Figure 3 - uploaded by Mirza Shahreza
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The waste bank environmental communication model from the perspective of sustainable development (Source: author's processing results).

The waste bank environmental communication model from the perspective of sustainable development (Source: author's processing results).

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This study aims to describe an environmental communication process that supports the sustainability of the waste bank community in the city of South Tangerang. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive study. Data obtained through observation and in-depth interviews. Next, the data analysis using the explanation building strategy, the rese...

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Context 1
... process forms a closed circle so that minimal waste residue reaches the landfill (TPA). The flow of communication-based in Figure 3 explains the existence of a circular communication process between discourse communities. Current from A  B  C returns to A and repeats (dotted line), and current starts from A  C  B returns to A and repeats in a closed loop. ...