 9 and 12 minutes). The evaluation included two types of seeds (radish and sugar beet). Results indicated that germination, duplicity, productivity, weight of 1000 coated seed, static coefficient of friction and repose angle were (82 and 85 %); (6.1 and 4.8 %); (6.9 and 9.5 kg/h.); (36 and 43 gram); (0.50, and 0.42); and (31 and 23°) at tilt angle of 40°, rotating speed of 80 rpm and 3 min. for radish and sugar beet, respectively. At field experiment with planting sugar beet it was needed about 2.0-2.5 kg/fed substitutional about 4-4.5 kg/fed in traditional method. That save about 50% amount of seeds.
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Abstract Background and objectives: Scolymus is one of the most abundant plants of mountainous regions of Iran, which has attracted the attention of consumers. In Iran, more than 17 percent of the food produced is lost during various stages of the supply chain. Its prevention requires the knowledge of physical, mechanical and hydrodynamic properties of agricultural products. Information on physical, mechanical and hydrodynamic properties of Scolymus can be helpfull in designing machines, transferring, separation, hydraulic grading, washing, quality inspection, preservation and processing which in turn reduce crop losses and increase efficiency of operations during processing. Materials and methods: In this study, some physical, mechanical and hydrodynamic properties of Scolymus were measured in three replications under standard conditions. The physical properties including length, width, thickness, geometric and arithmetic mean diameter, mass, volume, density, sphericity, surface area, aspect ratio and moisture content on a wet basis were measured. The mechanical properties of the samples during shear and bending (break) of Scolymus from the middle of its length were measured by Instron machine Zwick/Roell under required standards. The hydrodynamic properties for scolymus transferring, sorting and grading were carried out by water. Results: I terms of physical properties, length, width, thickness, mass, volume and geometric mean diameter had a direct relationship while density had inverse relation with the size of the Scolymus. Shape, size, volume, surface and density are important physical properties determining the design of a specific machine or in analysis of obtaining behaviors in transporting materials. For mechanical propertiesin bending test, elastic modulus, maximum force needed to bending Scolymus, work done to achieve maximum force needed to bending and deformation in order to apply maximum force were 0.00341 GPa, 41.5 N, 444.29 and 18.91 mm, respectively. In shear test, shear modulus, the maximum force needed to shear Scolymus, shear strength and shear deformation when applying maximum force were calculated as 0.002 N/mm2, 82.9 N, 0.0207 N/mm2, 19.15 mm, respectively. Information obtained from the mechanical properties of Scolymus in shear and bending tests can be used by Scolymus processing factories. Hydrodynamic properties of Scolymus including the rising time in the water column, average limit speed and average flotation force exerted on Scolymus in the water column was obtained as 4.67 s, 0.02 m/s and 0.93 N, respectively. The density of Scolymus was lower than water and as a result, it can be graded and transmitted hydraulically without any damage. Conclusion: The data obtained from this study can be applied for designing and optimization of process equipments, transport, sorting and packing of Scolymus. Keywords: Scolymus, physical properties, mechanical properties, hydrodynamic properties.
Conference Paper
In this paper, some physical properties of the red plum were measured and its volume was modeled by linear regression and artificial neural network (ANN) models. The linear regression models were presented as one variable model based on dimensions, criteria projected area, and mass parameters of the product. Also, a Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) network with three independent variables (geometric mean diameter, criteria projected area, and mass) and one dependent variable (volume) was used for ANN modeling. In order to select the best structure of the ANN model, the trial and error method was used. Results of regression models showed regard to estimating the volume of red plum, the linear one variable model based on criteria projected area parameter was better than other regression models (R2=0.94). The best structure of the ANN model to estimate the volume was 3-4-1 (R2=0.96). Besides that, results of the sensitivity analysis for models showed that the volume modeling based on criteria projected area parameter achieved the proper estimation. Comparison between the regression and ANN models indicated that, although both models could well estimate the volume of plums, according to the coefficients of determination and standard errors parameters of estimation, it is recommended to apply the ANN model for the plums volume estimation.
