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A Comparative Study of Classification Methods For Microarray Data Analysis


Abstract and Figures

In response to the rapid development of DNA Mi- croarray technology, many classification methods have been used for Microarray classification. SVMs, decision trees, Bagging, Boosting and Random For- est are commonly used methods. In this paper, we conduct experimental comparison of LibSVMs, C4.5, BaggingC4.5, AdaBoostingC4.5, and Random Forest on seven Microarray cancer data sets. The experi- mental results show that all ensemble methods out- perform C4.5. The experimental results also show that all five methods benefit from data preprocessing, including gene selection and discretization, in classifi- cation accuracy. In addition to comparing the average accuracies of ten-fold cross validation tests on seven data sets, we use two statistical tests to validate find- ings. We observe that Wilcoxon signed rank test is better than sign test for such purpose.
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A Comparative Study of Classification Methods for Microarray
Data Analysis
Hong Hu
Jiuyong Li
Ashley Plank
Hua Wang
Grant Daggard
Department of Mathematics and Computing
Department of Biological and Physical Sciences
University of Southern Queensland,
Toowoomba, QLD 4350, Australia
In response to the rapid development of DNA Mi-
croarray technology, many classification methods
have been used for Microarray classification. SVMs,
decision trees, Bagging, Boosting and Random For-
est are commonly used methods. In this paper, we
conduct experimental comparison of LibSVMs, C4.5,
BaggingC4.5, AdaBoostingC4.5, and Random Forest
on seven Microarray cancer data sets. The e xperi-
mental results show that all ensemble methods out-
perform C4.5. The experimental results also show
that all five methods benefit from data preprocessing,
including gene selection and discretization, in classifi-
cation accuracy. In addition to comparing the average
accuracies of ten-fold cross validation tests on seven
data sets, we use two statistical tests to validate find-
ings. We observe that Wilcoxon signed rank test is
better than sign test for such purpose.
Keywords: Microarray data, classification.
1 Introduction
In recent years, the rapid development of DNA Mi-
croarray technology has made it possible for scien-
tists to monitor the expression level of thousands
of genes with a single experiment (Schena, Shalon,
Davis & Brown 1995, Lockhart, Dong, Byrne &
et al. 1996). With DNA expression Microarray tech-
nology, researchers will be able to classify different
diseases according to different expression levels in
normal and tumor cells, to discover the relationship
between genes, to identify the critical genes in the
development of diseas e. There are many active re-
search applications of Microarray technology, such
as cancer classification (Golub, Slonim, Tamayo &
et al. 1999, Veer, Dai, de Vijver & et al. 2002, Pet-
ricoinIII, Ardekani, Hitt, Levine & et al. 2002),
gene function identification (Lu, Patterson, Wang,
Marquez & Atkinson 2004, Santin, Zhan, Bellone
& Palmieri 2004), clinical diagnosis (Yeang, Ra-
maswamy, Tamayo & et al. 2001), and drug discovery
studies (Maron & Lozano-P´erez 1998).
This project was partially support ed by Australian Research
Council Discovery Grant DP0559090.
2006, Australian Computer Society, Inc. This pa-
per appeared at Australasian Data Mining Conference (AusDM
2006), Sydney, December 2006. Conferences in Research and
Practice in Information Technology (CRPIT), Vol. 61. Peter
Christen, Paul Kennedy, Jiuyong Li, Simeon Simoff and Gra-
ham Williams, Ed. Reproduction for academic, not-for profit
purposes permitted provided this text is included.
A main task of Microarray classification is to build
a classifier from historical Microarray gene expres-
sion data, and then it use s the classifier to classify
future coming data. Many methods have been used
in Microarray classification, and typical methods are
Supp ort Vector Machines (SVMs) (Brown, Grundy,
Lin, Cristianini, Sugnet, Furey, Jr & Haussler 2000,
Guyon, Weston, Barnhill & Vapnik 2002), k-nearest
neighbor classifier (Yeang et al. 2001), C4.5 decision
tree (Li & Liu 2003, Li, Liu, Ng & Wong 2003), rule-
base classification method (Yeang et al. 2001) and en-
semble methods, such as Bagging and boosting (Tan
& Gibert 2003, Dietterich 2000).
