Olgierd Swiatkiewicz

Olgierd Swiatkiewicz
Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal · Secção Autónoma de Ciências Empresariais e Comunicação



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January 1992 - October 1995
Câmara de Comércio e Indústria Luso - Polaca (Luso-Polish Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
  • General Secretary
October 1987 - August 1990
Centrum Podyplomowego Ksztalcenia Pracowników Administracji Panstwowej - Center for Postgraduate Education of State Administration
  • Sénior Assistant/Lecturer
February 1985 - August 1987
Instytut Wzornictwa Przemysłowego (Institute of Industrial Design)
  • Research Assistant
March 2002 - July 2007
Lusíada University, Lisbon, Portugal
Field of study
  • Management (Strategy)
October 1993 - June 1996
ISPA Instituto Universitário
Field of study
  • Organizational Behavior
September 1990 - July 1991
University of Lisbon - School of Arts and Humanities
Field of study
  • Estudos Portugueses (Portuguese Studies)


Publications (49)
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The main objective of the research was to establish which skills and competencies are mostly demanded by organizations/employers in Portugal and Poland. Secondly, we wanted to determine if there are any differences in this type of skills and competencies in these two countries. In order to analyze the skills necessary in organizations, we applied t...
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The purpose of this paper is to present a basic compendium of how companies can integrate social responsibility into their strategies. The paper analyzes and synthesizes ideas and proposals based on the literature review from different fields. It proposes a practical approach that does not highlight the differences but the positive and mutual syner...
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Resumo: O presente ensaio constitui uma tentativa de distinguir os conceitos de ética, moral e moralidade. Frequentemente, as pessoas tentam abordar as questões éticas como se fossem coisas ou tivessem forma corpórea e tangível. Por conseguinte, parece-nos útil elucidar a distinção e a abordagem de alguns dos elementos constituintes da ética/moral,...
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This study is devoted to the analysis of the concept of subsidiarity, which allowed the formulation of the subsidiarity principle, acting in various spheres of collective human activity. Systematization of the literary sources and approaches to the management of business activities proved that the ethical principle of subsidiarity aims to develop t...
Purpose – The aim of the study is to systematize knowledge on the ethos and image of the businessman/CEO in Poland and Portugal as a result of political and socio‑economic changes in both countries, as well as to identify differences and similarities conditioned by history and culture. Research method – The method used in this study is comparative...
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The paper scrutinizes wine sector sustainability management in Portugal, which is a traditional wine producer. In Portugal, wine is strategic to its agri-food industry. As the wine market faced changes in consumption and an increase in the quality of the wine offered, new green products (organic, biodynamic) appeared for market niches concerned wit...
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W artykule analizuje się sektor wina w Portugalii z punktu widzenia zrównoważonego rozwoju. Portugalia jest jednym z tradycyjnych jego producentów, zaś wino jedną ze strategicznych gałęzi jej gospodarki. Przemysł alkoholowy, do którego należy segment wina, jest kontrowersyjny, gdyż z jednej strony obarczony jest stygmatem „grzechu”, ze względu na n...
W rozdziale poddano analizie pojęcie subsydiarności, które posłużyło do sformułowania zasady subsydiarności, funkcjonującej w różnych sferach działalności zbiorowej człowieka i tworzonych przez niego organizacji. Zasada subsydiarności to zasada etyczna służąca rozwojowi dobrobytu życia zbiorowego człowieka. Zasada ta, poza naczelnymi celami służeni...
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W artykule przedstawiony jest aktualny stan rozwoju gałęzi przemysłu związanej z pozyskiwaniem i przetwórstwem kory dębu korkowego (Quercus suber). Korek jest bardzo wielostronnym tworzywem o licznych zastosowaniach i właściwościach, które nie ograniczają się wyłącznie do jego funkcji jako zatyczki do butelek. Przemysł korka naturalnego należy do s...
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Communication is one of the main organizational processes and at the same time one of the four basic marketing variables. Apart from some specific aspects of interpersonal communication, in this paper, we focus on the key issues of communication with the market and its stakeholders, because it determines the sales of products and services in a comp...
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In the case study of Delta Cafés we discuss the sustainable development of the Portuguese company and brand over the 55 years of their existence. Delta Cafés has already been analyzed in terms of marketing activity, social responsibility, management control systems, etc. In this paper, we refer to these studies, and we reach the sources, i.e. the i...
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In this article, we address in general terms the issue of workers' competences and skills: a confusing and controversial theme with various empirical results and many inconsistencies, but that keeps providing research opportunities. Through the binomial soft skill and hard skill, we aim to identify the role played by moral skills. In the empirical...
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In the present paper, basing upon literature review, we define and analyse various aspects of the concept of corporate governance. After the introduction, which discriminates the purpose of the study, we describe the assumptions of this issue. Then, approaching corporate governance in Portugal, we present an institutional measure at national level...
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One can observe in the whole Europe a general trend to include ethics and corporate social responsibility into corporate strategy and operational activities. Institutional, public, corporate and competitors' pressure reinforce the increasing popularity of the corporate social responsibility concept. It sometimes even happens that it is done without...
