João Sarmento

João Sarmento
University of Minho · Departamento de Geografia (DGEO)



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I am a Portuguese Cultural Geographer with interests in tourism, urban space, Africa, Central Asia and the Middle East. I obtained my PhD in Cork, Ireland, and I lecture at the University of Minho, Portugal since 1999. I am a researcher at the Communication and Society Research Centre, University of Minho, Portugal.
Additional affiliations
January 2018 - present
University of Minho
  • Researcher
January 2018 - present
University of Minho
  • Researcher
December 2008 - December 2017
University of Lisbon
  • Senior Researcher
December 2014 - December 2014
University of Lisbon
Field of study
  • Geography
October 1996 - May 2001
University College Cork
Field of study
  • Geography
October 1994 - June 1996
University College Cork
Field of study
  • Geography


Publications (149)
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For more than 500 years, the Portuguese built or adapted fortifications along the coasts of Africa, Asia and South America. At a macro scale, mapping this network of power reveals a gigantic territorial and colonial project. Forts articulated the colonial and the metropolitan, and functioned as nodes in a mercantile empire, shaping early forms of c...
The construction of memory in landscapes is a complex process which is embedded in webs of political and economic power. Often history is twisted and bended to better serve the current interests of the hegemonic forces at play. In this paper I attempt to explore how memory is at work in three different sites in Santiago Island, Cape Verde: an old f...
This paper focuses on the interpretation of Fort Jesus, Kenya, a late sixteenth century Portuguese built fort, and attempts to discuss its significance in the region and in the country, and its role within the context of the recent tourism development in Kenya. By exploring the ways in which a sample of local tourist guides engage with tourists and...
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This chapter discusses public memory in Kenya through an analysis of the restoration of Fort Jesus, Mombasa, Kenya, and the contemporary role of the fort as a site of memory. Drawing on the political uses of erasure, fiction, and omission, the authors reveal continuities in the production of memory at Fort Jesus that have been politicized in coloni...
Colonialism is inescapable to any discussion of African heritage. Generally, we refer to African heritage as pre-colonial, colonial and post-colonial, almost as if these were hermetic categories. We have internalized and naturalized these divisions, even though they are highly complex, fluid and controversial. This chapter proposes to contribute to...
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O mobility turn nas ciências sociais e humanas, recentrou o movimento como dimensão fundamental para a vida. Paradoxalmente, embora em abstrato pessoas em situação de sem teto tenham autonomia de uma localização espacial fixa para moradia, no concreto elas apresentam grandes dificuldades de movimento, e uma dificuldade em tirar partido dos benefíci...
Este texto faz uma breve análise da última das peças da exposição 'O Museu, muitas coisas', do Museu Nacional de Etnologia. É um pequeno cesto cuja autoria é atribuída a Ngungunhane, em exposição desde 2017.
Apresenta o caderno de campo como fonte de informação científica, e neste caso específico, o modo como a informação desta fonte pode ser cruzada com outras fontes disponíveis, no objetivo de reconstituir e analisar o mais detalhadamente possível as viagens científicas do geógrafo Orlando Ribeiro em Angola.
Limitada a norte pelo Mediterrâneo, a este pelo Mar vermelho (o canal do Suez separou-a da Ásia) e oceano Índico, e a oeste pelo oceano Atlântico, África é um continente de proporções gigantescas. Fazer um voo da Cidade do Cabo até Casablanca ou de Dakar para Nairobi, não chega para captar esta extensão. O continente ultrapassa os 30 milhões de qui...
Geography has engaged in the study of empire since its early days as an academic discipline. Few disciplines have such a clear complicity with this political formation, that feeds on territorial growth through military power, and that limits political sovereignty in the peripheries. There is in fact a temporal correspondence between the birth of mo...
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The encounter of audiences with collections and exhibitions, in a given space, has a long and complex history (Bennett, 1995). This encounter constitutes a herme-neutical challenge, which changes every now and again, according to the needs of the moment and the objectives of each society and culture. The connection of objects and audiences, in a gi...