SVMs, decision trees and ensemble methods are
most frequently used methods in Microarray classifi-
cation. Reading through the literature of Microarray
data classification, it is difficult to find consensus con-
clusions on their relative performance. We are very
interested in classifying Microarray data using C4.5
since it provides more interpretable results than other
methods do. Therefore, we design an experiment to
find out the classification performance of C4.5, Ad-
aBoostingC4.5, BaggingC4.5, Random Forests, Lib-
svms on seven Microarray cancer data sets.
In the experimental analysis, we use sign test
and Wilcoxon signed rank test to compare classifica-
tion performance of different methods. We find that
Wilcoxon signed rank test is better than sign test for
such comparison. We also find inconsistent results in
accuracy test and Wilcoxon signed rank test, and we
interpret the results in a reasonable way.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In
Section 2, we describe the relevant methods in this
comparison study. In Section 3, we introduce our ex-
perimental design. In Section 4, we show our experi-
mental results and present discussions. I n Section 5,
we conclude the paper.
2 Algorithm selected for comparison
Numerous Microarray data classification algorithms
have been proposed in recent years. Most of them
have been adapted from current data mining and ma-
chine learning algorithms.
C4.5 (Quinlan 1993, Quinlan 1996) was proposed
by Quinlan in 1993 and it is a typical decision tree
algorithm. C4.5 partitions a training data into some
disjoint subsets simultaneously, based on the values
of an attribute. At each step in the c onstruction
of the decision tree , C4.5 selects an attribute which
separates data with the highest information gain ra-
tio (Quinlan 1993). The same pro c es s is repeated
on all subsets until each subset contains only one
class. To simplify the decision tree, the induced de-
cision tree is pruned using pessimistic error estima-
tion (Quinlan 1993).
SVMs was proposed by Cortes and Vapnik (Cortes
& Vapnik 1995) in 1995 and It has been a most influ-
ential classification algorithm in recent years. SVMs
are classifiers which transform the input samples into
a high dimensional space by a kernel function and use
a linear hyperplane to separate two classes mapped to
that high dimensional space by support vectors which
are selected vectors from training samples. SVMs
has been applied to many domains, for example,
text categorization (Joachims 1998), cancer classifi-
cation (Furey, Christianini, Duffy, Bednarski, Schum-
mer & Hauessler 2000, Brown et al. 2000, Brown,
Grundy, Lin, Cristianini, Sugnet, Ares & Haussler
In the past decade, many researchers have devoted
their efforts to the study of ensemble decision tree
methods for Microarray classification. Ensemble de-
cision tree methods combine decision trees generated
from multiple training data sets by re-sampling the
training data set. Bagging, Boosting and Random
forests are some of the well-known ensemble methods
in the machine learning field.
Bagging was proposed by Leo Breiman (Breiman
1996) in 1996. Bagging uses a bootstrap technique
to re-sample the training data sets. Some samples
may appear more than once in a data set whereas
some samples do not appear. A set of alternative
classifiers are generated from a set of re-sampled data
sets. Each classifier will in turn assign a predicted
class to an incoming test sample. T he final predicted
class for the sample is determined by the majority
vote. All classifiers have equal weights in voting.
The boosting method was first developed by Fre-
und and Schapire (Freund & Schapire 1996) in 1996.
