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Broad-complex, but not Ecdysone receptor, is required for progression of the morphogenetic furrow in the Drosophila eye


Abstract and Figures

The progression of the morphogenetic furrow in the developing Drosophila eye is an early metamorphic, ecdysteroid-dependent event. Although Ecdysone receptor-encoded nuclear receptor isoforms are the only known ecdysteroid receptors, we show that the Ecdysone receptor gene is not required for furrow function. DHR78, which encodes another candidate ecdysteroid receptor, is also not required. In contrast, zinc finger-containing isoforms encoded by the early ecdysone response gene Broad-complex regulate furrow progression and photoreceptor specification. br-encoded Broad-complex subfunctions are required for furrow progression and proper R8 specification, and are antagonized by other subfunctions of Broad-complex. There is a switch from Broad complex Z2 to Z1 zinc-finger isoform expression at the furrow which requires Z2 expression and responds to Hedgehog signals. These results suggest that a novel hormone transduction hierarchy involving an uncharacterized receptor operates in the eye disc.
Broad-complex expression in the eye disc. An antibody that recognizes all isoforms of Broad-complex stains the eye disc anterior in, and posterior to, the morphogenetic furrow (A,B). A and B are the same field; B is a more basal optical section to show staining in the furrow. The same antibody stains polytene nuclei in the peripodial membrane (C). Double staining of the disc with the same antibody (green) and Elav (red) in D shows that while BR-C is initially expressed in all cells in the furrow, it remains strongly expressed in photoreceptors as they differentiate. More posteriorlt, BR-C expression has diminished in photoreceptors, and is seen in the newly formed, non-Elav expressing cone cells (arrow and circle in D). An antibody that recognizes Z1-containing isoforms of BR-C is restricted to cells posterior to the furrow (E), while an antibody that recognizes Z3 isoforms lightly stains the whole disc, with slight increases in expression in newly formed photoreceptor cells (F). In situ hybridization confirms that Z1 isoforms are expressed posterior to the furrow (G), and that the BR-C expression anterior to the furrow is represented by Z2 isoforms (H). Furrows in G,H marked with arrowheads. (I-L) A time series of BR-C expression. Discs of a range of ages were stained together with the common BR-C antibody and confocal images were collected under identical conditions. BR-C expression travels with the furrow, and increases dramatically late in the third instar, corresponding to the time of the late larval ecdysteroid pulse. Anterior on the right. Arrowheads show the position of the furrow.
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Hormones play essential roles in the development of many
animals, particularly during postembryonic developmental
changes, such as amphibian and insect metamorphosis, and
mammalian puberty. While DNA-binding nuclear receptors
have been characterized for many steroid hormones, our
understanding of how steroid hormone signaling directs tissues
to differentiate remains rudimentary.
In Drosophila the ecdysteroids co-ordinate and trigger
the developmental events associated with molting and
metamorphosis. Ecdysone is released from the ring gland
in pulses during development, and converted to 20-
hydroxyecdysone (20-HE) in the fat body and target tissues
(Riddiford, 1993). Pulses of ecdysteroids at the end of larval
life and during pupal development direct many larval tissues
to die (Jiang et al., 1997), others to remodel (Levine et al.,
1995), and imaginal tissues to undergo proliferation,
morphogenesis and differentiation (Fristrom and Fristrom,
A heterodimeric nuclear receptor complex for 20-HE is
composed of the Ecdysone receptor (EcR) and Ultraspiracle
(Usp); the EcR/Usp dimer can bind 20-HE-responsive
regulatory DNA sequences, repressing transcription in the
absence of hormone, and activating it in the presence of 20-HE
(Cherbas et al., 1991; Koelle et al., 1991; Thomas et al., 1993;
Yao et al., 1993). Although null EcR or usp mutants die as
embryos or young larvae (Bender et al., 1997; Perrimon et al.,
1985), the essential roles of these genes at metamorphosis have
been demonstrated by rescuing mutants through early lethal
phases with inducible transgenes; both usp and EcR third instar
mutants fail to execute the normal program of metamorphosis
(Hall and Thummel, 1998; Li and Bender, 2000). Usp, an RXR
homolog, is thought to be able to dimerize with multiple steroid
receptors (Oro et al., 1990; Sutherland et al., 1995; Zelhof et
al., 1995a).
Ashburner and colleagues proposed that ecdysone signaling
directly activates a set of early puffs or genes. These early
genes were proposed to encode factors that transduce the
ecdysteroid signal and impose a temporal sequence of response
by activating other, late, genes as well as regulating their own
transcription (Ashburner et al., 1974). In support of this model,
the early gene Broad complex (BR-C; br – FlyBase) was found
to be required for the expression of late genes as well as for
metamorphic events in tissues other than the salivary glands
(Belyaeva et al., 1980; Belyaeva et al., 1981; Stewart et al.,
1972). The early genes at the E74, E75 and BR-C loci all
encode transcription factors, and have mutant phenotypes
consistent with their roles as transducers of ecdysone signals
(Burtis et al., 1990; Buszczak et al., 1999; DiBello et al., 1991;
Fletcher et al., 1995; Fletcher and Thummel, 1995; Kiss et al.,
1988; Segraves and Hogness, 1990).
The BR-C plays a key role in directing the appropriate,
stage-specific responses to hormone signaling at pupariation,
and may provide competence to cells to respond to ecdysone
signals (Karim et al., 1993). BR-C encodes a family of
Development 128, 1-11 (2001)
Printed in Great Britain © The Company of Biologists Limited 2001
The progression of the morphogenetic furrow in the
developing Drosophila eye is an early metamorphic,
ecdysteroid-dependent event. Although Ecdysone receptor-
encoded nuclear receptor isoforms are the only known
ecdysteroid receptors, we show that the Ecdysone receptor
gene is not required for furrow function. DHR78, which
encodes another candidate ecdysteroid receptor, is also
not required. In contrast, zinc finger-containing isoforms
encoded by the early ecdysone response gene Broad-
complex regulate furrow progression and photoreceptor
specification. br-encoded Broad-complex subfunctions are
required for furrow progression and proper R8
specification, and are antagonized by other subfunctions of
Broad-complex. There is a switch from Broad complex Z2
to Z1 zinc-finger isoform expression at the furrow which
requires Z2 expression and responds to Hedgehog signals.
These results suggest that a novel hormone transduction
hierarchy involving an uncharacterized receptor operates
in the eye disc.
Key words: Drosophila, Ecdysone, Morphogenetic furrow, BR-C,
, but not
Ecdysone receptor
, is required for progression of the
morphogenetic furrow in the
Catherine A. Brennan1, Tong-Ruei Li2, Michael Bender2, Frank Hsiung3and Kevin Moses3,*
1Sloan-Kettering Institute, Box 193, 1275 York Avenue, New York, NY 10021, USA
2Department of Genetics, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602-7223, USA
3Department of Cell Biology, Emory University School of Medicine, 1648 Pierce Drive, Atlanta, GA 30322-3030, USA
*Author for correspondence (e-mail:
Accepted 27 October; published on WWW 27 November 2000
transcription factors that all possess one of four possible
alternative pairs of zinc fingers (Z1-Z4), and a BTB-POZ
protein interaction domain (Bardwell and Treisman, 1994;
Bayer et al., 1996a; DiBello et al., 1991; Zollman et al., 1994).
BR-C null mutants (non-pupariating; npr1, that lack all BR-C
protein isoforms) are unable to pupariate, and die after a
prolonged third instar, whereas mutants lacking isoform
subgroups die as pupae (Kiss et al., 1988; Stewart et al., 1972).
In mid and late third instar, activation of BR-C is less dependent
on EcR and Usp function than are E74 and E75 (Bender et al.,
1997; Hall and Thummel, 1998). In addition, BR-C function is
required for maximal induction of E74 and E75 (Belyaeva et
al., 1981; Karim et al., 1993; Zhimulev et al., 1982), whereas
BR-C is not reciprocally regulated by E74 (Fletcher and
Thummel, 1995).
