Table 3 - uploaded by Meltem Uygun
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Turkey Tourism Strategy (2023) has set long-term goals for the country in several areas, some of which are: planning, investment, organization, domestic tourism, research and development (R&D), service, strengthening transport and ınfrastructure, promotion and marketing, education, urban scale branding, the diversification of tourism, rehabilitatio...
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Context 1
... completion of these new health tourism facilities, it is forecasted there will be a rapid increase in tourist numbers (The Ministry of Culture and Tourism, 2007). As shown in Figure 2 and Table 3, Turkey's annual health tourism revenue aims to increase to 20 billion through 2023. Turkey is planning to accept 2 million international patients ( ...
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... Effective marketing strategies are the key to reaching potential health travelers and capturing their attention in this dynamic environment. Destinations can learn from successful programs such as the Health Tourism Program of Türkiye, which promotes the country's rich cultural heritage and natural grandeur alongside its world-class healthcare facilities (Uygun & Ekiz, 2016;Şengül & Çora, 2020). ...
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... Effective marketing strategies are the key to reaching potential health travelers and capturing their attention in this dynamic environment. Destinations can learn from successful programs such as the Health Tourism Program of Türkiye, which promotes the country's rich cultural heritage and natural grandeur alongside its world-class healthcare facilities (Uygun & Ekiz, 2016;Şengül & Çora, 2020). ...
... Effective marketing strategies are the key to reaching potential health travelers and capturing their attention in this dynamic environment. Destinations can learn from successful programs such as the Health Tourism Program of Türkiye, which promotes the country's rich cultural heritage and natural grandeur alongside its world-class healthcare facilities (Uygun & Ekiz, 2016;Şengül & Çora, 2020). ...
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... Effective marketing strategies are the key to reaching potential health travelers and capturing their attention in this dynamic environment. Destinations can learn from successful programs such as the Health Tourism Program of Türkiye, which promotes the country's rich cultural heritage and natural grandeur alongside its world-class healthcare facilities (Uygun & Ekiz, 2016;Şengül & Çora, 2020). ...
GİRİŞ: Yapay zekâ (YZ), makinelerin insan zekâsını taklit etme yeteneğine işaret eder ve öğrenme, akıl yürütme, problem çözme, algılama ve dil anlama gibi bir dizi kompleks işlevi içerir. Bu kavram, genellikle algoritmalar ve modeller aracılığıyla büyük veri kümelerinden anlamlı örüntüler çıkarmayı içeren makine öğrenmesi ile de ilişkilidir.
Öte yandan, otomasyon, belirli görevlerin insan müdahalesi olmaksızın gerçekleştirilmesi sürecidir. Bu süreç, rutin işlemlerin hızlandırılmasını ve hataların azaltılmasını amaçlar. Otomasyon teknolojileri, iş süreçlerini daha verimli ve etkili hale getirebilen çeşitli araçlar ve yazılımlar içerir.
Bu iki kavram - yapay zekâ ve otomasyon - giderek daha çok, çeşitli sektörlerde uygulama buluyor. Özellikle muhasebe, finansal bilgi işlemlerinin hassasiyeti ve rutin doğası nedeniyle, bu teknolojilerin uygulanabilirliği ve etkisi açısından önemli bir alan olarak ortaya çıkıyor. Muhasebe sektöründe, bu teknolojiler veri analizi, denetim, tahmin ve raporlama gibi bir dizi görevde kullanılıyor ve iş süreçlerini hızlandırırken aynı zamanda daha geniş bir perspektif ve daha büyük bir doğruluk düzeyi sağlıyor. Bununla birlikte, yapay zekâ ve otomasyonun muhasebe pratiği üzerindeki etkisi hala tam anlamıyla anlaşılmamıştır ve bu konudaki akademik literatür nispeten sınırlıdır.
Bu kitap bölümü, bu boşluğu doldurma çabasıdır ve yapay zekâ ve otomasyonun muhasebe pratiklerindeki etkisini, bu teknolojik ilerlemelerin muhasebe süreçlerine ve profesyonellerine sunduğu fırsatları ve zorlukları da dikkate alarak inceler. Bu konuya dair anlayışın artırılması, muhasebe sektörünün bu teknolojik değişimlere daha etkili bir şekilde uyum sağlamasına yardımcı olabilir.
... Effective marketing strategies are the key to reaching potential health travelers and capturing their attention in this dynamic environment. Destinations can learn from successful programs such as the Health Tourism Program of Türkiye, which promotes the country's rich cultural heritage and natural grandeur alongside its world-class healthcare facilities (Uygun & Ekiz, 2016;Şengül & Çora, 2020). ...
