Tunahan Çinar

Tunahan Çinar
Duzce University



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Publications (31)
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In the summer of 2021, Türkiye experienced unprecedented forest fire events. Throughout that fire season, a total of 291 fire incidents, covering an area of 202,361 hectares, dominated the public agenda. This study aimed to document and analyze the 30 large fires (affecting over 100 hectares) of 2021 using remote sensing and GIS techniques. A compr...
Conference Paper
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In recent years, global climate change has led to significant temperature increases, adversely affecting numerous ecosystems. The escalation of temperatures has also contributed to a rise in both the frequency and intensity of wildfires, natural disasters that pose a substantial threat. Detecting wildfire areas and identifying key environmental par...
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Aim of study: The aim of the study was to determined the tree volume and damage level in windthrow areas and to assess the impact of topographic factors and forest structure on windthrow damaged. Area of study: Our study was conducted within the Düzce Forest Management Directorate. Material and methods: The windthrow areas within the boundaries of...
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Climate change has led to various adverse consequences, with natural disasters being one of the most striking outcomes. Natural disasters negatively impact life, causing significant disruptions to the ecosystem. Prompt identification of affected areas and initiation of the rehabilitation process are imperative to address the disturbances in the eco...
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In this study, the concentration levels of CO, NO2, CH2O, SO2, and O3 gases emitted during the two biggest wildfire episodes observed in Manavgat and Milas, Türkiye in 2021 were analyzed and spatio-temporal gas concentrations were estimated. Using the remote sensing imagery from Sentinel-5P satellite, a daily based time-series data analysis was per...
Forests can be significantly affected by windthrow damage, which negatively impacts the process of forest utilization. Therefore , it is important to identify areas with potential windthrow damage and include them in the planning processes. Based on this idea, a windthrow susceptibility map was created using windthrow data obtained from the extraor...
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Background We performed a vegetation study in Antalya, where the Mediterranean climate prevails, in order to determine the indicator plant species of red pine (Pinus brutia Ten.). Red pine can be widely distributed from sea level to 1200 meters. Its main distribution is in the main Mediterranean vegetation zone between 500-1000 meters. However, the...
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Quarries are enterprises where mining activities are carried out by using the open pit mining method of stones and similar minerals. The use of remote sensing techniques makes it indispensable in such cases due to the difficulties in measuring with terrestrial measurement techniques in areas where the topography is rough and difficult to reach. Rea...
Conference Paper
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Forest roads are the most important infrastructural facilities for the utilization of renewable natural forest resources. Like all roads, forest roads are forced to deformation after construction. Surface erosion occurring in forest road slopes, long-term use of forest road affects and harms the environment. Soil erosion is especially important in...
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ICONST Conferences hold on 8-10 September in 2021 in Budva / MONTENEGRO, hosted by the Fakultet za Biznis i Turizam (FBT-Budva), with the partnership of the Faculty of Transport, Communications and Logictics (FSKL), UBT (University of Business and Technology), Universitetit “Ukshin Hoti” në Prizren, Kolegji AAB, International Vision University, Sul...
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ICONST Conferences hold on 8-10 September in 2021 in Budva / MONTENEGRO, hosted by the Fakultet za Biznis i Turizam (FBT-Budva), with the partnership of the Faculty of Transport, Communications and Logictics (FSKL), UBT (University of Business and Technology), Universitetit “Ukshin Hoti” në Prizren, Kolegji AAB, International Vision University, Sul...
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ICONST Conferences hold on 8-10 September in 2021 in Budva / MONTENEGRO, hosted by the Fakultet za Biznis i Turizam (FBT-Budva), with the partnership of the Faculty of Transport, Communications and Logictics (FSKL), UBT (University of Business and Technology), Universitetit “Ukshin Hoti” në Prizren, Kolegji AAB, International Vision University, Sul...