Boosting uses a re-sampling technique different from
Bagging. A new training data set is generated ac-
cording to its sample distribution. The first classi-
fier is constructed from the original data set where
every sample has an equal distribution ratio of 1. In
the following training data sets, the distribution ra-
tios are made differently among samples. A sample
distribution ratio is reduced if the sample has been
correctly classified; otherwise the ratio is kept un-
changed. Samples which are misclassified often get
duplicates in a re-sampled training data set. In con-
trast, samples which are correctly classified often may
not appear in a re -sam pled training data set. A
weighted voting method is used in the committee de-
cision. A higher accuracy classifier has larger weight
than a lower accuracy classifier. The final verdict goes
along with the largest weighted votes.
Based on Bagging, Leo Breiman introduced an-
other ensemble decision tree method called Random
Forests (Breiman 1999) in 1999. This metho d com-
bines Bagging and random feature selection methods
to generate multiple classifiers.
3 Experimental design methodology
3.1 Ten-fold cross-validation
Tenfold cross-validation is used in this experiment. In
tenfold cross-validation, a data set is equally divided
into 10 folds (partitions) with the same distribution.
In each test 9 folds of data are used for training and
one fold is for testing (unseen data set). The test
procedure is repeated 10 times. The final accuracy of
an algorithm will be the average of the 10 trials.
3.2 Test data sets
Seven data sets from Ke nt Ridge Biological Data
Set Repository (?) are selected. These data sets
were collected from very well researched journal pa-
pers, namely Breast Cancer (Veer et al. 2002), Lung
Cancer (Gordon, Jensen, Hsiao, Gullans & et al.
2002), Lymphoma (Alizadeh, Eishen, Davis, Ma &
et al. 2000), ALL-AML Leukemia (Golub et al. 1999),
Colon (Alon & et al. 1999), Ovarian (PetricoinIII
et al. 2002) and Prostate (Singh & et al. 2002). Ta-
ble 1 shows the summary of the characteristics of the
seven data sets. We conduct our experiments by using
tenfold cross-validation on the merged original train-
ing and test data sets.
Data set Genes Class Record
Breast Cancer 24481 2 97
Lung Cancer 12533 2 181
Lymphoma 4026 2 47
Leukemia 7129 2 72
Colon 2000 2 62
Ovarian 15154 2 253
Prostate 12600 2 21
Table 1: Experimental data set details
3.3 Softwares used for comparison
We have done our experiments with C4.5,
C4.5AdaBoosting, C4.5Bagging, Random forests,
LibSVMs with the Weka-3-5-2 package which is avail-
able online (
weka/). Default settings are used for all compared
ensemble methods. We were aware that the accuracy
of some methods on some data sets can be improved
when parameters were changed. However, it was
difficult to find another uniform setting good for
all data sets. Therefore, we did not change default
settings since the default produced high accuracy on
3.4 Microarray data preprocessing
We used information gain ratio for gene selection and
used Fayyad and Irani’s MDL discretization method
provided by Weka to discretize numerical attributes.
Our previous results (Hu, Li, Wang & Daggard 2006)
show that with preprocessing, the number of genes
selected affects the classification accuracy. The over-
all performance is better when data sets contain 50 to
100 genes. For our experiment, we set the number of
genes as 50. After the data preprocessing, each data
set contains 50 genes with discretized values.
3.5 Sign test
Sign test (Conover 1980) is used to test whether one
random variable in a pair tends to be larger than the
other random variable in the pair. Given n pairs of
observations. Within e ach pair, either a plus, tie or
minus is assigned. The plus corresponds to that one
value is greater than the other, the minus corresponds
to that one value is less than the other, and the tie
means that both equal to each other. The null hy-
pothesis is that the number of pluses and minuses are
equal. If the null hypothesis test is rejected, then one
random variable tends to be greater than the other.
