Hana Ben Mbarek

Hana Ben Mbarek
École Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Tunis | ENIT · oasis

Doctor of Engineering


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Publications (9)
Conference Paper
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Although the medical interventions provided by Outpatient Departments (OPDs) are scheduled, the process of patient arrival is often unpredictable. This can lead to a variety of issues such as overcrowding, long waiting times, and patient dissatisfaction. Therefore, predicting the patient arrival rate is necessary to allow healthcare managers to be...
Improving the performance of healthcare organisations and implementing management tools successfully depends heavily on understanding human behaviour. As a core behavioural dimension, stress affects outcomes in a variety of related decision-making and performance contexts, including resource and capacity planning. In this regard, this study propose...
Multidisciplinary outpatient clinics are healthcare structures that group together a set of units dealing with patients who require a series of cares and medical examinations. They are generally characterised by very complex processes due to a high number of activities and resources and a large exchange of different types of flows between multiple...
Conference Paper
Reliable tools to forecast demand for ambulatory care services are the cornerstone of any resource planning strategy. In fact, forecasting methods can influence planning and guide the resource allocation with the objective of increasing the system capacity, minimizing patient delays, and improving the overall healthcare quality. In this context, th...
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Introduction : Affectant la qualité de l’offre de soin, l’attente est souvent considérée comme principale source d’insatisfaction dans les organismes de santé publique en général et dans les hôpitaux de jour en particulier. Pour y remédier, une des alternatives consiste à accélérer le flux des patients en identifiant et réduisant les étranglements....
Conference Paper
Effective resource allocation is one of the driving factors in determining healthcare quality. In fact, an inefficient management of resources in healthcare organizations is usually paired with long waiting times, overcrowding and excessive delays. In this real-life study, we consider a multidisciplinary Outpatient Department (OPD) within a Tunisia...
Conference Paper
Dans les dernières décennies, la modélisation des comportements humains a suscité un intérêt croissant dans différents domaines. Les modèles comportementaux développés permettent à la fois de mieux comprendre le comportement existant et aussi de prédire ce qui se produirait dans diverses situations. Etant un facteur humain clé, le stress admet des...
Conference Paper
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This study aims to improve the performance of the outpatient department of Abderrahmène Mami Hospital, Tunis, by addressing overcrowding and decreasing patient waiting times. Discrete Event Simulation (DES) is adopted to model the current ambulatory care process in order to support managers’ decision about new organizational practices. Several well...
Conference Paper
During the last few decades, the dramatic increase in patient expectations for service quality and the growth of healthcare expenditures have compelled both researchers and healthcare managers to organize care processes effectively. In this respect, we present a research study where the National Engineering School of Tunis and Abderrahmène Mami Hos...


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