Asked 7th Dec, 2017

What are the most problems in management?

what are the most problems in management in business economy

Most recent answer

Houda Kawas
Damascus University
Communicate, hold periodic meetings to identify fault spots and positive proposals for business development

All Answers (6)

Salam Jassim Hmood
Al Muthanna University
Future management
Cenap Özel
King Abdulaziz University
humans and human reladions....
1 Recommendation
Dickson Adom
Kwame Nkrumah University Of Science and Technology
Indeed, the human relations
Dmytro Barabas
Kyiv National Economic University
Houda Kawas
Damascus University
Communicate, hold periodic meetings to identify fault spots and positive proposals for business development

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In your opinion, does it make sense to create a new generation of something similar to ChatGPT, a kind of intelligent online business advisor?
7 replies
  • Dariusz ProkopowiczDariusz Prokopowicz
In your opinion, does it make sense to create a new generation of something similar to ChatGPT, which will use databases built solely on the basis of continuously updated data, information, objectively verified knowledge resources, a kind of online business advisor, using defined business websites and portals, financial and economic information portals, which will answer the questions of entrepreneurs, businessmen, managers in charge of companies and enterprises, who will ask questions about the future development of their business, their company, enterprise, corporation?
In my opinion, it makes sense to create a new generation of something similar to ChatGPT, which will use databases built solely on the basis of continuously updated data, information, objectively verified knowledge resources, a kind of online business advisor, using defined business websites and portals, financial and economic information portals, which will answer the questions of entrepreneurs, businessmen, managers in charge of companies and enterprises, who will ask questions about the future development of their business, their company, enterprise, corporation. Such intelligent systems drawing on large data and information resources, processing large sets of economic and financial information and data in real time on Big Data Analytics platforms, providing current analytical data to business intelligence systems supporting business management processes, can prove very useful as tools to facilitate organizational management processes, forecasting various scenarios of abnormal events and scenarios of developments in the business environment, diagnosing escalation of risks, supporting early warning systems, diagnosing and forecasting opportunities and threats to the development of the company or enterprise, providing warning signals for contingency and risk management systems.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
In your opinion, does it make sense to create a new generation of something similar to ChatGPT, which will use databases built solely on the basis of continuously updated data, information, objectively verified knowledge resources, a kind of online business advisor, using defined business websites and portals, financial and economic information portals, which will answer the questions of entrepreneurs, businessmen, managers in charge of companies and enterprises, who will ask questions about the future development of their business, their company, enterprise, corporation?
In your opinion, does it make sense to create a new generation of something similar to ChatGPT, a kind of intelligent online business advisor?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Counting on your opinions, on getting to know your personal opinion, on a fair approach to the discussion of scientific issues, I deliberately used the phrase "in your opinion" in the question.
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Will expanding the scope of reporting by business entities to include sustainability issues motivate companies to scale up their sustainability goals?
10 replies
  • Dariusz ProkopowiczDariusz Prokopowicz
In your opinion, will the addition of mandatory sustainability reporting according to the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) to company and corporate reporting motivate business entities to scale up their sustainability goals?
In your opinion, will the introduction of mandatory enhanced disclosure of sustainability issues help to scale up the implementation of sustainability goals and accelerate the processes of transforming the economy towards a sustainable, green circular economy?
Taking into account the negative aspects of the unsustainable development of the economy, including the over-consumption of natural resources, the increasing scale of environmental pollution, the still high greenhouse gas emissions, the progressing process of global warming, the intensifying negative effects of the climate change taking place, etc., it is necessary to accelerate the processes of carrying out the pro-environmental and pro-climate transformation of the classic growth, brown, linear economy of excess into a sustainable, green, zero-carbon growth and closed loop economy. One of the key determinants for achieving the aforementioned green transformation of the economy is also the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, i.e. according to the UN standard 17 Sustainable Development Goals. In recent years, many companies and enterprises, noticing the growing importance of this issue, including the increasing scale of pro-environmental and pro-climate awareness of citizens, i.e. customers of their offers of companies and enterprises, add to their missions and development strategies the issues of implementation of sustainable development goals and present themselves and their offers of products and services within advertising campaigns and other forms of marketing communication as green, implementing specific sustainable development goals, environmentally and climate friendly, etc. Unfortunately, this is always in accordance with the fact that the implementation of the sustainable development goals is not a fact. Unfortunately, this is not always consistent with the facts. Research shows that in the European Union, the majority of existing companies and enterprises already carry out this type of marketing communication to a greater or lesser extent. However, a significant proportion of businesses that present themselves as green, pursuing specific sustainability