Claudia Aramendi Arieta-Araunabeña

Claudia Aramendi Arieta-Araunabeña
Osakidetza · Vascular surgery


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Publications (8)
Objective: The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) has highlighted the large number of medical specialties using fluoroscopy outside imaging departments without programmes of radiation protection (RP) for patients and staff. Vascular surgery is one of these specialties and endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) is one of the mo...
Resumen Objetivo Estudiar los factores que influyen en el pronóstico vital y funcional global de los pacientes con isquemia crítica de extremidades inferiores (IC), englobando cualquier sector afectado y modalidad de tratamiento. Material y métodos Estudio de cohortes prospectivo en pacientes con IC. Se registraron: datos demográficos, factores d...
A 54-year-old man presented with unstable angina and stroke with right hemiplegia and aphasia due to left main coronary plus 3-vessel disease, severe stenosis of bilateral internal carotid, proximal left common carotid, and proximal left subclavian arteries. Simultaneous complete revascularization was undertaken with the use of conventional cardiop...
There is increasing evidence of the importance of nutrition in the incidence, severity, and prognosis of peripheral arterial disease (PAD). PAD patients should be encouraged to reduce the consumption of dietary fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium, and to increase the daily intake of fiber, folate, and vitamins D and E, with a diet based on...
Resumen Objetivos Registrar la incidencia de reestenosis tras endarterectomía carotídea (EDAc), observar su evolución natural e identificar los factores de riesgo para su desarrollo. Material y métodos Estudio retrospectivo de una cohorte prospectiva de EDAc realizadas en 2006-2011. Registramos: datos clínicos, detalles quirúrgicos, desarrollo de...
We report a case of right lower limb oedema due to common femoral vein compression by a sinovial cyst. A 38-year-old man described global right lower limb oedema during the previous 2 months. On ultrasound we could see extrinsic compression of the common femoral vein due to a clear cyst. We punctured the cyst and obtained clear liquid compatible wi...
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Resumen: Presentamos un caso de edema en la extremidad inferior derecha secun-dario a la compresión de la vena femoral común por un quiste sinovial. Varón de 38 años, que presenta edema rizomélico en la extremidad inferior derecha de dos meses de evo-lución. Se realiza eco-doppler objetivando una compresión extrínseca de la vena femoral común por u...


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