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Turkey has various types of traditional foods (TFs), which are important elements of the cultural heritage. Unfortunately, some of the TFs have started to be forgotten today. Popular TFs for the Thrace region of Turkey, including fermented nonalcoholic beverages (boza and hardaliye), an alcoholic beverage (raki), a cereal-based fermented food (tarhana), confectionaries (almond paste and cheese halva), a meat product (Tekirdag meatball), and a dairy product (Edirne white brined cheese) were presented in this chapter. These foods are rich sources of nutrients that can provide protection against diseases. Their manufacturing processes, compositions, nutritional, and health aspects were described based on the available, although limited, literature.
Seeds and nuts not only serve as important food sources for human beings but also exhibit excellent mechanical properties resulting from their extraordinary shell structures. A literature review has been performed on selected hard-shelled seeds, including almond, brazil nut, chestnut, hazelnut, macadamia, pecan, pistachio, and walnut, for their geometrical, mechanical, and microstructural properties of their shells and kernels. It was found that these properties vary between different cultivars and moisture contents. Ashby charts have been created to compare the geometries and rupture energy from different shells and kernels. The results could provide initial hints for the creation of bio-inspired composites as well as the development of equipment to produce high-quality products of hard-shelled seeds.
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Variations in the moisture content of kernels strongly influence machine performance during post-harvest handling operations. Force and deformation curve of agricultural material must be provided for proper design of harvesting, processing machineries. This study was conducted to determine the effect of controlled moisture treatment (2.64, 4.75, 8.21, 12.56 and 16.85%) on dimensional, gravimetric, frictional, optical and mechanical properties of plum kernels. The total average expansion of 3.63, 3.07 and 5.12% was observed in major, medium and minor axes of plum kernels with increasing moisture content from 2.64 to 16.85%, respectively. The frictional properties indicated better stability and low flowability with an increase in moisture content. A total color difference (ΔE) of 4.55, 4.40, 2.02 and 1.70% in (L* a* b*) was recorded among the differently treated samples. The rupture force, deformation at rupture point, hardness, toughness and energy absorbed at rupture point by plum kernels under different compression loading directions decreased significantly with increase in moisture content. At all the moisture levels, transversal direction showed highest rupture force followed by vertical and horizontal directions of plum kernels. The results showed that the changing moisture content of plum kernels is imperative in moisture-based sorting of the plum kernels, energy conservation, and designing of appropriate handling and processing machinery.
Modeling the propagation of bacterial cross-contamination within bulk material is a critical task for validating the microbial safety of the complex post-harvest processing of tree nuts. In this paper, discrete element method (DEM) coupled with a heat transfer modeling was applied to a bacterial cell transfer problem, and the model outputs were translated into the case of bulk almond kernels contaminated with Salmonella in a mixing process. The DEM model was calibrated via a small-scale (0.2 kg) dry transfer experiment with flat rotary drum mixing trials, and validated with medium-scale experimental data (1 kg) in terms of spatial-temporal distribution of the contamination in the bulk material. Thereafter, the DEM model was tested to simulate a large-scale drum mixing simulation (200 kg), which demonstrated its expandability with reasonable bacterial propagation outcomes. This study demonstrated that DEM is an efficient tool for modeling complex bacterial cross-contamination/propagation during bulk food material processing.
