Gabriel Machado Lunardi

Gabriel Machado Lunardi
Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

PhD in Computer Science
Professor at the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), Cachoeira do Sul, Brazil.


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Currently I am working with recommender systems beyond accurary metrics, in particular, with diversity-awareness.
Additional affiliations
August 2017 - February 2021
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
  • PhD Student
March 2015 - May 2017
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Master's Student
March 2015 - March 2017
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Master's Student


Publications (23)
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The Municipal Councils of Education works, basically, as regulators and standardsetters within the Municipal Education System. Prepared people are required to perform the above tasks, however, they not always have appropriate training. In this sense, the course of continuous training of municipal education directors - Pró-Conselho, will towards the...
Conference Paper
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Neste artigo, apresenta-se um relato de experiência de modelagem e implementação de um processo de negócio utilizando o software livre Bonita Open Solution. O processo em questão refere-se a uma atividade-meio em cursos de graduação: apreciação e validação de atividades complementares realizadas pelos alunos. Sua implantação em um Curso de Sistemas...
Conference Paper
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INTRODUÇÃO Segundo Resolução N. 22/99 da UFSM, em acordo com a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional, entende-se por Atividade Complementar de Graduação (ACG) toda e qualquer atividade pertinente e útil para a formação humana e profissional do acadêmico, aceita para compor o plano de estudo de um curso. As ACGs compõem a parte flexível dos...
Conference Paper
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As ontologias têm sido utilizadas como modelo semântico em diversas aplicações. Entretanto, até que ponto as ontologias foram exploradas e utilizadas para integrar dados, caracterizar e identificar o contexto em um Smart Campus é uma questão em aberto. Assim, este artigo investiga à utilização de ontologias em Smart Campuses. Um mapeamento sistemát...
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The recent Brazilian election was plagued by the proliferation of false news on the internet. Many people turned to social media to fact-check information and verify its authenticity. In today's digital and data-driven world, fake news can spread rapidly, causing detrimental effects, such as potentially influencing the outcome of an election. In li...
Conference Paper
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Aprender programação de computadores é uma atividade desafiadora, especialmente para quem está iniciando na área. Os principais desafios enfrentados pelos estudantes novatos são abstração e compreensão da lógica de programação [8], ou seja, sistematizar problemas em algoritmos e materializá-los em código-fonte [14 , 19]. Como resultado, alguns poss...
Conference Paper
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As empresas investem cada vez mais em projetar, desenvolver e avaliar agentes conversacionais baseados em texto. Apesar do mercado potencial, ainda há pouco conhecimento para avaliar a qualidade dos chatbots do ponto de vista da experiência do usuário (UX). O objetivo deste estudo é investigar a aplicabilidade, viabilidade de uso e aceitação de trê...
Conference Paper
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No mundo digital e cada vez mais orientado a dados, notícias falsas espalham-se rapidamente causando efeitos danosos. Nesse contexto, a Engenharia de Software Inteligente surge como meio para a construção de aplicações inteligentes orientadas a dados. Todavia, são escassos os esforços no idioma Português, especialmente os relacionados à experimenta...
Conference Paper
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Neste trabalho apresentamos um sistema baseado em processamento de linguagem natural, denominado FWNL, para fornecer configurações de firewall em FWLang e habilitar a integração automática ao FWUnify. O objetivo é desenvolver um pipeline com reconhecimento de entidades mencionadas para reduzir a curva de aprendizagem e mitigar erros operacionais na...
Conference Paper
Companies increasingly invest in designing, developing, and evaluating conversational agents, mainly text-based chatbots. Chatbots have become the main and the fastest communication channel for providing customer service and helping users interact with systems and, consequently, obtain the requested information. Despite this, the potential market f...
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Recommender systems appeared in the early 90s to help users deal with cognitive overload brought by the internet. From there to now, such systems have assumed many other roles like help users to explore, improve decision making, or even entertain. The system needs to look to user characteristics to accomplish such new goals. These characteristics h...
Recommender systems have been constantly refined to improve the accuracy of rating prediction and ranking generation. However, when a recommender system is too accurate in predicting the users’ interests, negative impacts can arise. One of the most critical is the filter bubbles creation, a situation where a user receives less content diversity. In...
Filtering techniques like recommender systems are commonly employed to help people selecting items that best fit their conceptual needs. Although many benefits, recommender systems can put the user inside a filter-bubble given their high focus on similarity measures. This effect tends to limit user experiences, discovering new things, and so on. In...
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The use of Recommendation Systems in virtually all online services nowadays makes people interact with them more and more, especially when considering the domain of intelligent cities. However, these systems have accumulated criticism over time because of their overemphasis on similarity, which ultimately produces recommendations that are often obv...
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It is an important topic in Active and Assisted Living (AAL) research and development to support elderly people suffering from memory impairment in their daily activities. A promising approach to such support is providing memory aids based on knowledge of how the person to be supported usually (i.e., in an unimpaired condition) copes with her/his d...
Conference Paper
Abstract—Providing reminders to elderly people in their home environment, while they perform their daily activities, is considered as a user support activity, and thus a relevant topic in Active and Assisted Living (AAL) research and development. Determining such reminders implies decision-making, since the actions’ flow (behavior) usually involves...
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This paper comes to reflect about the D-Learning teacher part in a D-Learning course, highlighting the pedagogical and technological architecture used by the on-line D-Learning environment system. This job aims to reflect about D-Learning teacher part in distance education context, as well as the implications to think and explore a differentiated t...
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This review aims to reflect about the educational/technological management process in DLearning Pró-Conselho/UFSM. The study is qualitative exploratory and was developed around: Educational Management, D-Learning Management, Pedagogical Management, Technological Management and Pró-Conselho/UFSM. As result, this review presents and discusses the edu...


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