Figure 2 - uploaded by David Lymer
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The microbial food web; the fate of bacteria (filled circles): either bacteria are grazed by flagellates (GBM) or lysed following lytic viral infection (VBM). 

The microbial food web; the fate of bacteria (filled circles): either bacteria are grazed by flagellates (GBM) or lysed following lytic viral infection (VBM). 

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... aquatic food webs there should be large differences in carbon and nutrient fluxes depending on whether the main cause of bacterial mortality is viral infection or grazing (Figure 2). Grazing should result in the bacterial produc- tion being transferred up to higher trophic levels whereas lysis following viral infection should result in a release of organic carbon and nutrients from the lysed bacteria. ...
Context 2
... release of organic carbon and nutrients following lysis (Figure 2) can be regarded as a recycling process, whereby new viruses and cellular prod- ucts of the host organisms are returned to dissolved/suspended organic mat- ter phases of the carbon and nutrient cycles (Fisher and Velimirov 2002). The products of cell lysis can then be utilized by other bacteria ( Middelboe et al. 1996;Middelboe et al. 2003;Noble and Fuhrman 1999) and for in- stance being an important source of amino acids (Middelboe and Jørgensen 2006). ...