There is evidence to support a novel hormone response
pathway in the mid-third instar. This includes the moderate
transcriptional induction of EcR, E74B and BR-C in a usp-
independent manner (Andres et al., 1993; Hall and Thummel,
1998; Huet et al., 1993; Thummel, 1996; von Kalm et al.,
1994). The DHR78 steroid receptor (Hr87 – FlyBase) may act
in this hierarchy; it is widely expressed at this time, and binds
to many early puffs (Fisk and Thummel, 1995; Fisk and
Thummel, 1998; Zelhof et al., 1995b). DHR78 mutants fail to
exhibit the characteristic mid-third instar pattern of hormone-
dependent gene activity. Ectopic expression of DHR78 is not
detrimental, suggesting that its activity may be regulated by a
ligand (Fisk and Thummel, 1998).
One dramatic consequence of ecdysteroid signaling at
metamorphosis is the transformation of the imaginal discs into
the epidermis and peripheral nervous system of the adult fly.
During pupal development, discs evert, elongate and terminally
differentiate in an ecdysteroid-dependent manner (Fristrom
and Fristrom, 1993). EcR, usp and BR-C mutants all show
defects in disc eversion and elongation (Fristrom et al., 1981;
Hall and Thummel, 1998; Kiss et al., 1988; Li and Bender,
Prior to overt morphogenesis, imaginal discs undergo
patterning and specification of neuronal elements (Cohen,
1993). For example, in the third instar eye disc, retinal
specification begins at the posterior margin and expands
anteriorly, with the addition of new rows of photoreceptor
clusters every two hours (Wolff and Ready, 1993). Associated
with the anterior boundary of retinal patterning are a
synchronized cell cycle arrest in G1 (Thomas et al., 1994;
Wolff and Ready, 1991), relaxation of heterochromatic gene
silencing (Lu et al., 1998), and a coordinated apical-basal
contraction of cells that produces the indentation known as the
morphogenetic furrow (Ready et al., 1976). The expression of
Hedgehog (Hh) and possibly Decapentaplegic (Dpp) signaling
proteins posterior to and in the furrow, respectively, drive the
furrow anteriorly at a controlled pace (Curtiss and Mlodzik,
2000; Heberlein and Treisman, 2000).
Such early neuronal differentiation in imaginal discs is also
under the control of ecdysteroids. Reduction of ecdysteroid
titer in the Drosophila eye disc in vivo with the ecdts mutation
results in irreversible furrow arrest and ommatidial disarray
(Brennan et al., 1998). 20-HE also sustains furrow progression
in vitro (Li and Meinertzhagen, 1995). The travelling furrow
is associated with the localized expression of a reporter of
ecdysteroid-dependent gene activity and of Broad-complex
proteins (Brennan et al., 1998). In the Manduca eye disc,
minimal levels of either ecdysone or 20-HE are required to
sustain furrow progression; below the threshold level, the
furrow reversibly stops during diapause (Champlin and
Truman, 1998b). In the Drosophila wing disc, the sensory
precursor cells in the wing margin undergo differentiation
and neurite outgrowth in response to 20-HE (Schubiger and
Truman, 2000). Accompanying the onset of differentiation in
imaginal discs is the relaxation of heterochromatic gene
silencing in imaginal tissues (Lu et al., 1998). In the eye disc,
this relaxation commences at the morphogenetic furrow, and in
wing, leg and eye imaginal discs, this relaxation can be induced
in vitro by 20-HE (Lu et al., 1998).
Recent evidence suggests that the molecular hierarchies that
transduce ecdysteroid signals in discs at these early stages are
distinct from those operating in larval tissues. In the wing disc,
usp represses BR-C during the mid third instar (Schubiger and
Truman, 2000); however, in the whole animal, no upregulation
of BR-C is seen at any time (Hall and Thummel, 1998). This
suggests that genetic interactions in imaginal discs may be
masked in studies of whole animals by effects in larval tissues,
which predominate by mass. The shared dependence among
imaginal discs of neural differentiation and heterochromatic
derepression on ecdysteroid signaling suggests that the eye disc
may be a good model for steroid hormone signaling in
differentiating tissues.
In this study we report whole disc and mosaic mutant
analysis to investigate the requirements for EcR, DHR78 and
BR-C during late third instar eye development. We show
that neither EcR nor DHR78 is required for normal furrow
progression or ommatidial assembly. In contrast, BR-C-
encoded alternative zinc finger isoforms are differentially
required in these processes. We also find evidence that the
pattern of BR-C expression is affected by Hh signaling.
stocks and generation of clones
Clones were generated using EcRM554fs, a null allele (Bender et al.,
1997) by gamma-irradiation (1000R 137Cs) at 24-48 hours after egg-
laying. Disc clones were negatively marked with both arm-lacZ (at
51A) and EcR antibody stains, to confirm proximal mitotic
recombination and to control for perdurance of EcR protein. Adult
clones were negatively marked with a p(w+) transgene at 47A.
DHR782clones were also generated by gamma-irradiation, and
marked with arm-lacZ for disc clones, or a p(w+) transgene at 70ºC
for adult clones. Although DHR782is a null allele with a stop codon
in the ligand-binding domain (Fisk and Thummel, 1998), it produces
non-functional protein that is detected by anti-DHR78 antibody.
Therefore, clones could not be confirmed by loss of anti-DHR78
staining; however, in 12 clones examined, no ommatidial disruption
was seen. y w; EcRM554fs/EcRV559fs; hs-EcRB230.1/+ larvae were
rescued through the molt to the third instar by repeated heat shocks
and then maintained at 18°C for 4 more days. EcR protein is
undetectable 12 hours after heat shock (Li and Bender, 2000).
Hemizygous y npr13w, y br5w, y rbp5and y 2Bc1males were
identified by their yellow mouthhooks and dissected. BR-C
subfunction mutations used: npr13is null for all BR-C proteins, rbp5
disrupts Z1 isoforms, br5is null for Z2 isoforms and 2Bc1is null for
the Z3 isoforms (Bayer et al., 1997; Belyaeva et al., 1980; DiBello et
al., 1991; Emery et al., 1994; Kiss et al., 1988; Stewart et al., 1972).
BR-C, smo Mad, and Pka clones were generated by hsFlp-induced
C. A. Brennan and others
3Ecdysone signaling in eye development
FRT recombination (Xu and Rubin, 1993). FRT18 arm-lacZ; MKRS
hsFlp/TM6 males were crossed to y npr13w FRT18/FM7, y br5w
FRT18/FM7, y rbp5FRT18/FM7 and y 2Bc1FRT18/FM7 females.
smo2MadB1 FRT40/CyO and PKAh2 FRT40/CyO males were crossed
to w hsFlp; arm-lacZ FRT40/CyO females. Recombination was
induced by 1 hour heat shocks 24-48 hours after egg-laying.
Eye discs were fixed and stained as previously described (Brennan et
al., 1998). Antibodies used: rabbit anti-β-galactosidase 1:2500
(CR7001RP2; Cortex Biochem); mouse anti-β-galactosidase 1:200
(Z378A, Promega); mouse anti-EcR 11D9.6 1:100 (Koelle et al.,
1991); rat anti-Elav 1:150 (Bier et al., 1988); mouse anti-BR-C core
25E9 1:100, anti-BR-C Z1 3C11 1:5 and mouse anti-BR-C Z3 9A7
1:5 (Emery et al., 1994); rabbit anti-Atonal 1:1500 (Jarman et al.,
1994); and mouse anti-Cyclin B 1:100 (Knoblich and Lehner, 1993).