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India being the largest in area and production of oilseeds (20% of the net sown area) it is a net importer of oilseeds. With 13% gross cropped area, 3% of gross national product and 10% value of all agricultural commodities, it has hit a new record of vegetable oil import in 2014 (12.3 million t) i.e., 6% more import due to continued high demand of oilseeds. With limited scope of bringing additional area under oilseeds, increase in oilseed production will have to come primarily from land saving to technologies highlighting a combination of high yield plant type, standard crop management practices and balanced crop nutrition. The idea to reduce India's dependence on import of edible oilseeds and the changing food habits with globalization have necessitated the need for alternate source of oilseeds and as the potential source, the tree borne oilseeds (TBOs) have gained importance for edible oils also. Some of the traditionally familiar TBOS for edible oils are mahua, wild apricot, Garcinia, etc., and among the newly popularized ones in India are Simarouba, Olives, etc. th Currently under the 12 plan a Mini Mission-III on tree borne oilseeds has been setup under National Mission on Oilseeds and Oil Palm (NMOOP) to increase the availability of edible oil. The mission supports for taking up TBOs plantations, TBOs based agroforestry systems, quality planting materials, post-harvest and value additions of TBOs. This national workshop on "TBOs- Way Ahead" which is jointly organised by our institute and Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India, New Delhi is aptly planned to discuss various constraints, opportunities and prospects in popularising TBOs in our country. I hope this workshop will bring together all the stakeholders and leading experts in the field of TBOs in designing and formulating strategies to bring about revolution in oil seed sector and achieving self-sufficiency.
The kinetics and mathematical modeling of sunflower drying subjected to different storage conditions to obtain yield and quality of the extracted oil were investigated. The sunflowers grains were submitted to drying at 45, 55, 65, and 75°C, after the grains were stored at natural environment (25°C and 50%) and two climate chambers (20°C and 60%, and 30°C and 40% relative humidity [RH] air) for two types of packaging (paper and raffia bag) during 6 months. The increase in the drying temperature caused variations in the effective diffusivity and in the isosteric heat desorption, interfering in the physical properties of the grains and reducing the yield and quality of the extracted oil. Sunflower grains stored in raffia packages under controlled conditions of 20°C and 60% RH ensure the quality of sunflower grains and higher oil yield; however, 30°C and 40% RH had lower oil acid. The vegetable oil extraction industry needs to monitor and control the preprocessing operations for sunflower grains, mainly in the drying and storage stages. The application of high temperatures in the drying air associated with inadequate temperatures and air relative humidity in the storage environments interfere in the quality of the sunflower grains and, consequently, in the yield and quality of the extracted oil.
According to the FAO reports, almonds are recognized as one of the most important nuts with the highest commercial value. Quality control of such product and its processes are the major obstacles in export activities. In that direction, removing the bitter almonds from the product is a significant issue in quality control. Despite extensive research on the use of image processing in the grading and identification of many agricultural products, there is no remarkable research to differentiate almonds in terms of their internal characteristics. Hence, the purpose of this study is to provide a relatively simple, accessible and powerful algorithm that be able to distinguish the bitterness and sweetness of almonds from both bark and kernel conditions. To achieve this, a combination of image processing and deep learning techniques were used. Investigating the effect of correctional processes on the input images and even accuracy of machine vision process identification was considered as one of the main research objectives with that of previous studies. Subsequnelty, it makes possbile to reduce the part of computational burden of the deep learning process and incearse the peforomace of the network indicators. The cannulation nerve is affected and healed. In this study, five samples of almond cultivars were selected, and then their images were processed in the Computer Automation and Vision Laboratory (CAVL) in the Department of Biosystems Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (FUM), Iran. In order to maintain the importance of constant shooting conditions, eliminating the effect of ambient lights to obtain a very good quality image, a room of polarized lighting and indirect lighting with the ability of moving the light source was designed and built. The results of the machine vision process to isolate the bitter and sweet types of almonds incidated an increased cleaning accuracy rate above 95% and possibility of identifying the species in a shorter time. To achieve such objectives, two kind of designis like the tutorial and tutorial architecture were carred out and then analyzing the data was performed by Matlab 2019a software. In the first method, according to the design of the tutorial network architecture, the highest degree of accuracy and precision of the diagnosis was obtained in the training stage with the number of 3 to 5 hidden layers. According to the research results, recognizing almond varieties from the kernel requires an increased frequency of training with that of recognizing from the shell. Otherwise, identifying almond species through the kernel using deep learning theory would be highly error-prone. In the second method of architectural design, pre-training algorithms were used. The results showed that the adaptation of pre-learning algorithms to the simple structure of preprocessed input images is quite better than complex structures, where it improves the response level of the deep learning process. Moreover, the detection accuracy over 95% in the AlexNet algorithm indicates the higly structural adaptation of detection process through simple pre-training algorithms.
