Sanyukta Chetia

Sanyukta Chetia
Jorhat Institute of Science and Technology (JIST) · Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering

B.E. (GU), M.TECH (GU)


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Publications (6)
Purpose: The study of retinal blood vessel morphology is of great importance in retinal image analysis. The retinal blood vessels have a number of distinct features such as width, diameter, tortuosity, etc. In this paper, a method is proposed to measure the tortuosity of retinal blood vessels obtained from retinal fundus images. Tortuosity is a sit...
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Tortuosity is one of the micro vascular change that is observed in many retinopathies. Its early detection can prevent the progression of various retinopathies to a critical stage at which a person may become blind. Here, we propose a novel method for the measurement of tortuosity by polynomial modeling of retinal vessels for the analysis of hypert...
Conference Paper
The retinal blood vessels act as landmark for detecting some retinal diseases. The changes in the vessel characteristics such as tortuosity may be used to estimate the effect of hypertension. In this paper, a simple distance metric (DM) method is used to evaluate the tortuosity of blood vessels. Initially, the method is applied on synthetically gen...
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play a vital role in every organism. The role played by a protein is mostly due to its structure and hence predicting the structure of a protein is important. There are vast numbers of experimental techniques that can be used to predict the structure of a protein but these are very time consuming, expensive and tedious. As such, research is going o...
Conference Paper
One of the most important macromolecule found in every organism is protein. It performs a wide variety of functions. Improper functioning of certain proteins leads to various abnormalities in the human body. The proper functioning of a protein is determined by its structure. Hence, protein structure prediction is in great demand in the field of bio...
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Protein structure prediction is becoming a major research area in the field of bioinformatics. The structure of a protein can be determined using experimental techniques and soft computing techniques. This paper shows an approach to predict the structure of a protein using soft computing techniques. We have used an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) a...


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