All secondary antibodies were from Jackson Laboratories and
included: HRP-goat anti-rat IgG, rhodamine-donkey anti-rat, FITC
donkey anti-mouse, Cy5-donkey anti-rat, Cy5-donkey anti-mouse,
FITC-goat anti-mouse, TRITC-goat anti-mouse, Cy5-goat anti-
rabbit, FITC-goat anti-rabbit, and LRSC-goat anti-rabbit. In situ
hybridizations were performed as previously described (Mlodzik et
al., 1990; Tautz and Pfeifle, 1989). Digoxigenin-labelled antisense
RNA probes specific for Z1 and Z2 zinc finger-containing BR-C
isoforms were transcribed from EcoRI-linearized pSP64-Z1 and SalI-
linearized pSP65-Z2 (Bayer et al., 1996a).
is required for furrow
initiation or progression or ommatidial cluster
We examined mosaic clones and entire eye imaginal discs
lacking EcR function. EcR clones at the posterior margin of the
eye disc and in the center of the eye disc were normal or
showed very minor defects (Fig. 1A-F). This suggests that EcR
is not required for the initiation of retinal differentiation at
the posterior margin, for the anterior progression of the
furrow, or for proper ommatidial assembly. The mosaic
discs were stained with EcR antibody (Fig. 1B,E); lack of
staining in the clones demonstrated that perdurance of EcR
protein was not responsible for the lack of phenotype. We
note that the EcR antigen did not appear to be nuclear, as
one might expect. In these same specimens, the anti-Elav
antibody was capable of showing the nuclear localization
of Elav – thus it appears that the fixation and detergent
conditions in this experiment do allow full penetration of
the IgG primary and secondary antibodies. As details of the
EcR stain differ from the anti-β-galactosidase stain, it appears
that this stain is not simply bleed-through from the other
channel. Thus, the experiment does show a cytoplasmic
location for EcR in the eye disc. We have observed some
cytoplasmic localization of this antigen before, in the embryo
(Koelle et al., 1991), so this is not unprecedented.
Although six EcR clones both posterior and anterior (not
shown) to the furrow were examined, no clones spanning the
furrow were recovered. To confirm that EcR is not required
for furrow progression, and to test the possibility that EcR
may be non-autonomously required for early events in eye
development, we examined eye discs from EcR homozygotes
that had been rescued through the molt to the third instar by a
hs-EcR construct. Such animals show delayed wandering
behavior and pupariation failure, including the lack of anterior
spiracle eversion and larval cuticle hardening, and the
persistence of larval organs (Li and Bender, 2000). However,
in these discs, anterior progression of retinal differentiation
proceeded normally. Moreover, discs were seen in which the
furrow had traversed the entire eye field, reaching the antennal
boundary (Fig. 1G). This represents a late stage of eye disc
development that is normally only reached following
pupariation, and suggests that furrow progression is uncoupled
from metamorphic requirements for EcR function.
Initiation of furrow progression at the posterior margin
occurs prior to salivary chromosome puff stage 1 (Brennan et
al., 1998), suggesting that the ecdysteroid control of furrow
progression might be mediated by the alternative mid-third
instar hormone transduction hierarchy. To test whether
DHR78, which has been proposed to be the critical hormone
receptor at this early stage (Fisk and Thummel, 1998; Zelhof
et al., 1995b), mediates the ecdysteroid regulation of furrow
progression, we examined DHR78 mutant clones. However,
they displayed normal furrow progression and ommatidial
assembly (Fig. 1H,I).
Fig. 1. Neither EcR nor DHR78 is required for furrow
progression or ommatidial assembly. Third instar eye imaginal
discs. EcRM554fs clones in the center of the eye disc (A-C) and at
the posterior margin (D-F) are marked by loss of β-galactosidase
(A,D and green in C,F) and EcR (B,E) antibody stains. Staining
with an Elav antibody (red; C,F) reveals normal ommatidial
morphology. An eye disc null for EcR (see Material and
Methods) is stained with an Elav antibody (G) and shows normal
ommatidial morphology, as well as advancement of the furrow to
near the antennal disc boundary. A DHR782clone marked with
β-galactosidase (H; green in I) also shows normal ommatidial
morphology as seen with an Elav stain (red). Anterior is on the
A BR-C isoform switch at the furrow
Despite this demonstrated lack of requirement for known or
candidate ecdysteroid receptors in transducing the hormone
requirement for furrow function, previous evidence suggested
that the early ecdysone response gene Broad-complex (BR-C)
plays a role in this process. Broad-complex proteins are
expressed at the furrow in an ecd-dependent manner, and discs
null for all BR-C function display defects in furrow progression
and ommatidial organization (Brennan et al., 1998).
We characterized the expression pattern in the eye disc of
the different zinc finger-containing BR-C isoforms using
antibody and mRNA probes (Fig. 2). An antibody that
recognizes all isoforms (‘core antibody’) stained cells both in
and flanking the furrow, with a peak of expression just posterior
to the furrow (Fig. 2A,B). BR-C is highly expressed in the
nuclei of cells in the peripodial membrane (Fig. 2C). BR-C
proteins appeared to be expressed in cells until they
differentiated; immediately posterior to the furrow, Elav-
expressing differentiating photoreceptors express BR-C,
whereas more posteriorly, expression is stronger in cone cells
(Fig. 2D). Staining with an antibody that detects only Z1-
containing isoforms of BR-C was restricted to posterior to
the furrow (Fig. 2E), and a Z3-specific antibody stained the
entire disc at very low levels, with slight upregulation in
photoreceptors posterior to the furrow (Fig. 2F). Although no
Z2-specific antibody is available, we reasoned that the staining
anterior to the furrow seen with the core antibody might be
represented by Z2-containing isoforms. This was confirmed by
in situ hybridization using probes specific for the Z1 and Z2
zinc fingers (Fig. 2G,H). Z2 mRNA was detected anterior to
the furrow, followed by Z1 posterior to the furrow. A switch in
BR-C isoforms expression from Z2 forms to Z1 forms around
the time of pupariation in imaginal discs has been described
(Emery et al., 1994). Our results show that this switch from
larval to prepupal forms is precocious and asynchronous in the
eye disc, and is associated with the morphogenetic furrow as
it traverses the disc. Although levels of BR-C expression
increase dramatically during the last few hours of the third
instar, corresponding to the late larval ecdysone pulse, BR-C
expression still remains highest near the furrow (see time series
in Fig. 2I-L).
are required for proper ommatidial
Bar is a dominant mutation causing premature arrest of the
furrow, which results in the deep anterior nick in the adult eye
(compare wild type in Fig. 3A with +/Bar in Fig. 3B; Kojima
et al., 1991). As Bar has the dominant effect of stopping the
furrow early, one might expect loss-of-function mutations at
other loci that normally act to promote furrow progression to
be genetic enhancers of Bar and loss-of-function mutations in
genes that normally antagonize the furrow to act as genetic
C. A. Brennan and others
Fig. 2. Broad-complex
expression in the eye disc. An
antibody that recognizes all
isoforms of Broad-complex
stains the eye disc anterior in,
and posterior to, the
morphogenetic furrow (A,B).
A and B are the same field; B
is a more basal optical section
to show staining in the furrow.
The same antibody stains
polytene nuclei in the
peripodial membrane (C).
Double staining of the disc
with the same antibody (green)
and Elav (red) in D shows that
while BR-C is initially
expressed in all cells in the
furrow, it remains strongly
expressed in photoreceptors as
they differentiate. More
posteriorlt, BR-C expression
has diminished in
photoreceptors, and is seen in
the newly formed, non-Elav
expressing cone cells (arrow
and circle in D). An antibody
that recognizes Z1-containing
isoforms of BR-C is restricted
to cells posterior to the furrow
(E), while an antibody that
recognizes Z3 isoforms lightly stains the whole disc, with slight increases in expression in newly formed photoreceptor cells (F). In situ
hybridization confirms that Z1 isoforms are expressed posterior to the furrow (G), and that the BR-C expression anterior to the furrow is
represented by Z2 isoforms (H). Furrows in G,H marked with arrowheads. (I-L) A time series of BR-C expression. Discs of a range of ages
were stained together with the common BR-C antibody and confocal images were collected under identical conditions. BR-C expression travels
with the furrow, and increases dramatically late in the third instar, corresponding to the time of the late larval ecdysteroid pulse. Anterior on the
right. Arrowheads show the position of the furrow.
5Ecdysone signaling in eye development
suppressors of Bar. Thus, we chose to examine genetic
interactions between BR-C sub loci and Bar.
We found that mutants defective for different BR-C
subfunctions displayed unexpected heterogeneity in their
genetic interactions with Bar, suggesting that the role of the
BR-C in the regulation of furrow function might be complex.