... Effective marketing strategies are the key to reaching potential health travelers and capturing their attention in this dynamic environment. Destinations can learn from successful programs such as the Health Tourism Program of Türkiye, which promotes the country's rich cultural heritage and natural grandeur alongside its world-class healthcare facilities (Uygun & Ekiz, 2016;Şengül & Çora, 2020). ...
... Medical tourism is a form of tourism in which tourists travel to another country to cure illness or to access medical treatments (Connell, 2013). Medical tourism is when a person travels to international borders to pertain medical services include, full range of services but it very often includes dental care, orthopedic treatment, cosmetic surgery (Uygun, Ekiz, 2018). Wellness tourism is undertaken by tourists to enhance or maintain their health and well-being through services offered by "wellness centers" (Hritz, Sidman, D'Abundo, 2014). ...
The highly infectious novel coronavirus has hit hard the various segments within the tourism industry and raises questions on their survival. While the COVID-19 had severely impacted the tourism industry globally at the same time it has developed the importance of maintaining health and wellness among people. India is home of various ancient practices such as Ayurveda, Yoga, and other practices that come under AYUSH, therefore, both domestic and international tourists visit India to undertake medical and wellness tourism. This paper explores the opportunities and challenges of wellness tourism in India in the post-COVID-19 times and it further aims to provide a way to conduct future research. This paper is based on the secondary data which was accumulated through sources like newspaper articles, magazines, books, internet and the media reports. The finding of the study reveals that medical and wellness tourism is expected to rise and recuperate the Indian tourism sector in the post-COVID-19. The study also identifies the potential of the Indian wellness tourism industry and government initiatives to develop this sector in the post-pandemic times.
... The International Union of Tourism Organizations (1973) defined the concept of health tourism as obtaining health care using the natural resources of the Earth, especially mineral water and climate. Health tourism consists of three parts of health tourism, including nature tourism and rural tourism, health care tourism, including spa and rehabilitation, and medical tourism, including surgeries and treatments [13]. From the perspective of entrepreneurial management, health tourism provides an opportunity for creating unique and specialized jobs. ...
Background: Health tourism uses a set of services that promote the health and spirit of individuals through medical care. Entrepreneurship is a process of exploring and using value creation opportunities in the economic, cultural, social, and health sectors. The present study was done to investigate the development of Iran’s health tourism system based on Stevenson’s entrepreneurial management model and determine entrepreneurial opportunities during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Methods: This descriptive quantitative research was conducted by the field study (survey) method, using a standardized and localized questionnaire from Stevenson’s entrepreneurial management model to examine the views of health tourism specialists as the statistical population of the study. Using the snowball sampling method, 357 health tourism specialists, university professors, and health system managers participated in this study from 2018 to 2020. The collected data were recorded in PLS Smart software and their analysis was performed using descriptive and inferential statistics.
Results: The findings indicated that all six components of Stevenson’s entrepreneurial management had a significant effect on the health tourism industry’s development. Strategic orientation and commitment to opportunities (path coefficient: 0.83) had the maximum effect, while the reward philosophy (path coefficient: 0.41) had the minimum effect on developing the health tourism industry.
Conclusion: The average status of Stevenson’s entrepreneurial management dimensions in the health tourism industry was evaluated. Some of these factors (strategic orientation and commitment to opportunities) were obviously more favorable than others. Proper entrepreneurial strategies and the use of situations can provide good opportunities in health tourism.
... In the age of globalization with an increase in consumer culture, to live healthy, people are traveling across national borders, to make full use of the available alternatives fulfilling their every need. Apart from the conventional traveling that involves visiting destinations for recreational and leisure purposes maintaining mental health, it is evident that people are also traveling seeking possible healthcare while they are vacationing in these unique destinations (Uygun & Ekiz, 2018). The phenomenon of people worldwide traveling across international borders for the purpose of maintaining, restoring, and enhancing their mind and body is known as medical tourism (Al-Lamki, 2011;Hanefeld et al., 2014;Lunt et al., 2011). ...
Developing countries like India, Thailand, and Malaysia are promoting medical tourism as a commodity, generating income through their economic trade contributing to their national revenue. However, there is no legal framework formulated within these countries to regulate its medical tourism industry. In Malaysia, the current legislation that regulates the private health care facilities is not enough to cover all avenues of medical tourism, especially since the industry largely implicates the private sector. Hence, we aim to explore the consequences of the pro-medical tourism stance of Malaysia and its impact toward stem cell tourism. The in-depth interviews of Malaysian policymakers and the systematic review of academic articles and government documents revealed that the current legislation in Malaysia neglects many areas within medical tourism namely medical visa, insurance, and medical extradition that protects the wellbeing of tourists. The deficiency in the absence of a specific law or policy cultivates stem cell tourism that remains generally unregulated plagued with many ethical exploitations, judging by the pro-medical tourism stance.