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The Museu de Etnologia do Ultramar (Museum of Overseas Ethnology)-now called Museu Nacional de Etnologia (National Museum of Ethnology)-was inaugurated in 1965, in Lisbon. Its creation was mainly due to the action of the anthropologist Jorge Dias and his team of collaborators, more specifically a campaign to Mozambique, developed within the Mission...
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O encontro de públicos com coleções e exposições, num determinado espaço, tem uma história longa e complexa (Bennett, 1995). Este encontro constitui um desafio her-menêutico, que se vai alterando, de época para época, de acordo com as necessidades do tempo e os objetivos de cada sociedade e cultura. A ligação de objetos e públicos, num determinado...
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Em 1965, o Museu de Etnologia do Ultramar – hoje Museu Nacional de Etnologia – foi inaugurado em Lisboa. A sua criação resultou em muito da atividade do antropólogo Jorge Dias e da sua equipa de colaboradores, mais concretamente de uma campanha a Moçambique, desenvolvida no seio da Missão de Estudos das Minorias Étnicas do Ultramar (1958-1961). Est...
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Este volume reúne um conjunto de leituras que apresentam a experiência da crise como uma experiência transversal. É esse o ponto de originalidade desta obra, que reúne contributos de vários membros da comunidade do Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade do Minho. O tema da crise tem sido apresentado na produção científica em abordagens espec...
The paper starts by reviewing multiple dimensions of violence, covering systemic, structural, epistemic, and slow violence. This discussion progresses to a brief presentation of forensic architecture and military urbanism, exploring the idea of urbicide, in an attempt to connect space, architecture and urbanism with violence, and aiming at highligh...
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Este artigo centra-se nas políticas e práticas da geografia tropical portuguesa e como estas se cruzaram com o colonialismo tardio e a descolonização em África, especialmente em Moçambique. Traça o desenvolvimento da geografia tropical portuguesa, contextualizando-a sobretudo na Escola de Geografia de Lisboa, e debruça-se sobre o desenvolvimento ta...
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Este trabalho investiga a articulação entre a realização de missões internacionais de observação eleitoral e a consolidação da democracia em África, e em particular em Moçambique. Em concreto reflete sobre o papel das missões de observação eleitoral da União Europeia em Moçambique desde 1994 e apresenta uma análise evolutiva do processo eleitoral e...
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É recorrente um olhar que associa o abandono e arruinamento urbano a locais problemáticos e marginalizados da cidade, que aguardam pela oportunidade de serem intervencionados e devolvidos à esfera de uso público. A nossa tarefa principal foi a de tentar desconstruir discursos preconcebidos e genéricos sobre o abandono, contrariando o distanciamento...
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A especulação imobiliária característica dos modelos capitalistas neoliberais tem levado ao crescimento descontínuo das cidades, replicando lotes para construção e áreas infraestruturadas em diversos territórios. Com a crise financeira, que afetou fortemente a expansão imobiliária, muitos destes projetos consolidaram-se como terrenos expectantes e...
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A ideia de que “O terreno pode estar vago mas nunca está vazio", título de uma exposição do artista visual e fotógrafo Miguel Miguel (Dentro, março de 2019, Porto), remete para um dos pilares do projecto NoVOID. Ainda que o abandono e o arruinamento apontem frequentemente para a ideia de espaços problemáticos e marginalizados, lugares em pousio, pr...
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Ruins take many shapes and result from numerous and diverse human and non-human interactions. Acknowledging their place and arrangements, considering their spatial orderings, evaluating hierarchies, patterns and significations, and unravelling their ‘performance’, role, effect and marked absences, is key to a critical and significant engagement wit...