3.6 Wilcoxon signed rank test
Sign test only makes use of information of whether
a value is greater, less than or equal to the other in
a pair. Wilcoxon signed rank test (Conover 1980,
Daniel 1978) calculates differences of pairs. The ab-
solute differences are ranked after discarding pairs
with the difference of z ero. The ranks are sorted in
ascending order. When several pairs have absolute
differences that are equal to each other, each of these
Data set C4.5 Random Forests AdaBoostC4.5 BaggingC4.5 LibSVMs
Breast Cancer 84.5 88.7 90.7 85.6 72.2
Lung Cancer 98.3 99.5 98.3 97.8 100.0
Lymphoma 74.5 93.6 89.4 89.4 55.3
Leukemia 88.9 98.6 95.8 95.8 100.0
Colon 88.7 83.9 90.3 90.3 90.3
Ovarian 96.8 99.2 98.8 98.0 100.0
Prostate 95.2 100 95.2 95.2 100.0
Average 89.6 94.8 94.1 93.2 88.3
Table 2: Average accuracy of seven preprocessed data sets with five classification algorithms based on tenfold
C4.5 Random Forests AdaBoostC4.5 BaggingC4.5 LibSVMs
Random Forests 0.063
AdaboostC4.5 0.031 0.63
BaggingC4.5 0.11 0.0088 0
LibSVMs 0.23 0.34 0.34 0.34
Table 3: Summary of sign test between any two of the compared classification methods. P-values of the test
are given, and significant p-values at 95% confidence level are highlighted.
several pairs is assigned as the average of ranks that
would have otherwise been assigned. The hypothesis
is that the differences have the mean of 0.
4 Experimental results and discussions
Table 2 shows the individual and average accuracy re-
sults of all the compared methods based on seven pre-
processed data sets with the tenfold cross-validation
method. Table 5 shows the individual and average
accuracy results of the compared methods based on
seven original data sets with tenfold cross-validation
Based on Table 2, we have the following conclu-
sions: with preprocessed data sets, all ensemble meth-
ods on average perform better than C4.5 and Lib-
SVMs. Both C 4.5 and LibSVM p erform similar to
each other.
Those results demonstrate that the ensemble de-
cision tree methods can improve the accuracy over
single decision tree method on Microarray data sets.
These results are consistent with most machine learn-
ing study.
To determine whether the ensemble methods con-
sistently outperform single classification methods, we
also conducted a sign test. The results are shown in
Table 3. Based on the sign test, we have the following
1. AdaBoostC4.5 is the only one among the all com-
pared classification algorithms that outperforms
2. Comparing between ensemble methods, Ran-
dom Forests and AdaBoostC4.5 outperform Bag-
gingC4.5 significantly.
3. No sufficient evidence supports that any ensem-
ble method and C4.5 outperform LibSVMs.
We have the following observations from the sign
test. The average difference of 6.5% (between Ran-
dom Forest and LibSVM) may not be statistically sig-
nificant, but the average difference of 0.9% (between
AdaBoostC4.5 and BaggingC4.5) are statistically sig-
nificant. This may sounds strange, but is understand-
able. The average accuracy indicates the average per-
formance of a method on the data sets. However, the
sign test indicates if a method is consistently better
than another on each test data set. The accuracy
difference can be very small. For example, each ac-
curacy value of AdaboostC4.5 is slightly higher than
Bagging C4.5, and hence Sign test shows that Ad-
aBoostC4.5 is significantly better than BaggingC4.5.
However, the accuracy improvement is marginal.
This also indicates a limitation of the sign test: the
difference of 0.01 and 10.0 are considered the same in
the s ign test since only plus or minus is used. We con-
ducted a Wilcoxon signed rank test based on Table 2.
The results of Wilcoxon signed rank test is shown in
Table 4
Table 4 shows that all ensemble methods, Ran-
dom Forest, AdaBoostC4.5 and BaggingC4.5, are sig-
nificantly more accurate than C4.5. This conclusion
is consistent with most research literature. Though
AdaBoostC4.5 performs marginally better than Bag-
gingC4.5 on each data set. The Wilcoxon signed rank
test does not support that the differences are signif-
icant. We tend to believe that the Wilcoxon signed
rank test is better than sign test for our purpose.
