Lena Ellitan

Lena Ellitan
Widya Mandala Surabaya Catholic University · Department of Business Management

Doctor of Philosophy


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Publications (359)
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This article comprehensively analyses role dynamics, power, political organization, and change organization in the literature on modern management. Six articles were studied critically to highlight various perspectives on various topics. Although every article offers unique insight, they emphasize the importance of understanding dynamics, power, be...
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ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT Keywords: Literature Study, Due Diligence, Merger and Acquisition, Audit Internal. Purpose-This research focuses on how internal audit influences added value in the merger and acquisition (M&A) process. One of the internal audits provides value added by doing due process diligence For M&A transactions. The failure rate in crea...
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Unilever, is a multinational company which sells consumer goods such as beverages, culinary items, cleaning supplies, and personal hygiene items. Unilever NV, located in Rotterdam, and Unilever PLC, based in London, make up the dual-listed company Unilever. The company is among the top global providers of food and beverage, personal care, and beaut...
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The success of companies is significantly shaped by the efficiency and effectiveness of supply chain management in the dynamic realm of global commerce. Apple Inc. is at the top of this complex supply and demand dynamic in international business management. Apple, as the market leader, is well-known for its supply chain capabilities as well as grou...
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Everyone definitely wants the business they build to be able to expand globally. In the business world, expansion is an effort to broaden or enlarge a company's business network, both in terms of production and distribution. By entering the world of international business, companies will gain many positive impacts, such as being able to expand prod...
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Competitive advantage or competitive advantage is the ability of a company to achieve economic profits above the profits achieved by competitors in the market in the same industry. Companies that have a competitive advantage always have the ability to understand changes in market structure and are able to choose effective marketing strategies. Furt...
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The supply chain in any business is made up of all the operations required to fulfill orders from customers. This includes the transfer of goods in both ways as well as information, assets, and goods from suppliers to manufacturers to distributors. L'Oréal, a market leader in the cosmetic industry, has gained a competitive advantage by efficiently...
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Companies in every sector recognize the vital role that Supply Chain Management plays in maximizing efficiency, staying competitive, and achieving overall success. Supply chain management is an integral part of any business's operating structure since it includes the entire product lifecycle, from planning and sourcing to production, delivery, and...
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Competitive advantage is the added value that a company has or an advantage that makes the company superior to other competitors in the product or service aspect so that it can attract attention when the target buyers are the same. Strategic management is very important to determine the decisions that must be made so that the company continues to s...
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Corporate Governance (CG) is a core concept in modern corporate strategy, especially in the banking industry. This article examines the relationship between implementing CG, Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), and organizational culture in the banking context. The research background details the impact of technological change, globalization, and tran...
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Tujuan pembahasan tulisan ini adalah: (1). Untuk mengetahui Visi, Misi, Tujuan, dan Strategi Perusahaan ACE Hardware Indonesia. (2). Untuk menganalisis Lingkungan Internal dan Lingkungan Eksternal Perusahaan Perusahaan ACE Hardware Indonesia. (3). Untuk menganalisis Isu Manajemen dan Isu Operasional Perusahaan ACE Hardware Indonesia. (4). menganali...
Sustainable Leadership emerged as a new leadership paradigm in the sustainability era, starting with the issue of ethical leadership. Ethical leadership is based on social power, focusing on how leaders use social power. them in making decisions, the actions they take and the way leaders influence others in six attributes, namely character and inte...
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Starbucks' success has been largely attributed to its supply chain strategy. The business has continuously made investments to improve the effectiveness of its supply chain, which includes sourcing coffee beans, manufacturing, distribution, and logistics. With a strong emphasis on manufacturing excellence and the construction of warehouses, distrib...
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Supply chain management (SCM) is the process that carried out to control the movement of goods and services to and from the business. It encompasses each stage including transforming raw materials and components into a finished good, delivering it to the end customers. Supply chain management can help to improve the activity streamline to become mo...
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E-marketplaces are not only used as sites for carrying out online buying and selling transactions, but also offer features that are superior to other e-marketplaces. Buying and selling activities through e-marketplaces have grown rapidly compared to when e-marketplaces were first established. Today's e-marketplaces not only act as buying and sellin...
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Dalam sebuah perusahaan terdapat berbagai faktor lingkungan yang mempengaruhi jalannya bisnis dari perusahaan tersebut. Faktor-faktor itu dibagi menjadi dua yaitu lingkungan internal dan lingkungan eksternal. Kedua lingkungan tersebut dapat dijadikan analisis bagi perusahaan agar dapat mengetahui kekurangan dan kelebihan perusahaan sendiri serta da...