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Contemporary urbanity is marked by the presence of abandonment, ruins, and voids. Over the last decades, the model of urban development in Portugal allowed a discontinuous city expansion that has left many plots and spaces empty. Due to interrupted urbanization processes, urban developments suspended in time and space have progressively degraded, c...
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Collecting is a curious human activity, which consists of meeting and guarding selected objects. It has numerous formats and features. The collection of places, that is to say, the collection of the visit to places, is not a recent practice, but in the context of contemporary, mobile, networked and consumption societies, it has acquired great impor...
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Colecionar é uma curiosa atividade humana, que consiste na reunião e guarda de objetos selecionados. Tem inúmeros formatos e caraterísticas. A coleção de lugares, isto é, a coleção da visita a esses mesmos lugares não é uma prática recente, mas no contexto da mobilidade das sociedades contemporâneas e da sociedade em rede e de consumo, tem adquirid...
Portuguese decolonization implied the formal dissolution of an authoritarian regime which had maintained through law that all its colonies – euphemistically named overseas provinces after 1951 – were integral parts of Portuguese territory. Dissolution came after a thirteen-year war (1961–1974) with three fronts, culminating in the bloodless Carnati...
National park managers must consider people’s different values, beliefs, and attitudes in developing management plans and policies to justify providing opportunities for public recreation preserving ecological integrity. This study examines tourists’ perceptions of appropriate uses of, and services within, national parks, which in turn are influenc...
In spite of its dereliction, the Grande Hotel in Beira, Mozambique, has emerged as an iconic African building. The dissonant meanings of this site, offer multiple opportunities to investigate the intersection of space and colonialism. We focus upon the cultural and political topologies of the hotel, and of colonial hotels generally, and make the pr...
The monograph discusses the theoretical framework of formation and development of tourism and hospitability industries, the specific nature of hotel services in the structure of tourist services, and various particularities of marketing research in the field of hotel services. It analyzes also the development tendencies of the world hotel industry....
The contemporary medina of Tunis is intimately connected to the various urban development stages of the city at large. Despite its UNESCO status and undisputable attractions, the medina is peripheral to Tunisian tourism development. Yet its maze of streets is walked on a daily basis by numerous tourists, who bring flair, choreographies and rhythms...
Conference Paper
This study, framed in a larger project that aims at mapping and studying ruins and vacant lands in four Portuguese cities (NoVoid), proposes to look at a large (8 hectares) abandoned industrial quarter in the city centre of Guimar~aes, Northwest Portugal. This medium size city (70,000 inhabitants within the city limits, and 160,000 in the municipal...
Environmental beliefs, intentions, and behaviors can be derived from three types of values, namely, egoistic, altruistic, and biospheric. Consequently, the understanding of tourists’ value orientations and their association with environmental concern is crucial for improving productive strategies in the management of natural resources and protected...
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Environmental beliefs, intentions, and behaviors can be derived from three types of values, namely, egoistic, altruistic, and biospheric. Consequently, the understanding of tourists’ value orientations and their association with environmental concern is crucial for improving productive strategies in the management of natural resources and protected...
In the past decade alone, many were the voices raised against or in favour the idea that tourismalleviates poverty. While it would be unwise to dismiss the tourism potential in the matter(Scheyvens, 2011), to a certain degree pro-poor tourism advocates have yet to prove the claim thattourism is an effective poverty alleviation strategy (Hall, 2007;...
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The importance of David Harvey’s work in the History of Geographical Thought and of social sciences is invaluable. invariably labelled as Marxist or even Post-Marxist, concerned with spatial justice especially in an urban context, his dialectical thinking/work has resulted in fundamental ideas and concepts for the development of Geography and the s...
The contemporary medina of Tunis is intimately connected to the various urban development stages of the city at large. Despite its UNESCO status and undisputable attractions, the medina is peripheral to Tunisian tourism development. Yet its maze of streets is walked on a daily basis by numerous tourists, who bring flair, choreographies and rhythms...