goals, environmentally and climate-friendly, and that present their product and service offerings as green, made exclusively from natural raw materials, and produced fully in line with sustainability goals, are doing so unreliably and misleading potential customers. Many companies and businesses are greenwashing. It is therefore necessary to improve systems for verifying what economic operators present about themselves and their offerings in their marketing communications against the facts. By significantly reducing the scale of greenwashing used by many companies, it will be possible to increase the effectiveness of carrying out the process of green transformation of the economy and really increase the scale of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Significant instruments to motivate business operators to conduct marketing communications in a reliable way also include extending the scope of business operators' reporting to include sustainability issues. The addition of sustainability reporting obligations for companies and businesses in line with the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) should motivate economic actors to scale up their implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. In November 2022, the Council of the European Union finally approved the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). The Directive requires companies to report on sustainability in accordance with the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). This means that under the Directive, more than 3,500 companies in Poland will have to disclose sustainability data. The ESRS standards developed by EFRAG (European Financial Reporting Advisory Group) have been submitted to the European Commission and we are currently waiting for their final form in the form of delegated acts. However, this does not mean that companies should not already be looking at the new obligations. Especially if they have not reported on sustainability issues so far, or have done so to a limited extent. Companies will have to disclose sustainability issues in accordance with ESRS standards. It is therefore essential to build systemic reporting standards for business entities enriched with sustainability issues. In a situation where the addition of sustainability reporting obligations in accordance with the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) to company and corporate reporting is effectively carried out, there should be an increased incentive for business entities to scale up their sustainability goals. In this regard, the introduction of enhanced disclosure of sustainability issues should help to increase the scale of implementation of the sustainable development goals and accelerate the processes of transformation of the economy towards a sustainable green circular economy.
In view of the above, I would like to address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
In your opinion, will the introduction of mandatory enhanced disclosure of sustainability issues help to scale up the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals and accelerate the processes of transformation of the economy towards a sustainable, green circular economy?
In your opinion, will the addition of mandatory sustainability reporting to companies and businesses in line with the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) motivate business entities to scale up the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals?
Will the extension of sustainability reporting by business entities motivate companies to scale up their sustainability goals?
What challenges do companies and businesses face in relation to the obligation for expanded disclosure of sustainability issues?
What do you think about it?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Counting on your opinions, on getting to know your personal opinion, on an honest approach to discussing scientific issues and not the ready-made answers generated in ChatGPT, I deliberately used the phrase "in your opinion" in the question.
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
I have not used other sources or automatic text generation systems such as ChatGPT in writing this text.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
How might corporate taxation change if all employed workers were replaced by artificial intelligence?
2 replies
  • Dariusz ProkopowiczDariusz Prokopowicz
What are the differences in taxation of companies and employees vis-à-vis analogous entities in which all employed workers have been replaced by artificial intelligence?
How does the system of taxation of income generated by business entities and their employees differ from analogous companies, businesses, financial institutions, etc., in which all employed workers have been replaced by artificial intelligence?
In a situation where in many service companies and many manufacturing companies, as part of the so-called cost optimisation and profitability improvement, a significant part, the majority of the employed workers or the entire workforce will be replaced by artificial intelligence technology, the tax revenue going to the state budget from income taxes of the previously employed workers and the amounts from para-taxes, contributions to the social security system and others will significantly decrease if the tax system is not applied modified and adapted to the fourth technological revolution currently taking place. In addition, a long-standing process of change in the demographic structure of society, known as ageing, is taking place in developed countries. This means a successive decrease in the number of people in many productive years against people who have already reached retirement age. This will further weaken the state's public finance system in the years to come. If, in the future, the state is to ensure convenient provision of public goods and services for the next generations of citizens, the social security system, the participatory pension system, etc. are to function effectively, the necessary changes, including in the area of fiscal policy, should already be introduced. However, the issue of shaping socio-economic policy, including fiscal policy, social policy, provision of public goods by the state to citizens, etc., may be a problem mainly in the short term (a few months) or medium term (up to a few years) instead of the long term (at least a few decades of time).
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
