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Cicilia Novi Primiani

Cicilia Novi Primiani
UNIVERSITAS PGRI MADIUN · Faculty of Teacher Training and Education


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Publications (61)
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This study evaluated phytochemical composition, and in vitro and in silico antibacterial activity of Elaeocarpus ganitrus extract. Elaeocarpus ganitrus leaves, seed and fruit powder were extracted with absolute ethanol. Then, the extract was identified phytochemical compounds qualitatively and evaluated the antibacterial activity through in vitro a...
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Isoflavones are active compounds in soybean seeds with a chemical structure resembling 17 β-estradiol and are able to bind to estrogen receptors on Leydig cells. The chemical structure and physiological activity of isoflavones are similar to estrogen. This research was conducted to evaluate changes in the structure of testicular seminiferous tubule...
Sulistyarsi A, Rahayu T, Primiani CN, Pujiati. 2023. Phytochemical analysis of Indonesian gadung mango leaf (Mangifera indica L. var. gadung) and their antibacterial activity. Biodiversitas 24: 6295-6304. The study was carried out to find out the secondary metabolite compounds in mango leaf extract (Mangifera indica L. var. gadung) using qualitativ...
The purpose of this study was to increase the activity and learning outcomes of students in biology learning material for biological technology innovation in class XA SMAN 6 Madiun by applying the Problem Based Learning learning model.This research is a class action research (CAR) with the Kemmis & Taggart model which was carried out in two cycles....
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This service aims to increase the knowledge of the elderly in Kenongrejo Village regarding balanced nutrition and degenerative diseases. The method of implementing this service was socialization and mentoring. The evaluation instrument for this activity was the help of an evaluation rubric which was then analyzed descriptively. The results of this...
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Genitri plant (Elaeocarpus sphaericus Schum) has a complex chemical compound that has the potential to lower blood sugar levels. The purpose of this study was to analyze in vivo blood sugar levels and changes in tissue structure of the pancreas, testes seminiferous tubules, and sucrose-induced kidneys. The study used an experimental approach, 24 ma...
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Background: Literasi merupakan hal mendasar yang harus dimiliki peserta didik agar dapat menghadapi tantangan di era globalisasi. Budaya literasi ini perlu di terapkan sejak dini di berbagai lingkungan baik itu keluraga, masyarakat maupun di sekolah. Salah satu literasi yang dapat dikembangkan di level sekolah khususnya sekolah dasar adalah literas...
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The purpose of this community service is to empower the Family Welfare Empowerment (PKK) group by developing the creativity of natural dye batik products in order that they can become the typical batik of Mojorejo Village, Madiun Regency. The method of implementing the service activity is through the stages: 1) observation, 2) counseling, 3) traini...
Pembelajaran siswa di Sekolah Dasar pedesaan selama masa Pandemi Covid-19 berdampak pada motivasi belajar. Kegiatan pembelajaran di Desa Purworejo Kacamatan Pilangkenceng Kabupaten Madiun selama masa Pandemi Covid-19 mengalami hambatan. Pembelajaran menggunakan teknologi informasi tidak dapat berjalan optimal. Banyak siswa Sekolah Dasar kurang memi...
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Writing scientific papers is a very important activity for a professional and competent teacher in their field. This activity does not only need to be carried out in order to obtain credit scores for promotions or for accreditation purposes, but also to increase the professionalism of teachers. The purpose of this activity is to assist teachers in...
During the covid 19 pandemic, PGRI Madiun University has carried out community service programs through assistance in handling Covid-19 and online and offline Literacy & Numeracy assistance in Jiwan and Pilangkenceng sub-districts, Madiun district. The service's flagship work programs are Reading Corner, Introduction to E-learning, Classroom learni...
Genitri (Elaeocarpus sphaericus Schum.) is an endemic plant of Indonesia that has not been widely cultivated and utilized. The use of genitri is usually as road shade, firewood, seeds for jewelry. The results showed that the diversity of chemical compounds genitri had potential for health. The aim of the study was to analyze the potential of genitr...
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Buluharjo Village, Magetan Regency is a rural area, the majority of which are horticultural crops. Shallots are one of the commodities in the region. The productivity of shallots for the last three years has decreased due to the reduction in agricultural land caused by the construction of housing projects. The decline in shallot production is cause...
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The purpose of this community service activity is to improve the quality of jamu gendong products at the home industry of jamu gendong in Karangrejo village, Magetan Regency. The method of service is carried out by training, including procedures for pre-survey activities, surveys, socialization, training, and evaluation. The target of the service a...
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Java Plum fruit can decrease free radical activities. The overwhelmed production of free radicals will reduce the immunity system in the body. This research aims to study the effects of java plum fruit extracts on leukocytes and histopathology of mouse lungs that have been exposed to cigarette smoke for 30 days. Frozen-dried java plum fruit is mace...
