A. Caubère

A. Caubère
Sainte Anne Military Teaching Hospital · 83



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Publications (49)
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Introduction. La stabilisation antérieure dynamique (DAS) est une technique chirurgicale méconnue dans le domaine sportif du fait de la nouveauté de cette technique, et des controverses liées à l'idée de stabiliser l'articulation scapulo-humérale par transfert du tendon du long biceps. L'objectif de cette étude était d'évaluer les résultats fonctio...
Limitations of standard-length femoral stems persist, including proximal-distal mismatch, non-ideal load transfer, loss of bone tissue, and perioperative fracture. Symbol® (Dedienne Santé, France) is a metaphyseal-engaging short-stem implant designed to address these issues in total hip arthroplasty (THA). While short stems have been well studied i...
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Individual factors of low rates of return to sport after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction were unclear. We evaluated the impact of various individual factors after ACL reconstruction for return to sport in athletes. A prospective study was performed in 1274 athletes, who had undergone ACL autograft reconstruction. Individual factors...
PurposeThe primary objective of this study was to compare the re-rupture rate, clinical results, and functional outcomes six months after the surgical repair of an acute Achilles tendon rupture between three different techniques (open repair, percutaneous repair with the Tenolig®, and minimally invasive repair).MethodsA prospective, comparative, mu...
Purpose: To compare the mechanical stress applied to our grafted defect area according to the diameter of the plugs used in the treatment of osteochondral lesion with osteochondral autograft transplantation (OAT) procedure. Methods: A biomechanical study was conducted on eight cadaveric knees. A 20-mm defect was created in the weight-bearing zon...
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Objectives Although patients suffering from severe traumatic brain injury (sTBI) and severe trauma patients (STP) have been extensively studied separately, there is scarce evidence concerning STP with concomitant sTBI. In particular, there are no guidelines regarding the emergency surgical management of patients presenting a concomitant life-threat...
Introduction La greffe ostéochondrale multiple est la technique de référence pour la réparation des lésions cartilagineuses au genou. Le diamètre et le nombre de greffons à choisir pour combler de manière optimale un defect cartilagineux ne sont actuellement pas connus. Matériel et méthode L’objectif de notre étude était d’analyser les contraintes...
Introduction En l’absence de prise en charge adaptée, l’évolution des entorses de cheville se fait vers une instabilité chronique de cheville. Des tests physiques sont aussi utilisés pour l’évaluation de cette dernière. Cependant, la pertinence et la fiabilité de ces tests est mal connue. Matériel et méthode Hypothèse : les scores fonctionnels d’i...
Exposure of the coracoid process during arthroscopic stabilization of acute acromioclavicular disjunctions (ACDs) can be achieved either by passing an extra- articular optical portal through the subacromial space or by an intra-articular optical route through the glenohumeral joint with opening of the rotator interval. The objective of our study wa...
Introduction: A double level osteotomy (DLO) may be indicated in patients with genu varum when the deformity involves both the tibia and femur. These patients, who are often young and active, have a high functional demand and hope for a rapid return to sport. The purpose of our study was to assess return to sport and functional outcomes following D...
Résumé Introduction Une double ostéotomie (DLO) peut être indiquée chez des patients présentant un genu varum lorsque la déformation se trouve au tibia et au fémur. Chez ces patients, souvent jeunes et actifs, la demande fonctionnelle est importante, notamment pour le retour rapide aux activités sportives. Le but de notre étude était d’évaluer la...
Résumé Cette dernière décennie a vu se développer de nombreuses techniques de réparation ou de reconstruction ligamentaire de cheville sous arthroscopie pour le traitement de l’instabilité chronique latérale de cheville. L’arthroscopie permet le bilan et le traitement de pathologies intra-articulaires associées avec une récupération fonctionnelle p...
Résumé Introduction La mortalité globale des patients hémodynamiquement instables avec un traumatisme du bassin est élevée. Leur prise en charge est controversée concernant la place de l’artério-embolisation et celle du packing pelvien associé à la stabilisation pelvienne. Le but de cette étude était de mener une étude descriptive sur le devenir à...
The past decade has seen the development of numerous arthroscopic techniques for ankle ligament repair or reconstruction in the treatment of chronic lateral ankle instability. Arthroscopy allows the assessment and treatment of intra-articular pathologies and is associated with faster functional recovery. The open surgery technique described by Blan...
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Purpose This study reports on complications following extended tourniquet application in patients with combat extremity injuries treated by the French Military Health Service in the Sahelian strip. Methods A retrospective review was performed in a French forward medical treatment facility deployed in Gao, Mali, between 2015 and 2020. All patients...
Résumé Introduction À l’heure des réseaux sociaux, de la médiatisation de plus en plus importante de la chirurgie et des classements « grand public », les critères de choix d’un chirurgien ou d’une équipe chirurgicale ne sont pas connus avec précision notamment en France. Aussi nous avons mené une étude prospective sur la ligamentoplastie du ligam...
Introduction: In this age of social media, with an ever-higher profile for surgery and rankings for the general public, patients' criteria for choosing a surgeon or team are not precisely known, especially in France. We therefore conducted a prospective study concerning anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, 1) to determine how patients came t...
Introduction The treatment of osteoarticular infections in Africa is a medical and surgical challenge due to the difficulties in managing antibiotic therapy after the surgical procedure. The objectives of this study were to identify the types of bacteria in osteoarticular lesions in patients treated in Chad and to determine the spectrum of resistan...
