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Helmut R. Henrichs

Helmut R. Henrichs
Diabetes Center Quakenbrück, Christl- Krankenhaus · Diabetes Center Quakenbrück, Germany

Prof. Dr. med


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Helmut R. Henrichs currently works at the Diabetes Center Quakenbrück, Germany, Diabetes Center Quakenbrück, Christl- Krankenhaus. Helmut does research in Diabetology, Clinical Trials and Developmental Psychology. Their current project is 'Glycation'.


Publications (618)
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Die Zahl der Insulinpumpenträger in Deutschland wird auf etwa 60.000 geschätzt. Bisher ist wenig darüber bekannt, welche Patienten und aus welchem Grund von einer intensivierten konventionellen Insulintherapie (ICT) auf eine kontinuierliche subkutane Insulininfusion (,,continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion“, CSII) umgestellt werden und was deren...
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Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) is an essential tool for modern diabetes therapy. Randomized controlled studies have provided evidence that hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) results can be improved in patients with type 1 diabetes with elevated baseline HbA1c when using CGM frequently enough and that the frequency and duration of hypoglycemic events can b...
Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) has become an increasingly important part of modern diabetes therapy. Recent randomized controlled studies have provided evidence that sufficiently frequent CGM can improve HbA 1c results in patients with type 1 diabetes and elevated baseline HbA 1c levels, while lowering the rate and duration of hypoglycaemic ev...
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Full-text available
Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) is an established method for insulin substitution recommended in guidelines for the treatment of patients with type 1 diabetes under defined conditions. CSII application requires knowledge of the method, the devices used, accessories and supplies, a special education, training, the procedures of devic...
Conference Paper
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Die kontinuierliche subkutane Insulininfusion (CSII) ist eine etablierte und in Leitlinien zur Behandlung von Patienten mit einem Typ-1-Diabetes unter definierten Bedingungen empfohlene Methode der Insulinsubstitution. Die Anwendung der CSII setzt Kenntnisse der Methode, der verwendeten Geräte, von Zubehör und Verbrauchsmaterialien, der speziellen...
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Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) is an established way of insulin therapy for pa­tients with type 1 diabetes. After correct insulin adjustment the patients on CSII experienced an improvement of HbA1c - and / or the decreasing rate of hypoglycemic reactions. On the long term an improved metabolic situation will lead to a ­reduction of...
Conference Paper
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Conference Paper
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Conference Paper
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Question (1)
Are there accepted algorithms to (automatically) calculate HbA1c-values from measured glucose values? In this case what are the pros and cons?


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