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Smoked fish processing waste has a high nutritional content that can be used as a raw material for fish feed (pellets). One standard of fish pellets based on BSN is there must be no aflatoxin content produced from Aspergilus flavus. Qualitative analysis of aflatoxin content can be seen from the presence or absence of A. flavus fungi. In this study...
Turmeric (Curcuma longa) and Tamarind (Tamarindus indica) are known for the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity. The major bioactive compound found in turmeric is curcumin, and tamarind is procyanidin. Both compounds could reduce prostaglandin concentration, leading to the reduction of primary dysmenorrhea by inhibiting COXs. This study aims...
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The use of local wisdom as learning resources has been widely known to be able to create meaningful learning. The purposes of this study were to 1) produce module based on freshwater fish anatomy as local wisdom in Ngebel Lake, Ponorogo and 2) find the quality of the module produced. The Research and Development (R&D) was designed based on the Thia...
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The richness and diversity of nutrition contained in yam bean ( Pachyrhizus erosus ) have great potential to be developed in various industries, such as food and health industries. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of inoculum’ concentration and duration of incubation by Aspergillus niger on the level of oil content and glucose...
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh genistein terhadap sistem reproduksi mencit jantan (Mus musculus). Memanfaatkan hasil penelitian pengaruh genistein terhadap sistem reproduksi mencit jantan (Mus musculus) sebagai bahan untuk menyusun bahan ajar mata kuliah fisiologi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif eksperimental, ya...
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The diversity of compounds in mangosteen peel ( Garciniamangostana L .) is suspected to have hypoglycemic activity. The objective of this study to analyze the blood glucose level and seminiferous testicular tubules tissue structure of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. The experiment animals were twelve male wistar strain white rats ( Rattus nor...
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Genistein dan spermatogenesisi: kajian fitoestrogen pada sistem reproduksi jantan merupakan buku ajar hasil penelitian. Terdiri dari 10 bab yang membahas mengenai pengaruh genistein pada proses pembentukan sperma menggunakan hewan coba mencit jantan. Sistem reproduksi jantan secara anatomis dan histologis. Spermatogenesis, prosedur pewarnaan HE, da...
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Fitoestrogen kacang gude: kajian preklinis merupakan buku ajar hasil penelitian dengan pembahasan setiap bab mengenai potensi Leguminoceae lokal yaitu kacang gude (Cajanus cajan) pad sistem reproduksi betina. Kajian ini menggunakan tikus betina sebagai hewan coba. Potensi kacang gude dilihat dari perubahan struktur sistem reproduksi serta metabolis...
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Objectives: The objective of this study was to analyze the estrogenic compounds in pigeon pea seeds and the effect of the plant seeds to rat ovaries development. Materials and Methods: The Cajanus cajan seeds were extracted, and to elucidate its content, liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS), and gas chromatography (GC)-MS analysis were e...
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Cover buku Vertikultur Bawang Merah ini dibuat oleh Pujiati, S.Si, M.Si., Dwi Rosita Sari, S.Pd., M.Pd., dan Dr.drh. Cicilia Novi Primiani, M.Pd., pertama kali diumumkan ke masyarakat pada tanggal 29 Juli 2017 . Cover buku ini menggunakan foto hasil kegiatan secara orisinil. Cover buku ini merupakan bagian hasil pelaksanaan Iptek Bagi Masyarakat ya...
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Introduction and Aim: The diversity of crops in Indonesia is potential to be used as herbal medicine. Isolation of compounds in natural materials as a process of reducing multi-component compounds thus weakening the potential of natural materials. Yam Bean is a group of phytoestrogen plants as it contains daidzein compounds with chemical structures...
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The objective of this study is to establish the effect of inoculum concentration and incubation time of protease activity on pigeon pea beans fermented by Aspergillus niger. The study comprises two independent variables: the inoculum concentration of Aspergillus niger, which consists of four levels (0 mL/g; 0.2 mL/g; 0.4 mL/g, and 0.6 mL/g), and si...
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div style="text-align: justify;">Permasalahan dalam pembelajaran tematik integratif di sekolah dasar yaitu mata pelajaran masih diajarkan secara terpisah, tidak adanya media perantara yang mendukung proses pembelajaran karena hanya terpaku pada buku pegangan dan belum dikembangkan aktivitas bermain sambil belajar. Penelitian pengembangan ini bertuj...
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Poster Pemberdayaan Masyarakat pengelola Lahan Pesanggem Dan Lahan Kering ini dibuat oleh Pujiati, S.Si, M.Si., Dr.drh. Cicilia Novi Primiani, M.Pd., dan Muhammad Binur Huda, M.Pd pertama kali diumumkan ke masyarakat pada tanggal 19 April 2018 . Poster ini dibuat menggunakan foto hasil kegiatan secara orisinil. Poster ini merupakan bagian hasil pel...