Based on Table 2 and table 4, we can conclude
that all ensemble methods significantly outperform
C4.5. We do not have sufficient evidence to show
whether LibSVM and another method is better.
Though Table 2 give a large average accuracy dif-
ference between an ensemble method and LibSVM,
we do not know wether LibSVM and an ensemble
method will perform better on a data set. This
is because that SVM and decision trees are two
different types of classification methods. They are
suitable for different data sets.
To show that all methods benefit from data pre-
processing, we conducted experiments on original
data sets, and show their accuracy results in Table 5.
Table 2 and Table 5, clearly indicate that all classi-
fication methods on data preprocessed by discretiza-
tion and gene selection methods achieve higher aver-
age accuracy over themselves on data without data
preprocessing. After data preprocessing, accuracy
performance has been improved significantly for all
compared classification algorithms with up to 17.4%
To show that this improvement is significant, we
conducted Sign test and Wilcoxon signed rank test on
differences between accuracies on preprocessed data
and original data. The test results are shown in Ta-
ble 6 and Table 7.
Based on a sign test of 95% confidence level, All
methods except C4.5 improve the predictive accuracy
on the preprocessed Microarray data sets than the
original data sets. Not enough evidence supports that
C4.5 performs significantly better on the preprocessed
C4.5 Random Forests AdaBoostC4.5 BaggingC4.5 LibSVMs
Random Forests 0.05
AdaboostC4.5 0.005 0.2-0.3
BaggingC4.5 0.025 0.1-0.2 0.091
LibSVMs 0.5 0.4-0.5 0.4-0.5 0.4-0.5
Table 4: Summary of Wilcoxon signed rank test between any two of the compared classification methods. P
values are shown and significant p-values at 95% confidence level are highlighted.
Data set C4.5 Random Forests AdaBoostC4.5 BaggingC4.5 LibSVMs
Breast Cancer 62.9 61.9 61.9 66.0 52.6
Lung Cancer 95.0 98.3 96.1 97.2 82.9
Lymphoma 78.7 80.9 85.1 85.1 55.3
Leukemia 79.2 86.1 87.5 86.1 65.3
Colon 82.3 75.8 77.4 82.3 64.5
Ovarian 95.7 94.1 95.7 97.6 87.0
Prostate 33.3 52.4 33.3 42.9 61.9
Average 75.3 78.5 76.7 79.6 67.1
Difference 14.3 16.3 17.4 13.6 21.2
Table 5: Average accuracy on seven original data sets of five classification methods based on tenfold cross-
validation. The last row shows the differences in average accuracy between the average accuracy based on
preprocessed data and original data for every compared classification method
Microarray data sets than the original data set.
These results show that the data precessing
method improves the predictive accuracy of classifica-
tion. As we mentioned before, Microarray data con-
tains irrelevant and noisy genes. Those genes do not
help classification but reduce the predictive accuracy
. Microarray data preprocessing is able to reduce the
number of irrelevant genes in Microarray data classi-
fication and therefore can generally help to improve
the classification accuracy.
Apart from predictive accuracy, the representa-
tion of predictive results is another imp ortant fact
for determining the quality of a classification algo-
rithm. Among the com pared algorithms, the classi-
fier of C4.5 is a tree, and the classifier of an ensemble
method is formed by a group of trees. Trees are more
easier to be evaluated and interpreted by users. By
contrast, the outputs of SVMs are numerical values
and are less interpretable.
5 Conclusion
In this paper, we conducted a comparative study
of classification methods for Microarray data analy-
sis. We compared five classification methods, namely
LibSVMs, C4.5, BaggingC4.5, AdaBoostingC4.5, and
Random Forest, on seven Microarray data sets, with
or without gene selection and discretization. The ex-
perimental results s how that all ensemble methods
are significantly more accurate than C4.5. Data pre-
processing significantly improves accuracies of all five
methods. We conducted both sign test and Wilcoxon
signed rank test to evaluate the performance differ-
ences of comparative methods. We observed that the
Wilcoxon signed rank test is better than the sign test.
