Alic Birca

Alic Birca
Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova · Faculty of Economics


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Publications (7)
The study analyses the determinants influencing the decisions of organisations to invest in human resource development. The researchers in the field have been particularly interested in investments in human resources, having analysed various aspects of such investments. At the same time, it should be noted that most research in this field investiga...
This scientific endeavour addresses the problem of employee resourcing strategies in a tight labour market. Taking into account that employee resourcing is a complex activity, this study aims to analyse recruitment as its core element. Although the literature on this topic is rich, the analysis of options that organisations have at their disposal f...
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This study analyzes the determinant factors contributing to the competitiveness of public institutions. To reach the aim of the study, we have identified seven determinant factors: employee development, employee performance, organizational communication, work organization, digitalization of activities, reduction in bureaucracy, and strategic manage...
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This paper analyzes the transparency of reporting in e-commerce companies, which has a high impact on decision making. Stakeholders make sure that companies are as transparent as possible in their actions, and the information disclosed in annual reports is very credible. In this context, the highly asked for information refers to the structure of c...
Conference Paper
This scientific endeavour, the issue of the effectiveness of active labour market policies in terms of theory and interpretation is addressed. Given that active labour market policies are consuming financial resources, over the years, several authors in the field have tried to assess their effectiveness, offering different interpretations. The effe...


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