Conference Paper
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Several organizations (European Commission, governments of different countries, NGOs and firms themselves) strive to increase the level of ethical performance and CSR to achieve, in the long-run, development in their economic performance and, thereby, the economy as a whole. The most part of these entities endeavor to promote soft skills as they co...
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Several organizations (European Commission, governments of different countries, NGOs and firms themselves) strive to increase the level of ethical performance and CSR to achieve, in the long-run, development in their economic performance and, thereby, the economy as a whole. The most part of these entities endeavor to promote soft skills as they co...
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Diversas entidades (Comissão Europeia, ONU, governos de vários países, meios de comunicação social, organizações não governamentais e as próprias empresas) esforçam-se por aumentar o nível de desempenho ético e de responsabilidade social de empresas com o intuito de conseguir, a longo prazo, o aumento do seu desempenho económico e, por essa via, da...
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O artigo apresenta os resultados das percepções de diferentes tipos de conduta como exemplificações de assédio sexual no local de trabalho. Os resultados foram obtidos através de um inquérito realizado em Portugal em 2004, numa amostra por conveniência. As percepções de assédio sexual foram analisadas à luz da influência das variáveis (individuais...
The paper presents results on the frequency of pressure felt by Portuguese workers to compromise ethical/legal standards. The results come from a survey carried out in Portugal in 2004 on a convenience sample. The frequency of pressure felt by employees, from four internal and three external groups was analyzed in the light of the impact of selecte...
Conference Paper
No artigo apresenta-se e discute os resultados de um estudo exploratório sobre a frequência de percepção e de permissividade de diferentes tipos de conduta não ética. Os resultados foram obtidos através de um inquérito realizado em Portugal numa amostra por conveniência. A frequência de ocorrência e de tolerância das condutas foi analisada à luz da...
There is a general trend, reinforced by institutional, public and competitors pressure, to include ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) into a corporate strategy, sometimes without any preoccupation with risks and threats it can have to the business bottom line. By reviewing the literature, we draw praxiological limits (submitted to cri...
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Resumo. O artigo apresenta uma selecção dos resultados de um estudo empírico realizado em Portugal em 2004, numa amostra por conveniência, sobre diversos aspectos da conduta ética das empresas e seus trabalhadores. A dimensão ética da conduta das empresas e dos trabalhadores foi assumida como conceito composto pelos seguintes aspectos: reflexão éti...
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The present paper presents some empirical results of investigation in ethical behaviour of enterprises and their workers in Portugal (2004) in comparison to results from the Polish investigation (1997) conducted in the same areas of business ethics by Lewicka-Strzalecka seven years before. The comparison deals with perception of ethical dimension i...
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Resumo. Ultimamente muitas investigações têm sido levadas a cabo em diferentes áreas das Ciên-cias Sociais e Humanas, nas quais o fenómeno de inércia, suas causas e resultados têm sido estuda-dos, a saber: na Filosofia (Ética e Praxeologia), na Psicologia ou na Teoria Organizacional. Toda-via, parece que a literatura científica das Ciências Sociais...
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Nota: iniciamos neste número a publicação de um estudo efectuado sobre a situação sócio-profissional dos profissionais formados pela Escola Superior de Tecnologia de Setúbal. Apesar da sua extensão, leia-se "rigor", não queríamos deixar de o publicar pela importância que tem no revelar as reais saídas que o ensino tecnológico pode ter em Portugal....
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Nie omawiamy tutaj problemów zwia^zanych z trescia. przedmiotu lub dydaktyka, marketingu na wyzszej uczelni. W Portugalii sã. dostçpne obecnie bardzo dobre podrçczniki, ksia,zki i czasopisma z tej dziedziny, które oma-wiaja. powyzsze kwestie-niektóre z uznana, pozycja, na rynku, jak Mercator: Teoria e Prática do Marketing [Lendrevie 1993/96]-prezen...
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This paper presents a different epistemological approach - the praxiological one. Praxiology, also called general methodology, is simultaneously something both new and old - it is new as a scientific discipline and it is old as a commonsensual knowledge. This scientific branch deals with the issue of effectiveness of human action and analyses the c...
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A mudança no antigo bloco de Leste é um facto com múltiplas implicações. Um dos países que dinamicamente encetou as mudanças em 1989, não poupando esforços para se integrar no resto da Europa foi a Polónia. A resposta efectiva e não aparente da Europa Ocidental as expectativas da Polónia pode ser obtida analisando o senso comum, ou mais especificam...
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Antes de começar qualquer estudo, é fundamental delimitar o problema e colocá-lo num marco teórico próprio para o caso. O autor pretende abordar a questão da imagem da Polónia em Portugal do ponto de vista da teoria das representações sociais e dedica este artigo, principalmente, a problemática teórica. A primeira parte do artigo trata da conceptua...
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Wsród zmian personalnych nalezy z zalem odnotowac odejscie z Zakladu dra Tomasza Dabrowskiego, który przcszecH do innej pracy. W nastepnym roku przewiduje siç zatrudnienie dwóch mlodych pracowników, którzy s% uczestnikami Seminarium dokto-ranckiego. Marek K. M/icki Konferencja: Problemy organizacji stanowisk pracy w warunkach roboty-zacji i kompute...


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