We also found that there is no sufficient evidence to
support the performance difference between the SVM
and an ensemble method although the average accu-
racy of SVM is much lower than that of an ensemble
method. A p oss ible explanation is that they are two
different classification schemes, and hence one may
be able to suits for a data set whereas the other does
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... In this section we start our analyses using different techniques that we mentioned before are(Decision Tree (DT), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Extreme Gradient Boost (XGBoost), AdaBoost, Multiple layer perceptron (MLP), Random Forest (RF), Gradient Boosting (GB), Logistic Regression (LR), and K Nearest Neighbour (KNN)), depending on the tool that we are going to use the data will be affected and significantly [36,37]. ...
... Gradient Boosting (GB) is an algorithm that builds a new base learner that correlates to the negative slope and maximum of the loss function through the ensemble, which means that if the error is the squared error loss, then it depends on the learning step (equation (8)), and it's all up to the user [37], and its equation is shown in equation (9). Logistic Regression (LR) is named after the core function of the method, the logistic function as it also called the sigmoid function and its equation is presented in equation (10), it also represents an S-shaped curve that map values between but not exactly 0 and 1 [44]. ...
... AdaBoostingC4.5 and Random Forest on seven Microarray cancer data sets. They used two statistical tests to validate their performance and they also observed that Wilcoxon signed rank test is better than sign test.The Experimental results shown that all ensemble methods perform C4.5 [4]. In their proposed method they tried to capture the various sounds produced by human activities by using Non-Markovian Ensemble voting technique. ...
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A random forest classifier (RFC) is a collection or ensemble of decision trees. Each tree is trained on a random subset of the attributes. We propose a classification technique using voting method with random forests. Random forests are extensions of decision trees and it is a kind of ensemble method. Our proposed method can achieve high accuracy by building several classifiers and running each classifier independently. Accuracy of our proposed method is high compared with other traditional classification algorithms. Voting technique takes outcome from each decision tree and based on the majority of votes it decides which is the actual outcome. Using Scikit-learn tool we evaluated the efficiency of our proposed method. Scikit-learn is a machine learning tool which is extremely used in various machine learning applications for predicting the behavior of data
... Several existing research about machine learning scheme in gene classification [7][8][9][10][11] has been surveyed deeply to examine the best machine learning approach with higher classification accuracy. In [12], author inspected towards the comparison of experiments with LibSVMs, BaggingC4.5, C4.5, AdaBoostingC4.5 and Random Forest over microarray datasets. ...
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Gene classification is an increasing concern in the field of medicine for identifying various diseases at earlier stages. This work aims to specifically predict the abnormalities in human chromosome-17 by means of effective random forest bootstrap classification. The homo-sapiens dataset is initially preprocessed to remove the unwanted data. The enhanced data undergoes training phase where the appropriate and relevant features are selected by wrapper and filter methods. Based on the feature priorities, decision trees are formulated using random forest technique. The statistical quantities are estimated from the samples and a bootstrap sampling is designated. The effective bootstrap technique classifies the gene abnormalities in chromosome-17. The performance metrics are evaluated and the classification accuracy value is compared with the values of existing algorithms. From the experimental results, it is proved that the proposed method is highly accurate than the conventional methods.
... Most of the related research involve some form of feature selection for selecting the most informative genes for cancer diagnosis, such as [7] that makes use of the Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm in a fuzzy multi-objective framework. Hu et al. [8] compared five classification approaches on seven different microarray cancer datasets with and without gene selection; they proved that data preprocessing improves the classification accuracy. Lee et al. [9] compared different feature selection methods for different microarray datasets. ...