BR-C has several recessive lethal complementation groups that
correspond to mutations that remove the function of all or
individual zinc finger-containing isoforms subgroups. npr1
mutations lack all function, whereas rbp, br and 2Bc mutant
groups correspond to the loss of Z1-, Z2-, and Z3-containing
isoforms, respectively (see Table in Fig. 3; Bayer et al., 1997;
Crossgrove et al., 1996; DiBello et al., 1991; Emery et al.,
1994; Liu and Restifo, 1998; Sandstrom et al., 1997). Both
npr1/Bar and br/Bar eyes were significantly smaller than
+/Bar (Fig. 3C,D), indicating a dominant enhancement of the
Bar furrow-stop phenotype, consistent with the earlier reports
that the BR-C was required for furrow progression (Brennan et
al., 1998). However, br/Bar eyes were smaller than npr1/Bar,
suggesting that the BR-C might encode isoforms that act
antagonistically during furrow progression, so that the effect
of losing isoforms that positively regulate furrow progression
is more severe than losing all isoforms. This idea
is supported by the observation that rbp/Bar and
2Bc/Bar eyes are larger than +/Bar, suppressing
the phenotype, and possibly representing
furrow-antagonistic functions of rbp- or br-
encoded BR-C isoforms (Fig. 3E,F).
Hemizygous males of all BR-C mutant groups
survived through the third instar, and the eye
discs of these males displayed defects consistent
with the genetic interactions with Bar. npr1/Y
discs showed ommatidial disorganization, and
signs of furrow failure, including mature
ommatidial clusters at the furrow (Fig. 3G,
Brennan et al., 1998). br/Y discs showed a much
more dramatic failure of furrow progression, as
well as ommatidial disorganization (Fig. 3H).
rbp/Y and 2Bc/Y discs did not show any defects
(Fig. 3I,J). We note that while rbp does interact
strongly with Bar it shows no eye disc defect
alone – it may be that rbp is a redundant
impairs furrow progression more
severely than
; both required for R8
Disc clones lacking individual BR-C
subfunctions were generated to further
characterize the mutant phenotypes (Fig. 4).
Both npr1 and br clones displayed defects in
ommatidial organization, including the wrong
number of photoreceptors in clusters (Fig.
4A,B). rbp and 2Bc clones appeared normal
(Fig. 4C,D).
To investigate the stages at which BR-C
function is required for normal third instar eye
development, we examined mosaic clones
spanning the morphogenetic furrow (Fig. 5). In
contrast to br clones, which were frequently
associated with some slowing of furrow
progression (Fig. 5B), none of over fifteen npr1 furrow-
spanning clones was associated with any retardation of the
furrow (Fig. 5A). This is consistent with the hemiygous disc
phenotypes that showed a more severe furrow effect in br than
npr1 mutants (Fig. 3). Neither npr1 (not shown) nor br (Fig.
5C) clones at the posterior margin of the disc showed any
visible defects in furrow initiation which is consistent with the
lack of requirement for ecd function for furrow initiation
(Brennan et al., 1998).
Both npr1 and br clones were associated with ommatidial
disarray, and were indistinguishable in this regard. Consistent
with this, both npr1 and br clones were defective in the
specification of the founding R8 photoreceptors, as shown by
Atonal expression (Fig. 5D-I). atonal is the proneural gene for
photoreceptor cells, and is first expressed in a broad
equivalence group of cells anterior to the furrow, and
subsequently restricted to expression in the R8 founder
photoreceptors (Jarman et al., 1994). A complex network of
inductive and inhibitory signals mainly involving the Notch
pathway specifies the R8 cells and ensures their correct spacing
(Baker et al., 1996; Cagan and Ready, 1989). In both npr1 and
br clones, clusters of three Atonal-positive R8 cells were seen.
Fig. 3. BR-C subfunctions differentially affect furrow function.
(Top left) Correspondence between the genetic subfunctions of BR-C and protein
isoforms; references in Materials and Methods. (A-F) Scanning electron micrographs
of eyes from females of the following genotypes: (A) wild-type; (B) +/FM7 B;
(C) npr13/FM7 B; (D) br5/FM7 B; (E) rbp5/FM7 B; (F) 2Bc1/FM7 B. br dominantly
enhances the Bar phenotype to a greater degree than does npr1; rbp and 2Bc both
appear to repress Bar. Note that A-F are all to the same scale. (G-J) Third instar eye
imaginal discs of males hemizygous for the same alleles of npr1, br, rbp and 2Bc,
stained for Elav. npr shows mild signs of furrow failure, while br discs are more
severely affected. rbp and 2Bc discs look normal. Anterior on the right.
This suggests a failure in the lateral inhibition mechanisms that
pattern these founder cells.
The cell cycle is influenced by steroid hormones, including
the insect ecdysteroids (Champlin and Truman, 1998a). Cell
cycle control in the Drosophila eye disc is essential for the
orderly specification of the retinal array; the synchronous cell
cycle arrest in G1 in the furrow is necessary for proper cell-cell
communication (Thomas et al., 1994; Wolff and Ready, 1993).
Dpp, produced from cells in the furrow, is thought to regulate
cell cycle synchronization in cells anterior to the furrow
(Horsfield et al., 1998; Pignoni and Zipursky, 1997). Cyclin B
is expressed in cells at the G2/M transition (Edgar and Lehner,
1996). Normally, Cyclin B is expressed in unsynchronized cells
far anterior to the furrow, turned off just anterior to and in the
furrow and reactivated in a tight band of cells posterior to the
furrow (Thomas et al., 1994; Wolff and Ready, 1991). We
assessed Cyclin B expression in br clones. In a long narrow br
clone that extends across the furrow, there was a delay in
cessation of Cyclin B expression anterior to the furrow (Fig. 5J-
L). However, close examination revealed that this was a non-
autonomous defect; the greatest delay occurred just adjacent to
the clone, in a region that is directly anterior to the section of
the mutant clone that crosses the furrow. We stained one other
br clone for Cyclin B that fell in this region of the eye disc and
it showed an indistinguishable phenotype. This suggests that the
delay in cell cycle synchronization anterior to the furrow is a
secondary defect resulting from delays in events at the furrow,
possibly including delayed production of Dpp.
BR-C isoform expression in mutant clones
br mutations lack the function of Z2 isoforms of the Broad-
complex, which are expressed in and anterior to the furrow in
the eye disc. This corresponds to the zone in which the earliest
defects in clones are noted: defects in R8 photoreceptor
patterning. To confirm the hypothesis that lack of Z2 isoform
expression anterior to the furrow is the cause of the defects in
br and npr1 clones, expression of various BR-C isoforms was
assessed in clones. As expected, in npr1 clones, expression of
all BR-C proteins was eliminated (data not shown). More
surprising was the finding that br clones were unreactive to an
antibody that recognizes all BR-C proteins (Fig. 6A). This
suggests that the expression of Z2 isoforms anterior to the
furrow is required for the subsequent expression of Z1 isoforms
posterior to the furrow. Evidence of such positive autoregulation
between Z2 and Z1 expression has been described (Bayer et al.,
1996b; Emery et al., 1994; Karim et al., 1993). rbp clones also
lacked expression of Z1 isoforms, as expected (Fig. 6C), yet
have no defects in retinal specification (compare Fig. 6B,D),
suggesting that the defects in br clones are due to the lack of
Z2 expression, and not to the lack of Z1. Although 2Bc clones
do show Z3 protein (data not shown), this protein is presumably
nonfunctional, as the 2Bc1allele has been shown to be a genetic
null (Emery et al., 1994).
Localized signals at the furrow and cellular
differentiation state influence BR-C expression
Although BR-C expression is dependent on highly diffusible
ecdysteroids, the pattern of BR-C expression in the eye disc is
spatially restricted. To test the possibility that local signals that
control the rate of furrow progression also influence the spatial
domain of BR-C expression, we examined clones in which cells
were unable to respond to the Hh and Dpp signals that drive
furrow progression, or in which the Hh signaling pathway
is constitutively activated (Curtiss and Mlodzik, 2000).
smoothened Mothers against dpp (smo Mad) double mutant
cells, which cannot transduce Hh or Dpp signals (Alcedo et al.,
1996; van den Heuvel and Ingham, 1996; Wiersdorff et al.,
1996), still expressed BR-C proteins near the furrow, showing
that reception of these signals is not strictly required for BR-C
expression (Fig. 7A-H). Aberrant nuclear migration patterns in
smo Mad cells distorted the appearance of the BR-C staining
pattern: basal optical sections showed that homozygous mutant
cells resembled their heterozygous neighbors in BR-C
expression levels (Fig. 7D). Neural differentiation was blocked
in smo Mad clones (Fig. 7B,F); BR-C expression persisted in
such clones far posterior to the furrow, suggesting a link between
differentiation and cessation of BR-C expression (Fig. 7G,H).
