André Davim

André Davim
Centro Universitário do Rio Grande do Norte | UNI RN · Health Sciences


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Publications (9)
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The immune system's inflammatory response is a crucial defense mechanism against infectious agents. At the onset of the pandemic, researchers primarily focused on the respiratory consequences of coronavirus, while overlooking the virus's impact on other organs, such as the brain. However, it is now apparent that post-covid sequelae can persist, esp...
Knowledge about the functioning of the human mind remains the objective of numerous researches around the world. In the present work, we postulate an unprecedented perspective of the connection between the formation of memories and the production of beliefs from the early stages of human brain development to adulthood. For this, we will use the Gen...
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The moment of social isolation experienced by the world population due to the COVID-19 pandemic tends to trigger behavioral changes of different orders and on an exponential scale, regardless of social class, age, gender, or ethnicity. Environmental enrichment presents itself as an important strategy to face the social isolation imposed by the pand...
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The Human Anatomy is an ancient Science, which uses the human body as the main material of study. However, structural differences between individuals that make up the species are quite common in the population and always emerge as a source of reports that aim to demonstrate and clarify these differences. These structural changes are called anatomic...
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Infectious diseases account for more than a third of all hospital admissions, and are highly prevalent in intensive care units. Currently, sepsis is one of the diseases with the highest morbidity and mortality rates worldwide, with death rates reaching up to 60% among intensive care patients, according to statistics from low-income countries. The p...
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Introduction: Every day science seeks new ways to treat various diseases through drugs that are efficient and viable. Thus, therapeutic alternatives that meet such demand are targets of study. Microemulsions are one of these new alternatives due to their peculiar pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic characteristics. Objective: The aim of this study...
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The Human Anatomy is an ancient Science, which uses the human body as the main material of study. However, structural differences between individuals that make up the species are quite common in the population and always emerge as a source of reports that aim to demonstrate and clarify these differences. These structural changes are called anatomic...
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During routine dissection in the laboratory was observed the presence of a variation of the superior cerebellar artery in a brain of a young adult male. This artery belongs to the vertebral-basilar system and is branch of the basilar artery, prior to its bifurcation giving rise to the posterior cerebral arteries. This variation is clinically import...


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