On a cold and misty winter morning we were warmly greeted by Carminda Cavaco on her Lisbon apartment. Serenely on her couch, lighting a cigarette at regular intervals, Carminda happily answered our endless questions and calmly (re)counted various episodes of her life. We chatted for about three hours, scribbling some notes hastily, and travelled to...
In the past decades many cities have experienced growing pressure to produce and stage cultural events of different sorts to promote themselves and improve economic development. Culture-led development often relies on significant public investment and major private-sector sponsoring. In the context of strained public finances and profound economic...
Technical Report
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Gentrification. A process whereby new urban gentry occupy and transformed working-class quarters in urban areas. Defined in the 1960s by sociologist Ruth Glass, it has evolved rapidly in scale and diversity. It encompasses the transition of inner-city quarters from relative poverty and restricted property investment to commodification and reinves...
Technical Report
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Space. A complex idea that amalgamates an entity, relationship to other entities, and a conceptual framework. In its most basic formulation it can be understood as a term that has direction, area, volume, shape, pattern and distance as attributes. Traditionally – and the discussion of space is one of the markers of modernity – space has been concep...
Technical Report
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Countryside. A territorial entity which, alongside the rural, normally refers to non-urban spaces. Its perception, evaluation, and policy proposals vary according to different social and cultural settings. In the capitalist and industrialized west, the dominant post-agricultural countryside – a consequence of the move from ‘productivist’ to ‘post...
Technical Report
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Enclaves. Territories wholly surrounded by the territory of another entity. The concept was originally developed in geopolitics, but in today’s world it refers to a myriad of cases (Vinokurow, 2007), including: sovereign enclaves (e.g. the Vatican), hard territorial enclaves (surrounded by states with no sovereignty over them but with no direct c...
Technical Report
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Landscape. Etymologically deriving from the Dutch ‘landschap’, landscape can be understood as a specific morphology, arrangement, style, look or view of the land or countryside and its representation. Traditional understandings are confined to a pictorial depiction via perspectival techniques for representing depth and space, implying materiality,...
Technical Report
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Africa, tourism Africa is the second largest continent (30 million km2) with 26,000 km of coastline (figure 1). It is also the second most populated continent with approximately 1 billion inhabitants unevenly distributed over 54 sovereign states. Africa has been viewed as an exotic, distant and challenging tourism destination based on early colonia...
Technical Report
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Kazakhstan, tourism Kazakhstan is the 9th largest country in the world (2.7 million km2). Located in Central Asia (Figure 1), with a population of 16.57 million (2011 census) it is bordered by Russia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and China. Its economy is heavily dependent on the oil sector (over 11% GDP and nearly 57% of total exports in...
Conference Paper
Colonial rule entailed multi-faceted physical, psychological and epistemic violence, which was expressed in diverse ways and sites. Colonial plantations, fortifications and prisons, to name just three, are among the most obvious physical sites of trauma and violence. Here policing, repression, punishment, body control were the norm. A more elusive...
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Given the significant impact that cultural events may have in local communities and their inherent organization complexity, it is important to understand their specificities. Most of the times cultural events disregard marketing and often marketing is distant from art. Thus an analysis of an internal marketing perspective might bring significant re...
Conference Paper
In their colonial endeavours, the Portuguese have built, under various spatial and temporal contexts, a network of Forts in Africa, South America and Asia, which can be understood as an archipelago of empire. Their size, architectural style, robustness varied, and their role and engagement with local and regional forces dictated different fates. Ma...
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Provas de Agregação (Habilitation)
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Provas de Agregação (Habilitation defense)
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David Harvey é indiscutivelmente um dos mais conceituados geógrafos da atualidade. Estando quase unanimemente rotulado de Marxista (Castree, 2006), preocupado com a justiça social, o seu pensamento/trabalho dialético tem resultado em ideias e conceitos que são fundamentais para o desenvolvimento da Geografia e das Ciências Sociais. O objetivo desta...
