Table 2 - uploaded by Yadneshwar Khobragade
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Systolic and diastolic blood pressure changes after meditation compared to control.

Systolic and diastolic blood pressure changes after meditation compared to control.

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Hypertension is elevation of systolic blood pressure equal to or greater than 140mm of Hg and or diastolic blood pressure of (fifth Korotkoff’s Sound) equal to or greater than 90mm of Hg. Globally prevalence of hypertension is 26% to 30%. Essential hypertension constitutes more than 95 percent of all hypertensive cases and is influenced by unhealth...

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... meditation and Dhammakaya meditation does not meet our inclusion criteria because the duration of follow up was short and study group included normal individuals, However it must be noted that Islamic meditation found reduction in systolic blood pressure of 3mm of Hg and diastolic blood pressure of 2 mmHg after Salat; also found reduction in heart rate; and Dhammakaya meditation found reduction in blood pressure and serum cortisol level. 33,36 All studies show reduction in systolic blood pressure after meditation ranging from 10-26mmHg systolic compared to 2-6 mmHg in control group and 3-13 mmHg diastolic blood pressure compared to 1-4 mmHg in control group (Table 2). The variance-weighted mean difference (Meta- Analysis) in systolic blood pressure in 6 studies was -0.85 (95% CI, -0.64 to -1.06) and in five studies was 1.4 (95% CI, -1.1396 to -1.66); whereas standardized mean difference for diastolic blood pressure for six studies was -2.49 (95% CI, -2.1798 to -2.8) and for 5 studies -1.78 (95% CI, -1.5 to -2.06) (Table 3). ...


... It was because professional athletes have been trained to experience various competing situations that require them to coordinate between the heart, mind, and soul. So the meditation practice's effect is not too high compared to imagery practice [33]. However, this exercise is not suitable for novice athletes because this visualization exercise means that the athlete must actually experience the match conditions so that there is a recorded memory while doing this exercise. ...
... According to Abbas (2016) normal blood vessels are elastic where their diameter can narrow and expand. This elasticity is useful in facilitating the process of distributing blood throughout the body. ...
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Data, the incidence of hypertension in Gorontalo Regency in 2019 was 14,590 cases. Most hypertensive patients do not control their blood pressure and only treat their disease with traditional medicine. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of meditation on reducing blood pressure in patients with hypertension in the working area of Batudaa Pantai Health Center. This study uses a Pre Post Test with Control design with the type of Quasy Experiment research. The population is 67 respondents who suffer from hypertension and live in the working area of Batudaa Pantai Health Center with purposive sampling technique and the number of samples is 30 respondents. The results showed that there was a significant effect in the intervention group with a Mean systolic value of 6,000 mmHg and a Mean diastolic of 6667 mmHg, a control group with a systolic mean of 2.667 mmHg and a Meandiastolic value of 2.667 mmHg where p-value < 0.05. The conclusion in this study is that there is an effect of meditation on reducing blood pressure in patients with hypertension in the working area of Batudaa Pantai Public Health Center.
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Diarrhea is still one of the main diseases in children that can cause morbidity and mortality. One of the prevention of this diarrhea is the implementation of Clean and Healthy Behavior (PHBS). This study aims to determine the relationship between PHBS and the incidence of diarrheal disease in school-age children. This type of research is a literature study, literature searches using google scholar databases and IOS. The inclusion criteria were in the form of 2016-2020 publications, in full text Indonesian and themed PHBS and diarrhea. The literature was then extracted and analyzed for 10 literatures. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between PHBS and the incidence of diarrheal disease in school-age children. It was concluded that diarrhea often occurs in school-age children, especially if they do not have good clean and healthy living behavior, which further increases the risk of getting diarrhea. The intended link is if this is not done or rarely done, the potential for diarrheal disease will be greater. It is recommended for school children to carry out PHBS in a good school setting to create a health climate and avoid diseases that originate from unhealthy behaviors such as diarrhea.
Music evokes a wide range of feelings, from excitement to relaxation, enjoyment to sadness, fear to relief, and even mixtures of these. The following paper presents exploratory compositions and related research prepared for fulfilment to create chamber music for meditation. The paper is divided in three parts. The first part is focusing on background research about meditation. It includes an overview of meditation including a short history, its origins, the effects of music and its benefits in meditation. The second part briefly discusses the music elements and its influences. The third part of the paper describes and analyses the musical compositions. Each piece is deliberated in detail, to provide an understanding of the creative process and devices used in preparing, framing and composing the pieces. The pieces are written for string quartet and percussion instruments. The result of this work is the creation of new pieces that fulfill the purpose and a practical illustration of compositional processes.
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This research proposes to analyse the impact that music therapy sessions had on children diagnosed with progressive chronic illness. During a period of nine months, a group of twenty children benefitted from music therapy sessions that were conducted using improvisation, passive listening, rhythmic grounding and composition. Each music therapy session was prepared with a procedure plan that had specific goals and objectives, depending of the child’s age, temperament, diagnosis and needs. In order to analyse the results of these sessions, clinical observation sheets were filed at the beginning and the end of each session and this paper aims to present the results of this research. The observation sheets included three main domains: facial expression, behaviour and emotions, all with different components that are important in evaluating a child’s response to the therapy. An important finding was that fear, agitation and fury formed a triad, being dependent on each other. Also, the variable of joy seemed to have the most impact, as it was central to other variables such as: touch, look, eye brightness, language, position of the body and position of the head. The results of this pilot program indicate the music therapy has a positive impact on children with progressive chronic illness and it should be further developed and implemented in other parts of the country.
Music evokes a wide range of feelings, from excitement to relaxation, enjoyment to sadness, fear to relief, and even mixtures of these. The following paper presents exploratory compositions and related research prepared for fulfilment to create chamber music for meditation. The paper is divided in three parts. The first part is focusing on background research about meditation. It includes an overview of meditation including a short history, its origins, the effects of music and its benefits in meditation. The second part briefly discusses the music elements and its influences. The third part of the paper describes and analyses the musical compositions. Each piece is deliberated in detail, to provide an understanding of the creative process and devices used in preparing, framing and composing the pieces. The pieces are written for string quartet and percussion instruments. The result of this work is the creation of new pieces that fulfill the purpose and a practical illustration of compositional processes.