Asked 4th Mar, 2020

Can we use our material after being used for the determination of point of zero charge?

I am working magnetic nanoparticles. The yield of NPs is very small. I just want to know weather I can reuse the material or not, further would it come under the category of being reused after determination of point of zero charge?

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Circuit breaker nameplate data
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  • syed taha Ahmedsyed taha Ahmed
I am a trainee engineer in power plant. I am now days reading about HV circuit breakers nameplate data. 145 KV circuit breakers have following data in their nameplate
Short circuit making current
Short circuit breaking current
Line charging breaking current
Out of Phase breaking current
First pole to clear factor
Lighting impulse withstanding voltage
Among he following i have many queries related to first pole to clear factor and line charging breaking current.
The line charging breaking current is the maximum capacitive current that a breaker can break. For 145 KV it is 50A . When line is unloaded or very lightly loaded the charging current flows due to capacitive behavior of lines. If the trip command is given to breaker then there is a chance of arc re strike at current = 0 because at current zero the voltage is max for perfect capacitive load. Now what i am thinking in my mind why only capacitive line charging current is mentioned in nameplate the same thing can happens in inductive load because in inductor there is also a phase difference of 90 degrees between voltage and current. Secondly why this line charging breaking current capacity is too small it means only few amperes flow for line charging.
Then comes first pole to clear factor which says the recovery voltage across first pole is higher than the other two poles. It is due to fact that that three phase voltages have phase difference of 120 degrees so when trip command is given to breaker the arc current at 1 pole clears first as the current crosses zero but meanwhile the other two poles takes time due to 120 degree phase difference BUT............
why TRV transient recovery voltage gets high in first pole. What i am thinking that it is due to fact that as soon as the first pole opens the three phase supply get unbalance so that causes over voltages or there ma e some other reason.

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  本文以矽質玄武岩石粉對土壤改良理化性質及土壤沖蝕為研究重點。 經田間試驗,在試區分別加入0%、1%、3%與6%之不同矽質玄武岩石粉含量 處理。以自然環境狀況放置六個月後,採樣分析比較結果如下: 1.土壤 零電點隨矽質玄武岩石粉含量之增加而降低。此結果顯示土壤表面 負電 荷量已隨矽質玄武岩石粉含量之增加而提高;土壤之陽離子交換量 因土 壤表面負電荷量之提高而增加。 2.由土壤水份特性曲線得知,土壤保水 能力已隨矽質玄武岩石粉含量之增 加而提高。 3.經團粒穩定性得知, 在添1%矽質玄武岩石粉後,團粒平均粒徑已有增加 。 4.利用人工降雨 模擬器人工降雨,土壤之沖蝕量隨矽質玄武岩石粉含量之 增加而有減少 之趨勢。
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