David Fiore

David Fiore
University of Nevada, Reno | UNR · Department of Family and Community Medicine


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Publications (7)
Proteinuria and hematuria can be benign or can be signs of more serious underlying pathology. The diagnostic evaluation should take into account the age of the patient as well as medical history, family history, concurrent symptoms, initial physical examination findings, and basic office laboratory test results. There are many tests to consider for...
Anemia is associated with chronic kidney disease (CKD) at all stages, and it is nearly universal among patients with stage 5 CKD. Nonetheless, anemia of CKD is a diagnosis of exclusion. When anemia is detected in a patient with CKD, etiologies other than CKD must be considered and ruled out. Iron deficiency also is common among patients with CKD, a...
It has been estimated that bladder and kidney cancers would be diagnosed in approximately 140,000 Americans in 2013, with approximately 30,000 dying from these cancers. Urinary tract cancers affect men more commonly than they do women, and the median age at diagnosis is 65 years. Major risk factors for these cancers include tobacco smoking, certain...
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common among children and adults, with the greatest prevalence in women. One-half of all women will develop a UTI at some point. Approximately one-third of children with UTIs develop recurrent infections, and because recurrent UTIs have been thought to lead to renal scarring, practice has focused on identifying p...
Altitude illness affects 25 to 85 percent of travelers to high altitudes, depending on their rate of ascent, home altitude, individual susceptibility, and other risk factors. Acute mountain sickness is the most common presentation of altitude illness and typically causes headache and malaise within six to 12 hours of gaining altitude. It may progre...
This study was designed to determine whether a physician-delivered bibliotherapy prescription would compare favorably with the prevailing usual care treatment for depression in primary care (that often involves medication) and potentially offer an alternative. Six family physicians were trained to write and deliver prescriptions for cognitive-behav...
Although eye pain is often accompanied by redness or injection, pain can also occur with a quiet eye. Pain in a quiet eye can be the first sign of a vision-threatening condition, a more benign ophthalmologic condition, or a nonophthalmologic condition. Acute narrow-angle glaucoma is an emergent vision-threatening condition that requires immediate t...


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