Asked 28th Feb, 2016

Does a carbohydrate-protein beverage (CHO-P) improve endurance performance compared with a commercial sports beverage?


Most recent answer

Lucas Helal
Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense (UNESC)
Dear Ever,
perhaps this recent pragmatic crossover placebo-controlled trial may help you to make decisions:
Please do not hesitate to contact me for further questions.

All Answers (5)

Martin Hofmeister
Consumer Centre of the German Federal State of Bavaria, Germany, Munich
Dear Ever,
Maybe you can use the following publications…
Goh Q, Boop CA, Luden ND, Smith AG, Womack CJ, Saunders MJ. Recovery from cycling exercise: effects of carbohydrate and protein beverages. Nutrients. 2012;4(7):568-84.
Ferguson-Stegall L, McCleave EL, Ding Z, Doerner PG 3rd, Wang B, Liao YH, Kammer L, Liu Y, Hwang J, Dessard BM, Ivy JL. Postexercise carbohydrate-protein supplementation improves subsequent exercise performance and intracellular signaling for protein synthesis. J Strength Cond Res. 2011;25(5):1210-24.
Highton J, Twist C, Lamb K, Nicholas C. Carbohydrate-protein coingestion improves multiple-sprint running performance. J Sports Sci. 2013;31(4):361-9.
McLellan TM, Pasiakos SM, Lieberman HR. Effects of protein in combination with carbohydrate supplements on acute or repeat endurance exercise performance: a systematic review. Sports Med. 2014;44(4):535-50.
Best wishes from Germany,
1 Recommendation
Ever Espino-González
University of Copenhagen
Thank you so much. I will consider these papers for my next project.
It would have a role in muscle recovery and muscle fatigue, but not in performance. Of course the CHO has a role, but not the protein. For some elite athletes the protein can be used to counterbalance the AA's oxidation, but this is only with low bod fat percentage and lacking CHO availability.
Ever Espino-González
University of Copenhagen
Thank you Peter Griepink. That's the conclusion of several authors. However, considering that amino acids have several transport pathways from the intestines and are known to boost the absorption of water and electrolytes, it has also been proposed that little amounts of protein in CHO beverages may improve endurance performance by increasing the fluid transport across the lining of the intestine.
Lucas Helal
Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense (UNESC)
Dear Ever,
perhaps this recent pragmatic crossover placebo-controlled trial may help you to make decisions:
Please do not hesitate to contact me for further questions.

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