How does the system of taxation of the income generated by economic entities and the employees employed in these entities differ from the analogous companies, enterprises, financial institutions, etc., in which all employed employees have been replaced by artificial intelligence?
What is your opinion on this?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
How can the factual quality of advertising campaigns be improved so that they present companies' offers according to the facts without greenwashing?
23 replies
  • Dariusz ProkopowiczDariusz Prokopowicz
How can we develop a system to analyse and control advertising campaigns that mislead the public through greenwashing?
How can we improve the factual quality of advertising campaigns, so that they present the products, services, brands of companies in accordance with the facts, e.g. without greenwashing?
How should the system of analysis and control of advertising campaigns be developed to reduce the scale of misleading the public through greenwashing by unreliable and unethical companies?
What are some obvious examples of greenwashing in advertising campaigns of companies that present themselves as green companies pursuing sustainable development goals, developing green, pro-environmental, pro-climate projects, making green investments, e.g. in renewable and emission-free energy sources, which is not true?
In recent years, there have been more and more examples of the use of greenwashing in advertising campaigns, which consists in misleading the public, potential customers, who are presented with certain offers of companies as green, although they are not. More and more advertising campaigns, public relations activities, etc. carried out by more and more advertising companies and business entities presenting their product offers, services, company brands, use greenwashing. Greenwashing is also referred to in everyday language as "eco-costume", "green untruth" or "green lie", a phenomenon consisting in creating the impression among customers looking for goods produced in accordance with the principles of ecology and environmental protection that the product or the company producing it is in harmony with nature and ecology. For example, recently, in the country in which I operate, a number of advertising spots have appeared in various media, which portray certain large energy sector companies that are state-owned companies as green companies acting in accordance with the principles of sustainable development and developing green investments in the development of renewable and emission-free energy sources, but unfortunately not in accordance with the facts, and are an example of greenwashing. The largest state-owned companies in the energy and petrochemical sector engage in greenwashing because they are portrayed in advertising campaigns as developing renewable energy sources, including the construction of onshore and offshore wind farms, while the development of onshore wind energy has been blocked by the Polish government for the last seven years, the construction of wind farms in the Baltic Sea by Polish companies is only just being planned, and the structure of energy sources in the energy sector is still such that three quarters of Poland's energy is generated by burning coal and lignite.
In view of the above, I would like to address the following questions to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
What are the evident examples of greenwashing in advertising campaigns of companies that present themselves as green companies pursuing sustainable development goals, developing green pro-ecological, pro-environmental, pro-climate projects, making green investments e.g. in renewable and emission-free energy sources which is not in accordance with the facts?
How should a system of analysis and control of advertising campaigns be developed in order to reduce the scale of misleading of citizens through greenwashing by unreliable and unethical companies?
How can the substantive quality of advertising campaigns be improved so that they present products, services and company brands in accordance with the facts, e.g. without greenwashing?
How can we develop a system for analysing and monitoring advertising campaigns that mislead the public through greenwashing?
How can the factual quality of advertising campaigns be improved so that they present companies' offers in accordance with the facts without greenwashing?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Why is the importance of the correlation analysis between the stock market valuation and the economic situation of business entities growing?
30 replies
  • Dariusz ProkopowiczDariusz Prokopowicz
Why is the importance of analyzing and conducting research on the correlation between the stock market valuation of securities (stocks, bonds, etc.) and the economic and financial situation of business entities growing?
In recent years, the importance of examining the correlation between stock market valuation of securities (stocks, bonds, etc.) and the economic and financial situation of business entities is growing, because there are more and more anomalies and speculations on capital markets, which may reduce these correlations. The importance of studying this issue is growing particularly when in certain listed markets valuations of certain financial assets and instruments are less and less related to economic fundamentals and the significance of speculation is growing. If such a lack of correlation between the stock market valuation and the economic and financial situation of business entities is growing, then the financial and / or economic crisis may occur. Such a situation of increase in speculative factors on stock exchanges and commodity exchange commodity markets appeared in 2006-2008 and contributed to the global financial crisis in 2008.
Do you agree with me on the above matter?
In the context of the above issues, I am asking you the following question:
Why is the importance of analyzing and conducting research on the correlation between the stock market valuation of securities (stocks, bonds, etc.) and the economic and financial situation of business entities growing?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Thank you very much
Best wishes
How can you build an effective investment strategy involving a combination of fundamental analysis and technical analysis in analyzing stock markets?
13 replies
  • Dariusz ProkopowiczDariusz Prokopowicz