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Microarray gene expression data is a small sample high-dimensional dataset in which each sample is attributed with thousands of genes. The gene expression dataset is therefore very hard to classify because we have to consider thousands of genes for each sample while training the dataset. In this paper, we propose to classify the lung cancer microarray gene expression data using the Fuzzy Min-Max (FMM) classifier that is seldom used for high-dimensional datasets due to the large computational overhead. To improve the accuracy and speed of the FMM classifier, we use Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO) to select the optimal gene subset for classification of lung cancer. We compare the classification performance of FMM-LASSO with that of support vector machine (SVM), Random Forest, K-nearest Neighbor (KNN), Naïve Bayes and Logistic Regression classifiers, with and without LASSO. The results prove that FMM-LASSO performs better as compared to other approaches.
... This research suggests a comprehensive analysis, to test different classification algorithms and evaluate them by applying the diabetes dataset. We used different classification methods such as support vector machine (SVM), ensemble approach, and decision tree to analyze diabetes data [19]. ...
In today’s world using data mining and classification is considered to be one of the most important techniques, as today’s world is full of data that is generated by various sources. However, extracting useful knowledge out of this data is the real challenge, and this paper conquers this challenge by using machine learning algorithms to use data for classifiers to draw meaningful results. The aim of this research paper is to design a model to detect diabetes in patients with high accuracy. Therefore, this research paper using five different algorithms for different machine learning classification includes, Decision Tree, Support Vector Machine (SVM), Random Forest, Naive Bayes, and K- Nearest Neighbor (K-NN), the purpose of this approach is to predict diabetes at an early stage. Finally, we have compared the performance of these algorithms, concluding that K-NN algorithm is a better accuracy (81.16%), followed by the Naive Bayes algorithm (76.06%).
... In the tenfold cross-validation, the dataset is divided into ten parts, where one part is removed to represent the validation set, and the remaining nine parts combined to represent the training set. Thus, this process is repeated ten times by removing one part each time to have a different part of the data for validation 35 . We left aside 30% of the entire dataset, which served as an independent testing set for the final evaluation. ...
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Abstract Cancer tumor classification based on morphological characteristics alone has been shown to have serious limitations. Breast, lung, colorectal, thyroid, and ovarian are the most commonly diagnosed cancers among women. Precise classification of cancers into their types is considered a vital problem for cancer diagnosis and therapy. In this paper, we proposed a stacking ensemble deep learning model based on one-dimensional convolutional neural network (1D-CNN) to perform a multi-class classification on the five common cancers among women based on RNASeq data. The RNASeq gene expression data was downloaded from Pan-Cancer Atlas using GDCquery function of the TCGAbiolinks package in the R software. We used least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) as feature selection method. We compared the results of the new proposed model with and without LASSO with the results of the single 1D-CNN and machine learning methods which include support vector machines with radial basis function, linear, and polynomial kernels; artificial neural networks; k-nearest neighbors; bagging trees. The results show that the proposed model with and without LASSO has a better performance compared to other classifiers. Also, the results show that the machine learning methods (SVM-R, SVM-L, SVM-P, ANN, KNN, and bagging trees) with under-sampling have better performance than with over-sampling techniques. This is supported by the statistical significance test of accuracy where the p-values for differences between the SVM-R and SVM-P, SVM-R and ANN, SVM-R and KNN are found to be p = 0.003, p
Cyadox, a potential antimicrobial growth promoter, has been widely studied and prospected to be used as an additive in livestock and poultry feed. Although high cyadox exposure has been reported to cause toxicity, the exact metabolic effects are not fully understood. Our study aim is to evaluate the metabolic effects of cyadox using comprehensive methods including serum clinical chemical test, histopathology analysis, metabolomics, and transcriptomics profile analysis. One single acute dosage over 7-day course and one subchronic 90-day dietary ingestion of cyadox intervention were conducted on the Wistar rats separately. Dose-dependent alterations were shown in the metabolism of the urine, kidney, plasma, and liver by metabolomics analysis. We further investigated gene expressions of the liver administered with high dose of cyadox for 12 weeks. Top sixty-six differentially expressed genes involved in the pathways, including xenobiotic (cyadox) metabolism, lipid metabolism, energy metabolism, nucleic acid metabolic process, inflammatory response, and response to the oxidative stress, which were in concordance with these metabolic alternations. Our study provided a comprehensive information on how cyadox modulates the metabolism and gene expressions, which is vital when considering the safe application of cyadox.
