Eduardo Galicia

Eduardo Galicia
Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute | Cinvestav · Departamento de Recursos del Mar (Mérida)


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Eduardo Galicia currently works at the Departamento de Recursos del Mar (Mérida), Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute. Eduardo does research in Water birds, Behavioral Ecology, Ecological Economics and Nature Tourism. Their most recent publication is 'Flamingos and Ecotourism.'


Publications (6)
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Flamingos are charismatic birds that are very popular tourism attractions. Because they are found in wetlands rich in biodiversity in attractive landscapes that are frequently protected areas near or encompassing communities, ecotourism centered on flamingos has been promoted by government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and the private s...
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En este libro se compilan contribuciones de 22 autores de diferentes instituciones de educación superior, centros de investigación y organizaciones no gubernamentales. El libro incluye ocho capítulos que describen el proceso de planificación con una visión ecoregional y caracteriza la ecoregión de estudio denominada Los Petenes-Celestún-El Palmar a...
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Se presenta la forma en que un grupo de expertos en diferentes disciplinas, desarrollaron un esquema de conservación con una visión a largo plazo de la región Los Petenes-Celestún-El Palmar. Se basa en una red de sitios estratégicos y objetos de conservación, así como en la valoración de las principales amenazas, impactos y sus fuentes, con el prop...
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The federal policy of Natural Protected Areas has become the main instrument for conserving biodiversity in Mexico. Established in territories representative of different ecosystems but also of cultural diversity, protected areas in Mexico have historically been created and managed with a centralized rationale, creating several conflicts with local...
Technical Report
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Esta iniciativa es el resultado del trabajo coordinado de diferentes organizaciones del ámbito federal, estatal, académico y civil, y tiene como objetivo principal aportar elementos y criterios que contribuyan a orientar y dirigir los esfuerzos de conservación de la biodiversidad con una visión integral y de largo plazo. El proceso se llevó a cabo...
We assessed the effect of motorized tourboats on the behavior of nonbreeding American flamingos (Phoenicopterus ruber ruber) in the Celestun Estuary, a Special Biosphere Reserve in Yucatan, Mexico, from November 1994 through February 1995. We measured these effects by comparing activity budgets between flocks of flamingos disturbed and undisturbed...


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