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O Programa das Aldeias Históricas é, em Portugal, um dos mais reconhecidos exemplos de intervenção integrada de desenvolvimento do interior baseado na valorização dos recursos patrimoniais. Aparentemente, a sua finalidade é recuperar o património e, a partir dele, encontrar condições de futuro para lugares que foram abandonados. O objetivo deste ar...
Hammams, or public baths, are an essential part of the social life in urban Islam. Often, they have a rich and inspiring architecture. In Iran and, in particular, in Isfahan – a large and historic city in central of Iran – numerous hammams were built since the Safavid dynasty (1501–1722). Social and urban changes have resulted in a significant decl...
Conference Paper
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Cities are increasingly expected to be creative, inventive and to exhibit intense expressivity. In the past decades many cities have experienced growing pressure to produce and stage cultural events of different sorts and to develop new strategies that optimize competitive advantages, in order to promote themselves and to boost and sell their image...
Conference Paper
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A Teoria do Actor-Rede (ANT, sigla de Actor-Network Theory), também conhecida como sociologia da tradução, tem origem em estudos da sociologia da ciência e da tecnologia. Associada sobretudo aos nomes de Bruno Latour, John Law e Michel Callon, surge em meados de 1980 e faz emergir nas ciências sociais uma nova abordagem da sociedade e do mundo mate...
Conference Paper
Material and imagined geographies of the Medina of Azamour, a relatively small town in coastal Morocco. The town was occupied and strongly modified by the Portuguese between 1513 and 1542. I will begin by discussing Orientalism, and its significance in the construction of imagined geographies of the ‘other’, in the fascination that medinas hold for...
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Ponderar o papel de um Serviço Educativo (SE) e as suas tentativas de criar 'aprendizagens transversais e transformadoras', a partir da visão de um geógrafo, pode converter-se numa procura de pontes entre as iniciativas deste mesmo SE e as possíveis interpretações e experiências do território. Procuro assim ver até que ponto estes trabalhos e proje...
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Routes are ап integral part of our lives. Presently, created or adapted as tourism routes of тапу sorts, these itineraries, which тау vary from а simple urban trail to а vast int~rcontinental journey, are опе of the key elements of tourism development throughout the world. This chapter attempts to make а preliminary discussion of the spatial config...
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Conference Paper
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Appropriate management and sound environmental planning is critical in natural-areas tourism. Natural-areas tourism can be an industry with low environmental impact and significant economic return, if properly planned and managed. In contrast, inadequate planned and managed natural-areas tourism will alter it to high environmental impact and limite...
Conference Paper
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Information and communication technologies (ICT) offer the opportunity to develop rural areas, which were affected by demographic and economic recession. The Information Society offers new opportunities for development because it may allow us to overcome the isolation caused by distance. Electronic commerce or teleworking can be key opportunities t...
Conference Paper
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Portugal has been an administratively centralized country for various centuries. Culturally, it has been in the shadow of Lisbon, and to a secondary extent Oporto, that a number of provincial towns have thrived, both inland as well as on the coast. Their provincial status, often described as non-cosmopolitan, backwards, marginal, peripheral to deve...
Conference Paper
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Este artigo debruça-se sobre dois monumentos públicos em São Tomé e Príncipe. Começo por analisar o Forte de São Sebastião, edifício colonial, e apresento uma pormenorizada descrição/visita/percurso ao Museu Nacional aí estabelecido em 1976. Discuto em seguida a forma como o monumento de Fernão Dias, construído num contexto pós-colonial, foi recent...
Tourism is a field of studies characterized by diversity and interdisciplinary and dominated by empiricist/positivist approaches. This book—a contribution to Ashgate’s “New directions in Tourism Analysis”—follows a different path, by assembling a robust theoretical framework to explore the intersections of cityscapes and touristscapes, using Americ...
