Yang Li

Yang Li
University of British Columbia | UBC

Doctor of Philosophy


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Publications (10)
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Environmental, economic, and social activities involve inherent spatial dimensions. The geospatial information system (GIS), a platform containing principles, methods, and tools to link, create, visualize, analyze, and model artificial activities and environment, provides the possibility to develop sustainability in the building sector. With global...
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Pulses are an increasingly popular source of plant-based protein among food manufacturers, food service providers, and retailers globally. Canada is currently a global leader in pulse production and exports. Given the large geographical scope of their production within Canada, pulses are produced under a variety of conditions reflecting differences...
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The livestock sector is a key source of greenhouse gas emissions and other impacts. Poultry (meat and eggs) is the fastest growing livestock sector globally. Poultry housing, including both infrastructure and operating energy, may account for as much as 50% of the total non-renewable energy (non-RE) use and up to 20%–35% of some of the life cycle i...
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Net zero energy buildings (NZEBs) are energy efficient buildings that incorporate renewable energy generation systems so as to produce sufficient renewable energy to at least offset the total amount of non-renewable energy used by the building on an annual basis. NZEB technologies have widespread commercial and residential application, but their fe...
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Purpose Life cycle assessment (LCA) is intended as a quantitative decision support tool. However, the large amount of uncertainty characteristic of LCA studies reduces confidence in results. To date, little research has been reported regarding the comparative sources of uncertainty (and their relative importance) and how, or how commonly, they are...
In this study, the bisulfite-peroxydisulfate system (S(IV)/PDS) widely used in polymerization was innovatively applied for organic contaminants degradation in water. The addition of S(IV) into PDS system remarkably enhanced the degradation efficiency of bisphenol A (BPA, a frequently detected endocrine disrupting chemical in the environments) from...
Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) have attracted attentions all around the world. However, little is known about their distribution among water, suspended particulate matter (SPM), and sediment phases in rivers, especially for the short-chain PFASs. In this work, the Yellow River, the largest turbid river in the world, was selected as a case to stu...


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