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Pendahuluan Sistem informasi manajemen adalah suatu sistem berbasis komputer yang membuat informasi tersedia bagi para pengguna yang memiliki kebutuhan serupa. Para pengguna SIM biasanya terdiri atas entitas-entitas organisasi formal perusahaan atau sub unit anak perusahaannya. Informasi yang diberikan oleh SIM menjelaskan perusahaan atau salah sat...
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Supply chains is a process in fulfilling customers' demand that include all parties engaged in either directly or through indirect means. This includes all the activities related to new product operations, marketing, development, finance, distribution, and customer service, among others. Every supply chain aims to maximize the overall value produce...
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Currently, it is undeniable that advances in science and technology have an impact on people's lifestyles. One of them can be seen in investing activities that can be done only by having a smartphone and an internet network. Business actors use this situation to provide mutual fund investment applications. It is characterized by increasing competit...
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The sampling technique for this study was non-probability sampling using the LISREL program. The tool used is a questionnaire. The sample in this study consisted of 187 respondents, who are Gacoan Noodle customers aged from aged 12 to 25 years, who’s domicile throughout the city of Surabaya. The results of this study indicate that celebrity endorse...
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Artikel ini ditulis untuk mengetahui pentingnya kualitas layanan logistik dan kualitas integrasi saluran yang baik dalam mempengaruhi tingkat kepuasan pelanggan pada pelaku bisnis, khususnya yang bergerak di industri makanan dan minuman. Saat ini, banyak sekali pelaku usaha di bidang makanan dan minuman yang beroperasi tanpa terlalu memperhatikan p...
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Artikel ini dibuat untuk mendeskripsikan ekonomi hijau, logistik ramah lingkungan, dan penerapannya pada perusahaan armada di Indonesia. Emisi gas karbon yang dikeluarkan oleh kendaraan terus meningkat dan menjadi ancaman serius bagi masyarakat sehingga memunculkan beberapa ide untuk mengatasi permasalahan ini, salah satunya adalah logistik ramah l...
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In this digital era, where every organisation heavily relies on information technology (IT) for its daily operations, ensuring good IT risk management through Information Technology Risk Governance (ITRG) becomes crucial. The risks emerging from this dependency are diverse and complex, ranging from cybersecurity threats to IT system failures to dat...
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In increasingly complex and dynamic business developments, this research analyzes the strategic role of internal auditors in assessing risk governance in an organization using the ISO: 31000 enterprise risk management approach and its implications for corporate performance. The assurance process carried out by internal audit can use the three-line...
Conference Paper
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This article was conducted to describe the green economy, green logistics, and its implementation in Indonesia's fleet corporations. Carbon gas emissions emitted by vehicles keep on increasing and pose a serious threat to the society which creates several ideas to emerge to address this issue, one of them being the green logistics. However, there i...
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Agriculture is one of the sectors that makes a big contribution to the economy in Melo village, Liang Ndara, West Manggarai Regency. This contribution certainly has a very important role for the economy in the region. Agricultural development should continue to be pursued so that its important role in the economy is maintained. However, complex far...
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Customers need a unique, unforgettable experience when deciding to repurchase. If this experience is not valuable enough to remember, repurchase interest will not occur. The study focuses on the variables experiential marketing, social media marketing, and brand trust, which impact Samsung's repurchase intention. The SEM-PLS influence test was anal...
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This research aims to contribute to filling a significant gap by studying changes in the value of mining companies' goodwill, this study highlights the focus of research on companies that report positive goodwill values will then be considered to have high intellectual capital, so investors assume the company has better earning potential in the fut...
Conference Paper
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This paper explains the concept of sustainable leadership as a new paradigm that leaders need to respond to global challenges in the era of sustainability, reviews how the history of the birth of the concept of sustainable leadership was initiated by the idea of ethical leadership and developed into a new concept in the field of leadership that is...
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Product quality has a positive impact on repurchase intentions. Good product quality with good taste, and the wide variety of products available will make consumers visit and buy this product again in the future. Good service quality has a significant effect on repurchase intentions. This shows that good service quality alone is not enough to make...
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The study was conducted to find out about the importance of a good logistics service quality and channel integration quality in influencing the level of customer satisfaction in business, especially those engaged in the food and beverage industry. These days, there are lots of businesses in the food and beverage sector that operate without paying m...
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In creating value, companies need to constantly look for new ways to improve their products, services or business processes, which involve developing new technologies, using efficient production methods, and discovering new markets or new ways to optimize business processes more quickly and efficiently for their customers. This study explores the f...