Constitutive activation of the Hh signaling pathway in Pka
mutant eye disc cells generates ectopic Mad-dependent circular
furrows radiating outwards (Pan and Rubin, 1995; Strutt et al.,
1995; Wiersdorff et al., 1996). A Pka clone examined just
posterior to the endogenous furrow showed ectopic expression
C. A. Brennan and others
Fig. 4. npr and br are required for proper ommatidial morphology.
Mutant clones for (A) npr13, (B) br5, (C) rbp5and (D) 2Bc1are
marked with β-galactosidase (left and green in merge on the right)
and stained with Elav antibody (middle panel and red in merge on
the right). Both npr1 and br clones display disrupted ommatidial
morphology, including clusters with too many and two few
photoreceptors. rbp and 2Bc clones show no defects. Anterior on the
7Ecdysone signaling in eye development
of Z1 isoforms anterior to the endogenous Z1 domain,
surrounding the clone (Fig. 7I,J). This suggests that, although
expression of BR-C proteins at the furrow does not require Hh
or Dpp signaling, the timing of the switch from Z2 to Z1
isoforms is regulated, directly or indirectly, by these signals.
but not
are required for later
stages of eye development
To assess the requirements for BR-C, EcR and DHR78 for the
terminal differentiation that occurs during pupal
development, we examined white-marked clones
in the adult eye. br clones at the anterior margin
of the adult eye showed a small nick and subtle
disordering of the ommatidial array, defects that
probably result from the furrow-associated defects
described above (Fig. 8A). In contrast, npr1 clones
showed a scar, indicative of a requirement for non-
br-encoded BR-C functions in later stages of
maturation (Fig. 8B). Such defects often represent
failure of differentiation, and subsequent death of
the affected photoreceptors. EcR clones also
produced scars (Fig. 8C). This suggests that BR-C
might function downstream of EcR during later
stages of eye development, or that the two genes
function in parallel, regulating maturation events.
Either model would be consistent with the
demonstrated requirements for 20-HE for later
events in eye morphogenesis (Li and
Meinertzhagen, 1997). Homozygous loss-of-
function clones of the repressor dSin3A also leave
retinal scars (Neufeld et al., 1998), suggesting that
the repressive functions of EcR may be important
for proper morphogenesis. DHR78 clones in the
adult eye showed no defects (Fig. 8D).
We have shown that the ecdysteroid requirement
for furrow progression and orderly ommatidial
assembly in Drosophila eye development does not
depend on the activity of two known steroid
hormone receptors that are required for many of
the events of metamorphosis, EcR and DHR78.
Mutant EcR or DHR78 clones show no defects in
ommatidial specification, and eye discs from
larvae lacking detectable EcR protein display
normal furrow progression, although EcR is
required for later events in eye development.
In contrast, we found that BR-C proteins, whose
expression is lost in discs in which the ecdysteroid
titer is reduced in vivo (Brennan et al., 1998), play
important roles in third instar eye imaginal disc
development. We have shown that BR-C function
is not required for initiation of retinal patterning at
the posterior margin, but is required to maintain
furrow progression, for the appropriate
specification of founding R8 photoreceptors in the
furrow, for proper ommatidial assembly and for
later maturation events. These requirements for
BR-C are differentially met by distinct isoform-
encoding genetic subfunctions of the gene. The furrow-
promoting activity of BR-C is supplied by the br subfunction,
which encodes Z2 isoforms. A furrow-repressing activity
appears to be encoded by other BR-C subfunctions, as npr1
(BR-C null) discs and clones show less severe impairment of
furrow progression than br. We were not able to identify the
furrow-antagonizing genetic subfunction of npr1; the lack of
furrow acceleration in rbp (Z1-encoding) or 2Bc (Z3-encoding)
discs and clones may be due to redundancy with each other or
Fig. 5. br and npr functions are required for R8 specification, while only br
functions are strongly required for furrow advancement. While no furrow-spanning
npr clones were associated with retardation of neural specification (A), br clones
frequently showed furrow delay (B). Clones are marked in white outline, Elav in
red. Neither npr (not shown) nor br clones at the posterior margin (C) were
associated with failure of photoreceptor development or furrow initiation. All clones
were marked with lacZ, shown in green in C,F,I,L. npr and br clones were assayed
for Atonal expression (red in F,I) and Cyclin B (red in L). Both npr (D-F) and br
(G-I) clones showed defects in R8 specification, especially excess numbers of R8
cells in a cluster (arrowheads). A br clone (J-L) was associated with delays in
patterns of Cyclin B expression, both in the band of expression posterior to the
furrow and the cessation of expression anterior to the furrow. While the former is
autonomous, the latter (arrow) is non-autonomous and likely results from delays in
inductive events in the mutant tissue spanning the clone directly posterior. Anterior
on the right.
other ecdysone-response genes, or may suggest there are other
BR-C functions not represented by br, rbp or 2Bc. br and npr1
disc tissue was similarly impaired in proper R8 specification
and subsequent ommatidial organization. Both npr and br
tissue in the eye lack BR-C expression, as detected with the
core antibody; the reason for the more severe furrow phenotype
of br than npr is not known.
We found that a switch from Z2-containing to Z1-containing
BR-C isoform expression occurs at the morphogenetic furrow.
This isoform switch normally occurs in imaginal discs at
pupariation, suggesting that the furrow may mark a general
boundary between larval and prepupal patterns of gene
expression. We also found evidence that expression of Z2
isoforms anterior to the furrow may be required for subsequent
Z1 expression posterior to the furrow; br clones, whose
primary defect is failure of Z2 isoform expression, also failed
to express Z1 isoforms. The primary failure in br and npr1
discs appears to occur in or anterior to the furrow,
corresponding to the zone of Z2 expression, and is manifested
as failure to properly specify R8 cells. Our result showing
ectopic Z1 isoform expression near a Pka clone suggests that
the switch from Z2 to Z1 isoforms may be influenced by
furrow-associated expression of Hh and Dpp.
How is the ecdysteroid signal transduced during
furrow progression?
We have found that EcR does not mediate the ecdysteroid
requirement for morphogenetic furrow progression. The lack
of a requirement for EcR in furrow progression is surprising
for several reasons. EcR is expressed in the eye imaginal disc
during the time of furrow progression (Fig. 1), and is required
at this time in other tissues (Li and Bender, 2000). We had
previously found that a heptamer of Ecdysone Response
Element (EcRE) sequences was able to drive expression of a
reporter in the furrow (Brennan et al., 1998). Evidence
C. A. Brennan and others
Fig. 6. BR-C isoform expression in mutant clones. (A,B) br5clone
stained with antibody recognizing all forms of BR-C protein. Lack of
staining indicates br clones lack both Z2 and Z1 isoforms.
(C,D) rbp5clone stained with antibody recognizing Z1 isoforms of
BR-C, shows lack of Z1 expression in clone. Elav stain (red) shows
position of clone relative to furrow and indicates that lack of Z1
expression in br clone is not the source of ommatidial defects,
because the rbp clone also lacks Z1, yet shows no defects. Anterior
on the right.
Fig. 7. Hh and Dpp signaling and state of differentiation affect BR-C
expression. Approximate position of furrow indicated by yellow
lines. Anterior on right. (A-D) Furrow-spanning smo2MadB1 clones
(arrowheads) show neural differentiation failure (B) and aberrant
nuclear migration (compare apical and basal focal planes in C,D), but
no reduced expression of total BR-C protein. (E-H) Cells in posterior
smo2MadB1 clones (arrows) have failed to differentiate (F), and
show persistent BR-C staining. (I-J) PKAh2 clone has non-
autonomously induced precocious expression of BR-C Z1 isoforms
adjacent to clone (arrowheads).