Conference Paper
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Landslide susceptibility mapping (LSM) is an approach for estimating the likelihood in landslide occurrence considering the spatial correlations between conditioning parameters and past landslide distributions. These conditioning parameters are categorized as environmental, geotechnical, topographical, and geological. Among them, land use/land cove...
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Climate change is seen by many as an ecological phenomenon. However, the situation is not only an ecological phenomenon. Because climate change is not only seen in a region, so it is a global problem. Especially after the industrial revolution, the increase of air pollution and the most important role of mankind in this pollution has led to the for...
Conference Paper
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Taxonomic diversity are important for assessing biodiversity. In recent years, although there have been studies on the calculation of alpha, beta and gamma diversities in determining species diversity, these alone are insufficient. For this purpose, taxonomic diversity calculations were performed using 77 sample plots of the area located between 24...
Conference Paper
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Climate change and global warming are one of the most serious problems of the last century. The main reasons for this problem are the unconscious use of fossil fuels, destruction of forests, wrong agricultural activities as well as the increase in greenhouse gas emissions with the industrial revolution. Due to the importance of the subject, many re...
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Bu çalışmada Anadolu karaçamı (Pinus nigra Arn. subsp. pallasiana (Lamb.) Holmboe) meşçerelerinde yetişme ortamı verimliliğinin göstergesi olabilecek bitki türlerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Anadolu karaçamı Türkiye için ekolojik ve ekonomik olarak önem arz eden bir orman ağacı türüdür. Bu aşamada ise Anadolu karaçamı ile ilgili verimliliğin gö...
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Bu çalışmada Anadolu karaçamı (Pinus nigra Arn. subsp. pallasiana (Lamb.) Holmboe) meşçerelerinde yetişme ortamı verimliliğinin göstergesi olabilecek bitki türlerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Anadolu karaçamı Türkiye için ekolojik ve ekonomik olarak önem arz eden bir orman ağacı türüdür. Bu aşamada ise Anadolu karaçamı ile ilgili verimliliğin gö...
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In this study, the relationships between the productivity of Anatolian black pine forests and the environmental variables were investigated in Demirci (Manisa) district of Turkey. Inventory study was performed on 40 stands totally. Ages and heights for 3 different plus trees in each stand were measured and site (bonitet) index values were calculate...
Conference Paper
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Red pine (Pinus brutia TEN.) is one of the major forest tree species that are ecologically and economically important for Turkey. Therefore, sustainable and effective use of the red pine is important. In order to be able to acquire this, it is a key role to evaluate with the right ecological approaches. In terms of such ecological approaches, the d...
Conference Paper
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Giriş ve Amaç: Doğal kaynaklar yüzyıllardır insanlar tarafından temel ihtiyaçlar için kullanılırken, son yıllarda spor ve turizm gibi faaliyetler için de kullanılması ön plana çıkmaktadır. Fakat zamanla doğal kaynakların baskı altına girmesine bağlı olarak sürdürülebilir kullanımı da gündeme gelmiştir. Özellikle sanayi ve teknolojinin gelişmesi, şe...
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Bu çalışmada Demirci Yöresi’nde karaçam ormanlarının verimliliği ile çevresel değişkenler arasındaki ilişkiler araştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla insan baskısından uzak farklı yükseltilerde tespit edilen 40 adet doğal karaçam (Pinus nigra Arn. subsp. pallasiana (Lamb.) Holmboe) meşceresinde envanter yapılmıştır. Herbir meşcerede belirlenen 3 farklı plus ağ...
Conference Paper
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Bu çalışmada Anadolu karaçamı (Pinus nigra Arn. subsp. pallasiana (Lamb.) Holmboe) meşçerelerinde verimliliğin göstergesi olabilecek bitki türlerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Karaçam, ülkemiz için ekolojik ve ekonomik olarak önem arz eden bir orman ağacı türüdür. Boniteti yüksek olan verimli alanlarda bu türün yetiştirilmesi, ülkemiz ormancılık...


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