Thiago Monteiro

Thiago Monteiro
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG) | FURG · Laboratório de Estudos dos Oceanos e Clima (LEOC)



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I am an Oceanographer, MSc. and PhD in Physical, Chemical and Geological Oceanography. Currently, I am a collaborator in the CARBON Team research group, at the Ocean and Climate Studies Laboratory (LEOC/FURG), working with sea-air CO₂ fluxes, marine carbonate system and biogeochemistry. I am a member of the project MARES, which aims to disseminate knowledge of oceanographic and Antarctic studies to civil society in general. I am mainly interested in integrated oceanographic processes.
August 2016 - July 2018
March 2012 - June 2016
Federal University of Pará
Field of study
  • Oceanography


Publications (28)
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We show an annual overview of the sea-air CO2 exchanges and primary drivers in the Gerlache Strait, a hotspot for climate change that is ecologically important in the northern Antarctic Peninsula. In autumn and winter, episodic upwelling events increase the remineralized carbon in the sea surface, leading the region to act as a moderate or strong C...
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The Southern Ocean plays a critical role in regulating global climate as a major sink for atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), and in global ocean biogeochemistry by supplying nutrients to the global thermocline, thereby influencing global primary production and carbon export. Biogeochemical processes within the Southern Ocean regulate regional primar...
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Diatoms are considered the main base of the Southern Ocean food web as they are responsible for more than 85% of its annual primary production and play a crucial role in the Antarctic trophic structure and in the bio-geochemical cycles. Within this context, an intense diatom bloom reaching > 45 mg m −3 of chlorophyll a was registered in the Norther...
The Southern Ocean is a globally important carbon sink region. However, the austral coastal zones are usually not considered in global estimations due to their general undersampling and large regional dynamics. Thus, estimations of carbon uptake in the Southern Ocean may differ considerably from current values, i.e., without accounting for coastal...
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Esta é a revista de comunicação científica do grupo de biogeoquímica brasileiro CARBON Team, do Laboratório de Estudos dos Oceanos e Clima (LEOC), sediado na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG). O volume 5 da CTNews está incrível, com temas variados sobre as Ciências do mar e Antártica, desde a importância dos isótopos estáveis para estudar p...
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The northern Antarctic Peninsula is a key region of the Southern Ocean due to its complex ocean dynamics, distinct water mass sources, and the climate-driven changes taking place in the region. Despite the importance of macronutrients in supporting strong biological carbon uptake and storage, little is known about their spatiotemporal variability a...
The seasonal and interannual variabilities in the water‒air net carbon dioxide (CO₂) flux were investigated in the lower zone of the Patos Lagoon Estuary (PLE), the largest choked lagoon worldwide. The studied region experienced periods of CO₂ ingassing (outgassing) during ocean-dominated (riverine-dominated) conditions. During ocean-dominated cond...
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The carbon cycle is crucial for regulating the Earth's climate and the sea-air carbon dioxide (CO₂) flux (FCO₂) is essential for this cycle. Oceans have played an important role in absorbing excess atmospheric CO₂ due to human activities, mainly through phytoplankton growth in regions with high concentrations of nutrients. Therefore, knowing the sp...
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The Bransfield Strait is a climate change hotspot at the tip of the northern Antarctic Peninsula. The region is marked by a mixture of relatively warm waters from the Bellingshausen Sea with cold shelf waters from the Weddell Sea. Additionally, its deep central basin (>800 m) preserves seawater properties from the north-western Weddell Sea continen...
We reconstructed carbonate system parameters through multivariate linear equations in the Bransfield Strait, northern Antarctic Peninsula. We used hydrographic data (potential temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen) and measured total alkalinity (TA) and total inorganic carbon (CT) to develop the best-fitted equations to reconstruct TA and CT in t...
Raw Data
We compiled a time series spanning the period from 1996 to 2019 of the seawater hydrographic variables conservative temperature (ºC), absolute salinity (g/kg) and dissolved oxygen (μmol/kg­), and the macronutrients DIN (nitrate + nitrite + ammonium), phosphate, and silicic acid (μmol/kg­). The study area covered the northern Antarctic Peninsula reg...
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Poster presented during the 5º International Symposium on the Ocean in a High CO₂ World. The Western Tropical Atlantic Ocean is a region of complex biogeochemistry, largely due to the structure of the surface current system and the large freshwater input from the Amazon River. Several studies have been conducted to identify the processes that cont...
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Poster presented during the 5º International Symposium on the Ocean in a High CO₂ World. Several studies have been conducted in the Southern Ocean to investigate the net sea–air CO₂ fluxes (FCO₂). However, the Antarctic coastal regions are still poorly sampled and the majority of the studies are restricted to the austral summer, which difficult th...
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The western Tropical Atlantic Ocean is a biogeochemically complex region due to the structure of the surface current system and the large freshwater input from the Amazon River coupled with the dynamics of precipitation. Such features make it difficult to understand the dynamics of the carbon cycle, leading to contrasting estimates in sea-air CO2 e...
We performed an unprecedented investigation of the seasonal variability in carbonate system parameters (the total alkalinity – AT, the total dissolved inorganic carbon – CT, the pH, and the partial pressure of carbon dioxide – pCO2) in the lower zone of the Patos Lagoon Estuary (PLE), the largest choked lagoon in the world. Sampling was conducted m...
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Presentation of the abstract submitted to the EGU Assembly 2022.
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We investigated the primary drivers of changes in the partial pressure of carbon dioxide ( p CO 2 ) together with the seasonal and interannual variability in the water-air net carbon dioxide flux (FCO 2 ) in the lower estuarine zone surface waters of Patos Lagoon, the largest choked lagoon worldwide. Sampling occurred monthly during May 2017-June 2...
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Among the regions of the Southern Ocean, the northern Antarctic Peninsula (NAP) has emerged as a hotspot of climate change investigation. Nonetheless, studies have indicated issues and knowledge gaps that must be addressed to expand the understanding of the carbonate system in the region. Therefore, we focused on identifying current knowledge about...
The South Atlantic Ocean is historically less sampled than the North Atlantic Ocean. Recent efforts have improved our understanding of the carbonate system variable distribution, mainly on sea surface CO2 fugacity (fCO2). However, these studies have been regionally and temporally restricted. Hence, in this research we developed seasonal algorithms...
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An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via a link at the top of the paper.
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How can we as researchers communicate better with society and with other researchers who are not from our field of expertise? The second volume of the CARBON Team News magazine ( comes in a different format to reach the different levels of society, exploring scientific communica...
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O estudo objetivou analisar a composição e a diversidade das assembleias de juvenis de peixes associadas às macrófitas aquáticas em lagos e canais de várzea na Amazônia Central. As amostragens foram realizadas durante os anos de 2010 e 2011, no médio Solimões, com o uso de um peneirão retangular (1,5 x 1,0 m e malhagem de 500 µm). Foram capturados...
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Grandes usinas hidrelétricas têm sido implementadas na região amazônica, ocasionando alterações nas bacias hidrográficas, devido às construções de reservatórios as quais provocam mudanças nas comunidades biológicas, com consequências diretas aos recursos pesqueiros, que são fundamentais para essa região. No entanto, apesar de sua importância ecológ...
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Exibimos filmes e documentários com o objetivo de oportunizar reflexões relacionadas à Educação Ambiental. A variedade de questionamentos e os argumentos utilizados pelos alunos do ensino básico mostraram que estes instrumentos didáticos de aprendizagem cumpriram as expectativas.


Question (1)
How do I download ERA5 reanalysis data for specific location instead of the entire database? This was possible in version 4 and seems not possible in this new version.


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