Fig 1 - uploaded by Zdenek Dvorak
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The evolution of 5G Source: (OKportal Technology, 2019)

The evolution of 5G Source: (OKportal Technology, 2019)

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... new generation of wireless technology has led to faster and more reliable networks. The evolution of 5G networks is shown in Figure 1. In the 1980s, first-generation technology-enabled communication over a mobile phone. ...
Context 2
... new generation of wireless technology has led to faster and more reliable networks. The evolution of 5G networks is shown in Figure 1. In the 1980s, first-generation technology-enabled communication over a mobile phone. ...


... While this was sufficient in the past, today investigations often involve a broad range of devices, ranging from network routers to smart home appliances and smartwatches, all of which operate on a variety of OSs. For instance, recently Cekerevac et al [2] studied 56 different OSs adopted in the IoT space alone (a list that does not even include OSs used in network appliances, such as CISCO IOS). Sadly, most of these systems are currently unsupported by memory analysis tools. ...
... : Fossil identifies only part of the needed data structures. 1 Less than 90% of pointed/embedded strings in the data structure. 2 Plugin looks for unstructured data. 3 Data structure in user space. ...
... The most important in developing the correct operating system for an Internet of Things device is community support for the accurate IoT operating system, including the drivers, IoT communication methods that are being used, and libraries. Using various characteristics, Zoran Cekerevac and colleagues [1] evaluated 56 different Internet of Things operating systems and developed a list of the seven most widely used IoT operating systems as well as a list of the seven operating systems best suited for IoT devices that have limited memory. Below is a bunch of greats os for use in the middle of 2020 and beyond. ...
... In the study's findings, the best performing operating systems were Contiki-NG, Tiny OS, Ubuntu Core, Riot OS, Raspberry Pi Operating system, Zephyr IoT OS and Windows 10 for IoT. Each one of the evaluated operating systems is scrutinized in this study in terms of architecture, characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, as well as the practicality of application, with key practical solutions being provided by the researchers for each one [1]. ...
Full-text available
The monograph examines the world practices of introducing smart technologies into the urban environment, including the experience of Bulgaria, India, Russia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Turkey. The need to ensure the harmonious development of a modern city has actualized the search for new ideas and ways to solve urban problems. A concept called "Smart City" has become one of the most popular in the last decade in many countries. Ambitious projects for urban infrastructure development have begun to be implemented based on the widespread use of the achievements of information and communication and other modern technologies. In this monograph, the authors have discussed contemporary theoretical and practical developments in the concept of "smart city" formation and implementation. The authors believe that the successful formation of "smart cities" as centers of innovative creativity and human capital development significantly affects the achievement of the most important goals of the digital economy. The monograph is of interest to state and municipal officials, specialists in the field of management and public relations, as well as university professors, students, and all other persons interested in the development of the "smart city" concept.