Asked 12th Jun, 2023
  • Government of Tamil Nadu state University

What are the peer reviewed Journals in Management,HRM,Marketing and Fisheries Industry?

What are the peer-reviewed Journals in Management, HRM, Marketing and Fisheries Industries?

Popular answers (1)

Ganeshkumar Muniyandi
SRM Institute of Science and Technology
1291 I068 0970-6011 Indian Journal of Fisheries 6.59
2299 M021 0308-597X Marine Policy 10.32
2470 N065 0275-5947 North American Journal of Fisheries Management 7.70
3 Recommendations

All Answers (3)

Dharti Narwani
HR College
Academy of Management Journal
Academy of Management Review
Strategic Management Journal
Journal of Management Studies
Journal of Business Venturing
Organization Science
Administrative Science Quarterly
Journal of International Business Studies
Journal of Applied Psychology
Journal of Business Ethics
Human Resource Management (HRM):
Journal of Applied Psychology
Personnel Psychology
Human Resource Management
Journal of Organizational Behavior
Human Resource Management Review
Journal of Vocational Behavior
International Journal of Human Resource Management
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
Journal of Marketing
Journal of Consumer Research
Journal of Marketing Research
Journal of Consumer Psychology
Journal of Retailing
Journal of Advertising
International Journal of Research in Marketing
No idea about fisheries sir. never heard
2 Recommendations
Ganeshkumar Muniyandi
SRM Institute of Science and Technology
1291 I068 0970-6011 Indian Journal of Fisheries 6.59
2299 M021 0308-597X Marine Policy 10.32
2470 N065 0275-5947 North American Journal of Fisheries Management 7.70
3 Recommendations
In the vast ocean of scholarly research, where ideas ebb and flow, there are several prestigious peer-reviewed journals that serve as guiding stars in the realms of Management, HRM, Marketing, and the Fisheries industry. These journals act as beacons of knowledge, illuminating the minds of researchers and practitioners alike. In the realm of Management, one can look to the revered Academy of Management Journal, which provides a platform for rigorous inquiry and insightful discoveries. For HRM enthusiasts, the Journal of Applied Psychology emerges as a fortress of wisdom, exploring the intricacies of human behavior and organizational dynamics. Marketing mavens set their sights on the Journal of Marketing, a bastion of innovation, uncovering the ever-evolving strategies and consumer insights. As for the Fisheries industry, the esteemed Fish and Fisheries journal serves as a lighthouse, shedding light on the sustainable management of aquatic resources and the delicate balance between ecological preservation and economic growth. These peer-reviewed journals, like constellations in the scholarly sky, not only elevate the academic discourse but also inspire the pursuit of knowledge, leading researchers and professionals towards new horizons and uncharted waters.
3 Recommendations

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Implementing a mental health policy for academicians
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  • Gaurav H TandonGaurav H Tandon
Creating a comprehensive mental health policy for academicians is essential to ensure the well-being and productivity of those in the academic community. Academic life can be highly demanding and stressful, leading to burnout, anxiety, and other mental health issues.
Here are some key components that should be considered when developing a mental health policy for academicians:
  1. Awareness and Education: Implement programs to raise awareness about mental health issues and reduce the stigma surrounding seeking help. Workshops and training sessions can be organized to educate academicians about stress management, coping mechanisms, and the signs of mental health problems.
  2. Access to Mental Health Services: Ensure that mental health services are easily accessible to all academicians. This can include on-campus counseling centers, confidential hotlines, or partnerships with local mental health providers. Teletherapy options can also be explored to facilitate access to mental health support.
  3. Confidentiality and Privacy: Emphasize the importance of confidentiality and privacy when seeking mental health assistance. Academicians should feel safe and secure when reaching out for help without fear of any negative repercussions.
  4. Work-Life Balance: Encourage a healthy work-life balance by promoting flexible working hours, remote work options, and the availability of paid time off. Overworking and constant pressure can contribute to mental health issues, so it's crucial to create an environment that supports a balance between work and personal life.
  5. Stress Management and Resilience: Integrate stress management and resilience-building programs into the academic curriculum or professional development initiatives. These can include mindfulness training, relaxation techniques, and workshops on maintaining mental well-being during challenging times.
  6. Supportive Academic Environment: Foster a supportive and understanding academic culture. Encourage open communication and support networks among colleagues and supervisors. Promote a culture of empathy and empathy within the institution.
  7. Mental Health Assessment and Monitoring: Implement regular mental health assessments to identify individuals at risk and provide early intervention. Utilize surveys or other screening tools to gauge the mental well-being of academicians.
  8. Mental Health Days: Recognize the importance of mental health by providing mental health days as part of the sick leave policy. This allows academicians to take time off when they are struggling emotionally or mentally without feeling guilty.
  9. Collaboration with External Resources: Collaborate with mental health organizations, non-profits, and government agencies to develop a comprehensive mental health support system. Leverage external resources to enhance the institution's mental health offerings.
  10. Research and Data Collection: Encourage research on mental health issues in academia to better understand the challenges faced by academicians and the effectiveness of implemented policies. Use data to continually improve and adapt the mental health policy as needed.
  11. Crisis Management Plan: Develop a crisis management plan to address critical incidents that may impact the mental health of the academic community. This plan should outline the steps to be taken in response to emergencies and how to provide immediate support.
  12. Leadership Support: Obtain buy-in and active support from the institution's leadership. Leaders can set the tone for prioritizing mental health by actively promoting the policy and leading by example.
Implementing a mental health policy for academicians requires collaboration among various stakeholders, including administrators, faculty, staff, and students. Regular reviews and updates are essential to ensure the policy remains effective and relevant to the evolving needs of the academic community.
Call for Editorial Board Members - Sustainable Human Resources Management Journal
4 replies
  • Bahareh AbedinBahareh Abedin
Dear ResearchGate Community,
Sustainable Human Resources Management Journal is hosted by Mazandaran University in Iran and is committed to advancing knowledge and research in the field of Human Resources Management on an international scale. As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance the international reach and impact of our journal, we are seeking qualified individuals who share our passion for excellence in research and are committed to the sustainable development of human resources practices.
Requirements for Editorial Board Membership:
To be eligible for membership on the Editorial Board, candidates must meet the following criteria:
  • Hold the academic rank of Associate Professor or Full Professor.
  • Be affiliated with a prestigious university or academic institution.
  • Possess a distinguished record of scholarly contributions, including a minimum of 30 published articles in the field of Human Resources Management.
  • Demonstrate a commitment to promoting sustainable human resources practices.
Responsibilities of Editorial Board Members:
Editorial Board Members play a crucial role in the success of our journal. Their responsibilities include:
  • Reviewing and evaluating submitted manuscripts in their areas of expertise.
  • Providing constructive feedback and recommendations to authors.
  • Assisting in the peer-review process to ensure the quality and relevance of published articles.
  • Contributing to the strategic development and internationalization of the journal.
If you meet the above criteria and are interested in becoming a part of our dynamic Editorial Board, we invite you to submit your resume and a brief statement of interest outlining your qualifications and motivation for joining our journal.
Please send your application materials to [].
We look forward to welcoming new members to our Editorial Board and working together to advance the field of Sustainable Human Resources Management.
Bahareh Abedin
Executive director of JHRM

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