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The edible and tasty almond {Prunus amygdalus [syn. P. dulcis (Mill.) D.A.Webb]} kernel is not anymore the main reason for its production and uses, other properties related to its by-products, especially the sweet edible almond oil, which is mainly used as a salad dressing or as an ingredient in a highly appreciated Moroccan almond-based recipes. The studied almond populations are derived from seedling, the trees of these plantations are very heterogeneous in terms of vigor and flowering time and are facing a genetic bottleneck due to an attack by an insect ’bark beetle’, as well as the introduction of new foreigner cultivars. Our preliminary study concerns the evaluation of fruits quality of locally commercializedalmond ecotypes, with a shelling rate ranging from 22.37% to 34.21%and it comparison with the introducedFrench cultivars couple Ferragnes/Ferraduel (Fg/Fd) grown in the same region, that presents higher commercial values but yet lowest nutritional traits compared to local populations.Since Beldi almonds showed higher total tochopherols content with avalue equal to 511.64 mg/kg, while for Fg/Fd cultivars it presents only 433.1 mg/kg. Hence the interest of a detailed study to prove both the genetic variability of local Beldi almond populations for the conservation of biodiversity, and also the biochemical propertiesof almond oils and cakes lead to post-harvest recovery of these products by increasing it commercial value in favour of local farmers and cooperatives.
In this study, carried out in 1988, 450 almond trees Amygdalus communis L.) were examined to select the important quality fruit types in natural almond population grown around the Apa Dam Lake in Cumra, Konya, Turkey, and of them 12 types were selected with regard to fruit characteristics. All selected types were seen to have the characteristics of late flowering. The average inshell fruit weights were between 3.,37 g and 5.24 g. The kernel weights were 0.64 and 1.00g and the ration kernel were 14.29% and 20.01%. All types had extremely hard shell almond characteristics.
The dependence of physical properties of white lupin on moisture content was determined. The average length, width and thickness of grains ranged from 9.85 to 10.52, 9.15 to 9.63 and 4.94 to 5.51 mm as the moisture content increased from 8.3 to 19.2% d.h., respectively. Over the same range, the volume of a grain increased from 0.35 to 0.43 cm3, 1000 grain mass from 0.351 to 0.452 kg, porosity from 0.115 to 0.304 and projected area from 1.11 to 1.53 cm2. The bulk density decreased from 868 to 768 kg/m3 but kernel density increased from 980 to 1103 kg/m3. Both the static and dynamic coefficients of friction against galvanized steel and rubber increased with increasing moisture content.
The proper design of grain handling equipment requires a knowledge of its frictional characteristics. The force of friction must be overcome before these materials will flow by gravity or before a motor can start a loaded conveyor. A device to determine the kinetic coefficient of friction of small grains was built. Friction values of soybeans and shelled corn were determined for three moisture levels, three types of surfaces and two velocities of movement. These data were compared with previously published data.
A device using a personal computer for data acquisition was built to determine static and dynamic coefficients of friction of soybeans, red kidney beans and unshelled peanuts. Values were determined for three moisture levels and three types of surfaces. The effects of moisture and surface on the friction values were significant. The data obtained by this digital system were more accurate than those taken by an earlier analog system.
