Jone Bilbao

Jone Bilbao
Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea | UPV/EHU · Vegetal Biology and Ecology

PhD student


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October 2017 - October 2018
September 2013 - June 2017


Publications (13)
Artificial lighting with light-emitting diodes (LED) is proposed as a suitable solution to reach stable yearly production of high value molecules from microalgae under unfavorable climates. However, available studies are inconsistent regarding the effect of LED color on cultures performance. This study examined the response of Arthrospira platensis...
Phytoplankton monitoring is essential for understanding the functioning of aquatic ecosystems and for assessing water quality. Based on pigment analysis, different mathematical tools have been developed to relate pigments and phytoplankton groups and determine the contribution of each of these groups to the total phytoplankton biomass. However, mos...
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Phytoplankton monitoring is essential for the global understanding of aquatic ecosystems. The present research studies the phytoplankton community of the Urdaibai estuary, combining microscopy and eDNA metabarcoding for the first time in the area. The main aims were to describe the phytoplankton community composition in relation to the environmenta...
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In recent years, the interest in nutrition and healthful living has increased and consumers are looking for healthy alternatives as a food source. Gastronomic products and practices based on macroalgae are exponentially increasing. The objective of the present work was to characterize six common macroalgae species of the Basque Coast: green (Ulva r...
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Ostreopsis is a potentially toxic benthic dinoflagellate genus mostly distributed in warm and tropical waters. Its presence has been related to toxic outbreaks affecting humans. Since the first report in the Basque Country in 2007, its abundance and distribution has grown to such an extent that, in summer 2021, toxic blooms of these dinoflagellates...
Anthropic nutrient enrichment has become a major environmental issue in estuaries around the world, being the effluents of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) one of the main causes. Phytoplankton is, together with nutrients, a useful indicator for the ecological status assessment of estuaries due to its basal position in the food chain. The presen...
Conference Paper
Phytoplankton monitoring is essential for the global understanding of aquatic ecosystems, due to its important role as major primary producer. Traditionally, optical microscopy has been used for the analysis, but alternative methods based on the pigment analysis by HPLC and CHEMTAX are gaining importance lately. The present research studies the phy...
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Akuikulturak azken hamarkadan mundu mailan izan duen garapena itzela izan da eta, honek, Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoan (EAEn) moluskuen akuikultura burutzeko nahia piztu du. Gaur egun, muskuiluak ekoizten berriki hasi den akuikultura eremu bakarra dago EAEn, itsaso zabalean kokatuta, Mendexako kostaldearen aurrean. Hala ere, sektorea gehiago garatzek...
Conference Paper
"Marine and estuarine plankton ecology" group of the Department of Plant Biology and Ecology is made up of eleven researchers: six lectures, a PhD researcher, and four doctoral researchers. The activity of the group focuses on the monitoring of the plankton ecosystem, especially, on the influence of natural and anthropic factors on the zooplankton....
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This study describes the phytoplankton community in sheltered euhaline waters of the Basque coast (southeastern Bay of Biscay). Phytoplankton composition, cell size, abundance, biomass and the presence of potentially toxic taxa, together with chlorophyll a, nutrients and hydrographic and optical conditions were measured, from August 2016 to August...
The composition and dynamics of microalgae play an important role in shellfish aquaculture, since phytoplankton is the main source of energy for filter-feeding bivalves as well as the main potential toxicity risk. Together with the increase in world aquaculture production in the last decades, there is recent interest in the implementation of shellf...


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