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Ravi Shankar Gautam

Ravi Shankar Gautam

Master of Science


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Deciphering key regulatory signalling cascades that are responsible for eliciting neuroectoderm from ectoderm during vertebrate development.
August 2016 - September 2020
Jawaharlal Nehru University
Field of study
  • Fungal Molecular Biology
August 2011 - July 2013
August 2008 - July 2011
University of Delhi
Field of study


Publications (13)
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The Bmp/Smad1 pathway plays a crucial role in developmental processes and tissue homeostasis. Mitogen-activated protein kinase (Mapk)/Erk mediated phosphorylation of Smad1 in the linker region leads to Smad1 degradation, cytoplasmic retention and inhibition of Bmp/Smad1 signaling. While Fgf/Erk pathway has been documented to inhibit Bmp/Smad1 signa...
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A comprehensive regulatory network of transcription factors controls the dorsoventral patterning of the body axis in developing vertebrate embryos. Bone morphogenetic protein signaling is essential for activating the Ventx family of homeodomain transcription factors, which regulates embryonic patterning and germ layer identity during Xenopus gastru...
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Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) encode a large family of growth factor proteins that activate several intracellular signaling pathways to control diverse physiological functions. The human genome encodes 22 FGFs that share a high sequence and structural homology with those of other vertebrates. FGFs orchestrate diverse biological functions by regu...
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Trichoderma is an important biocontrol agent for managing plant diseases. Trichoderma species are members of the fungal genus hyphomycetes, which is widely distributed in soil. It can function as a biocontrol agent as well as a growth promoter. Trichoderma species are now frequently used as biological control agents (BCAs) to combat a wide range of...
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Gastrulation is a critical step in the establishment of a basic body plan during development. Convergence and extension (CE) cell movements organize germ layers during gastrulation.Noncanonical Wnt signaling has been known as major signaling that regulates CE cell movement by activating Rho and Rac. In addition, Bmp molecules are expressed in the v...
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Spemann organizer is a center of dorsal mesoderm and itself retains the mesoderm character, but it has a stimulatory role for neighboring ectoderm cells in becoming neuroectoderm in gastrula embryos. Goosecoid (Gsc) overexpression in ventral region promotes secondary axis formation including neural tissues, but the role of gsc in neural specificati...
Supplementary Fig. S1. Upregulated expression of neural specific gene foxd4l1.1 by knockdown of gsc in ACs of BMP inhibition and activin treatment condition. (A) Gsc MO (51 ng/embryo), Chrd/Nog MO (51 × 2 ng/embryo), dnbr (0.5 ng/embryo), and chordin/ noggin (0.5 × 2 ng/embryo) were injected at the one-cell stage and the animal cap explants were di...
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Inhibition of the bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) is the primary step toward neuroectoderm formation in vertebrates. In this process, the Spemann organizer of the dorsal mesoderm plays a decisive role by secreting several extracellular BMP inhibitors such as Chordin (Chrd). Chrd physically interacts with BMP proteins and inhibits BMP signaling,...
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Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) comprise a large family of growth factors, regulating diverse biological processes including cell proliferation, migration, and differentiation. Each FGF binds to a set of FGF receptors to initiate certain intracellular signaling molecules. Accumulated evidence suggests that in early development and adult state of v...
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Background Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is an ultra-filtrated colorless brain fluid that circulates within brain spaces like the ventricular cavities, subarachnoid space, and the spine. Its continuous flow serves many primary functions, including nourishment, brain protection, and waste removal. Main body The abnormal accumulation of CSF in brain cav...


Questions (13)
I am trying to visualize a ChIP seq data using the online UseGalaxy tool. I have proceeded with all the necessary steps required for Pileup Aligned files prior to Visualize, even Pileup has been generated for my Bowtie aligned file. But unfortunately, whenever I am trying to do Pileup Interval this tool is showing Error (Syntax Index Error) although I have sent back the error report to the team.
Can anybody help me out to proceed with the Pileup generate step?
Hello Every1!!!
I am trying to purify my MBP fused protein by affinity chromatography using amylose resins but getting to many non specific bands.. therefore i tried gel filtration but again and again i am getting few non specific bands, as i have to for crystal and assays i need to get a single band but after so many attempts I am getting non specific bands..
any suggestions for removing those non-specific bands.
My mbp fused protein is of 96.5 kda and I m getting non specific bands near about 62 kda...
I have attached 1 of my sds-page image of fractions eluted after GPC...
Actually i want to know is it acceptable to get variation in expression of housekeeping genes like GAPDH and Actin which i am getting in Real time pcr? in normal condition actin's avg ct is around 16 and that of GAPDH it is around 20,, but avg CT of GAPDH gets change whenever i m trying to do Real time at different condition, its aroung 16 whereas for actin it is nearby 14..
It this change in Ct of control (Housekeeping genes) are acceptable?
Actually I m concern about the maximum and minimum amount of cDNA we can use for Real time PCR, as we Rt pcr is very sensitive and can detect a very low amount of cDNA also.
Generally it is recommended in cDNA synthesis kit that we should use around 1-2ug of RNA for cDNA synthesis, bt with this amount i m not getting any amplication for my few specific genes except my controls i.e Actin and GAPDH and few other genes. Any reason for this???
Hi all,
I m very much confused for a double digestion reaction to check a fallout of 166 bp which has been cloned in 6900bp vector.
I have took around 1500 ng of my recombinant plasmid(6900+166 bp) as a template for a 20ul digestion reaction but after loading the complete reaction volume I didnt able to see any fallout in a 1% agarose gel . The vector backbone is quite bright and can be seen in a single band but thr is no band of 166 bp.
I have previously done colony PCR for my clone confirmation and it has shown a clear band of 166 bp.
any suggestion regarding this problem?
In order to do a cloning I am trying to do double digestion of my vector with Sph1 and Not1 enzymes , the sites are 14
bases apart. My question is - is it appropriate to do double digestion at a time with fast digest enzymes (Thermo) which mainly have a common universal buffer or should I go for sequential digestion with the enzymes? my concern is - as both the sites are nearby will be there any interference during the double digestion using both enzyme at a time?
Thank you
Hello all,
I am looking for bioinformatic tool/websites to know the location of fungal genes, as most of the genes are uncharacterized , is it possible to get their location on chromosome?
My organism is Rhizopus delemar/oryzae.
Hello all!
I am doing SDS-PAGE for my protein of predicted size of 53.5kda bt unexpectedly I am getting bands of around 60kda.. I have done this 3-4 times and Everytime the required band is about 60kda in induced samples.. I have sequenced my cDNA clone also and it is showing right sequence.
suggestion will be highly appreciated..
I want to ask "does elution buffer provided with kits like gel elution/pcr purification etc interfere with any cloning processes like restriction digestion and ligation? as they contain salt and so as restriction digestion buffer and ligation buffer..


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