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Article Info Abstract Purpose: This study aims to analyze the effect of Online Customer Reviews on purchase intention with customer trust as a purchasing decision variable for Sociolla consumers. Method: This research is using the Non Probability Sampling method with Purposive Sampling. The sample used in this study was 250 respondents with charact...
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Conference Paper
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Abstrak Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pengaruh Experiential Marketing terhadap Repurchase Intention, pengaruh Social Media Marketing terhadap Repurchase Intention, pengaruh Experiential Marketing terhadap Brand Trust, pengaruh Social Media Marketing terhadap Brand Trust, pengaruh Brand Trust terhadap Repurchase Intention, peran mediasi...
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This research is entitled The Influence of Strategic Leadership, Organizational Commitment and Organizational Culture Through Consensus Strategy on the Achievement of Development Strategy Plans in Government Agencies in Timor Leste. The purpose of this research is to answer ten hypotheses where hypotheses 1-7 are direct effect hypotheses and three...
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Pengembangan sistem informasi manajemen dilakukan melalui beberapa tahap, dimana masing – masing langkah menghasilkan suatu yang lebih rinci dari tahap sebelumnya. Tahap awal dari pengembangan sitem umumnya dimulai dengan mendeskripsikan kebutuhan pengguna dari sisi pendekatan sistem rencana stratejik yang bersifat makro, diikuti dengan penjabaran...
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The food and beverage industry in Indonesia has experienced growth since the Covid-19 pandemic. The development of restaurants selling spicy noodles in Indonesia is increasing. This development is in line with the increasing interest of Indonesians in consuming spicy noodles. Wizzmie is a spicy noodle restaurant that has a wide variety of food and...
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This study aims to determine the influence analysis of Service Quality and Experiential Marketing on Customer Loyalty through Customer Satisfaction as mediaition at Coffee Shop Vanko di Surabaya. The Sampling technique uses nonprobality sampling with purposive sampling method, The sample taken were 160 respondents who were consumers of Coffee Shop...
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Analisis lingkungan eksternal adalah pemindaian terhadap lingkungan eksternal perusahaan yang bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi ancaman dan peluang yang mempengaruhi kinerja perusahaan. Analisis lingkungan eksternal dilakukan untuk dapat mengidentifikasikan faktor-faktor di luar lingkungan perusahaan yang mempengaruhi kelangsungan bisnis perusahaan...
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Pada dasarnya, manajemen strategi adalah proses dalam pengambilan keputusan, menerapkan tindakan dan mengevaluasi hal apa saja yang sudah dilakukan secara baik agar bisa mencapai tujuan jangka panjang perusahaan. Proses ini dilakukan secara kontinyu dengan cara mengevaluasi dan juga mengontrol internal bisnis, melakukan analisis kompetitor, serta...
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Visi merupakan suatu rangkaian kata yang di dalamnya terdapat impian, cita-cita atau nilai inti dari suatu lembaga atau organisasi. Bisa dikatakan visi menjadi tujuan masa depan suatu organisasi atau lembaga. Ia berisi pikiran-pikiran yang terdapat di dalam benak para pendiri. Pikiran-pikiran itu adalah gambaran dari masa depan dari organisasi yang...
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The brand image and corporate nature of your product is one of the secrets of business success. The accurate brand image of your product can increase the sales of your product and create a foundation for the success of your company. In view of many employees who want to buy formal, yet trendy, high quality and price in The Executive, this brand ide...
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As the internet and digital technology advances, everything becomes limitless. Many claim that the industrial revolution era had an impact on several elements of society, including the economy. In order for the organization's desires and goals to be achieved and developed, as well as to contain competition, businesses must decide on new marketing s...
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This article discusses the Amazon company's efforts to achieve competitive advantage, especially in the field of technology. The development of technology has been very rapid lately, and continues to emerge, which has made many companies concentrate on businesses related to technology.
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Understanding and increasing customer loyalty to a brand is essential for the survival and success of the company. In the digital era and increasingly fierce business competition, creating and maintaining good cooperation and relationships with customers is very important for the continuity of the company. Brand image is a representation imagined b...
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Apakah yang dimaksud dengan sistem informasi dalam pemasaran? Fungsi, Jenis dan Model Pada Sistem Informasi Pemasaran ... Sistem informasi pemasaran adalah sistem yang menganalisis dan juga mengukur informasi pemasaran yang dihimpun terus menerus dari bermacam sumber perusahaan.
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Sistem Pemrosesan Transaksi merupakan suatu sistem untuk transaksi rutin harian bisnis mulai dari pengumpulan, modifikasi, dan pengambilan semua data transaksi. Sistem informasi terkomputerisasi ini dikembangkan untuk memproses sejumlah besar data transaksi bisnis rutin, termasuk untuk menghasilkan informasi keuangan.