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Buku Budidaya Bawang Merah Pada Lahan Sempit ini dibuat oleh Pujiati, S.Si, M.Si., Dr.drh. Cicilia Novi Primiani, M.Pd., dan Dr. Marheny Lukitasari, S.P., S.Pd., M.Pd pertama kali diumumkan ke masyarakat pada tanggal 19 September 2017 . Buku ini dibuat menggunakan foto hasil kegiatan secara orisinil. Buku ini merupakan bagian hasil pelaksanaan Dise...
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Fisiologi Hewan merupakan mata kuliah dengan Standar Kompetensi mahasiswa mampu memahami konsep dan prinsip proses-proses fisiologis pada hewan, Kompetensi Dasar kemampuan mahasiswa untuk memahami mekanisme faali sistem endokrin. Materi pokok pada mata kuliah Fisiologi Hewan sangat kompleks, tetapi buku-buku ajar yang tersedia masih sangat sedikit,...
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Alpukat (Persea americana Mill.) merupakan bahan alam dengan kandungan senyawa kompleks yang berpotensi terhadap metabolisme kolesterol dalam tubuh. Pemanfaatan buah alpukat seringkali kurang optimal, sehingga efektivitas dan efisiensinya masih rendah. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengkaji potensi buah alpukat (Persea americana Mill.) terhadap kolester...
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Tea is a common drink in the community, the benefits of tea can be improved by processing fermented tea called kombucha. Kombucha is a refreshing drink made from tea water plus sugar, obtained through the fermentation process by acetic acid bacteria and fungi, is consumed for its health benefits. The common Kombucha starter is called SCOOBY (Simbyo...
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Genistein is a compound with structures and properties similar to 17β estradiol which can be extracted from pigeon pie. The aim of the study was to identify the genistein profiles of pigeon pie in blood, urine, and feces and their effects on uterine and vaginal tissue structures of rats. Nine female white rats of Sprague Dawley, 6-7 months, weighin...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dinamika senyawa berbasis bahan aktif daidzein dalam umbi bengkuang serta potensinya pada uterus dan tulang.Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan eksperimen pola Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan perlakuan pemberian air perasan umbi bengkuang dan senyawa sintetis daidzein pada 24 ekor tikus putih jenis Sprague Da...
Permasalahan pada matakuliah Fisiologi Hewan selama ini, mahasiswa tidak memahami konsep dasar sebagai kompetensi utama yang harus dikuasai. Kegiatan praktikum yang sudah dilakukan selama ini tidak mampu mengembangkan kemampuan mahasiswa dalam berpikir secara logis dalam memecahkan permasalahan. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas ini bertujuan meningkatkan...
Penggunaan bahan alam dalam bidang kesehatan selalu dilakukan dengan proses isolasi komponen aktifnya, dilanjutkan pembahasan mekanismenya pada organ target. Pembahasan hanya bersifat parsial pada salah satu komponen aktifnya, tanpa melihat mekanisme sinergis antar senyawa. Konsep kembali ke alam tidak dipandang sebagai sebuah konsep secara holisti...
Keanekaragaman hayati tanaman obat lokal yang tumbuh di Indonesia belum optimal dimanfaatkan dalam bidang kesehatan. Uji toksisitas diperlukan untuk menentukan keamanan dan efektivitas bahan alam sebagai obat. Bengkuang (Pachyrhizus erosus) dan alpukat (Persea americana Mill) merupakan tanaman lokal yang berpotensi sebagai obat, tetapi belum dilaku...
Buku ini disusun dengan tujuan menyediakan pengayaan bahan ajar mata kuliah biologi terapan dan sebagai bahan acuan dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat yang hidup pada lahan kering dan bergantung pada lahan pesanggem. Buku ini di buat sebagai usaha untuk mengenalkan kepada masyarakat tentang teknologi-teknologi yang dapat diaplikasikan untuk pengelolaan...
Conference Paper
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Professional Learning Community (PLC) in lesson study (LS) is a development of teacher professionalism which is very important to support the learning process of the 21 st century. The research aims to develop a practical instrument to be used to measure affectivity and achievement of PLC-LS from a group of teachers during lesson study activity. Th...
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Poster Budidaya Bawang Merah Pada Lahan Sempit ini dibuat oleh Pujiati, S.Si, M.Si., Dr.drh. Cicilia Novi Primiani, M.Pd., dan Dr. Marheny Lukitasari, S.P., S.Pd., M.Pd pertama kali diumumkan ke masyarakat pada tanggal 19 September 2017 . Poster ini dibuat menggunakan foto hasil kegiatan secara orisinil. Poster ini merupakan bagian hasil pelaksanaa...