9Ecdysone signaling in eye development
suggesting that only the EcR/Usp dimer is able to activate
transcription from EcREs includes that EcRE in Schneider
cells is bound by a single complex that is destroyed by anti-
EcR antibodies, EcR/Usp binds EcRE in the presence or
absence of hormone, and transfection of EcR confers 20-HE
responsiveness to cells carrying an EcRE reporter (Koelle et
al., 1991; Yao et al., 1992). The lack of EcR requirement for
furrow progression suggests either that a contribution by EcR
to furrow regulation is masked by redundant contributions by
another ecdysteroid receptor, or that an unidentified receptor
that can also activate transcription from EcREs exclusively
mediates the hormone regulation of furrow progression.
Redundancy seems unlikely because loss of EcR function has
strong phenotypes in almost all tissues where it is expected to
function, including at the larval molts and at pupariation (Li
and Bender, 2000). One candidate steroid receptor to mediate
the hormonal regulation of furrow progression is DHR96; it is
expressed during the mid-late third instar, and is able to bind
EcREs in gel-shift assays (Fisk and Thummel, 1995).
The EcR clone phenotypes in both discs and adult eyes are
distinct from those of usp, which are reported to produce
furrow acceleration in the disc and abnormal rhabdomeres, but
not scars, in the eye (Oro et al., 1992; Zelhof et al., 1995a).
These results, along with earlier findings of distinct embryonic
and early metamorphic phenotypes (Bender et al., 1997; Hall
and Thummel, 1998; Li and Bender, 2000; Perrimon et al.,
1985), suggest that EcR and Usp each have functions
independent of the other.
Does the receptor that transduces the ecdysteroid
requirement for furrow progression include Usp? usp retinal
clones are reported to show variable degrees of furrow
acceleration that correlate to some degree with stage of
development; clones spanning furrows near the posterior
margin show a more marked degree of furrow advancement
than those examined at later stages (Zelhof et al., 1997). The
ecdysteroid titer increases dramatically during the time that the
furrow traverses the eye disc; it is possible that Usp represses
furrow progression at the low titers prevailing near the time of
furrow initiation, but that this repression is relieved by
increasing hormone concentrations over the next several hours.
This would be somewhat analogous with the situation in the
wing disc, where Usp repression of neural development is
relieved by 20-HE (Schubiger and Truman, 2000); however,
Usp repression of furrow progression at low to moderate
hormone levels could only be partial, because furrow
progression does occur.
Regulation and function of
during furrow
We previously reported that BR-C expression in the eye disc
is dependent on ecd function, suggesting that it is regulated by
ecdysteroid titer (Brennan et al., 1998). While BR-C
expression in the eye disc is unlikely to be regulated by EcR,
Usp may play a role. BR-C and usp disc clone phenotypes are
opposite in that the former shows some furrow retardation
while the latter shows a slight acceleration (Zelhof et al., 1997).
Possible Usp repression of BR-C, or Usp regulation of BR-C
isoform ratio could explain these differences. BR-C and usp
eye clones also resemble each other in that both show
ommatidial disarray. This similarity underscores the
importance of orderly progression of the furrow for subsequent
events, and may reflect an essential hormonal input that
regulates timing of furrow progression (Brennan and Moses,
Local events appear to regulate BR-C expression at a
number of levels. Two regulatory inputs into the switch from
Z2 to Z1 expression at the furrow have been suggested: (1) the
lack of Z1 expression in br clones suggests that prior
expression of Z2 isoforms anterior to the furrow is required for
subsequent expression of Z1 isoforms; (2) the ectopic Z1
expression seen surrounding a PKA clone suggests that Hh-
dependent signaling at the furrow also promotes the switch to
Z1 isoforms. Cessation of BR-C expression in eye disc cells
correlates with cell-fate determination; photoreceptors
diminish expression levels earlier than cone cells, and failure
to differentiate in smo Mad cells is associated with prolonged
expression of BR-C proteins. BR-C proteins are thought to
confer competence to respond to ecdysteroid signals (Karim et
al., 1993); in the asynchronously developing eye disc, it may
be essential to spatially restrict such competence.
How might BR-C proteins exert their effects on eye
development? Although ecdysteroids regulate ommatidial
patterning at many stages of eye development in Manduca
(Champlin and Truman, 1998b), our evidence suggests that the
critical stage at which early eye development in Drosophila is
regulated by Broad-complex is just anterior to and in the
furrow. This corresponds to the site of Z2 expression and the
zone at which the earliest defects are detected, in R8
specification. No transcriptional targets of BR-C have been
identified in the eye; the aberrant specification of R8 founders
suggests that targets may include elements of the Notch
signaling pathway. BR-C regulation of such targets is likely to
be complex, with different isoforms acting antagonistically.
We thank the Iowa Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank, Greg
Guild, David Hogness, Andrew Jarman, Patrick O’Farrell, David
Strutt, Carl Thummel, Jessica Treisman and Laurie von Kalm for
antibodies and flies; Lucy Cherbas, Nora Ghbeish, Margrit Schubiger,
Carl Thummel, Chih Cheng Tsai and Kevin White for sharing results
before publication; and Laurie von Kalm and Kathryn Anderson for
comments on the manuscript. This research was supported by an NSF
graduate fellowship to C. A. B. and NIH grants (GM53681) to M. B.
and (EY09299) to K. M.
Fig. 8. BR-C and EcR are required for later events
in eye development. white-marked clones of br5
(A), npr13(B), EcRM554fs (C) and DHR782(D).
Anterior nick in br clone likely reflects furrow
function, while scars in npr1 and EcR clones
probably represent pupal requirements. DHR78
clone shows no defect. Anterior on the right.
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... BR-C activity transforms the apolysed final larval cuticle into the sclerotized puparium (Hodgetts et al. 1995, Bayer et al. 1997). During pupal development, BR-C enables rebuilding the larval body into the adult one, being essential for elongation, eversion and fusion of imaginal discs (Kiss et al. 1988), for development of flight muscles (Restifo and White 1992) and specific bristles (Belyaeva et al. 1980), for compound eye morphogenesis and photoreceptor specification (Brennan et al. 2001), for remodelling of the central nervous system (Restifo and White 1991), the fat body (Emery et al. 1994, Bayer et al. 1997, Mugat et al. 2000 and the midgut (Restifo and White 1992), and also for degeneration of the prothoracic gland (Zhou et al. 2004). ...
... transformation of the visual system was initiated, as larval stemmata were replaced with ommatidia of the compound eyes. However, as in Drosophila (Brennan et al., 2001), TcBR-C was important for compound eye differentiation. These observations suggested that not all aspects of pupal development were completely blocked by BR-C depletion. ...
... Serine/threonineprotein kinase mig-15 is critical for cytoskeleton rearrangement, which is closely linked to the formation of the nervous system and the dorsal closure (Su et al., 1998;Shakir et al., 2006). Broad-complex core protein is directly related to the differentiation of photoreceptor cells in the compound eye and the formation of synapses (Brennan et al., 2001;Iyer et al., 2013). Phosphorylation plays a fundamental role in regulating morphogenesis during the embryogenesis of honey bees. ...
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Protein phosphorylation is known to regulate a comprehensive scenario of critical cellular processes. However, phosphorylation-mediated regulatory networks in honey bee embryogenesis are mainly unknown. We identified 6342 phosphosites from 2438 phosphoproteins and predicted 168 kinases in the honey bee embryo. Generally, the worker and drone develop similar phosphoproteome architectures and major phosphorylation events during embryogenesis. In 24 h embryos, protein kinases A play vital roles in regulating cell proliferation and blastoderm formation. At 48–72 h, kinase subfamily dual-specificity tyrosine-regulated kinase, cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK), and induced pathways related to protein synthesis and morphogenesis suggest the centrality to enhance the germ layer development, organogenesis, and dorsal closure. Notably, workers and drones formulated distinct phosphoproteome signatures. For 24 h embryos, the highly phosphorylated serine/threonine-protein kinase minibrain, microtubule-associated serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 (MAST2), and phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein kinase 3 (MAPK3) at Thr564 in workers, are likely to regulate the late onset of cell proliferation; in contrast, drone embryos enhanced the expression of CDK12, MAPK3, and MAST2 to promote the massive synthesis of proteins and cytoskeleton. In 48 h, the induced serine/threonine-protein kinase and CDK12 in worker embryos signify their roles in the construction of embryonic tissues and organs; however, the highly activated kinases CDK1, raf homolog serine/threonine-protein kinase, and MAST2 in drone embryos may drive the large-scale establishment of tissues and organs. In 72 h, the activated pathways and kinases associated with cell growth and tissue differentiation in worker embryos may promote the configuration of rudimentary organs. However, kinases implicated in cytoskeleton organization in drone embryos may drive the blastokinesis and dorsal closure. Our hitherto most comprehensive phosphoproteome offers a valuable resource for signaling research on phosphorylation dynamics in honey bee embryos.