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Sistem Informasi Eksekutif merupakan suatu sistem yang khusus dirancang bagi manajer tingkat perencanaan strategis yang menyediakan informasi bagi eksekutif mengenai kinerja keseluruhan perusahaan. Informasi dapat diambil dengan mudah dan dalam berbagai tingkat rincia
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The Covid 19 pandemic has accelerated the pace of change, especially in the hospital industry sector in Indonesia. The global Covid 19 pandemic in Indonesia has had an impact on the mental health of workers in the health sector which has caused work discomfort that must be faced so that Psychological Capital is needed, especially the ability of ind...
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The drastic changes that have taken place in Indonesia have changed human lives. Humans who are already dependent on using plastic bags, should slowly reduce the use of plastic bags by the government. Due to government regulations, many companies that produce plastic bags and shops that sell plastic bags suffer losses. Therefore, plastic bag compan...
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The sampling technique used is non-probability sampling by purposive sampling. The tool used is a questionnaire. The sample used was 200 respondents , namely consumers of face wash products in Surabaya. The data analysis technique used is Structural Equations Modeling using the LISREL program. The results of the study prove that brand image has a s...
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Pupose: This study aims to analyse the influence of brand equity on brand loyalty of Adidas shoes mediated by customer satisfaction. The data used was collected through google form. The researcher collected 180 respondents which domiciled in Indonesia, 17-50 years old, and has the experience of minimum 6-12 months using Adidas. The data will then p...
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The Strategic Plan for Development in Timor Leste is one such documentlong-term development strategy plans for various prioritized sectorseveryfive years, and for the preparation of the state budget every year. Onthe initial implementation of the development strategy plan all government agencies refer toon the document, but because of the change of...
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This paper is to explore the relationship between Organizational Citizenship Behaviour and organizational performance in both private and public organization. OCB has significant impact on organization performance as its shows in several researches and literature review by schoolar. Research in the field of business and management confirms that emp...
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Globalization has pushed people worldwide to buy all the things they want from anywhere. PT XYZ Surabaya is a logistics company engaged in freight forwarding to sends containers in large quantities for export and import. This study examines the factors that cause customer loyalty in the reuse of logistics services. The purpose of this study is to e...
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Every Organization will strive to achieve its goals. This is the logical consequence of the establishment of the organization. Especially in today's world development that is increasingly rapid with changes, this requires every organization including all public institutions to be able to adapt so as not to be left behind in realizing its vision, mi...
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Every organization have struggle for the better performance in order to achieve its mission and vision.This study's findings using the structural equation modeling (SEM) approach show that Strategic Leadership, Organizational Learning, Organizational Culture, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, and Organizational Performance are all convergently a...
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Teknologi dan inovasi perlu dimanfaatkan untuk membantu dan memajukan masyarakat, bukan untuk menggantikan peran manusia. Dengan demikian perubahan ini diharapkan dapat membantu manusia dalam menjalani kehidupan sehari-hari. Karakteristik kedua era hampir sama, yaitu meliputi digitalisasi, optimasi dan produksi dengan kustomisasi, otomasi, interaks...
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In the era of technological disruption or better known as the industrial era 4.0, the transformation of corporate change has become a permanent feature of organizational management. Rapid technological developments trigger technological disruptions plus the COVID 19 pandemic has doubled the disruption effect, making companies rely more on data and...
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As we know, that supply chain is a very important or crucial part for every company, because it can help us achieve our business objectives / goals. On the company’s side, which is Intel, with proper supply chain management, Intel can improve their products’ quality, reducing the risk of recalls. and also, on the shipping side it can be cheaper. Wh...
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The development of the times that occurred was also followed by changes in the food industry. Various trends and types of food from time to time change very quickly so that they are increasingly attractive and present many choices for consumers. Marketers must be careful and smart in responding to market opportunities, especially in the current 4.0...
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The development of the internet in the modern era has an impact on changing people's lifestyles, including in terms of shopping, namely online shops. With the presence of this online shop, people originally preferred to shop directly facing the seller and see the goods they wanted to buy, now people are starting to switch to using online shopping f...
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The existence of MSMEs has become a support for the recovery of the national economy after Indonesia was hit by a crisis during the pandemic. The role of MSMEs is very large in driving Indonesia's economic activities, both as primary and secondary sources of income. MSMEs in Indonesia have an important contribution as a support for the economy. The...
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The factor that becomes the main concern in an organization is humans, because humans play a major role in an organization. So humans, must be managed as employees and not as machines. Therefore, the organization must manage employees as the main and important factor for the success of the organization. Developing good human resources and using the...
