Thomas Schmid

Thomas Schmid
Universität Stuttgart · Institute of Physics


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Publications (6)
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The advent of the quantum gas microscope allowed for the in situ probing of ultracold gaseous matter on an unprecedented level of spatial resolution. However, the study of phenomena on ever smaller length scales, as well as the probing of three-dimensional systems, is fundamentally limited by the wavelength of the imaging light for all techniques b...
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The advent of the quantum gas microscope allowed for the in situ probing of ultracold gaseous matter on an unprecedented level of spatial resolution. The study of phenomena on ever smaller length scales as well as the probing of three-dimensional systems is, however, fundamentally limited by the wavelength of the imaging light, for all techniques b...
We study the long-range interaction of a single ion with a highly excited ultracold Rydberg atom and report on the direct observation of an ion-induced Rydberg excitation blockade mediated over tens of micrometer distances. Our hybrid ion-atom system is directly produced from an ultracold atomic ensemble via near-threshold photoionization of a sing...
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We study the long-range interaction of a single ion with a highly excited ultracold Rydberg atom and report on the direct observation of ion-induced Rydberg excitation blockade mediated over tens of micrometer distances. Our hybrid ion-atom system is directly produced from an ultracold atomic ensemble via near-threshold photo-ionization of a single...
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We propose a novel experimental method to extend the investigation of ion-atom collisions from the so far studied cold, essentially classical regime to the ultracold, quantum regime. Key aspect of this method is the use of Rydberg molecules to initialize the ultracold ion-atom scattering event. We exemplify the proposed method with the lithium ion-...
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We discuss the density shift and broadening of Rydberg spectra measured in cold, dense atom clouds in the context of Rydberg atom spectroscopy done at room temperature, dating back to the experiments of Amaldi and Segr\`e in 1934. We discuss the theory first developed in 1934 by Fermi to model the mean-field density shift and subsequent development...


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