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Raajesh Subramanian

Raajesh Subramanian
Rajshree Biosolutions · Research and Development

Ph.D Biotechnology


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Additional affiliations
September 2013 - present
Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture
  • PostDoc Position
  • Involved in "Identification and characterization of differentialy expressed genes towards abiotic stress tolerance and adaptation" funded by National Agricultural Research Project (NAIP), India.
August 2012 - February 2013
Vector Control Research Center (VCRC), Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)
  • Researcher
  • Involved in “Optimization of production of downstream processing for the improved yield of Thrombinase, a blood clot dissolving enzyme from Bacillus sphaericus”.
December 2009 - August 2012
Genetics and Biotechnology unit
  • Research Associate
  • Involved in Molecular Pathogenesis of Virus and Bioprospecting for Immune Genes. Study Biochemical, Physiological and Cellular response to stress, Signaling pathways during stress


Publications (12)
Full-text available
Biochemical and physiological changes in Penaeus monodon on exposure to salinity stress conditions were studied. Total haemocyte count (THC), total protein concentration (PC), phenoloxidase (PO) activity, respiratory burst and osmolality were measured in low (3‰) and high salinity (55‰) stressed shrimps in comparison to control shrimp samples maint...
Four suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) cDNA libraries were constructed to identify differentially expressed salinity stress responsive genes of black tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon exposed to high (55 ppt) salinity conditions. One each of the forward and reverse SSH cDNA libraries were developed from the gill and gut tissues of shrimp and...
Fenneropenaeus indicus Translationally Controlled Tumor Protein (Fi-TCTP) was cloned and expressed using pET 100a-D-TOPO in prokaryotic expression system and it exhibited putative antioxidant activity as assessed in vitro by the enhanced growth of Escherichia coli (E.coli) in presence of hydrogen peroxide. The protective efficacy of recombinant Fi-...
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Viral latency has been recently observed to be associated with White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) infection in shrimp. In the present study, shrimp samples (Penaeus monodon) surviving WSSV infection were examined for presence of WSSV in latent phase. Virus latency was observed in shrimp which were either experimentally challenged with WSSV and surviv...
O-methyltransferase (OMT), a protein present ubiquitously in wide range of organisms plays significant role in methylation of small macro molecules for various functional and regulatory purposes. In crustaceans, OMT has functional role in growth, reproduction, ovarian development and molting. In the present study, suppression subtractive hybridizat...
O-methyltransferase (OMT), a protein present ubiquitously in wide range of organisms plays significant role in methylation of small macro molecules for various functional and regulatory purposes. In crustaceans , OMT has functional role in growth, reproduction, ovarian development and molting. In the present study, suppression subtractive hybridiza...
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Immune related genes like penaeidins have been characterized and the sequence diversity among penaeidins from various shrimp isolates are well documented. However, no attempt has been made to study the differential expression and sequence variations of these genes in Indian context. Genes coding for penaeidin was PCR amplified and sequenced from he...
Innate immunity is the first line of defense in shrimps against invading pathogenic microorganisms. Peroxiredoxins (PRX) are the family of antioxidant proteins that play a crucial role in reduction of oxidative stress in host during viral infection. Peroxiredoxin from Fenneropenaeus indicus was identified, cloned and expressed in prokaryotic expres...
The gene coding for translationally controlled tumour protein (TCTP) was polymerase chain reaction amplified from haemocyte cDNA of Indian shrimp, . Penaeus indicus, and sequenced. The N-terminal region, a conserved one among all the TCTPs, was shown to have one substitution at position 37, in the Indian isolate. Besides this, there were two substi...


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