How can an effective investment strategy involving a combination of fundamental analysis and technical analysis be built in the analysis of stock markets or other investment assets priced in the capital markets?
On what premises, model assumptions can an effective investment strategy involving a combination of fundamental analysis and technical analysis in the analysis of stock markets or other investment assets priced in the capital markets be designed?
Some stock market investors, citizens and business entities, investment fund managers, investment banks operating in the capital markets use both technical analysis and fundamental analysis in their analysis and investment activities. The use of both of these analyses is usually based on the assumption that these two significantly different analyses can complement each other. Fundamental analysis consists of, among other things, several analytical segments on specific spheres of the economy, impact factors and risks acting on the operation of certain business entities, internal and external impact factors. In the environment of the company and the enterprise, the closer environment is analyzed, e.g. the competitive environment, relations with key competitors, with business counterparties, customers, with recipients of product and service offerings, with suppliers of raw materials, prefabricated components, subassemblies and other production factors necessary for business operations, with cooperators, with financial counterparties, lenders, etc. Strategic analysis, including, for example, SWOT analysis, marketing analysis, technical-economic analysis, organization analysis, financial analysis, including ratio analysis based on financial indicators based on quantitative data contained in financial statements, also plays an important role in fundamental analysis.
Technical analysis, on the other hand, involves analyzing changes in the rates and trading volumes of securities, currencies or commodities. This analysis is concerned with studying and interpreting the shapes of charts to forecast future prices (rates) based on an analysis of past price formation. Unlike fundamental analysis of a company, which takes into account both information about the global, macroeconomic, regional and industry environment in which it operates, as well as reports announced by the company itself, in the case of technical analysis these are not taken into account in the investment decision-making process. All the information needed for technical analysis is read directly from charts showing the historical price changes of the security, currency or raw material under analysis. Technical analysis assumes that stock market phenomena precede economic phenomena in time, and that the market is a mechanism for discounting the future. Technical analysts prefer to analyze the trend of the market instead of statistical data. Technical analysis is based on three basic rules: 1. Changes in supply and demand on the stock market are reflected in stock prices, 2. Changes in stock prices are subject to trends that persist over a long period of time, 3. Processes occurring on the stock market are repeated.
In view of the above, combining both analyses, i.e. fundamental and technical analysis, can give a kind of analytical added value. Accordingly, some stock market investors use both fundamental and technical analysis.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
On what premises, model assumptions, can an effective investment strategy be designed to combine fundamental analysis and technical analysis in the analysis of stock markets or other investment assets priced in the capital markets?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Warm regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Has the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic caused a reduction or an increase in business-to-business cooperation?
4 replies
  • Dariusz ProkopowiczDariusz Prokopowicz
Has the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic caused a reduction or increase in remote online communication, business cooperation, co-operation, clustering, etc. between companies, businesses, between business entities, financial institutions, public institutions, local government, non-governmental organisations and other entities?
In the sectors of manufacturing companies, financial institutions, online technology companies, online shops, etc., which experienced strong sales increases during the pandemic, the scale of business cooperation between business entities may have increased significantly. In contrast, in service sectors subject to lockdowns, forced reduction or real temporary cessation of business activities, sectors in lockdown-induced crisis and recession, the scale of development of business cooperation between economic operators may have decreased significantly. During the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic, lockdowns imposed on selected service and commercial sectors of the economy were introduced in some countries, triggering an economic recession in mid-2020. In addition to this, international supply and procurement logistics chains were disrupted which further reduced the ability to produce certain types of goods and exacerbated the economic crisis. As a result, some operators decided to carry out recovery programmes and to increase the scale of their business using the Internet, including providing their services, offering products via the Internet, selling their product and service offerings online, improving e-logistics and remote Internet communication. Therefore, as a result of the downturn in the economy, the decline in economic activity, the scale of business cooperation in many businesses may have decreased. However, on the other hand, the scale of business and other cooperation conducted through remote Internet communication, the development of e-logistics, online payments and settlements, etc. may have increased.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Has the pandemic of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus (Covid-19) caused a decrease or increase in the scale of remote Internet communication, business cooperation, co-operation, clustering, etc. between companies, enterprises, between business entities, financial institutions, public institutions, local governments, non-governmental and other entities?
And what is your opinion on this topic?
What do you think about this subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Warm regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz

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