... We also detected binding for the two TALE-class homeodomain proteins of the Iroquois complex (Araucan/Caupolican and Mirror), which are important in eye imaginal disc development as well as adult regulators of rhodopsin expression (Mazzoni et al. 2008). Other bound sites include ones for Ocelliless/Crx, which is a paired domain homeobox protein and known regulator of rhodopsin in Drosophila (Tahayato et al. 2003), and the Broad-complex zinc finger, which is required for morphogenetic furrow progression and proper R8 specification in the compound eye (Brennan et al. 2001). A bound Maf subfamily site in eye peak 2 is predicted to be similar to Neural-retina-specific leucine zipper protein, which has been shown in mice to directly bind to the rod-opsin promoter and is required for rod differentiation, though its role in Drosophila eye development is unknown (Mears et al. 2001). ...
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The evolution of color vision is often studied through the lens of receptor gain relative to an ancestor with fewer spectral classes of photoreceptor. For instance, in Heliconius butterflies a genus-specific UVRh opsin duplication led to the evolution of UV color discrimination in Heliconius erato females, a rare trait among butterflies. However, color vision evolution is not well understood in the context of loss. In H. melpomene and H. ismenius lineages, the UV2 receptor subtype has been lost, which limits female color vision in shorter wavelengths. Here we compare the visual systems of butterflies that have either retained or lost the UV2 photoreceptor using intracellular recordings, ATAC-seq, and antibody staining. We identify several ways these butterflies modulate their color vision. In H. melpomene, chromatin reorganization has downregulated an otherwise intact UVRh2 gene while in H. ismenius pseudogenization has led to truncation of UVRh2. In species that lack the UV2 receptor, the peak sensitivity of the remaining UV1 photoreceptor cell is shifted to longer wavelengths. Across Heliconius we identify the widespread use of filtering pigments and co-expression of two opsins in the same photoreceptor cells. Multiple mechanisms of spectral tuning, including molecular evolution of blue opsins, have led to divergence of receptor sensitivities between species. The diversity of photoreceptor and ommatidial subtypes between species suggests Heliconius visual systems are under varying selection pressures for color discrimination. Modulating the wavelengths of peak sensitivities of both the blue- and remaining UV-sensitive photoreceptor cells suggests Heliconius species may have compensated for UV receptor loss.
... Interestingly, a switch in Broad isoform expression also occurs during the final cell cycle in the larval eye, such that BrZ1 becomes high in cells undergoing their final cell cycle and entering into terminal differentiation (Brennan et al., 2001). However in this case, BrZ1 expression is not associated with a G2 arrest and occurs in an area of high Stg expression, suggesting the downstream BrZ1 targets in the eye may be distinct from those in the wing. ...
During organogenesis, many cells undergo a process called terminal differentiation, where cells acquire their final fates and begin to perform essential physiological functions. Terminal differentiation is often accompanied by a transition to a non-dividing state, called cell cycle exit. As development proceeds, many cells exit the cell cycle, and most cells in mature organisms remain in a non-dividing, post-mitotic state. Despite its prevalence, how the transition from a proliferative to a post-mitotic state is induced and maintained is not fully understood. In this thesis, I examine two aspects of cell cycle gene regulation that are essential for the proper transition of Drosophila epithelial cells from a proliferative to a post-mitotic state during development. In part 1 I describe a novel, critical role for the NuA4 chromatin remodeling and histone exchange complex in promoting the proper timing of cell cycle exit in vivo. Unlike other chromatin binding factors that repress cell cycle genes, NuA4 does not directly inhibit cell proliferation. NuA4 instead suppresses a previously unknown intrinsic DNA damage response that occurs during late S-phase. My work revealed that suppression of this endogenous DNA damage response is required in vivo to properly coordinate S and G2 cell cycle progression with differentiation and cell cycle gene expression during tissue development. In part 2, I examine how steroid hormone signaling plays a central role in coordinating the timing of cell cycle exit. Pulses of the steroid hormone ecdysone trigger a cascade of gene expression changes required to coordinate cell maturation with differentiation and cell cycle exit in insects. Here I reveal that ecdysone signaling in the Drosophila wing induces a transcription factor Broad that represses the expression of an essential mitosis promoting gene, the cdc25c phosphatase, to cause a G2-phase cell cycle arrest. After the ecdysone pulse, as Broad expression declines, the cdc25c phosphatase becomes re-expressed, which in turn promotes rapid mitotic entry into a synchronized final cell cycle and cell cycle exit. Altogether, my work has revealed two essential signaling pathways that impact cell cycle gene expression and cell cycle progression to properly coordinate cell cycle exit with terminal differentiation during development.
... We also detected binding for the two TALE-class homeodomain proteins of the Iroquois complex (Araucan/Caupolican and Mirror), which are important in eye imaginal disc development as well as adult regulators of rhodopsin expression (Mazzoni et al. 2008). Other bound sites include ones for Ocelliless/Crx, which is a paired domain homeobox protein and known regulator of rhodopsin in Drosophila (Tahayato et al. 2003), and the Broad-complex zinc finger, which is required for morphogenetic furrow progression and proper R8 specification in the compound eye (Brennan et al. 2001). A bound Maf subfamily site in eye peak 2 is predicted to be similar to Neural-retina-specific leucine zipper protein, which has been shown in mice to directly bind to the rod-opsin promoter and is required for rod differentiation, though its role in Drosophila eye development is unknown (Mears et al. 2001). ...
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Color vision modifications occur in animals via a process known as spectral tuning. In Heliconius butterflies, a genus-specific UVRh opsin duplication led to the evolution of UV color discrimination in Heliconius erato females, a rare trait among butterflies. In the H. melpomene and H. ismenius lineages, the UV2 receptor has been lost. Here we compare how loss of the UV2 photoreceptor has altered the visual system of these butterflies. We compare visual system evolution in three Heliconius butterfly species using a combination of intracellular recordings, ATAC-seq, and antibody staining. We identify several spectral tuning mechanisms including adaptive evolution of opsins, deployment of two types of filtering pigments, and co-expression of two distinct opsins in the same cell. Our data show that opsin gain and loss is driving rapid divergence in Heliconius visual systems via tuning of multiple spectral classes of photoreceptor in distinct lineages, potentially contributing to ongoing speciation in this genus.
... Of note, Hr78 is connected to four eye regulators (So, Eyg, Ey, and Optix). Although Hr78 was previously found to be dispensable for the progression of the morphogenetic furrow in the Drosophila eye (Brennan et al., 2001), it may have alternative functions in eye development. Notably, the Hr78 ortholog Nr2c1 has recently been found to regulate early retinal cell patterning in the mouse (Olivares et al., 2017). ...
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Combinatorial interactions among transcription factors (TFs) play essential roles in generating gene expression specificity and diversity in metazoans. Using yeast 2-hybrid (Y2H) assays on nearly all sequence-specific Drosophila TFs, we identified 1,983 protein-protein interactions (PPIs), more than doubling the number of currently known PPIs among Drosophila TFs. For quality assessment, we validated a subset of our interactions using MITOMI and bimolecular fluorescence complementation assays. We combined our interactome with prior PPI data to generate an integrated Drosophila TF-TF binary interaction network. Our analysis of ChIP-seq data, integrating PPI and gene expression information, uncovered different modes by which interacting TFs are recruited to DNA. We further demonstrate the utility of our Drosophila interactome in shedding light on human TF-TF interactions. This study reveals how TFs interact to bind regulatory elements in vivo and serves as a resource of Drosophila TF-TF binary PPIs for understanding tissue-specific gene regulation.