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Background The main difficulty with this ALL reconstruction method is the placement of the femoral tunnel as isometrically as possible. The femoral insertion of the ALL is usually located one centimeter posteriorly and proximal to the lateral epicondyle, at the level of the Lemaire vessels. The purpose of our study was to evaluate the placement of...
Introduction La reconstruction combinée du ligament antéro-latéral (LAL) associée à une plastie intra articulaire du ligament croisé antérieur (LCA) est de plus en plus réalisée actuellement. La principale difficulté de cette reconstruction du LAL est le positionnement du tunnel fémoral afin d’être le plus isometrique possible. Classiquement, l’ins...
Introduction: According to the NATO classification, the difference between Role 2 and Role 2+ is the presence of extra diagnostic and therapeutic means, including the deployment of a scanner. The aim of this study is to analyze the impact of this deployment at the front, in the Gao French Role 2 (Mali). Our main hypothesis is that the presence of...
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Despite longstanding controversy, tourniquets are widely used in tactical combat casualty care, with undisputed benefits for recent conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. Increased time delays are a particular issue in large areas, such as the Sahel-Saharan band. Complications associated with tourniquet use are predominantly related to acute ischemia w...
Introduction: Intramedullary (IM) nailing is the gold standard for treating long bone fractures in developed countries because of its minimally-invasive application and good biomechanical properties. In precarious conditions, external fixation or open plate fixation are often performed because surgeons do not have the means to carry out IM nailing...
Résumé Introduction L’enclouage centromédullaire est la technique de référence dans le traitement des fractures des os longs dans les pays développés du fait de son caractère mini-invasif et de ses qualités biomécaniques. En condition précaire, l’exofixation ou les ostéosynthèses à foyer ouvert par plaque sont plus souvent réalisées devant le manq...
The prevalence of obesity is increasing. In orthopaedic surgery, the impact of obesity is felt. The aim is to take stock of the consequences of obesity for patients at each stage of management. In this mini-review, we identify the main pathophysiological factors, specific orthopaedic complications and consequences to consider at each stage of manag...
Les plaies du pied sont fréquentes et souvent sans gravité. Le soignant primo-intervenant doit décider de la conduite à tenir la plus adaptée, y compris en des lieux inadéquats. Nous proposons d’analyser la gestion de ces traumatismes pour dégager les étapes essentielles d’évaluation et de prise en charge initiale, en inscrivant le patient dans un...
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Introduction: The development of damage control orthopedics (DCO) procedures has led to the development of temporary unicortical external fixators (TUEFs) intended to limit deep infectious complications and facilitate early conversion to internal fixation. Methods: A retrospective study was conducted in two French military trauma centers, includ...
La traumatologia pediatrica è un’area particolarmente delicata in termini di diagnosi. Se la presentazione clinica non è molto diversa da quella dell’adulto, l’interpretazione dei dati della diagnostica per immagini può rivelarsi delicata a causa della matrice cartilaginea molto importante nel bambino. Ciò è particolarmente vero per il gomito, regi...
Ce nouveau numéro de « Médecine et Armées » s’intéresse aux soignants en situation de crise. Il convient donc de chercher à définir la crise, notion à l’usage florissant et galvaudé. Il faut le souligner d’emblée : la notion de crise échappe à toute définition répondant aux canons de la rigueur analytique habituelle. Relisons ici Uriel Rosenthal :...
Résumé Introduction Quinze à 20 % des tumeurs du squelette adulte sont des tumeurs à cellules géantes (TCG). Elles sont fréquemment localisées autour du genou, en zone métaphyso-épiphysaire, au contact du cartilage articulaire. Les objectifs de notre étude étaient d’évaluer la présence d’une gonarthrose précoce chez des patients traités par cureta...
Introduction: Giant cell tumors (GCTs) make up 15% to 20% of bone-related tumors in adults. They are often found around the knee in the metaphysis and epiphysis area, contacting the joint cartilage. The aims of our study were to evaluate the presence of early knee osteoarthritis (OA) in patients with GCTs in the knee area treated by curettage-ceme...
Introduction: Total elbow arthroplasty (TEA) is one option in distal humerus fracture in elderly osteoporotic patients. Hypothesis: The study hypothesis was that, in patients aged 70 years or more,TEA provides functional results and ranges of motion compatible with everyday activity, with a complications rate equal to or lower than with internal...
Background The Latarjet procedure is considered to be a violation of the subscapularis muscle. This study evaluated the postoperative status of the subscapularis through isokinetic and magnetic resonance imaging analysis after splitting. We hypothesized that compared with a healthy contralateral shoulder, there would be satisfactory recovery of sub...
Introduction. -Knee arthroplasty causes significant blood loss. Different blood-saving measures exist like retransfusion of unwashed salvaged blood. Some studies question the quality of this blood and in particular its ability to clot. These studies use "static" coagulation tests reflecting only partially the reality, unlike viscoelastic methods. T...
Résumé Introduction L’arthroplastie du genou occasionne d’importantes pertes sanguines. Différentes techniques d’épargne transfusionnelle existent dont la retransfusion de sang épanché de redon. Certaines études remettent en cause la qualité de ce sang et notamment sa capacité à coaguler. Elles utilisent des tests d’hémostase « statiques » qui ref...
The aim of this study was to determine if pisotriquetral instability is present after neurolysis of the median nerve in the wrist. Fifty-five patients who underwent carpal tunnel release between December 2005 and March 2009 were included in this retrospective study. The surgical procedure consisted of cutting the transverse carpal ligament under lo...
The aim of this study was to determine if pisotriquetral instability is present after neurolysis of the median nerve in the wrist. Fifty-five patients who underwent carpal tunnel release between December 2005 and March 2009 were included in this retrospective study. The surgical procedure consisted of cutting the transverse carpal ligament under lo...


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