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Brand equity, customer satisfaction, dan brand loyalty merupakan elemen-elemen penting dalam aktifitas bisnis suatu perusahaan. Secara spesifik, ketiganya merupakan penentu kesuksesan perusahaan. Selain itu, elemen-elemen krusial tersebut memiliki hubungan timbal balik yang signifikan antara satu dengan yang lainnya. Terkait dengan pernyataan terse...
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This study was conducted to find out about the effectivity of technology towards Walmart's sustainability supply chain management to handle difficulty in forecasting customers' demand which led to oversupply issue in August 2022. Aside from sustainability supply chain management, the research also focused on the strategic fit and competitive advant...
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Dell is the huge technology company that is well known with its strength in supply chain strategy. The capability to respond to the environment change can make them sustain for the long time. At first, direct sale and customization were the remarkable strategies of Dell. However, it led to the low level of product availability. As time passed, cons...
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McDonald's is one of the well known fast food restaurant. McDonald's is known with their complicated supply chain management to make sure all aspects is working to consistently provide quick and fresh food for the customers. But we can't deny that not every supply chain is perfect, as McDonald's currently has difficulty in their supply chain becaus...
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Tren bisnis era new normal identik dengan model bisnis low touch yang mengandalkan otomatisasi dan teknologi digital untuk berinteraksi dengan konsumen. Dampaknya seperti dua sisi mata uang. Bagi pelaku usaha khususnya Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) yang mampu beradaptasi, era ini akan memberikan peluang, namun bagi yang tidak mampu beradapt...
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Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) sebagai pilar perekonomian Indonesia memiliki dampak yang sangat signifikan dalam menghadapi keterpurukan ekonomi akibat pandemi Covid-19 yang berkepanjangan. Ketahanan UMKM dalam krisis akan mempengaruhi kelangsungan hidup UMKM, sehingga diperlukan strategi yang tepat untuk memperkuat ketahanan UMKM. Beberapa...
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Purpose: To examine the effect of Indomie's brand image and productinnovation on repurchase intention either directly or throughcustomer satisfaction. Method: This study uses quantitative methods to obtain significantresults and data collection in the form of an online questionnairethrough a google Forms. The total number of respondents obtained wa...
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh servant leadership, kepuasan kerja dan pemberdayaan karyawan terhadap komitmen organisasional pada karyawan bank di Surabaya. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kausal. Sampel dari penelitian ini berjumlah 200 orang dengan menggunakan teknik sampling purposive. Teknik analisis data yang...
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Social capital plays an important role in the entrepreneurial process, research shows that social capital is strongly related to the creation of opportunities in several industries. Various platforms are used to build Brand Awareness online marketing tools are Social Media Marketing, and promotions carried out by customers by word of mouth (E-WOM),...
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Consumers can make repeat purchases for the umpteenth time for the same products and services on a regular basis. At the same time, consumers also pay attention to current and future situations and conditions. This study aims to understand the application of experiential marketing factors and service quality that can affect customer satisfaction an...
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The internet plays a vital role in the business environment. With the internet, companies can easily reach targeted consumers in a wide area and can deliver their services faster. This technology gives rise to high competition between companies in terms of delivery of goods and services using the internet as a means. Companies that can take full ad...
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Needs of food are one of the basic human needs that must be fulfilled. Competition in the food industry sector is becoming increasingly tight due to the current pandemic situation. Business actors in the food industry sector compete with each other in order to survive. One of the business actors in the food industry sector is Mc Donald's which inno...
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Bimbingan dan konseling adalah suatu komponen dari sistem pendidikan disekolah Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh service quality dan customer satisfaction terhadap customer loyalty melalui perceived value sebagai variabel intervening pada pengguna handphone merk Samsung. Service quality dan customer satisfaction yang diberika...
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Koperasi Indonesia adalah organisasi ekonomi rakyat Indonesia yang demokratis dan berwatak sosial. Koperasi adalah selain suatu bentuk perkumpulan dimana orang orang yang miskin dan lemah ekonominya bekerja sama untuk memperbaiki nasibnya, juga merupakan suatu usaha yang bergerak di bidang ekonomi. KSP Tirtadana adalah koperasi yang yang beranggota...
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Citra merek merupakan persepsi seorang konsumen terhadap merek dari suatu produk maupun jasa. Dalam konteks ini, konsumen dapat membuat penilaian terhadap merek yang digunakan berdasarkan persepsi yang muncul. Citra merek yang baik memungkinkan konsumen untuk memiliki gambaran yang baik pula. Maka dari itu, citra merek yang baik dapat menimbulkan t...


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