In this chapter, I present a method for the ex vivo cultivation and live imaging of Drosophila imaginal disc explants using low concentrations of the steroid hormone 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E). This method has been optimized for analyzing cellular dynamics during wing disc growth and leverages recent insights from in vivo experiments demonstrating that 20E is required for growth and patterning of the imaginal tissues. Using this protocol, we directly observe wing disc proliferation at a rapid rate for at least 13 h during live imaging. The orientation of tissue growth is also consistent with that inferred from indirect in vivo techniques. Thus, this method provides an improved way of studying dynamic cellular processes and tissue movements during imaginal disc development. I first describe the preparation of the growth medium and the dissection, and then I include a protocol for mounting and live imaging of the explants.Key words Drosophila ExplantCultureEcdysoneGrowthEversionLive imagingDynamicsWing disc
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Quantitative analysis of the dynamic cellular mechanisms shaping the Drosophila wing during its larval growth phase has been limited, impeding our ability to understand how morphogen patterns regulate tissue shape. Such analysis requires imaging explants under conditions that maintain both growth and patterning, as well as methods to quantify how much cellular behaviors change tissue shape. Here, we demonstrate a key requirement for the steroid hormone 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) in the maintenance of numerous patterning systems in vivo and in explant culture. We find that low concentrations of 20E support prolonged proliferation in explanted wing discs in the absence of insulin, incidentally providing novel insight into the hormonal regulation of imaginal growth. We use 20E-containing media to directly observe growth and apply recently developed methods for quantitatively decomposing tissue shape changes into cellular contributions. We discover that while cell divisions drive tissue expansion along one axis, their contribution to expansion along the orthogonal axis is cancelled by cell rearrangements and cell shape changes. This finding raises the possibility that anisotropic mechanical constraints contribute to growth orientation in the wing disc.
The compound eyes of flies exhibit striking variation in size, which has contributed to the adaptation of these animals to different habitats and their evolution of specialist behaviors. These differences in size are caused by differences in the number and/or size of ommatidia, which are specified during the development of the retinal field in the eye imaginal disc. While the genes and developmental mechanisms that regulate the formation of compound eyes are understood in great detail in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, we know very little about the genetic changes and mechanistic alterations that lead to natural variation in ommatidia number and/or size, and thus overall eye size, within and between fly species. Understanding the genetic and developmental bases for this natural variation in eye size not only has great potential to help us understand adaptations in fly vision but also determine how eye size and organ size more generally are regulated. Here we explore the genetic and developmental mechanisms that could underlie natural differences in compound eye size within and among fly species based on our knowledge of eye development in D. melanogaster and the few cases where the causative genes and mechanisms have already been identified. We suggest that the fly eye provides an evolutionary and developmental framework to better understand the regulation and diversification of this crucial sensory organ globally at a systems level as well as the gene regulatory networks and mechanisms acting at the tissue, cellular and molecular levels. This article is categorized under: • Establishment of Spatial and Temporal Patterns > Regulation of Size, Proportion, and Timing • Invertebrate Organogenesis > Flies • Comparative Development and Evolution > Regulation of Organ Diversity
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Mutation t467, belonging to the swi complementation group, and causing death in late prepupa, is located in the interval from 2B6 to the left part of 2B7-8. In this region puffing is absent in salivary gland chromosomes. In t467/t467 homozygotes intermoult early and early-late larval 20-OH ecdysone puffs do not differ from the controls. Mid-prepupal puffs are normal too with a few exceptions. However, all late larval and prepupal puffs are reduced or absent in the mutant. Both, hormone incubation of t467 glands in vitro and hormone injection have shown: i) 20-OH ecdysone in vitro does not restore the normal larval puffing pattern. ii) Withdrawal of the hormone from glands at PS6 causes premature appearance of late larval puffs, which, however, do not reach control sizes. It is concluded that the swi gene product is necessary for induction of late puffs. Thus in the 2B3-4—2B7-8 region three genes, affecting 20-OH ecdysone induction processes, have become known.
We have constructed a series of strains to facilitate the generation and analysis of clones of genetically distinct cells in developing and adult tissues of Drosophila. Each of these strains carries an FRT element, the target for the yeast FLP recombinase, near the base of a major chromosome arm, as well as a gratuitous cell-autonomous marker. Novel markers that carry epitope tags and that are localized to either the cell nucleus or cell membrane have been generated. As a demonstration of how these strains can be used to study a particular gene, we have analyzed the developmental role of the Drosophila EGF receptor homolog. Moreover, we have shown that these strains can be utilized to identify new mutations in mosaic animals in an efficient and unbiased way, thereby providing an unprecedented opportunity to perform systematic genetic screens for mutations affecting many biological processes.
Specification of the R7 photoreceptor cell in the developing Drosophila eye requires the seven in absentia (sina) gene. We demonstrate that ectopic expression of sina in all cells behind the morphogenetic furrow disrupts normal eye development during pupation, resulting in a severely disorganized adult eye. Earlier events of cell fate specification appear unaffected. A genetic screen for dominant enhancers and suppressors of this phenotype identified mutations in a number of genes required for normal eye development, including UbcD1, which encodes a ubiquitin conjugating enzyme; SR3-4a, a gene previously implicated in signaling downstream of Ras1; and a Drosophila homolog of the Sin3A transcriptional repressor.
The onset of pattern formation in the developing Drosophila eye is marked by the simultaneous synchronization of all cells in the G1 phase of the cell cycle. These cells will then either commit to another round of cell division or differentiate into neurons. Although cell cycle synchronization occurs in roughex (rux) mutants, cells circumvent G1 and all cells enter S phase, including cells that would normally differentiate. This leads to defects in early steps of pattern formation and cell fate determination. rux is suppressed by mutations in genes that promote cell cycle progression (i.e., cyclin A and string) and enhanced by mutations in genes that promote differentiation (i.e., Ras1 and Star). rux encodes a novel protein of 335 amino acids. We propose that rux functions as a negative regulator of G1 progression in the developing eye.
Mutations in the Notch locus affect a variety of developmental decisions in Drosophila. In this paper, we examine the role of Notch in the developing retina. We reduced Notch activity at successive intervals during development of the retina, and then examined the effect on individual cells. When Notch activity was reduced, cells responded by selecting inappropriate developmental pathways. We found that all cell types appear to require Notch when establishing their fate. To examine further Notch's role in eye development, we examined two alleles of Notch--split and facet-glossy. split flies show defects in the initial clustering of photoreceptors, whereas the defects in facet-glossy flies are due to the misrouting of presumptive primary pigment cells into the secondary pigment cell pathway. Our results suggest that Notch plays a permissive role in the cell-cell interactions used to assemble the eye.
There are, at least, 11 distinct single bands and one real doublet in the region 2B1-2-2C1-2 of the X-chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster. This figure coincides with that in Bridges' revised map with most of the “doublet” bands being artifacts. Three puffs appear in the region. The early ecdysone-specific puff 2B5-6, small at PS(puffing stage) 1, increases sharply at PS 2. The late ecdysone-specific puff 2C1-2 appears at PS 4–5. At PS 9–10, when 2B5-6 disappears completely and 2C1-2 decreases, a third puff at 2B11 appears. None of these puffs is active at PS 11. Morphological analysis of puff appearance and autoradiographic study of 3H-uridine incorporation into chromosomes carrying rearrangements within the 2B region suggest that the early ecdysone-specific puff derives from bands 2B5 and may be 2B6, while the neighbouring bands 2B1-4, and 2B7-10 do not show appreciable transcription at the investigated stages. There are 42 mutations affecting viability in the region where the 2B5-6 puff is located. The mutations belong to 6 complementation groups; two of the groups dor and swi, are independent while the rest are overlapped by several lethal mutations (overlapping complex.) Mutants of the different groups have series of similar characteristics: temperature sensitivity, dose sensitivity, larva-pupal lethality and similar morphological abnormalities. It can be assumed that there is a functionally linked cluster of genes within the region 2B. Complementation groups br, rbp, l(1)pp-, l(1)pp-2 (overlapping complex) have been located by rearrangements in very narrow cytological limit 2B3-4-2B5 that is in the area of developing puff. Two other loci dor and swi are situated some to the right of 2B5.