Isilda Leitão

Isilda Leitão
Escola Superior de Hotelaria e Turismo do Estoril · CITUR

Doctor of Philology - Literature Culture History


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Current research interests: Cultural itineraries based in History, Religion, Literature and Travel Literature, Arts, World Heritage. Methodhs: mainly qualitative Now, I`m working in an religious international itineray and in a literary portuguese one
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Publications (4)
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A chronological analysis of Christian pilgrimages over the course of around 2,000 years of existence suggests that there have been swings in their level of popularity: strong whenever the ruling classes whether religious or civil) protect popular sanctuaries and declining whenever policies constraint the practice of pilgrimages. This paper starts w...
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Many travellers whose main motivation is religious tourism (Catholic) have visited the major shrines such as the Holy Land, the Vatican, Lourdes (France) and Fatima (Portugal). After having been in those places /shrines, religious tourists seek to visit other sanctuaries but find that the offer is limited. With that in mind, in 2016, three research...
It�s not possible to deny the tragedy, the agony and the grief which all return, although happiness and a supreme well-being are not rejected (in fact, in Unamuno, the attraction to cimas and to simas is a very deep feeling), the imaginative world of the poet of Bilbao is based on a total acceptance and recognition of the conflict between tension a...
Within Unamuno's writer production, theatre is, unquestionably, one of is ways of expression. In fact, by using theatre, the Greek professor and Rector from the University of Salamanca expressed, once more, his concept of existence as agon, as shown in his Fedra.Tracking, in diffuse colours, a path going from Euripides tragedy (Hippolytus), through...


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