Various physical properties of green gram were evaluated as a function of moisture content in the range of 8·39 to 33·40% d.b. The average length, width, thickness and thousand grain mass were 4·21 mm, 3·17 mm, 3·08 mm and 28·19 g at moisture content of 8·39% d.b. The geometric mean diameter increased from 3·45 to 3·77 mm, whereas sphericity decreased from 0·840 to 0·815. Studies on rewetted grains showed that the bulk and true densities decreased from 807 to 708 and 1363 to 1292 kg m−3, whereas the corresponding bulk porosity increased from 40·77 to 45·16%. The terminal velocity increased from 10·1 to 12·1m s−1. The static coefficient of friction varied from 0·344 to 0·625 over different material surfaces, while angle of repose varied from 26·6 to 31° within the studied moisture range.
The dependence of physical properties of soybean on moisture content was determined. In the moisture range 8·7 to 25·0% d.b., the length of grain increased from 6·32 to 6·75 mm, the width from 5·23 to 5·55 mm, the thickness from 3·99 to 4·45 mm, the geometric mean diameter from 5·09 to 5·51 mm, the sphericity from 0·806 to 0·816, the surface area from 0·813 to 0·952 cm2, the volume of grain from 0·091 to 0·113 cm3 and thousand grain mass from 0·110 to 0·127 kg. Kernel density decreased from 1216 to 1124 kg/m3, bulk density from 735 to 708 kg/m3 and porosity from 0·40 to 0·37.
Several physical properties of lentil seed were evaluated as a function of moisture content. The average diameter, thickness, unit mass and volume of seed were 6·64 mm, 2·65 mm, 0·070 g and 49·08 mm3respectively at 6·5% m.c.d.b. Studies on rewetted seed showed that as moisture content increased from 6·5 to 32·6% d.b., bulk density decreased from 1190 to 935 kg/m3, porosity increased from 27·4 to 32·0%, projected area increased from 56 to 82 mm2and terminal velocity increased from 10·95 to 12·06 m/s. The static and dynamic coefficients of friction of lentil seed against galvanized sheet metal, plywood and rubber surfaces increased with moisture content in the range from 6·5 to 32·6% d.b. The largest coefficient of friction was against a rubber surface, ranging from 0·374 to 0·532. The effect of moisture content was as great as or greater than the difference between the surfaces.
The physical properties of neem nut were determined in the moisture range of 7·6% to 21% w.b. These include physical dimensions, crushing strength, 1000 nut mass, relative mass of kernel and shell, angle of repose, porosity, bulk density, particle density and coefficient of static friction.The length and stem-end diameter of the nut ranged from 12·87 to 16·20mm and 6·86 to 8·52mm respectively. The crushing strength of the nut measured both along the longitudinal axis and a diametral axis decreased with increase in moisture content. The mass of 1000 nuts, per cent content of the mass of the kernel in the nut and angle of respose of neem nut increased with increase in moisture content. The porosity, bulk density and particle density decreased linearly as the moisture content increased. The coefficient of static friction on various surfaces increased with increase in moisture content. The plywood surface offered the maximum friction followed by mild steel, galvanized iron and glass.
Physical dproperties of sunflower seeds and kernels were evaluated as a function of moisture content. At 6·2% m.c.d.b., the average length, width, thickness and unit mass of the seed were 9·52mm, 5·12mm, 3·27mm and 0·049g respectively. Corresponding values for the kernel were 8·28mm, 4·09mm, 2·43mm and 0·034g. The mean equivalent diameter and sphericity of the seed were 5·39mm and 0·57 respectively, while corresponding values for the kernel were 4·32mm and 0·53. In the moisture range from 4-20% d.b., the bulk density of the rewetted seed decreased from 462 to 434 kg/m3, true density increased from 706 to 765kg/m3, porosity increased from 34·3 to 43·3% and terminal velocity increased from 5·8 to 7·6m /s. For the kernel the corresponding values changed from 574 to 628kg/m3, 1050 to 1250kg/m3, 45·4 to 50·2% and 3·5-5·8 m/s. In the same moisture range the static coefficient of friction varied from 0·40 to 0·58 for seed and from 0·43 to 0·81 for kernel on different surfaces, while the angle of respose varied from 34 to 41° for seed and 27 to 38° for kernel.