Medical science essentially uses the system of information mining and AI. In various spaces of medical science, information mining methods are useful for exploration and arranging. A few applications are conceivable by including the assets of another registering area. An affiliation rule mining procedure-based prediction system is proposed in this specific situation. The affiliation rules are created in light of thing sets frequencies. The proposed technique takes care of accelerating the speed of affiliation rule age. Since the current Apriori calculation consumes a lot of time and memory for producing applicant sets. Subsequently, we carried out the partition and beating technique utilized with the ongoing Apriori calculation to further develop information handling speed. Since the age of most potential mixes of components or thing sets is required. The petite information input size decreases the calculation time in the proposed technique. The introduced work is an information model for foreseeing clinical infection as indicated by the different datasets accessible, UCI vault-based clinical datasets, for example, Heart and Diabetes datasets. In this introduced work, both datasets are utilized for trial and error. The acquired outcomes show that the proposed Apriori calculation builds their precision and reduces the total running time.
-In the last decade, ownership and use of mobile phone has increased dramatically in India promoting the use of mobile wallet service, especially among the adults. Mobile wallet adoption and usage is poised for major growth in the next few years, and thereby displace traditional payments such as cash and cards. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the trend to use mobile payment. During this study, the essential variables of technology accepted model (TAM), viz. perceived security, social influence, and perceived innovativeness, have been identified through the survey. These variables area unit expected to own associate influence on the mobile services adoption intention. The goal of this paper is to predict the adoption of mobile wallet using 5 different classifiers namely Logistic Regression (LR), Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), Random Forest (RF), Naïve Bayesian and Logistic Model Tree (LMT) classification algorithm. We assessed the classifiers of the samples collected from 100 respondents from Puducherry India.. For experimentation, WEKA is used as a simulation tool; the results reveal that the RF achieves better performance when compared to other classifiers. LR attains the classification accuracy of 78.11%, Naive Bayes 63.88%, LMT 81.5% and MLP 82.66% for the dataset respectively. Key Words:Mobile wallet service, traditional payments, TAM, social influence, perceived security, innovativeness.
Random forests are a combination of tree predictors such that each tree depends on the values of a random vector sampled independently and with the same distribution for all trees in the forest. The generalization error for forests converges a.s. to a limit as the number of trees in the forest becomes large. The error of a forest of tree classifiers depends on the strength of the individual trees in the forest and the correlation between them. Using a random selection of features to split each node yields error rates that compare favorably to Adaboost, but are more robust with respect to noise. Internal estimates monitor error, strength, and correlation and these are used to show the response to increasing the number of features used in the splitting. These ideas are al;so applicable to regression.
A self-contained introduction to the theory and methods of non-parametric statistics. Presents a review of probability theory and statistical inference and covers tests based on binomial and multinomial distributions and methods based on ranks and empirical distributions. Includes a thorough collection of statistics tables, hundreds of problems and references, detailed numerical examples for each procedure, and an instant consultant chart to guide the student to the appropriate procedure.
Bagging predictors is a method for generating multiple versions of a predictor and using these to get an aggregated predictor. The aggregation averages over the versions when predicting a numerical outcome and does a plurality vote when predicting a class. The multiple versions are formed by making bootstrap replicates of the learning set and using these as new learning sets. Tests on real and simulated data sets using classification and regression trees and subset selection in linear regression show that bagging can give substantial gains in accuracy. The vital element is the instability of the prediction method. If perturbing the learning set can cause significant changes in the predictor constructed, then bagging can improve accuracy.