Thomas Hahn

Thomas Hahn
University of Vienna | UniWien · Computational Materials Physics Group


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Publications (6)
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We present a numerically exact study of a polaron with quadratic coupling to the oscillator displacement, or X2 polaron, using two alternative methodological developments. Our results cover both antiadiabatic and adiabatic regimes and the entire range of electron-phonon coupling g2, from the system's stability threshold at attractive g2=−1 to arbit...
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We present the first numerically exact study of a polaron with quadratic coupling to the oscillator displacement, using two alternative methodological developments. Our results cover both anti-adiabatic and adiabatic regimes and the entire range of electron-phonon coupling $g_2$, from the system's stability threshold at attractive $g_2=-1$ to arbit...
We present a diagrammatic Monte Carlo study of a lattice polaron interacting with an acoustic phonon branch through the deformation potential. Weak and strong coupling regimes are separated by a self-trapping region where quantum resonance between various possible lattice deformations is seen in the ground-state properties, spectral function, and o...
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We present the first approximation free diagrammatic Monte Carlo study of a lattice polaron interacting with an acoustic phonon branch through the deformation potential. Weak and strong coupling regimes are separated by a self-trapping region where quantum resonance between various possible lattice deformations is seen in the ground state propertie...
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We present results for the solution of the large polaron Fröhlich Hamiltonian in 3 dimensions (3D) and 2 dimensions (2D) obtained via the diagrammatic Monte Carlo (DMC) method. Our implementation is based on the approach by Mishchenko [A. S. Mishchenko et al., Phys. Rev. B 62, 6317 (2000)]. Polaron ground state energies and effective polaron masses...
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We present results for the solution of the large polaron Fr\"ohlich Hamiltonian in 3-dimensions (3D) and 2-dimensions (2D) obtained via the Diagrammatic Monte Carlo (DMC) method. Our implementation is based on the approach by Mishchenko [A.S. Mishchenko et al., Phys. Rev. B 62, 6317 (2000)]. Polaron ground state energies and effective polaron masse...


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