Storage cost in í µí±ºí µí²†í µí²•í µí²–í µí²‘ Figure 4. Storage cost in í µí±²í µí²†í µí²ší µí±®í µí²†í µí² í µí°·í µí±ˆ

Storage cost in í µí±ºí µí²†í µí²•í µí²–í µí²‘ Figure 4. Storage cost in í µí±²í µí²†í µí²ší µí±®í µí²†í µí² í µí°·í µí±ˆ

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One of scenarios in data-sharing applications is that files are managed by multiple owners, and the list of file owners may change dynamically. However, most existing solutions to this problem rely on trusted third parties and have complicated signature permission processes, resulting in additional overhead. Therefore, we propose a verifiable data-...

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... set the unit of storage cost to KB and the unit of calculation cost to ms. As shown in Figure 3, the storage cost of í µí°’í µí°ží µí°­í µí°®í µí°© is influenced by the number of system's attributes. Figure 4 shows the storage cost of í µí°Ší µí°ží µí°²í µí°†í µí°ží µí° § í µí°·í µí±ˆ algorithm increases linearly with the number of DU's attributes. ...