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Fitoestrogen suatu senyawa yang banyak ditemukan di lingkungan sekitar dan diketahui dapat mengacaukan keseimbangan sistem hormon binatang maupun manusiaFitoestrogen dapat terakumulasi dalam tubuh, secara prinsip untuk penggunaan fitofarmaka secara luas, memerlukan uji praklinik untuk mengetahui tingkat keamanannya secara pasti. Toksisitas merupaka...
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Penyusunan buku hasil penelitian ini dipergunakan bagi mahasiswa maupun dosen khususnya dalam materi bioteknologi, dengan tujuan agar mahasiswa mampu belajar secara mandiri dan memahami bioteknologi secara kontekstual. Materi bioteknologi yang diangkat dari bahan-bahan alam lokal diharapkan dapat memperkaya pengetahuan, pemahaman, dan aplikasi bagi...
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Buku ini disusun dengan tujuan menyediakan pengayaan bahan ajar mata kuliah biologi terapan dan sebagai bahan acuan masyarakat dalam budidaya bawang merah pada lahan sempit. Buku ini disusun untuk dipakai semua kalangan karena sifatnya yang aplikatif dan inovatif. Materi dalam buku ini disusun untuk meningkatkan jiwa kreatifitas kaum akademisi khus...
Conference Paper
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Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan) is a tropical legume grown mainly in Indonesia. Though largely considered an orphan crop, pigeonpea has a huge untapped potential for improvement both in quantity and quality of yield. Pigeonpea seeds contain 65 % starch. Based on its starch level can be use as substrate of solid-state fermentation. Solid-state fermentatio...
Conference Paper
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The use of synthetic hormone preparations, one of the hormones estrogen widely used by people in the care and treatment of diseases as hormone replacement therapy. Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) as local Leguminoceae plant has not been used optimally as estrogenic plants. The purpose of this study was to identify preclinical to analyze the Cajanus caja...
Conference Paper
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Exploration of natural materials which have multi potential continued as one solution of diseases caused by infectious factor and the others. One type of natural material that have multiple potential to human health is pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan). But using this plant as subject for research was not optimal. Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) is one of legu...
Conference Paper
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Biodiversity of local plants that grow in Indonesia has not been optimally utilized in the health field. Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) is Leguminoceae that has not been used optimally, especially as estrogenic plants. The purpose of this study was to identify the potential of potential of pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) on the structure of the uterus and b...
KKNT KKBPKIKIP PGRI MADIUNmerupakan kegiatan intrakurikuler memadukan kegiatan pendidikan-pembelajaran, penelitian, dan pengabdian masyarakat oleh mahasiswa secara pragmatis melalui pendekatan interdisipliner dan lintas sektoral. KKN sebagai kegiatan akademik yang memadukan antara konsep-teori dan praktik perlu dilaksanakan dengan sungguh-sungguh,...
Conference Paper
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ABSTRAK Berbagai jenis kacang-kacangan di Indonesia merupakan sumberdaya hayati yang dapat tumbuh dan berkembang dengan sangat baik. Kacang gude (Cajanus cajan (L) Mill.sp.) sebagai salah satu Leguminoceae tumbuh di dataran rendah, memiliki potensi bioetanol, tetapi masyarakat belum mamanfaatkannya secara optimal. Pengolahan limbah kacang gude menj...
The use of estrogen hormone by public has significantly been improved either as prevention or treatment of disease. Menopausal issues in women are often treated using hormone replacement therapy. In regard to this, yam bean is found to contain genistein and daidzein compounds with a chemical structure that resembles estrogen hormone, therefore yam...
p>The research aims to identify the insects in rice plants in the district Pilangkenceng and Kare Madiun. Research method using qualitative descriptive and in accordance with what is on the field. Data were collected by observation. Insects captured in two ways: directly and using flay arrest of the net. The results showed that the insects found in...
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Daidzein compounds dynamic and the effect of yam tuber (Pachyrhizus erosus (L)) Urb on myometrium rats model of estrogenic were investigated. Twentyfour of 5 months-old female Sprague Dawley rats were randomly assigned to three groups as followed, control, Daidzein administraton and yam tuber juice administration for 24 days. The administration of...
Pemanfaatan sarana kontrasepsi pria dengan memanfaatkan bahan alami berasal dari tanaman sudah banyak dilakukan. Tetapi pemanfaatan biji kedelai sebagai salah satu tanaman suku Leguminoceae belum pernah dilakukan. Biji kedelai mengandung senyawa genistein, sebagai salah satu senyawa derivat isoflavon mempuyai struktur kimia mirip dengan 17β-estrad...


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