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А geogra:fia cultural contemporânea е uma entusiasmante е diversificada subdisciplina da geografia humana (Jackson, 2000; Mitchel, 2000; Philo, 2000). О estímulo provem das formas соmо se constroem, contestam е negociam significados е interpretаçõеs sociais do espaço е соmо estes sao mesclados е deslaçados еm torno das поçõеs de cultura, Lugar е pa...
Conference Paper
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Este artigo pretende reflectir sobre o que apelidamos de ‘texturas de um lugar’, discutindo as percepções que várias pessoas têm acerca de um conjunto de possíveis transformações do centro histórico de Trancoso. Apesar de numa fase inicial podermos pensar em texturas apenas como uma epiderme, as suas distintas qualidades podem ser bem profundas, e...
This chapter attempts to unpack meanings related with two stone monuments - a Fort built in colonial times and a memorial built in a postcolonial context- and with the geographical, economical and political contexts in which the islands are presently living.
This chapter focuses primarily on the material and imagined geographies of the medina of Azamour, a relatively small city in Western Morocco. The rationale behind this choice is the fact that the city – medina, literally meaning city, is generally the older part of an Arab or Muslim city – was occupied and strongly modified by the Portuguese betwee...
This article locates Portuguese tropical geography within wider academic debates on ‘tropicality’, contributing to discussion on not only the ‘tropicality of geography’ but also the ‘geography of tropicality’. It traces the role of Portuguese tropical geography in the colonial project and in the production of geographical knowledge, discourses and...
Conference Paper
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Este artigo pretende reflectir sobre o que apelidamos de ‘texturas de um lugar’, discutindo as percepções que várias pessoas têm acerca de um conjunto de possíveis transformações do centro histórico de Trancoso. Apesar de numa fase inicial podermos pensar em texturas apenas como uma epiderme, as suas distintas qualidades podem ser bem profundas, e...
Conference Paper
Although concerned with material heritage, and in fact involved in the re-materialisation proposals that emerged in Cultural Geography in the past years, here I offer an alternative approach that attempts to free heritage from its own confines of monumental materiality by emphasising the particular kinds of social and cultural relationships that ar...
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Esta publicação nasceu de um amável convite do Instituto Açoriano de Cultura (IAC) para proferir uma palestra em Janeiro de 2010, em Angra do Heroísmo. A palestra integrava-se no contexto do lançamento do livro Distância e Conexão. Insularidade, relações culturais e sentido de lugar no espaço da Macaronésia, da autoria de Eduardo Brito-Henriques. P...
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Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are here understood as principally related to the uses that people give to the technologies which are available at a certain moment and within certain institutional, economic, social and cultural contexts. This article focuses on ICTs and their applications in the field of social and economic develo...
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In this article we will focus specifically in the Istanbul to Cairo route. This route can be understood as a long distance cultural itinerary which, in harmony with other cultural routes throughout the world, has the potential to establish coherence on diverse and separated manifestations of contemporary Middle East heritage, by creating historical...
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Ana Francisca de Azevedo cria a ideia de desgeografização do corpo como mobile através do qual emergem novas políticas de lugar, declinando uma visão da terra 'naturalizada' pelos sistemas de signos geográficos que sustentam as modernas espacialidades, propondo a ruptura com uma geografia do sujeito único. Benedict Hoff aborda a complexidade de est...
Conference Paper
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Despite an estimated 1,5 million nomads from over 100 different nomadic tribes, in the past years nomad and travelling lifestyles in Iran have been rapidly declining. While the role of Iranian authorities is still not clear, with some signs of the Iranian Academy of Arts pointing to the priority of cultural preservation, nomad tribes in the country...
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Este texto é um resumo adaptado e modificado da primeira parte da comunicação apresentada no XXII Encontro Nacional de Professores de Geografia e no I Congresso da Geografia dos Açores, realizado entre 3 e 7 de Setembro de 2008 em Ponta Delgada, Açores. O objectivo principal é o de fazer uma breve discussão do paradigma pós-colonial e das suas impl...


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