Results are reported of the first part of a research project designed to develop machines for shelling melon seeds and for mechanical extraction of oil from the shelled seeds. The design of a machine for shelling the seeds is influenced by the size (length, breadth and thickness) of the seeds. For the design of cleaning and washing machines, the surface area of the flat side of the seeds is taken into consideration.The performance of the shelling machine is influenced by the behaviour of the seeds when subjected to bending. In the present study the results of the behaviour of the seeds when bent at different moisture contents are reported.Based on a large number of measurements, empirical equations are proposed to express the correlation between the 3 principal dimensions for the 2 most common types of melon seed produced in the Western State of Nigeria. Another set of equations are suggested to estimate the surface area of the flat side with reasonable degree of accuracy from the measurement of either the length or the breadth of the seed.
Various physical properties of green gram were evaluated as a function of moisture content in the range of 8)39 to 33)40% d.b. The average length, width, thickness and thousand grain mass were 4)21 mm, 3)17 mm, 3)08 mm and 28)19 g at moisture content of 8)39% d.b. The geometric mean diameter increased from 3)45 to 3)77 mm, whereas sphericity decreased from 0)840 to 0)815. Studies on rewetted grains showed that the bulk and true densities decreased from 807 to 708 and 1363 to 1292 kg m\, whereas the corresponding bulk porosity increased from 40)77 to 45)16%. The terminal velocity increased from 10)1 to 12)1 m s\. The static coe$cient of friction varied from 0)344 to 0)625 over di!erent material surfaces, while angle of repose varied from 26)6 to 313 within the studied moisture range.
The drag coefficients of a wide range of grains and straws have been measured experimentally by finding the suspension velocities of the particles in an air stream. The representation of shape is discussed and volume shape factors are proposed for non-spherical particles. The effexct of nodes on the orientation of straws in a vertical air stream is examined. Drag coefficients have been correlated for different seeds and straws as a function of Reynolds number by grouping the particles within the limits of a sphere and a cylinder. A formula for calculating terminal velocity is proposed.
The dependence of physical properties of gram on moisture content was determined. The best approximate shape was found to be a prolate spheroid. At 10·9% moisture content d.b., the measurements yielded an average 1000 grain weight of 0·173 kg, a mean surface area of 133·4 mm2, and sphericity and roundness of 74% and 70% respectively. In the moisture range from 9·64 to 31·0% d.b., studies on rewetted gram showed that the bulk density changed from 780 to 708 kg/m3, kernel density from 1311 to 1257 kg/m3; porosity from 40·5 to 43·7% and static coefficient of friction from 0·384 to 0·651 over surfaces of different materials. The angle of repose was observed to change from 25·5° to 30·4° in the moisture range from 8·62 to 17·6% d.b.
Aerodynamic properties of seed crops A study of some of the physical properties of melon seeds
  • H Kural
  • K Arman
Kural, H., & C ß arman, K. (1997). Aerodynamic properties of seed crops. National Symposium on Mechanisation in Agriculture (pp. 615–623), Tokat, Turkey. Makanjuola, G. A. (1972). A study of some of the physical properties of melon seeds. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 17, 128–137.
Physical properties of plant and animal materials
  • N N Mohsenin
Mohsenin, N. N. (1970). Physical properties of plant and animal materials. New York: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers.
Determination of deformation energy in some biological materials Some physical properties of lentil seeds
  • C Aydin
  • Og€
  • H Ut
Aydin, C., & € O Og€ u ut, H. (1992). Determination of deformation energy in some biological materials. National Symposium on Mechanisation in Agriculture (pp. 254–264), Samsun, Turkey. C ß arman, K. (1996). Some physical properties of lentil seeds. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 63, 87–92.
Aerodynamic properties of seed crops
  • H Kural
  • K Çarman
Determination of deformation energy in some biological materials
  • C Aydin
  • H Ögüt