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Mixture of Neural Networks: Some Experiments with the Multilayer Feedforward Architecture

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A Modular Multi-Net System consist on some networks which solve partially a problem. The original problem has been decomposed into subproblems and each network focuses on solving a subproblem. The Mixture of Neural Networks consist on some expert networks which solve the subproblems and a gating network which weights the outputs of the expert networks. The expert networks and the gating network are trained all together in order to reduce the correlation among the networks and minimize the error of the system. In this paper we present the Mixture of Multilayer Feedforward (MixMF) a method based on MixNN which uses Multilayer Feedfoward networks for the expert level. Finally, we have performed a comparison among Simple Ensemble, MixNN and MixMF and the results show that MixMF is the best performing method.

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Using an ensemble of classifiers, instead of a single classifier, can lead to improved generalization. The gains obtained by combining however, are often affected more by the selection of what is presented to the combiner, than by the actual combining method that is chosen. In this paper we focus on data selection and classifier training methods, in order to "prepare" classifiers for combining. We review a combining framework for classification problems that quantifies the need for reducing the correlation among individual classifiers. Then, we discuss several methods that make the classifiers in an ensemble more complementary. Experimental results are provided to illustrate the benefits and pitfalls of reducing the correlation among classifiers, especially when the training data is in limited supply. 2 1 Introduction A classifier's ability to meaningfully respond to novel patterns, or generalize, is perhaps its most important property (Levin et al., 1990; Wolpert, 1990). In...
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As shown in the bibliography, training an ensemble of networks is an interesting way to improve the performance with respect to a single network. However there are several methods to construct the ensemble. In this paper we present some new results in a comparison of twenty different methods. We have trained ensembles of 3, 9, 20 and 40 networks to show results in a wide spectrum of values. The results show that the improvement in performance above 9 networks in the ensemble depends on the method but it is usually low. Also, the best method for an ensemble of 3 networks is called "decorrelated" and uses a penalty term in the usual backpropagation function to decorrelate the network outputs in the ensemble. For the case of 9 and 20 networks the best method is conservative boosting. And finally for 40 networks the best method is Cels.
This book, which is wholly devoted to the subject of model combination, is divided into ten chapters. In addition to the first two introductory chapters, the book covers some of the following topics: multiple classifier systems; combination methods when the base classifier outputs are 0/1; methods when the outputs are continuous, e.g., posterior probabilities; methods for classifier selection; bagging and boosting; the theory of fixed combination rules; and the concept of diversity. Overall, it is a very well-written monograph. It explains and analyzes different approaches comparatively so that the reader can see how they are similar and how they differ. The literature survey is extensive. The MATLAB code for many methods is given in chapter appendices allowing readers to play with the explained methods or apply them quickly to their own data. The book is a must-read for researchers and practitioners alike.
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